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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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evgeny, dear vladimirovich, good evening, yes, indeed, for me the decision to take part in the leader of russia competition was one of the most correct decisions in my life. thanks to the leaders of russia, i found my favorite business, a hobby, and fulfilled a childhood dream. about your favorite thing. this means that before the leaders of russia i worked only in commercial structures. and so, well, for me the competition lasted 2 years, during which time i constantly received reports and recommendations to read some literature. as a result, by the end of 2 years i made a decision try yourself in the public sphere. after winning the competition, life changed dramatically, he came to the attention of the leadership of the republic and the city, which means that in 2019 he was invited to the position of deputy mayor of the city of yakutsk. in 2021 i was already elected, won the elections and am still working to this day, doing what i love, about my hobby. as the winner, he joined the ilbruss club and was invited to the annual climb to mount ilbruss. i have to admit
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, i had never even thought about this in my life, so let’s do something new, we managed to climb elbrus, elbrus us let him in, moreover, we found a guy at the top, let him down, that is, we saved a man ’s life, so this is an unforgettable feeling for the rest of my life, as a child, every summer my parents sent me to my grandmother in the village, it’s a small remote village, and like in any in a small remote village there were barns , in the barn there was an old soviet magazine, so i looked in the evenings, in this barn there was a magazine and there was an article with very beautiful buildings in moscow, i dreamed, being in this barn, it would be cool to be in this building, so thanks not only did i end up with the leaders of russia, i studied in this building at moscow state university, here vladimir vladimirovich, allow me to thank you for your great attention to the far east, the development of yakutsk in particular, so you approved the master plan for our city’s development, and today for of us, for the residents of the city of yakutsk, almost 400,000 of us
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have been implemented until 2030, these are the most important projects for us, the bridge crossing over the lena, liquidation, dozens more projects that you approved, then by 2032 we will celebrate our four hundredth anniversary. the oldest we will greet cities in the far east as having been transformed into something completely different, and we will be the world standard for the quality of urban life in northern cities, thank you for the fact that i have the opportunity today to be involved in this work and thank you for the competition , thank you for our strong homeland, thank you , as we agreed , i’ll definitely come to you in the near future, we’re looking forward to it, yeah , in my opinion, somewhere around tomorrow the day after tomorrow we’ll be...
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compared to your previous life in business, what do you like more in the field here? public policy of this particular business that you are involved in, because there are a lot of such difficult little things, in fact, this is the point, that life itself has become more interesting, the range of issues that are being solved, the time is so interesting now, i i’m glad to participate, really - if
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you’re doing what you love, and what you love can only be if you consider it great, worthwhile, the work of developing the city of yakutsk, the work of developing the far east of our entire russia, i really consider it the greatest, so i’m happy to do this work, yeah, well, 4000, a big city , since 2000 we have grown by almost 2000 people, and well, almost three times - at the beginning of the 2000s, the plan for building a bridge seemed, well, not very rational, since a dead end means a dead end traffic, but now you can go there in the opposite direction further north to east from yakupsk, so this bridge takes on a completely different sound, thanks to you, well, thanks to those who live in yakutia, because and to those who work there, because that the situation... is changing in the city
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people are growing significantly and the possibility of developing transport infrastructure there further arises, it has arisen, so we will definitely do this, thank you. that ignat petukhov is becoming joyful, ignat was, i don’t know, well now he’s not, but he was probably the youngest deputy governor in our country, and after winning the competition, the leaders of russia, and ignat gathered a large team too of the competition graduates, sergei zhestyannikov,
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sergei, deputy governor of the vlogda region, began his career in law enforcement agencies, and after the competition he took part in our... at the school of governors of the presidential academy, now he takes such a serious position, we have six deputy federal ministers, i wanted to give the floor to pavel sorokin, i know that you often meet with pavel at meetings , pavel is responsible for serious projects in the energy sector. pavel, please, yes, vladimir vladimirovich, pavel sorokin, 38 years old, first deputy minister of energy, well, as many said, he accepted it 6.5 years ago i decided to take part in a competition on the internet , i saw an advertisement and i saw an opportunity to communicate with mentors, and this is really such an important, important element of professional growth, and, in general , personal development, and exactly 6 years one month ago, here in the next office , a meeting with you took place the first, and after the victory in the first season, and after which the appointment took place, this, to be honest
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, completely changed my outlook on life, because 6 years have already passed, you can already understand how it influenced, here the sphere remains the same, oil and gas flowed, but first there under the leadership of alexander valentinovich. then nikolai grigorievich shulginov oversaw such significant projects that give an understanding of how large-scale life is around, how big is the responsibility , the most important thing for what you do is opec plus, first of all , the country has brought 30 trillion rubles to the budget since the moment when this interaction began, this is approximately 2/3 of all social spending during this budget period, that is, it really gave the country very large funds, this is social gasification, after your instructions, we completely changed the system in this direction, made it free to bring gas to the site , completely changed the regulations to make this possible, changed the process for the citizen, together with gazprom we found a budget to implement this, which is important, then mikhail vladimirovich, he personally supervised this process there, gave instructions to create a separate management system, based on the coordination center,
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they created a unique system, where we now see on a daily basis in all regions from applications there until feedback from every citizen who wants to submit it, which helps us identify. weak points and quickly respond to them, we even do a rating of regions, well, not just a rating there, which remains static, every 2-3-4 months we change the indicators depending on the goal that we have in front of us, first there is the number of applications, the number of executions, now more than 900 thousand homeowners have received the pipe to the site, 100 million have the ability to technically connect, and now after the message, as you instructed, we include snt in the perimeter of social gasification, those that are within. gasified settlements. another very important area , in which i was also lucky to work, which was supervised together with the ministry of finance, this completely changed the incentive system, and the modernization of oil refining, the creation of petrochemical capacities, thanks to this, more than a trillion rubles of projects to modernize refineries were launched there before the twenty-
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eighth-twenty-ninth year , we expect that this will be a big increase for us it will give gasoline, and in general, in terms of light output there will be up to 67-68%, 62 we will reach and more than 3 trillion petrochemicals. we will be able to occupy 6-7% of the world market from the current two with a little, that is, in general , there are a lot of interesting challenges that we have been working on over the years, we are working there and leveling out the entry of horoganic into our oil flows in the nineteenth year, when it was very big such a moment, this is the delinking of prices on the domestic market for petroleum products from world prices, this is a natural development of lng, which is now one of such priority areas maintaining our seemingly confident presence in the global energy market for supplying but... regions with fuel, this is also a very big, important task, and of course technological sovereignty in tek, because tek provides more than 1/5 of investments in the country, so it stands a locomotive for a bunch of other large number of other industries, with anchor customers, which is why the main thing
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that is now in focus, naturally, is adaptation to new world realities, and this concerns not only integration into the new world, but and the fight against illegal sanctions , that is, life with them, i won’t say fight, but... they don’t want to yet, but they will also be better off from this than the uncontrolled collapse of what is now order, which is why it was actually realized thanks to the competition what i have long wanted is to be in the civil service in a position where i can bring some benefit from my activities, the competition really helped... for 6 years this was very clearly
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expressed, but the most important thing is that it’s still a personnel potential, because through competitions and through the entire russian platform of countries of opportunity, a lot of talented , ambitious guys pass through, which allows us to form a team more effectively; for example, in our ministry we have three graduates of russian leaders in major positions. there is the head of the competence center for technological development in podveda, also the finalist of the first season, the winner of the first season there, olek zhdaneev, so here i can, let’s say, say that thanks to the competition, i went through a fascinating, quite interesting path from working in the largest investment bank there before the civil service, uh, before falling under american sanctions, even there they wrote about our work there in allanal, how dare they use it there in such a spirit that western experience is against us, so unique
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opportunities, if you want use them and do something useful, so the belief has only strengthened that we are going the right way, although it is certainly not easy at all, but it is right, so thank you very much for launching this project and such opportunities here created, you mentioned, well, that is, you covered a very large number of very important areas in the work of the russian energy sector. this is to have this flexibility so that we have production potential, here we need to understand that well, dima works in the region,
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he understands well the deposits are being depleted, and the rent that we can get from this will decrease, but this is not as bad as it sounds, because - as i already said, oil and gas - it provides the largest investment in the country, that is, if the rent goes away, then it changes to investment, and this is an order for the domestic industry, when we are now on our own and have to create all this, this is exactly the industry that for 10... 15 years in the future can give an anchor order in a gigantic sphere and it, we are one of the largest customers, as an industry, and accordingly to iron producers, so our task here is to ensure a sufficient level in the market for the reproduction of reserves, so that profitability is normal and this money is used to work in the country in russia, now this deal can be done, in principle, the same logic followed by all the other countries that are with us there leaders of the process are correctly on... the barrel we produce we earn more than if prices fell, but since production
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is reduced, in other countries such as the usa is growing, we may lose markets, then we will not be able to carry out the investments that you are talking about, here we must proceed from the fact that it was already said in one of the speeches there about renewable energy and so on, that many proceed from the fact that demand, no, this is not renewable energy, yes i ... i agree, it’s just that there is a peak in demand, but a peak in demand and according to all forecasts, well, according to common sense, no matter how it comes over the next 10-15 years, that is, demand will grow, and if you look at the production profile of those the same united states and other countries, otherwise you need to understand that they have a slightly different specificity of the field, there is salt oil, for the last 3 years the production boom that we see is happening due to the fact that they are putting into operation wells that they drilled before covid, but they didn’t start up, that is, they would have a normal level of 4,000 such unused wells, now, and then it grew to eight, nine, now it has fallen again to four, that is, the most
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productive wells have been commissioned for 3 years, now a boom has begun, mergers and acquisitions, because it’s already hard to grow, and investors demand profitability, well, if we didn’t support prices on the world market, they would fall, then shale production in the states would collapse, because banks wouldn’t give them loans, keeping in mind the lack of prospects these this production, and here we are...
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the partnership will cope with this within the parameters that you outlined, to the limit of gasified settlements, and we are already preparing standards and have held a number of meetings with novak, and separately with gazprom, we will now distribute the current rules on them, there are nuances from a legal point of view, from the point of view of land ownership, communications, but we will solve this, well, don’t delay, we need to do this quickly, of course, so you said that necessary in some way. in principle, for the last three years, 5-6 years, we have launched a new incentive system, also with damper, when we have part of the excess profits from production, when the price goes up, is redistributed to stimulate
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oil refining, but only that which goes to the domestic market, we did this, there are naturally separate moments when... well , distortions happen, because either a lot of people begin to go through gray routes to the foreign market, when there is a very big difference between the internal price that we have taken external and people are simply going to the gray for export, but we catch such moments , now the system has already been built quite well, precisely to redirect flows and open these holes where they arise, so now our price on the domestic market is about 20 percent higher. 25 is lower than on the outside, and this allows citizens to keep up with inflation at gas stations. thank you very much, in general everything is working out, i hope that you will continue to work with the same dedication, thank you very much, thank you, we have there are also young politicians , a separate track of the competition was dedicated to this particular area, the leader of russian politics, and one of the winners was artyom metelev, who heads the volunteer movement in our
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country, and now he has become not just a deputy of the state duma, but also the chairman of the committee on. .. it’s nice to hear this, in the course of my work i often had to interact with authorities and defend ideas, protect rights and following the principle: if you are not involved in politics, then politics will deal with you, i went to a specialized leadership competition russia and won it, knowledge which , well, as everyone has already said here, was really very useful, but much more valuable is the same
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friendship that you said at the beginning, i read that with more than half of those with whom i studied on the stream, we have joint projects, or laws, together we promoted or public initiatives, this is priceless, for this many thanks to you, the platform and the competition itself, and 3 years ago we met with participants in the all-russian mutual aid action, we are together who fought with pandemic, then they supported the idea of ​​our implementation of the policy, the participation of representatives of the movement in the elections, we responded to your call, we did not regret it, 18 people became deputies of the state duma, just like me, the same number went to legislative assemblies, the united russia party supported us, trusted here... i should head the committee on youth policy, here too, my party colleagues, thank you again. 2.2 years have passed, equator, what has been achieved this year, we have a new committee, we started from scratch, in fact there were three laws in the portfolio, now there are already 40 of them, we have almost completed the legislative framework of the industry, the main thing is that the voice of young people has come to the duma, we are removing barriers, as it seems to us, where they are not needed for young people,
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including creating opportunities for young people to realize their potential, and actively developing the movement of the former. i can’t help but say, vladimir vladimirovich, that the organization that i represent, the association of volunteer centers, is 10 years old this year, you created it as a legacy of the volunteer program of the sochi olympic games, remember, and if you look back, the path that we passed, we got a lot, we have absolute trust in volunteers, today almost every third russian participates, we started with 3%, the russian word good has become known in the world in many countries, we are promoting it. platform, we even calculated the official contribution to gdp in russia at more than 500 billion rubles per year, this is the contribution of the volunteer movement. and together with the government, with the youth. many institutions, thanks to your support, we managed to build what we believe is one of the most powerful systems support for the volunteer movement in the world as a whole, a strong community, all of this
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is working for the front today, our guys with military families, our grandmothers, silver volunteers and doctors in hospitals with the wounded, we send humanitarian missions every 2 days, we are together in the donbass, here alexander radionova, in one of them, also participated as a psychologist, and finally, vladimir vladimirovich. it seems that we have coped with the preservation of the heritage task, i want to go further, to bring great benefit to the country, so that not only volunteering becomes the norm of life, but mentoring, to unlock the potential of the non-profit sector as a whole, we have wonderful youth, wonderful people in general, and we see our missions, to involve as many of them as possible in the development process of building their country, we have an anniversary this year, we are planning update the organization, adopt a new strategy, we are working on it. new directions, and we would be grateful if our proposals were included in the new national project youth of russia, which you announced in your message, in general yours support is very important for us, thank
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you very much, yeah, we need, you know, we just need to combine the main parameters of the youth of russia and the family, we need to do everything so that these two projects feel each other and develop in parallel in interaction with each other, excuse me, please, you also said that we have already managed to preserve our values ​​there, well, i mean traditions, apparently, and so on, but this must always be maintained, it ’s like in sports, you just have to stop training, despite your achievements , you will immediately fly down, you must always do this, and for you, for the person who heads the state duma committee, this is generally such a serious position, this is extremely important, i would ask you too. keep this in mind to set all your colleagues up for exactly this kind of work, thank you very much, in the year seven, in all competitions in russia, the country of opportunity
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, we try to add our own track to family social projects, family charity, in general, everywhere the format is for children to participate in us, not alone, but invited their own, or children, or parents, brothers, sisters, wife and so on, so i absolutely agree with you, we will continue to work, thank you, thank you, you, you too, success, good luck. today we already remembered konstantin mikhailik, he now works as deputy minister of construction, it turns out that he spoke together during a competition with schoolchildren, and i wanted to separately say a big thank you to konstantin for the fact that it seems to me that he finds time to help and participate in all our projects , support, speaks not only to children, but also in front of adults, accomplished people, including at the governor’s school. i wanted to give the floor to mikhail popov , another participant in our competition, mikhail , after the leaders of russia, took the position
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of deputy head of the federal property management agency. mikhail, dear vladimir vladimirovich, for me the competition was an important milestone in my life, in fact it was divided into before and after. before the competition, i was a sought-after corporate lawyer, big projects, big transactions, in general everything was fine. in different companies, construction companies, for example, a deal regarding a tower, where are the three ministries in citys now, this is my deal, i did it at one time, big projects, plato, for example, but there was not enough sense, after winning the competition there was a school of governors and civil service, at the graduation of the governor’s school in august 2020 you told me , that the federal property management agency is very difficult...
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that you need, as you once said, to swear at your plot every day, then there will be success, as i do in francis, exactly like that. thank you
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very much for this whole system, the system of personnel competitions, which allow you not only to change your life, but for me this was the point entry and point of awareness, because the service gave me meaning, the meaning of service, today i look into the eyes of my children with pride and hope that i give them the opportunity to be proud of themselves, but for the fact that, within the framework of competitions as part of their studies at the school of governors, new comrades, like-minded people who look at life the same way as i do. thank you very much, deep bow, yes, you know, it’s very nice to hear what you just said, working in decent corporations there and doing important work, you found yourself in the civil service, this, well there are a lot of trained people here, many understand what it is, but on the other hand , not everyone leaves, because well, they’re just people doing their job, that’s it -
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the federal property management agency is a structure that really requires professionals of the highest class level, there are a lot of special questions, and you need to, well, just say it in a simple way, in a simple way, you need to understand this, it’s impossible to just give instructions, you need to be a professional of the highest quality and in general the department of you...
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the competition from tomsk to sirius was headed university of science and technology, where you recently visited as part of the world youth festival. lily, can i ask for the floor? the sirius university of science and technology was created on your instructions, so it is a great honor and responsibility to engage in development together with our leading scientists and teachers. but i was born and raised in siberia, like many here, in the student city of tomsk. before the competition she was vice-rector. on strategy and external relations of tomsk polytechnic university, headed a consortium of tomsk universities and scientific organizations, well, i myself have always been involved in teaching science. my mentor at the competition , now out of the competition, was elena vladimirovna shmileva, she, of course, with her energy, immersion in the tasks that you set for sirius, well, she just infected me with sirius, 2 years ago my family and i moved to federal territory , at first
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i was... the vice-rector of sirius university for a year and a half now, and by decision of the scientific and technological council of the talent foundation and success. for me, as a person who was involved in the development of science education in siberia, in the regions, i think the governors will support here, it is very important that sirius does not compete for talent with the regions or other universities, on the contrary, we help develop these talents and retain them in the regions , through implementation. joint educational programs and joint scientific projects. in your message, you said that it is necessary to ensure a connection between different levels of education so that they work in a single logic. this is the same logic we are trying to develop vocational education in sirius, combining secondary vocational and higher vocational education on common technological platforms. you were at our breakthrough center in november, this is just an example of such a technological platform where
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specialists are trained at the same time. higher education, secondary professional specialists of the company, yeah, moreover, this year we are launching, together with the presidential lyceum , the first integrated program of secondary general higher education for talented guys after the ninth grade, we are a young technological university, but our leading scientists are already making fundamental science discoveries in the field of genetics, for example, we have entered into applied science testing new drugs, new biomaterials. digital models, we are actively working together with our companies at intz sirius to create and update the russian instrument base. and most importantly, sirius, both as a federal territory and an educational center, the university, is both an equally remote and equally accessible platform to implement completely different educational initiatives.


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