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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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as conveniently as possible with alphapay with any smartphone. and get super cashback every month. not just profitable. alpha is profitable, today on the london stock exchange oil prices rose by 3%, the market itself will regulate everything, we will turn off this chatter forever. we played at capitalism and enough for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. remember, vladimir zhirinovsky, the ldpr party, were not afraid to tell
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the people the truth. the great people, great russia, do not lie and do not be afraid, not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry person. all these years, zhirinovsky, the liberal democratic party of russia defended your interests for you, we continue the work of zhirinovsky, fair prices, russia is more than moscow, everyone needs the truth, for the cause of zhirinovsky, for the liberal democratic party of russia, for slutsky, this is us, in siberia the far east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region and in the south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. come march 17 to the elections, this is our time. time for new ones vladislav davankov, candidate for the presidency of russia, number one on the ballot , time for new ones, who will ensure development,
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who guarantees stability, who unites us, in whom you are confident, only in him. russia! vote for someone who can be trusted with the country. the pentagon did not receive money to replenish stocks after sending weapons to ukraine. this was reported by the politician's publication with reference to high-ranking american officials. how. it is stated that in order to cover the world's deficit in the united states, 10 billion are needed dollars, and this does not take into account spending on strengthening the american group in europe, the budget for which has also not yet been allocated. and while washington drags on, the burden of providing for ukraine falls on europe, and this causes more and more contradictions among the allies of the kiev
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regime. details in the material by egor grigoriev. former us president and part-time saxophonist bill clinton first of all visited the prague jazz club. and he received the order of tomas masaryk, the first president of czechoslovakia. the visit is dedicated to the czech republic's quarter of a century in nato. she it was during clinton’s reign that the event did not begin, and without him the event does not begin. the country even has a president, a retired nato general. you were the first country to provide armored vehicles to ukraine, and now you are trying to deliver a million artillery shells to ukraine. nobody else, as far as i know, does this, so the most important thing i want to say is thank you. this nato deal is the best thing that happened to everyone else thanks to the czech republic and poland. we did the right thing by expanding nato. military aviation squadron above the charles bridge nato fighters gripin, eurofighter typhoon transport atlas, flown in specially from germany. but not everyone is sure that this is exactly
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what prague, budapest and warsaw needed. mysl polska believes that the ukrainian conflict, into which the country is being drawn by the alliance, threatens the polish state itself. “i’m afraid that my son will be sent to defend a foreign state, i don’t want him to die somewhere under the bush, i don’t want to see my son in a coffin, i don’t want my compatriots to be killed in someone else’s war. recent scandal with interception of negotiations between luftwafe officers planning how best to hit russia with german taurus missiles cooled even germany." i do not want to succumb to pressure and expose my best officers, regardless of the fact. it is noteworthy that it seems that the use of taurus began to be discussed only in february 2024, although the request from ukraine
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came back in may 23. if this cruise missile had been used, it would have made germany a party to the war, and this prompted the chancellor not to supply taurus, and although ukraine continues to insist, long-range weapons systems could help us hit russian ammunition depots and delivery routes. chancellor scholz is firm on this issue; he opposed not only direct deliveries, but also the so-called circular scheme, proposed by burbak, when germany would give its taurus to the uk, and the latter , in turn, would deliver its storm shadow to ukraine. regarding this weapon system, i believe that it cannot be used without control and that participation german soldiers cannot be justified even outside ukraine. that is why i said that i do not think their use is justified and that the question is not how to do it, indirectly or directly. moreover,
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the situation at the front is not conducive, western leopards, challengers and abrams are burning equally brightly there, and now the newest german tank has been captured by the russian military as a trophy, bilt confirms. for ukraine, this means that it still has a maximum of 17 modern german tanks, about half of which are in they are currently undergoing repairs in lithuania. and the understanding comes that the more western weapons there are in ukraine, the worse it can end for the west itself. if russia faces an existential threat, it will use any weapon it has in its arsenal. if there are no red lines for macron, then there will be none for moscow either. european leaders are still fantasizing, taking into account all the facts, that they can intervene directly in this proxy conflict and not be completely defeated.
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the position of emmanuel macron, who on february 26 said the future deployment of western soldiers to ukraine should not be ruled out, which could complicate negotiations with the confused allies. germany was particularly shocked by these actions, which also indirectly targeted its own red lines, especially regarding the supply of long-range missiles. nato secretary general, whom macron did not consult, also spoke out. nato has no plans to send troops to ukraine, it is important for us to consult and come to a common approach on these important topics, because they matter to all of us. the topic was discussed today in the national assembly of the lower house of the french parliament. in front of a half-empty hall, prime minister gabriel hautal calls on deputies to vote for the continuation of military supplies to ukraine. i mean large-caliber caesar guns and...
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if putin manages to attack another nato country, the situation will be completely different, it will be the nato countries that will have to decide how many they will have to send or not send their armies. it is not necessary, says zelensky, to come yourself macron, as long as he sends military equipment, shells and money to ukraine on time. andrey grigoriev, timofey mukhin, arina tretyakova, news! the reconnaissance drone's camera captures the target, which it immediately burns.
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in case anyone forgot, just last week the disposal of expensive rszz was confirmed several times in the donetsk and kherson directions, but where exactly this vehicle was based has not yet been specified, but be that as it may, the sight is already quite familiar, although previously ukrainian, and behind one western media they assured that such american systems were, in principle, inaccessible to russian troops. actually, now the kiev media prefer to hush up the inconvenient truth or even call it fake information, but apparently counting on those who watch nothing but the ill-fated telethon, but everyone else has probably already appreciated the filming of objective control means and are wondering why the hymeros are now burning so often, vadim zavodchenko tried to find the answer, vadim, hello, this is have our fighters invented some new tactics or are the ukrainian armed forces doing something wrong? alexey , both, minus one, news that we are already
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starting to get used to, another high-morsel has been destroyed in ukraine, spectacular footage is published by the russian ministry of defense, here he is, holed up in a forest belt, thinking we won’t notice, but we noticed in a couple of seconds there is a flash, and an area of ​​hundreds of square meters is plowed. oskolkov, it was most likely iskander, experts say, there are wireframe cores, as far as i remember. in the high explosive part there from this hymers 30-40 m there there’s nothing left, pay attention to the scattering of fragments across the field, there’s no living space there, if you’re wrong, most likely the crew will die, it’s not clear what kind of composition it is, it’s quite possible that these are nato specialists, the news is good, but i repeat, it’s already
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familiar, recently time, things are going very badly for the khaymars crews, here... for example, another video, also from march, beautifully with the detonation of ammunition , a launcher is sent to bandera, and here two rszzu were denominated at once, all this in just a week and a half, they are running gossip, that from such news the hands of the american military are shaking violently, they are beginning to control helicopters very poorly, we see that in recent days the americans' military helicopters have urgently begun to fall...
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a chance to return home alive, well, at this rate he will very soon become unemployed , like the winner of kiev. the problem for hymers was that at the beginning new artillery, new sals, the coalition, the coalition
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had an strike distance of 80 km, and additionally the hurricanes entered service. ukrainians have always valued and used the kiev generals, as is known, the hymers be careful, and the same goes for other american gifts, for example, abrams , which washington asked not to be sent to the front at all, but for some reason they end up there more and more often and burn brightly, they are now throwing into battle the equipment that they have been saving since last year , which they planned to use as a last resort to expand the breakthrough, if their offensive were successful, they would burn their
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strategic reserves, the third echelon, and they would burn the last reserves. right now, so the video doesn't just show one defeat khaimars, the collapse of the military strategy in the ukrainian armed forces, which are burning the latter just to somehow hold the front. vadim zauchenkov and hymers at gunpoint. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. in a couple of hours, several hundred dead and wounded militants. revelation.
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infrastructure facilities, shops, government institutions, public transport are operating as usual , despite the statements of the ukrainian we defend propagandists about supposed panic. the fighters already met this battle courageously, repelled the attack without losses, civilians remained, everything continues as it was before,
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that is, people go to the store, nothing has changed, they walk, walk, the local population feels supported and believes in us that we will protect them and achieve a quick victory, but the ministry of defense also showed footage of a war correspondent from the village of nekhoteevka belgorodskaya. region, there is a similar picture, nothing like chaos or the consequences of fierce hostilities, about which the media of the kiev regime lies, all because ukrainian militants, in principle, did not reach the village. tonight, the armed forces of ukraine attempted to violate the state border of the russian federation; they tried to break into the territory of our country in several groups. in a hurry to use armored vehicles, but thanks to the confident actions of our artillery, aviation support, thanks to the support of
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the border post. uh, the enemy was stopped, he suffered losses, a violation of state borders of the russian federation are not allowed. the rapid capture of the opornik by russian forces and the offer to ukrainian militants to surrender, leave without a fight, or rather, leave without weapons and thereby save their lives. stills from a popular short video that shows in an artistic style what happens every day in a special operation zone. but in this case there is.
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in russia and not to be included in the lists for exchange, and such requests are voiced not only by ukrainians, anastasia ivanova will confirm, they are not planning to leave square, they are begging to leave them anastasia, good evening, well, even mercenaries in captivity change their views dramatically, hello alexey, you know, mercenaries now more and more resemble forcedly mobilized ukrainians. the same complaints. our military hears foreign speech over radio intercepts, but there is no inspiration there. this is proven by the prisoners who managed to survive only by a miracle. this man, with a pitiful look and fear in the eyes of guram chechenadze. he no longer thinks about money, in his head there are only memories of how he was thrown as part of the armed forces of ukraine to storm the left banks of the dnieper. how it started. they brought us up
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a centimeter and didn’t even move forward. now he says that he didn’t want to go to the front line at all, he was caught stealing in ukraine, the court set a condition, either front line or prison, the georgian embassy disowned their citizen. they told me that until the war is over, you don’t have to come here anymore, and i would also like to ask. if it were possible, i don’t know about the exchange, if it was possible they would somehow send me to russia, but that is, you don’t want to come back, honestly i don’t want to, not for not because the time that is shining for me, i already really , well, i looked at all this, i heard all sorts of things, well , when you see it yourself you will understand that this is completely different, different, as the militant said, this is a short life on the front line, because only there are foreign mercenaries realize their fatal situation, so
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they rarely join assault detachments, our military says, during battles they are not on the front line, these people are not there, so that they actively participate in the battles there, no, according to the prisoners they say that they are well in the form of barrier detachments they stand there in command, yes, europe is at war with us, that’s right, there are a lot of them, russian fighters can easily recognize spanish or portuguese speech...
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