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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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hello, on the russia 24 tv channel, it’s time for the main legal news of the day, i’m andrey, i’m with you on duty. ivlev. the ministry of emergency situations in
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ivanovo has completed work at the crash site military transport il-76. the plane crashed in a forested area near the city. none of the passengers or crew survived. judging by the video, the car's engine caught fire during takeoff. the pilots managed to move the plane away from residential buildings. andrei romanov, a correspondent for the vesti program on duty, is at the scene of the incident. and here is his report. just beyond this forest, about half a kilometer from here. is the crash site of the il-76 military plane, this is the closest place to the plane crash, the point where you can get to, all other passages are blocked by police officers and the national guard. in the forest, right behind the local cemetery , clouds of bluish smoke were still visible at sunset, rising from the smoldering fuselage of the il-76. seconds before the plane crash, a military plane in the sky attracted the attention of residents of the village of bogorodskoye. dozens of people watched the last flight with bated breath. with a blazing engine,
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flew over their village, headed towards the forest, rapidly losing altitude and falling apart in the air, began to go to the right and some spare parts fell out of the way, then began to descend and slowly leave, i went to the forest strip, as i understand it, i deduced it. the plane disappeared behind tall trees, and a second later there was a powerful explosion, a column of black smoke soared into the sky, which was visible several kilometers away, emergency services headed to the scene of the plane crash, and police cordons appeared on the roads. the places here are remote, only at first glance, there is an airfield nearby, around towns and villages. obviously, the pilots deliberately took the plane away from houses, therefore.
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il-76 crashed in the middle of a forest, less it took emercom employees an hour to put out the fire that engulfed the fuselage of the crashed il-76. according to the ministry of defense, at around 13:00 the il-76 took off from the airfield to make a scheduled flight. there were eight crew members and seven passengers on board. the plane spent only a few minutes in the air. according to preliminary data, the cause of the crash was a fire in one of the engines. all members. the crews and passengers died. a commission from the main command of the russian aerospace forces, severny airport, flew to the scene of the tragedy, with which took off, the crashed il-76 is now operating normally. now the plane is landing at the severny airfield; the il-76, which crashed in the forest, was flying the same route. that plane did not reach the runway, only 2-3 km.
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on board the il-76 were pilots from the orenburg and tver regions. the heads of these regions, as well as the governor of the ivanovo region, have already expressed condolences to the families of the victims and ordered to provide the relatives with everything. necessary help. all passages to the crash site of the il-76 are still blocked by police. residents of surrounding villages and hamlets are allowed through the cordon only after presenting their passport. the fire at the crash site has now been extinguished and investigators have begun work there. experts also continue to search for on-board recorders. andrey romanov, viktor barmin, vadim kalevanov. news: duty department. now there is operational news that our editorial office receives from slent news agencies. so, the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, took it. for personal control of the investigation of the incident in moscow auto center, where a ten-year-old boy was hit. it is reported that the child's arm was paralyzed and he required hospitalization. the short circuit occurred when the child touched the socket, he wanted to charge his mobile phone. the third term for
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chelentan, in krasnoyarsk the sentence of anatoly bykov entered into legal force. the already convicted entrepreneur was accused of organizing the murder of his competitor. bykov, who was named for his resemblance to the italian singer. krasnoyarsk chelintan received a total of 20 years imprisonment in a maximum security colony, the court also ordered him to pay 7 million rubles as moral damages in favor of the daughter of the deceased businessman. well, further, the investigator’s id did not help, the crust turned out to be fake. where did the impostor get the gun and drugs? we will also show outrageous footage from dmitrov near moscow, why an aggressive driver beat a woman with a hearing impairment. and also the finale of the scandalous story in the arkhangelsk region, traffic cops stopped a drunken assistant prosecutor, why the inspectors themselves became accused and how it all ended, we will return with details in a few minutes.
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i welcome everyone who joined us on the live broadcast of the legal program “news of the duty part”. we continue. cohabitation may not be marriage, but it is also not a way to hide income. the cherkessk city court seized the apartments and cars of the beloved former head of the traffic police department for the stavropol territory, alexei safonov. let me remind you that he is accused. in creating an organized criminal community, the investigation believes that as the chief traffic cop in the region, safonov, together with his subordinates, took bribes from heavy truck drivers; in total, two dozen criminal cases were opened; the defense asked the court not to seize the apartment, but the fimida refused. ryazan firefighters will become even more mobile on land and on water. off-road vehicles will help them with this. the equipment was presented to the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, who arrived in the region on a working visit. accompanies the minister. our film crew from ryazan, maxim's report shevchenko. ryazan employees of the ministry of emergency situations
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have a special day. new cars with still shiny tires are lined up. each car has everything you need for travel. why are hydraulic tools needed in this case in the fire service? to remove victims from cars during road accidents. but do you always have to carry this with you or not? of course, for every call, you always have all this in the car. replenishing the fleet is part of the plan.
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the curtain reached moscow, to cope, the year before last it burned so much that teamwork helped then, i see completely team work, that is, no one divides here into... the powers here are not ours, we solve the problems that arise together, so i assess the interaction positively, together we increase our potential, including technical, thanks to the support of the federal ministry, well , we will only continue to strengthen our work. not only local authorities, but large businesses, in some cases work closely with the ministry of emergency situations. an indicative example is the fire department, which guards an oil storage tank, tanks with hundreds of tons of fuel under round-the-clock guards of this unit were made. a fire truck, which is also released into the russian federation. the location of the part was built with
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company money; the company also purchased special equipment. when creating these vehicles, we took into account the specifics of the enterprise where they might be useful, for example, this fire engine differs from the usual one in the presence of a so-called foam lifter, this is an arrow that can deliver a large stream of foam from above, and this is a fire testing laboratory that has been used almost two dozen times . became a prize-winner of professional competitions, including recognition of the best in russia; here they study the causes of domestic fires. we examine the internal structure of the copper conductor and determine at what point an emergency event occurred before the fire and served as its cause, or after the fire, that is, a consequence of the development of the fire. a special device helps with this - a diffractometer. a sample is placed inside, so i can demonstrate it to you, that is, this fragment. conductor. on the screen is a fragment of a wire, as if under a microscope. specifics with the help
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of it, laboratory assistants see short circuits and overloads on the big screen, this time they also show it to the minister. by the way, alexander kurenkov’s work program in the ryazan region includes not only visits to fire stations and laboratories. at the end of the working trip to ryazan, the head of the ministry of emergency situations opened the all-russian competition in fire and rescue sports. more than 400 out of twenty people will compete for the title of the best at the competition site. themes of the professional holiday of ins employees. president vladimir putin congratulated them. chapter the state noted that significant changes have taken place in the penal system aimed at ensuring the rights of convicts, improving the material and technical base and social conditions in correctional institutions. in addition , putin added, the institution of applying punishment that does not involve imprisonment is consistently developing, we are talking about the so-called
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humanization, including in relation to women who have committed minor crimes. is being implemented. a large program to create correctional centers as an alternative punishments. the director of vsin, arkady gostev, spoke in his congratulations about how the tasks set by the president are being solved. we will continue to resolve a wide range of issues, including strengthening the material and technical base for increasing production capacity, ensuring social guarantees for department employees, creating appropriate conditions in correctional institutions, and organizing systematically. work on the resocialization of convicts. the astronauts prepared a unique gift in honor of the anniversary. flag departments were delivered into orbit. it is planned that he will remain there until september. dear employees and veterans of the criminal executive system of the russian federation. we, russian cosmonauts, oleg kononenko, nikolai chup and konstantin borisov,
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greet everyone on the international space station and sincerely congratulate you on the day of the criminal correctional officer. systems. i will add that for many years the penal system was under the ministry of internal affairs; later it came under the jurisdiction of the ministry of justice. now in the system includes over a thousand institutions executing criminal punishments, eight universities and two institutes for advanced training. the editors of the legal programs vesti duty, the investigation of eduard petrov join in the congratulations. an aggressive suv driver started a fight against silence. in dmitriev near moscow, he attacked a hearing impaired woman who was driving a taxi. he didn’t like that the lady didn’t give way. here are these shots, the inadequate person seems happy that the victim cannot answer him. a terrible story about what everything is ended. vladimir bazov. these shots are now evidence in a criminal case, a deaf-mute young
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woman, a mother of many children, driving a taxi , calmly driving around the city on a call to another client, but barely...
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the woman, who likes to wave her fists, now assures that he allegedly tried to apologize to the victim, which, however, , did not prevent him from fleeing the crime scene without even paying for the damage. the prosecutor's office took control of the progress and results of the criminal investigation into hooliganism against a taxi driver's girlfriend in dimitrov. now the potential hooligan faces long isolation from honest society in an isolation cell. the issue of his arrest will be resolved in the near future. vladimir bazov, andrey karamanov, lead the duty unit.
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the well-known russian businessman pavel teo was put on the wanted list by the kyrgyz secret service for the owner of a large property. the capital group company, which is engaged in the construction of luxury real estate in moscow, is suspected of financing an organized crime group in kyrgyzstan, we are talking about the international criminal group brotherly circle, the leader of which was one of the most influential drug barons in the world kamchi kalbaev. last year, during his arrest, he was liquidated. the gang has a record of murder, drug sales and human trafficking, according to kyrgyz security officials, sponsoring illegal activities, and also participating in money laundering could have been carried out precisely on... the dubious delicacy. there were no documents for seafood. law enforcement officials do not rule out that they have stopped another illegal channel for the supply of products that can be extremely dangerous
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to health. despite all the prohibitions, attackers find loopholes. our editorial auditor, who is also the terror of illegal traders, daniil sukhoruchka, was convinced of this. night, street, headlights. boxes of seafood, the police stopped an ordinary looking truck to check, but it turned out that it was filled with unmarked caviar, crabs and other sea creatures, here it ’s all the same, which translates, yes , too, a tick, also a tick, yes, most likely the driver the weight of this rich cargo from the far east, there are no documents for delicacies, apparently the seafood was obtained by poachers on the orders of businessmen-buyers, those who supply all these dishes to other regions... almost 300 boxes of kamchatka crab will now be sorted out, the police seized more than 2 tons of red caviar, about 3 tons and other fish products with a total
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value over 14.5 million rubles. seafood caught in the east of the country often pops up in the west, we decided to check the sellers of one of the moscow markets for integrity, there is an abundance of red kry here, good, yes good, excellent , by the way, this is sakhalin, sakhalin. well, that is, your caviar turns out to be counterfeit, all the official documents are there, he has no problems with the banal labeling of the jar of naked caviar, look, you understand me , that is, there are no markings here or there, that
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is, who forced it when and where is generally unknown in the neighboring fish shops the situation is not better, there was something somewhere, i don’t know where, somewhere something i don’t know where, like in a fairy tale, we live in a fairy tale, you know? well, maybe you live here in a fairy tale in the kingdom of fish, the lord of the fish ruins even makes fairy-tale promises, everything won’t be for sale, and we won’t exactly give our word, honestly pioneer, but the result of a short promenade around the market is disappointing, all the pennies of the necessary documents , not a single caviar dealer was found, maybe you saw something, he’s silent like a fish, that this is carelessness or the very deliberate sale of a poacher’s catch, will be dealt with by the relevant department while the trade is ongoing. and very smartly, the driver of a truck with an illegal catch was unlucky for transporting unmarked crab eggs in relation to a criminal case was opened against the driver, so the man will have to interrupt his trip across
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russia, and it is possible that for a long time. danil sukharuchik, alexander fushin, conductor, duty department. when the molotov cocktail went from love to hate, the moscow region police detained the overly excited romeo. a young man burned three cars after a quarrel with his girlfriend. the flames also spread to a fourth car in the parking lot. at the time of the criminal entry, cctv cameras recorded. the recordings helped contain the pyraman. on during interrogation, he admitted that the cause of the crime was burning jealousy. supposedly he was offended by his lady’s heart and decided to make her suffer in this way, they say he wanted the girl to bite her elbows after he goes to prison, well, the dream seems
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to have come true, the former traffic cops from the arkhangelsk region will not go to the colony, this is the final decision made court, a year ago, still active inspectors used special equipment on a drunk driver, he turned out to be an assistant prosecutor, the police were fired from their jobs for exceeding their official powers and sentenced. to suspended sentences, but the regional prosecutor's office considered that the accused got off lightly and deserved real imprisonment. about the ending of the scandalous story, alina skachkova. for former traffic police officers alexander ovsyanikov and dmitry grishin, this is groundhog day. they were already in this room, already listening to the verdict for daring to stop a drunken assistant military prosecutor. now everything is all over again, the state prosecutor has found the suspended sentence imposed by their partner to be too lenient, and demands that they be sent to a colony minimum. for 5 years, i don’t know why, well, the prosecutor’s office cannot stop their, well, how to say, they justify their employee’s misconduct, they still defend it, they cannot
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stop. there is already a decision, there is a verdict, but for some reason they move on. a big story happened a year ago on the night of february 23. grishin and ovsyanikov went out on a raid to catch drunks and were right when they stopped the driver of this black foreign car. having lowered the window, the reckless driver silently waved his crust and honestly confessed, drank, and refused meta-testimony. inspectors they asked to go into the car, but then it started. like no, and this is a demand we are not asking, hand back, hand, hand said back. the driver refused, then the partners took out handcuffs, they assure that the stranger did not introduce himself, so for them, first of all, it was a drunk driver, a threat on the road, but for the law an inviolable special subject, kirill bakatikov, assistant military prosecutor, such personalities as judges, deputies -investigators are protected from pressure, they cannot just be detained and fined, he did not introduce himself, it was he was asked to present some prohibited items, to which he refused, hit
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him here... on his hands, as a result of which physical force was applied to him. according to the law, grishin and ovsyanikov could only stop such a driver, and then they were required to call his colleagues from the prosecutor’s office for investigation, but they acted differently. this miscalculation resulted in a whole criminal case for abuse of power. for a situation in which no one was hurt, the inspectors could get up to 10 years, and as for the drunk assistant prosecutor, then he was deprived of his license, fined and transferred to another region, almost for promotion. in court, by the way, he also demanded for law enforcement officers. real conclusion in the event of a guilty verdict , what punishment will you insist on freedom i support the position of the state your personal opinion i can’t tell you inseparable partners fired from service grishin , a father of many children, ovsyanikov, a young dad, now they work as fire and ambulance drivers. this
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means that former inspectors. a fake major's crust on a fake car in moscow, an impostor security officer from the investigative committee was detained with a fake license plate on his car, but with a bag of real cocaine and a real pistol with a cartridge. the zamoskovreisky district court of moscow has already made a decision to arrest the fake detective who posed as an influential security official. the attention of road inspectors was attracted by this luxurious car with the symbol of the department, but without the usual red stripe along the body. they began to figure out what the markings were, and it turned out that the self-confident driver was in an inadequate state, as if under the influence some substances. he has a military investigator's id, which is clearly fake, and a curious package in the glove compartment. why
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were symbolic light signals used? skr for video shooting, for video shooting, i understood, so, where does the profit for these cars come from, from rostov. the driver was noticeably nervous and showed our employees an official id with signs of falsification. he refused a medical examination. as it turned out, the fake researcher made a voyage to the capital from rostov-on-don and now with the self-proclaimed the security officer is in very big trouble. all legal news in the telegram channels vesti jornoy chasti and honest detective. we 'll see you, stay. on russia-24.
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this is a big information evening, we continue to sign up. you with today's agenda: he drove like a bewitched man, our tank made its way through a minefield, although the enemy hit it 10 times, how did the heroic crew and equipment withstand this? exposed the greek prime minister to a missile attack in odessa. another provocation of the kiev regime, its loud echo in the western media, is zelensky really ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of lies? sipso is trying to bring down remote electronic voting in russia. the electoral commission center is also masquerading as government services. how to avoid falling into the web of ukrainian information saboteurs. until recently they were considered elusive, but now they are burning along the entire front. in kiev, there is hysteria over a series of losses of hymer installations, as our soldiers learned to destroy the vaunted american ones.


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