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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. he drove like he was under a spell. our tank made its way through the minefield, although the enemy hit it 10 times. how did the heroic crew and equipment withstand this? he exposed the greek prime minister to a missile attack in odessa. another provocation of the kiev regime and its loud echo in the western media. is it really for the sake of lies?
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rszzo in a couple of hours several hundred dead and wounded militants. revelation of a georgian prisoner who no longer wants to meet with the russians on the battlefield. mercenaries no longer need money. well, at the beginning of this hour, information from the ministry of defense about events near the border areas of the belgorod and kursk regions, where terrorist formations of the ukrainian armed forces tried to break through today. as specified, violation of boundaries on none of them. sections were not allowed, that is, despite the propaganda of the kiev regime , the enemy did not manage to enter russian territory, but the retribution for trying to do this turned out to be very serious, our special correspondent, igor pikhadov, who comes out, will confirm direct connection with the studio, igor. hello, as far as i understand, now the situation is calm, and the belgorod regions are calm, it is under the control of operational services, the missile warning signal, which was introduced at 7:00 in the morning, has been cancelled. and today at 3:00 am, ukrainian
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militants, with a large number of manpower, with a large number of american-made bradley tanks, as well as pickup trucks , tried to break into the territory of the belgogorod region, militants tried to break into the territory of the belgorod region break through from three different settlements, but all these attacks were successfully suppressed. divisions of the ministry of defense, as well as the grant service of the fsb of russia, we will give the floor to the representative of the ministry of defense igor konoshenkov. the enemy was hit by operational-tactical, army aviation, missile forces, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems. in the area of ​​the settlement of odnorobovka , kharkov region, more than 60 ukrainian terrorists and four pickup trucks were destroyed. ukrainian.
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they tried to break into our territory countries in several groups, on foot , using armored vehicles, but thanks to the confident actions of our artillery, aviation support, thanks to the support of the border outpost, the enemy was stopped, he suffered losses, violation of the state border of the russian federation was not allowed, also using a large number.
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the western group of troops of the border service of the fsb of russia, the terrorist formations of the kiev regime were thrown back. the department of defense also continues monitor the situation in the border areas around the clock in order to prevent a breakthrough by ukrainian militants. let's give the floor to the officer. the soldiers met this battle courageously and repelled the attack without losses. civilians remained, everything continues. as it was before, that is, people
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go to the store, nothing has changed, they walk, walk, the local population feels supported and believes in us that we will protect them. during militant attacks, residential buildings and infrastructure were damaged; now operational services are restoring, first of all, residential buildings should be restored, as well as power supply to populated areas. alexei. yes, thank you, igor pikhanov spoke about the defeat of the ukrainian armed forces formation at the russian borders. well, next, an action-packed video, which was filmed at the donetsk directorate of the northern military district and looks literally like a movie about the war, although of course. no film even came close to such reality. the focus is on the russian t-62, whose crew fearlessly rolls out onto a minefield and gradually clears it with special trawls, and the conditions are truly combative. in progress the car is being intensively shelled by artillery from ukrainian militants, and in addition, drones are attacking.
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however, the tankers do not give up completing the task for a second, even after several direct hits, and patiently bring what they started to the end. that is, a gasket. a path for their comrades so that they can continue the offensive without the risk of running into enemy mines. in short, this is a case where domestic technology has again demonstrated its reliability, proving to be virtually invulnerable to the enemy, but still more important, simply the incredible composure and determination of the fighters themselves, whose actions anton podkovenko is ready to analyze frame by frame. calmly and purposefully under heavy enemy fire. he paved the way for the stormtroopers. armored vehicles right across a minefield . the entire path of our tank was filmed by a drone and there is something to see. here it is, a t-62 with a mine trawl. this is a special device for making passages in enemy minefields, something like a skating rink. got the task to break through a free clearing path
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for infantry and tanks so they can attack. this is one of the front sectors in the donetsk direction. the field around the tank literally begins to burn, the road begins to burn, and the enemy is targeting ours. acted flawlessly, steadily carrying out the combat mission, but with such a density of enemy fire, hits cannot be avoided, of course, look, the tank fires heat traps, it’s the same as an airplane
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when it is hit by air defense, in this case the tankers are protected from anti-tank missiles without changing the route , you can’t zigzag, because you need to break through a passage for ours, this can be considered. as a feat of our guys , who are doing everything to ensure that our assault operations after the liberation of avdiivka do not stop, and in fact there are quite a lot of such episodes in this war, because the enemy is quite seriously mining the approaches to their positions, we especially see this in the donetsk direction, another hit, both drones and artillery are hitting the tank and cannot stop it , the combat... begins to smoke, at first a little, then stronger and stronger, but methodically, confidently, it continues to clear the mines. want to note the courage and bravery of the tank crew, because despite numerous hits on the tank and the outbreak of a fire, they completed
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the combat mission. thanks to such tankers and fighters, victory certainly awaits us. t-62 tank from the cold war. a lot of them were released. some were then preserved. some have now been returned to the front, but modernized, improved fire control systems, communication systems, armor, dynamic protection have been added, this is when a projectile on approach encounters a directed explosion and there are even heat traps, we we saw how the tank shot them, but the main thing is, of course, the exceptional strength of spirit of the crew, the courage of the crew, which, despite the constant attacks by drones, as well as artillery discharges. who fell next to him, they continued their movement , carried out a combat mission, in an old but very reliable tank of the first post-war generation t-62, which was modified on the battlefield, modernization is yes, but what courage, look closely, the tank is already smoking the whole
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field around is also in smoke from enemy attacks, but the t-62 is driving, it doesn’t stop, doesn’t move to the side, clearly carries out the task of clearing mines, and then calmly turns around, although it is clearly visible that... the tank is already on fire, these are these close-up shots, and then you can see a new hit, dronkadze, most likely it was, but ours, as in the song, have strong armor and the t-62 moves across the field without losing control. the tank does not leave the gaps around it, but it goes back, returns from the most difficult combat mission to the starting one, ultimately withstanding more than ten direct hits. what saved him, what allowed him to carry out a combat order: modernized protection, front-line luck or the indestructible will to win of our tankers, well, probably all together, those who so much in vain hit our impenetrable tank, as if nothing can save us, how to compete with such warriors? over the course of 24 hours, the fighters of the russian group of forces-center again methodically improved the situation along the front line at the ovdeevsky
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special operation directorate, managed to repel 11 counterattacks by ukrainian armed forces attack aircraft, destroying up to 380 ukrainian militants. on the donetsk front, in in the area of ​​responsibility of the southern group , the settlement of nevelskoye was liberated and up to 350 enemy personnel were eliminated; in the severodonetsk sector , our aircraft inflicted a massive fire defeat on the enemy; alexander katsuba observed the work of the pilots. attack helicopters of army aviation and a group of troops from the south are breaking up a concentration of enemy infantry in the severodonetsk direction. the second mi-28 helicopter, a night hunter, enters the battle. if we are controlling aircraft missiles, i find the target, the commander confirms, gives the command to fire. i use aviation weapons and lead until the target is destroyed. each missile reaches its target. the actions of our attack k-52 and mi-28 are covered by the crew
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of the mi-8 transport and combat helicopter. the car hovers over the air strike area, as they say here, in the line of sight. search rescue team on an i8 helicopter as quickly as possible and carefully. we are one of the first to land and pick up the injured crew members. we take you on board a search and rescue aircraft and evacuate the nearest medical center. during evacuation we provide first aid. the combat mission is completed. the strike flight of k-52 and mi-28 helicopters, accompanied by the mi-8, returns to base. when approaching the combat mission area, the enemy used cannon artillery to somehow scare us so that we would leave. from the combat mission area, but their coordinates were incorrect, so
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they were expecting us in a slightly different place, well, the shells that were fired at our souls, fell in the wrong place, on the runway the next combat troika of army aviation is already preparing to take to the skies, when exactly the group goes out to strike, we stand in the waiting area, constant visual contact with the group via radio communication, we watch how... the strike is carried out , we make sure that everything is done, and then we carry out the flight behind the group, the missiles and shells are loaded, the fuel tanks of the helicopters are filled, the crews are in place, the combat cover group is always in full readiness and with all weapons. attack helicopters army aviation of the russian aerospace forces support the advancement of our assault units along the entire front line. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev and vladimir. seven portraits
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in mourning black frames, plus several obituaries without photos, so in odessa today they said goodbye to the armed forces of ukraine, liquidated by the russians, a russian missile strike last wednesday, here a person who follows ukrainian propaganda, or even more so trusts it, of course, should to overwhelm, because directly on march 6th the media of the kiev regime reported that our armed forces allegedly tried to kill zelensky, aiming... at his motorcade, however, again, they allegedly missed, well, in fact, the results of the so-called miss, it turns out, turned out to be very successful, since they accidentally covered the whole group ukrainian soldiers and officers, but seriously, it’s worth recalling that the russian ministry of defense then immediately reported the defeat of the location of enemy personnel, only now, almost a week later, the ukrainian information dumps had the courage to admit it, but with on the other hand, the appearance of the gang leader with the bank exactly on that day, specifically on... boris ivanin will confirm. he invited me to come to
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odessa and exposed him to a missile attack. zelensky’s ostentatious hospitality when he receives western politicians is as deadly a lie as the lies of the kiev regime. the fact that russia allegedly aimed at the motorcade of the greek prime minister and the ukrainian comedian is not funny. kyriakos mesatakis, in fact , was specially brought to the port of odessa to demonstrate alleged aggression.
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no sooner had the press started circulating loud headlines, and not only the ukrainian one, it’s all clear with it, but also the greek one, to which the kiev regime helpfully slipped the necessary version, these headlines that they could allegedly aim specifically at politicians, and this assumption is already on the air of the american cnn rupar western propaganda quickly turned into a bold statement. the british reporter, as they say, completely flooded this news with reference to the ukrainian adviser, who really says that the delegation was in...
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russia, despite the fact that russia has never struck and does not strike civilians structures, this, as a rule, works with crooked air defense systems, or other systems of ukrainian armed forces, which like to install their manpads in populated areas. only a few days after metsatakis’s visit , obituaries
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of ukrainian armed forces soldiers who died in the port of odessa began to be published in ukraine, and note that this post on social networks was edited, initially they wrote that the missile... quote from the headquarters in odessa, and this confirms the truth russian country, the goal was military, but the kiev regime disguised it as a civilian object, well the greek prime minister was simply used in the dark. zelensky, for his part, is always ready to substitute western benefactors, since this allows him to draw the west, a nato country, more closely into hostilities. the situation itself, of course, is artificially created. in order to present the greek politician as a sacred victim, cruel russia, which does not take anyone into account, it would be a pity to frame boris johnson in this way, but it would not be a pity for the greek prime minister. zelensky’s killer lies, however, bore fruit. metsatakis promised to support ukraine, quote as much as needed, although this is also a hypocritical western lie. now
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there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. until recently they were considered elusive, but now they are burning along the entire front. in kiev, there is hysteria over a series of losses of haymars installations, as our soldiers learned to destroy the vaunted american mlrs. when it seems that things can’t get any better, penoplex slabs provide a double advantage and provide protection. from heat and cold help to save on air conditioning and heating. penoplex effective
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asks me to give her snowdrops, now the prices for flowers are such, it’s more profitable to buy a smartphone, for example, honor x8 b with a benefit of 7,000 rubles only in a megaphone, this is the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, the top headphones, the top hair dryer! and on our birthday there are discounts of up to 50%. narrow hr washing machine for only 24.999. in mvidio and eldorado. they say that life is like a journey. go there with the jet tour crossover for your new companions on the path to discoveries and vivid impressions. bold design, functional interior and comfort technologies. choose your jetur. special conditions for purchases in march. deposit is the best interest rate in savings with clear conditions, this is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum, quick
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registration in the sberbank application online, deposit, better interest, more profitable with prime. they scare us with a currency ban, rising prices for equipment, closing borders, in general, they are doing everything to harm someone special. virtuosity to play on the nerves of the population, a warning about how scammers are trying to disperse panic on the eve of the presidential elections in russia, as experts note, on social networks on some sites an artificially tense anticipation of the vote is created with the message that after on march 17, the life of russians will somehow change negatively, although why all this is being done is immediately clear; against the backdrop of panicky news , some businessmen are offering citizens an urgent solution to the problem of saving their savings by investing them in certain... funds, exchanges or cryptocurrency, that is the purpose of the stuffing is not only to whip up hysteria, but also to earn extra money. roskachestvo warned about attempts by scammers to hit the jackpot under the guise of the presidential elections.
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massive attempts have been recorded to steal voters’ personal data, including using fake electronic voting systems. evgenia petrukhina will tell you what networks the scammers have set up and how to avoid getting caught in them. tsypso wants to bring down electronic voting in russia. until it starts, ukrainian information saboteur. they are setting up networks, trying to gain access to the personal accounts and accounts of russians. fraudsters send so -called phishing emails via messenger. tsypso employees disguise themselves as official representatives of the central election commission of russia and the state services portal. and in these letters there is a link that leads to a fake portal, the design of which may almost completely coincide with the design of the official website. if you received an email and clicked something, then... will immediately go to the fake site, the person will not see that he is no longer on the government services site, but has jumped to hell there, you can do it in such a way that he will see the beginning of the address of the real site,
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he will click, he will be taken to... which corresponds design of this site, there will be initially harmless fields there, enter your last name, first name, middle name, but at the end it will be written, now we will send you an sms for confirmation , you will dictate it to us, this is the moment you have come to, in these letters, information saboteurs for money allegedly offer to test the voting system for technical errors, but first they ask you to fill out a form where you need to indicate personal data and bank details, they are trying to kill undermine two birds with one stone.
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fictitious, that is, before calling you, they collect information about you, they try to collect this data in order to then imitate it, put it there and do it a fake account, photographs of this person, as if he wrote to you, and thus instill more trust in you, their ultimate goal is to mislead people, tsypso generally seems to be allergic to our remote electronic voting, they want to get into it so much , after all, every year it doesn’t work out, it’s not the first year. goes is and let’s do this, this is not the first time that elections are held in is conditions and practice shows that despite all their numerous and very resource-intensive attempts, they failed to somehow damage or destroy or influence the operation of the electronic voting system, i think that this year will be no exception, they will invest a huge amount of effort, money and resources in order to destabilize all these electronic voting systems, but i am absolutely sure that
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they will not succeed. in ukraine there is no such option to vote online, and there are no elections , what’s more, zelensky’s expiration date, although it expires on march 31, but the nazi mold has been on him for several years, and therefore it is not at all surprising that independent information saboteurs from the centers information and psychological operations officially operate under the auspices of the ukrainian ministry of defense. the tsypso give themselves away by the fact that this is the first very massive operation, that is , hundreds, thousands of people receive the same thing, here. these are very powerful mailing tools, maybe they will vote on your behalf, maybe they will tell lies on your behalf , the counteraction scheme is always the same. we need to take the story offline and contact this organization ourselves. they call on behalf of the military registration and enlistment office, call the military registration and enlistment office yourself. representatives of the cic of the state services portal do not call citizens, let alone they no longer offer to test the voting system for money. here, specialists from the digital expertise center of roskachestvo separately
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comment to the media that such testing is not. provided, they ask not to provide account details, bank cards to scammers , as for the attack on remote electronic voting, we expect cyber attacks on the website of the central election commission on the website of remote electronic voting on the website of the public chamber of russia, which exercises public control over voting, will try to withdraw from building our system, this is a separate direction, we need to be prepared for it. tsypso has tried more than once, so to speak. place of deployment, otherwise it’s interesting for trying, they have already chosen a new one to disrupt the electronic voting at the call center tsypso may fly in. the pentagon did not receive money to replenish stocks after sending weapons to ukraine. this was reported by the political publication with reference to high-ranking
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american officials. as stated, to cover the us military deficit , $10 billion is needed, and this does not take into account spending on strengthening of the american group in europe, the budget for which has also not yet been allocated. and while washington drags its feet, the burden of providing for ukraine falls on europe, and this causes increasing conflict among the allies of the kiev regime. details in the material by andrey grigoriev. former us president and part-time saxophonist bill clinton first of all visited the prague jazz club.


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