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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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performing tasks in special operation areas. zolotov thanked the leadership of the republic for their support and noted the contribution of the residents of bashkiria to increasing combat effectiveness. so last year, two volunteer battalions named after salovat yulaev were formed in the republic, which became part of one of the units of the russian guard. on such wheels you can drive faster to victory. thank you very much for the help you provide in the national. and thank you. for these two people's battalions that created the nightingale, the guys are already actively participation directly in the combat zone , they are already fully operational. two new gas supply facilities were immediately put into operation in the volgograd region as part of the additional gasification program. the pipeline was brought to one of the remote villages. in addition, the boiler room of the children's military sports camp was connected to the network gas, and now it will be able to receive schoolchildren from all over the country all year round. details. an important event not only for
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young army members in the volgograd region, but for all schoolchildren in the region. based on the yuny yastreb multifunctional complex the avangard camp under construction has been supplied with gas. the guys have already appreciated the comfort. the first impression is indescribable, when you come here, taking into account the fact that you are in warm shape, it is even warmer here and such comfortable conditions are provided to all residents. for the block-modular boiler plant , underground gas pipelines with a total length of more than a kilometer were built, a distribution point was installed, and equipment was installed. on the basis of the avangard defense and sports camp, four residential buildings with a total area of ​​2,500 km have already been erected; the center carries auxiliary facilities. the camp will operate not only in the summer season, but will operate all year round, and speaking in numbers, in the summer season we accept 2,600 people, thanks to the fact that we have switched to year-round... blue fuel
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social gasification. the secretary of the general council of the united russia party took part in the ceremony. andrey turchak highly appreciated the results of the presidential program in the volgograd region. all the president’s instructions in the volgograd region have been fulfilled. we have just listened to the report of the volgograd gas workers at the federal one. the headquarters of the volgograd region is in second place in carrying out instructions, this is all the merit of the management team of the governor of the volgograd region , our comrade andrei ivanovich bocherov, i wanted to thank you, andrei ivanovich, your entire team for these high rates for these excellent results. another pleasant event was the supply of gas to consumers in the beluzhino-kaldairov farm and lavlinsky district. the ceremony took place via video link, and the residents themselves took part in it. this day will be for the residents. a truly memorable
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celebration unfolded at the gas distribution point. a new gas pipeline with a length of about 9.5 km made it possible to connect more than 70 residential buildings to blue fuel. one of them is already warm, but now not from the firewood - local resident alexander sychev rejoices. meanwhile, the owner, susanna zhemgaryan , is putting away a distant electric kettle. with the transition to gas, costs will decrease several times. and such joyful stories today can be shared by hundreds of thousands of families throughout russia. houses across the country, within the framework of the presidential program of social gasification, have the opportunity to connect to gas, and 530,000 already use gas at home, that is, work has been done on arranging a gas system inside the house, a stove, a boiler, and this is a program that has gained momentum, very pleased, that more and more of our residents of the russian federation are submitting applications, and we are rejoicing as...
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the president, it has been declared unlimited. in addition to houses in gasified settlements, it also includes social facilities, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, clinics, faps. artyom myamshchikov, sergeevichorgin, alexander shirashov, vadim shabanov, yuri komochikov and denis gushchin. news from volgograd from the ilovlinsky srednyakhtubensky district. in moscow, at the museum of contemporary history, a large-scale exhibition of crimea on the path to freedom has opened. thanks to her , it becomes clear why the west has always strived so desperately for. take the peninsula from
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russia. sofia sergieva was one of the first to see the exhibition. why did you name your bulldog sevastopol, asks the foreigner. try to take it and you'll find out. another one answers him. stepanov wrote these cartoons in 1855, at the height of the crimean war, in response to the russophobic campaign of western propagandists. the message is still relevant today. whoever owns sevastopol owns crimea, whoever owns crimea owns the black sea. these words are attributed to both admiral nakhimov and count potemkin. one thing is certain: the geostrategic importance of this peninsula was understood by everyone at all times. black sea.
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and photographs, newspaper graphics, here in front of you just the unique graphics of the artist bogatkin, who literally minute by minute painted this story of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. hitler said that not a single dog would pull him out of crimea, he planned to clear the peninsula, resettle satellites here, rename simferopol to gothenburg and even build a bridge across the kerch strait to supply the german group in the caucasus, but his plans failed.
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soviet engineers used structures abandoned by the germans and themselves connected the banks of the strait in november forty. the bridge stood still only 3 months, but he went down in military history, and at the same time became a prototype. ity to the events that many of us witnessed. here are maidan artifacts, iron sticks with nails and bats, which militants from the right sector organization used during protests in 2014. and next to it is the jacket of admiral kasatonov, who in the early nineties refused to change his oath
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and give the soviet black sea fleet to kiev. we must always remember ourselves and pass on this understanding to our youth. that it would not have happened, as irina yakovlina said, it would not have happened, probably all this, without the deep historical memory rooted in the people, the memory that crimea is ours and no one else’s. in 2014, crimeans chose their own path, together with russia. after a long voyage, crimea and sevastopol returned to their native harbor, and today their residents are preparing to celebrate their first anniversary as part of russia. sofia, alexander dvornikov, news. and in brazil, in rio genero, an unknown person took 18 people hostage, he broke into a bus, here is a video from the bus station. according to preliminary
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data, the robber tried to escape the chase and decided to provide himself with a human shield; it is known that two were wounded as a result of the shooting. bopper on fire tastes better than burger king. a deposit, the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions, is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank online application. deposit is the best interest. it's more profitable with prime. magnet, black tea akbar cylon 199.99. magnet, price, what you need. my back gets tired on my feet all day. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? artneo. just one
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the history of oil production in the sea begins precisely with the caspian sea, it was back in 1803, a resident of baku built two wells, only... 17-30 m from the shore, but what natural resources are stored at the bottom of the sea, tens of kilometers from land in the northern part of the could have guessed even after almost 200 years. the northern caspian sea was considered an unpromising region, unattractive against the backdrop of the huge geological reserves that existed in traditional mining areas. in 2009 , the first large field was discovered in the northern caspian sea, this field named after yuri
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korchagin. as a result of large-scale research, lukol discovered in the gaspiya waters a large oil and gas province with twelve fields, with total recoverable reserves of over 7 billion barrels of oil equivalent. this is one of the largest discoveries in the modern history of russia, the implementation of a unique maritime project required the participation of specialists from the highest class. here.
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before going on their first shift, each company employee must take classes at the corporate training center, otherwise he will not be allowed to work. i have already changed myself into a special suit that does not allow water to pass through and at the same time retains heat. we will try to simulate how a helicopter plunges into water and how to properly
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escape, for this they will now bring us instructions and after that we will check. imagine what all these sensations will be like. we were immediately warned that in order to obtain permission to fly on the platform, we must complete at least three dives, from the simplest to the most complex, this way it is easier to remember the entire procedure and practice it until it becomes automatic. with your left hand, find the handle, pull it out, throw it on the floor, move your hand to the chair, as soon as your left hand is secured on the chair, push with the elbow of your right hand, in one movement it turns out, push the exit. teacher vladislav malevy dived into the simulator about 20 thousand times. he knows from experience that people react differently to extreme situations. the classes are accompanied by two divers to ensure safety. in case of an emergency, the simulator lifts up. it will take 8 seconds. to get
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out of the simulator, and this is provided that all the rules have been followed: the seat belt is fastened and tightened tightly, the tighter, the easier it is then to open it in the water. the second dive is an imitation that the helicopter not only plunged into the water, but also turned over, we will be in swimming pool upside down. i remind you again, if you are being pulled or pushed somewhere under water, this means that we are helping you, so there is no need to resist, now there will be pressure, despite the fact that... there is a board here, the flow of water will be very well felt, tapped on the shoulder , it’s time to get out, if you do this ahead of time, the water pressure will carry you to the center of the simulator and will begin to twist, later there may not be enough oxygen, the ideal time for rescue is worked out over time,
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you can feel it, you have come here. and the water gets into nose, but this time it turned out to be an archer due to the fact that we went through three stages of the instructions and this has already stuck in our minds; not only lukuyla workers are trained here, but employees of other oil and gas producing organizations, as well as pilots. we went through three difficulty levels, there are as many as 22 of them. during the course we teach people how to move, that is, first you go out next to that person. the exit with which you sit, as you did today, then you sit second and you go out behind your colleague, then you go out third, then you go along going to another emergency exit , that is, you need to get up, unfasten, go to another exit, open it and go out, in the end, at the end of the course, 12 people went out to one emergency exit in turn, but this is not the only thing they teach at the center
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, also how to behave if a fire suddenly happens, how to provide first aid, correctly perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, knowledge... which has never been used in practice, because there were no accidents on the platforms , and how confident they are here, that they won't, all preventive measures: the base of the palms is parallel to the sternum, the second hand is on top, the elbows are straight hanging over the victim, and we apply pressure to a depth of 5-6 cm . over 100,000 people have been trained at the center, it is periodic, the maximum period of retraining is once every 5 years. training is carried out in this way: 30% theory, 70% practice, and for each program there is a checklist for performing practical exercises, that is, each program has its own exercises, you need to be able to perform them, because that only a skill that has been practiced to the point of automatism, when in an extreme situation a person no longer thinks, only carries out his algorithm in the name of
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saving himself and his comrades, the training has been completed, and now you can send it. 6 million tons of oil are produced here every year, and it’s about an hour’s flight away. the infrastructure of the vladimir filanovsky field provides a synergistic effect for other caspian projects of lukuil. by the way, the oil produced in these places is low-sulfur, and is especially valued. field named after felanovsky is located in the northern part of the caspian sea, 220 km from... astrakhan, this is the largest field that has been discovered in russia over the past 25 years. platform captain vitaly sulimov has been working at the vladimir filanovsky field since 2015. without work experience , you won’t be able to operate ships here, i started my career as a sailor, visited many countries, but i like the caspian sea the most, the navigation equipment
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is absolutely the same as on ships, only the only thing is that while ships have true movement, we have relative movement, we we can also track the movement of all ships and the like, that is , what is the work, if the captain directly controls the ship of his ship... in the cabin, we can see the tv, my bed, my small sofa, communications equipment, small drawers, as in table, so
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in the bed itself, here i rest during non-working hours, shift manager ivan isaenko, just arrived on duty, it lasts 2 weeks, then 14 days of rest, this time is considered optimal so that the mental health of... employees remains in normal, the technological content of the entire platform is one of the most advanced, so employees are mainly involved in monitoring all processes. automation, although it works, but according to a certain logic, and the extraction process still requires a little creativity; at certain moments it is necessary for a person to make decisions, which again do not go against the technological regulations and operating parameters of the installation. the well is located on the spider deck; it received this name for its appearance. lots of pipes make it feel like it's here a huge web spread out.
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there are only 13 wells on the spider deck here, nine of them are being mined right now. three of them are for maintaining reservoir pressure, one is for injection of beazoplasts. the sea depth here is around 6-7 m. the depth of the formation is approximately 1,400 m, the length of the well along the trunk is from 1,300 to 4,600. the larger the area one platform can cover, the higher the efficiency of the offshore field. luk oil holds the record for the length of horizontal sections of wells. if, for example, we superimpose the scheme wells of the yuri korchagin field on the map of moscow, the platform is located on red square, then the ends of the well will be outside the third transport ring. efficiency of oil production in the north cask.
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the productivity of such a well is 62% higher than that of a conventional well. all processes are monitored by integrated operations centers or otherwise in a think tank. the concept of an intelligent field has been introduced here, that is, a digital copy of existing assets covering the entire production chain. this allows you not it is only more effective to determine the real production potential, but to optimize this process, carry out planning, monitoring and assessing coal production volumes. the center united specialists from key areas of production activity into one team. now the screen displays well number 110, korchagin field. and by analyzing its
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parameters, we can identify both deviation and potential in its operating mode, allowing us to increase hydrocarbon production from a given well. we need extracted oil bring to marketable condition. this. is produced at an oil treatment plant, from which we also see all our main parameters. similar centers exist in perm, western siberia, kaliningrad, and the komi republic. in total, the lukol group operates 13 integrated operations centers. we also receive satellite images of the northern caspian sea to analyze the current environmental situation. as you can see in this picture, we do not have any contamination. all platforms have been built. on sites astrakhan shipyards, some of them are block conductors or, more simply, unmanned platforms, since production on them is carried out autonomously, with minimal participation of personnel.
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the safety of operation of these facilities is achieved by the maximum level of automation and remote control of processes. the northern caspian is a key production region discovered from scratch by lukol almost 30 years ago. it continues to actively develop today. new deposits are being discovered. last year accumulated production amounted to 55 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons, so that there would be as much more. here we are confident that it will take much less time, given the accumulated experience. and company technologies. sashenko, turn on the morning playlist, turn on the music. sasha, how should i dress today? dress warmly and take the zone. sasha, what time is my meeting? at 15:00. sasha, where should we go for breakfast? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sasha, what’s the best way to get there?
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i've built a route, turn left. you have arrived, sashenka, for whom should i vote, and you must decide for yourself, together we are strong, we vote for russia.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe, in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off, are you ready?
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i, i, i, i solemnly swear allegiance to his fatherland, the russian federation. i swear, i swear, i swear, to sacredly observe
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the constitution of the russian federation. strictly fulfills the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders, superiors, i swear, i swear, i swear, to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional system of russia, the people of the fatherland, thanks to those who are true to these words, become a warrior, service under the contract of the russian federation. russian military and fsb border service units stopped an attempt by ukrainian terrorists to break into the border areas belgorod and kursk regions. zelensky and his militants were clearly counting on a pr effect to encourage western sponsors, but the opposite turned out to be the case. 234 militants killed, 7.


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