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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
2:31 am
we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, for free, without registration, with an application or on a website, well... burns, of course, listening is divided into an open closed part, that's when it needs to be said, an open part, it has to be say what what in fact, he knows what he won’t say in private, this is where the dissonance arises that needs to be played, if last year, excuse me, i learned the word dichotomy, yes, last year, last year they performed much more cheerfully, because that it was necessary to convince russia, to convince the russian leadership, first of all, putin , so that he would admit that... well, i
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personally communicated with him a little, so i don’t think that he is a person, he is not a stupid person, yes, yes- yes, he is not a stupid person, so strictly speaking, it’s easy for nato members here to talk about the fact that he doesn’t realize what’s happening, this is wrong, he understands perfectly well what ’s happening, but now he has a task before him, just like avrel haynes.
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this is a different question, but for the administration , which includes the same burns, he is still a democrat, he needs to convince, in fact, these voters of this, so when a person really knows what is really happening, well, i think after all, the cia works there, the intelligence department also works, on the other hand you need to say something that will generally be included, what is called open analogues, will be published, but not everyone listens, they are not published. moreover, you can get them later for free, they even post them when it comes up for burns, so you get the impression that he, well guys, well, let ’s finish this all now, although he still says some things, but he says enough so to speak, convincingly in the sense that there is no hiding the fact that ukraine suffered a defeat, he actually said about it, what it suffered defeat, but it suffers defeat precisely because... there is no money
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, but if there were supplies, that means money, well , there was money in june, there was money in june, yes, but still, it was still there until february , of course, no, there were no deliveries at all , so, strictly speaking, ukraine will give up its positions, if there are no more, it will give up its positions and most likely, as he said, it will give up significantly, that is, it will retreat, it will be forced to retreat, so we need money, we need it right now, how can money stop this right now? yes, i think that's the main thing here, no, i just really don’t really understand, okay, well, they’ll give them money right now, they’ll transfer all the zeroes somewhere, mikhail mikhailovich and i were just discussing, this won’t make shells appear, equipment won’t appear, we still need to produce , we still need to help israel in the near future, there are still pentagon warehouses there, so the story goes, no one knows, no one knows what is there.
2:35 am
well, hello, just a minute, a minute, a minute, they already pulled it out of israel, we had to go back, they pulled it out of south korea, we had to go back, so the phrase that there are warehouses - this is so - but maybe they also have their own strange people, we also thought that we had everything, some time ago, when it turned out that not everything, but fortunately the right decisions were made by the ministry of defense, everything appeared, in any case in this case , the pentagon officially says that it urgently needs 10 billion in order to replenish reserves, so to speak.
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i need to fulfill the order from the administration in front of me to get 60 billion. i understand it well, because biden jr. has already sniffed out everything, but money is still needed. well, well, i agree, this is family too, but the main thing, the main thing, this is important, family, family - yes, he served his family and then only his country, we must not forget, that’s how biden will be buried, and he’s still he’ll probably be dancing at all the funerals , he’s been a cyberbrain for a long time, you can see from him that he’s sitting there dancing on his own, well, at least for the message, he’s been pumped up with something, now they’re discussing something. what is the question, i know why it’s more or less clear there, i’m telling you, americanists know everything, maybe they are close to you dose, no, but the problem is, maybe we don’t know the dose, but he said it all well, went downstairs, began asking where he should go, right, it’s over, no, no,
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no, he walked for 30 minutes, last year, last year he walked for 20 minutes, here he walked around the hall for 10 minutes more, well, that’s why he got lost, so he was pumped up, he was. maybe next week he will go on vacation , usually after such performances he then goes on vacation, but here he was very well prepared, here of course. not only did he cover a wide spectrum, but i i noticed one thing, after all, they don’t miss china, but china is the main thing, of course, china is the main thing, and that biden, apparently still under the influence of everything that was pumped up, said that
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he would increase no forces in poland there will be no american ones, now both duda and tusk will go there to see him, as you understand, the two people who lead poland. they love each other very much, by and large, so they will go on different missions, but already their duda is somehow dull, somehow dull, well, yes, dull, dull they have, yes i think more, some kind of thought, uh, this also, in fact, goes along the line that the united states, they set the main conditions, not to go to trump, so they are going to biden, which is what we’re talking about, not to go to trump.
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china is an interesting thing , because for china, you know, now a new budget is being drawn up, 10 billion are allocated to contain china, well, i mean deterring opponents in the asia-pacific region, 10 billion, for europe only four, well because that europe
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has already been written off, twice, in europe we it is necessary to contain them, so europe has been written off, they understand that we can no longer be contained, we are not written off, but no, but europe has been written off, because they no longer care what to spend.
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the name is not the same, no, well, the name biden is not there, well, they wanted ford trump,
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they loved it like they lost consciousness, i think, i think that... trump, even if he returns to power, will not really count on poles, although they, the same dudo, claims that we have fulfilled everything that the americans wanted in 4%, 4% of our gdp, if he asks where my ford is, well, yes, he can ask, maybe he can, he's straight, he's like that. we leave one at a time, don’t detain people
2:44 am
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open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster. buy asaga or any other insurance on the compare website before april 26 and win a car or a million rubles. compare on your side. alain, again shopping, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. it’s interesting how the picture of what’s happening in the eyes of american voters is gradually changing; here’s a rather interesting conversation by american journalist candace owens. i think it's not very good that you use vladimir putin as some kind of metaphor for the positive qualities of a leader. i
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don't do it, but you say he's smart, he is smart. if you don't recognize someone as smart, who will it harm? it makes me a putin supporter, he is clearly smart. if you can sit down and tell the history of russia from the 7th century. the point is that the whole world can now see this contrast of a man who does not remember what happened 2 hours ago, who still thinks that his son is alive, unfortunately, and often remembers his son as if he is still alive . obviously, vladimir putin is smart. there is no point in denying the fact that any person who can go out for an hour straight...
2:49 am
this is a little premature, well, i’ll start with the fact that after all, sax is not a reptilian, yes, because if you see a person whom you take for a reptilian, then he is definitely not a reptilian, burns is still not a democrat, here is burns. clintonite, in this sense, as it were , his, as it were, loyalty to the democratic party extends as far as the clinton clan, as it were, will allow. i agree with much of what was said here about the testimony really only in the open part of the two main american intelligence officers, but i will still offer a slightly different perspective on what burns essentially said in the open part of what he could say,
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he said the following: can ukraine, did he say, at least...
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china is looking at this whole matter, and if russia achieves significant success, at this very moment, as they say, china, as it were, will unleash it china's hands. well, in my opinion, this is a repetition of a long-standing mantra, and hence the thesis that china is cowardly, in the sense that china will not dare now enter into a conflict in taiwan, or annex it in any other way, because this is one of the main issues on the republican side.
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mass unrest in israel, which could lead to the removal of the government of benjamin netanyahu and him personally as prime minister. once again, this happens after 2 days. we
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expect major protests in israel demanding his resignation and new elections. it is possible that another more moderate government will emerge from the national development report with a more moderate government - is it clear who? this is benny hans, who most likely just passes, he passes like that, he doesn’t pass anymore.
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at least that's what they promised, which means they didn't they watch our programs carefully , no, that’s for sure, maybe they are watching, we need to watch carefully, she immediately said that there is a chance and this is in general, listen, even if they succeed or fail, even worse, that is, if happens, this will be, in general, the final blow to the united states, as a former hegemon, already a former hegemon, but not everyone knows yet, but there was another terrible phrase that terrorist attacks on us territory are not excluded. well, yes, yes, that too, that was also, well , actually, this kind of warning from time to time they are published there, there is nothing unexpected in this, but the fact that things have come to the
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point where this kind of thing is needed.
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everything, well, in fact, they will blame it on bibi , there is someone to blame it on, no, well, as soon as america says everything, israel has nothing to fight with, and i think that within the framework of those contacts, because of which, in fact, the former foreign minister got burned china, which were conducted between, so to speak, china there, iran, israel there and so on, these very negotiations were conducted, i think that benny hans was precisely at the center of this whole process, i don’t i know, well, at the level of calculation, at the level of calculation based on knowledge of open sources, most likely...
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, serious amounts, in russia the signal is clear and clear. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. give me the recipe in general , how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure? it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed. it's easy to make a deepfake out of...
3:00 am
what can you offer us? we can offer you a lot of things, we are a jewish state, we can offer you a lot of things that you can give us, how will you ensure our security, so listen to the chinese, listen to ours, listen again, listen in the end to the gulf monarchies, who are for this the whole thing will be to give money, it’s not unsolvable problem, it’s just why he decided earlier that all those countries that he listed
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were interested in helping them. they are interested.


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