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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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they change entire locations with shows, it’s easy to make a deepfake and change your voice. the russian military and a unit of the fsb border service stopped an attempt by ukrainian terrorists to break into the border areas of the belgorod and kursk regions. zelensky and his militants. they were clearly counting on a pr
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effect to encourage western sponsors, but the opposite happened: 234 militants, seven tanks, three american bradley infantry fighting vehicles and two armored personnel carriers were destroyed. igor pikhanov has all the details. the situation in the kursk and belgogorod regions bordering ukraine calm, it is under the control of operational services, the missile danger signal, which was entered at 7:00 in the morning, was canceled, today at 3:00 in the morning ukrainian militants with... a large number of manpower with a large number of american-made bmb bradley tanks, as well as pickup trucks, tried to break into the territory of the belgogorod region from three settlements, but all these attacks were successfully suppressed by units of the ministry of defense, as well as by the granary service of the fsb of russia, strikes were struck against the enemy operational-tactical army aviation, missile forces and artillery and heavy flamethrower systems in the area of ​​the populated...
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russian federation, they tried to break into the territory of our country in several groups on foot using armored vehicles, but thanks to the confident actions of our artillery, aviation support, thanks support of the border post, the enemy was stopped, he suffered losses, violations of the state border of the russian federation were not allowed, and there was also a small quantities. in manpower and equipment, ukrainian
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militants tried to break into the territory of the village of tyotki in the purdai region, but this entire attack also ended in heavy losses and flight for them. from 8:00 a.m. to 8:25 a.m., four attacks by ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups that tried to break into the border territory near the village of tyotkino, kursk region, were repulsed. as a result of the active actions of the unit covering the state border, the western group of troops
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, the russian army repelled 19 attacks in so, on in the donetsk direction, a unit of the southern group liberated the settlement of nevelskoye in several areas. well, germany is thinking of transferring long-range taurus missiles to great britain, frankfurter algermania reports this: berlin never agreed to give them to kiev, but the british.
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transfer their missiles to ukraine, however, as the german ministry of defense reported, only half of the 600 taurus missiles are usable, but they still need to be modernized, this will take a minimum. obviously, there was an order to discuss how it was possible use taurus missiles to hide involvement in germany, that is, the officers understand that a german missile attack on
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russian targets could drag germany into a war, and i cannot understand what prompts representatives of the ruling coalition to so insistently demand that missiles be sent to ukraine. when even our military says that this will not change the situation at the front. an audio recording from the generals appeared on march 1. the german ministry of defense is conducting an investigation, and chancellor scholz said his country did not intend and does not intend to transfer taurus kyiv. vladimir putin met with the winners of the management competition, the leaders of russia, this is the fifth anniversary graduation of 102 people from 31 regions of russia, as well as from... and serbia, anastasia efimova knows what topics were discussed. the largest, not only in the country, but in the world, competition for managers of russian leaders, the president met with the winners in the kremlin. this season is the anniversary, the fifth, and, as before, clearly
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corresponds to the tasks facing the country. as vladimir putin recalled, from march 1, applications for the “time” program are open heroes." the head of state announced its start as part of a message to the federal assembly. to date , 30,000 people have already gathered to take part in it, a new page is opening, this is the time of heroes for those who took or are directly involved in serving their homeland in the special zone military operation , since march we started accepting applications; 30,000 applications have already been received, it is clear that there should be... and it will be a fairly strict selection, but this will not be a one-time action, we will carry it out on a regular basis, so those who not will get on the first try, there is every chance of repeating this application to get on this
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platform, but for those who do not have a higher education, we will create conditions so that people can. to receive this education, if, of course, they want it, if they have such ambitions, and, despite the well-known crisis in relations with the collective west , foreigners still want to participate in the competition for the leaders of russia, the cis state, of course, but also france , bulgaria, greece and even the united states, it is also pleasant to note that in quantity applications, it was very large. more and more people who live permanently abroad, but show interest in our country and show their desire to work in russia, an accelerated and simplified procedure for acquiring russian citizenship is provided for them,
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29 people have already made such a decision for themselves, and this is from twelve countries and foreign countries, the usa, france, and greece. bulgaria, and from the cis countries. it is also important that we attract colleagues from new territories, from new regions as part of the leader-revival program. leaders of russia is an open competition for leaders of the new generation. five hundred of its winners. over 5 years, we received more than 450 appointments to responsible, serious positions. in fact, this is the same social elevator that gives everyone the opportunity to try their hand and prove themselves. probably the most important thing to note, what not only
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the leaders of russia asked me to do, but all the participants in the russia country of opportunity platform you created, is to say thank you so much for such a whole system has been created. system , a real system of social elevators in our country, when every person, no matter where he was born, in what family, what wealth in the family, what opportunities there are, can realize their s...
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for your position, our most important weapon is the consolidation of russian society, and the attitude towards the homeland that you and those people with whom you served, listen, demonstrate, this is the most important, the most powerful weapon, and those people who hoped to suppress us with economic sanctions, with the help of armed force, they did not take this into account and cannot take this into account... because in order to take it into account, you must be a citizen of the russian
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federation and part of our common culture. victory is brought closer not only by men, alexandra radionova, the winner of the third season of russian leaders, is a full-time employee of the ministry of health, last summer she volunteered to go to the special military operation zone, she serves in lesechansk, as a nurse. last summer i made a decision and... went to the front line, stood next to my colleagues, to provide assistance to the wounded, but in fact , few people understood me then, supported me, everyone said, you are a federal official, a manager, where will you go, a nurse, why do you need this, and who were you here, and who were you, who did you work , in russia, she worked in one of the departments, which oversees, among other things, children’s healthcare, she left at the stage of appointment to deputy director of the department, refused the position, and went to the front line. someone told you that a military uniform suits you very well, you won’t believe it, but what happened
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the most interesting thing is that at the entrance to the program in which you took part in the competition here, during the competition, in fact, the program did not end with the completion of the competition, because during the program it was an acquaintance, first of all, an acquaintance with amazing interesting people, and most probably what’s interesting is how we later... in the prozhsky region , what struck me most was that there were russian people there,
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just like us, they, in fact, always considered themselves russian, it’s true, we have this, sorry for interrupting, such a thing very important, what you just said struck me that there are also russian people there, just like us, that’s all, we seem to be talking about them, but the feeling of such guilt, even, we are talking a little bit about them they even forgot that they were the same as us. the latter, which means it can continue to attract talented leaders. as the president emphasized,
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people who go through the training school are results-oriented, and not only their own, but ultimately the country’s results. only a bad memory saved biden from prosecution. this at a hearing in the us house of representatives , the special prosecutor who was investigating allegations against the current president admitted. with details, anton dadykin. vowing to tell the truth only the truth, special prosecutor robert hur said: the investigation, having reviewed and listened to about 7 million papers, emails, video audio files, came to the conclusion: joe biden violated the rules for handling classified documents. we have collected evidence that the president deliberately retained documents containing state secrets after the end of his tenure. vice presidency when he was a private citizen. however, the evidence collected is not enough to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt. therefore, i would recommend that no charges be brought against
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mr. biden. that is, joe biden is clearly to blame, but there is no need to touch him. the special prosecutor explained. that in his opinion the case has no prospects, if eighty-one-year-old biden behaves as usual at trial, then the jury will probably treat him, quote, as a nice old man with a bad memory, end quotes. naturally, this caused indignation among congressmen. so, all i have to do when i get caught keeping secret documents at home is say, i 'm sorry, mr. hur, but i'm getting old, my memory isn't what it used to be. yes, listen, congressman. the doctrine you are adding to our laws frightens me. congressman, i don't want to treat this as a doctrine, i had a specific task - a collection of evidence. that's all i did. we are talking about secret documents devoted to us actions in afghanistan. the files were discovered by chance , first in a think tank in washington, and then in the garage of the biden estate in
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dallow. moreover, it turned out that joe shared secret information with his biographer, who wrote for. his memoirs earned an impressive amount from this. he knew the rules, but he broke them because he wanted to write a book. mr. hur, how much did president biden receive for this book? something like 8 million dollars. $8 million, joe biden had 8 million reasons to break rules. biden himself told the special prosecutor that he did not remember what he said to the biographer, did not remember whether he kept secret documents in his house, and even more so did not remember how these... trump confused iraq and afghanistan with iran. republicans pointed out that the us president was outright lying, shielding himself. the president said, i did not share classified information with anyone, i guarantee it. that's not true,
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is it, mr. huth? this contradicts the evidence collected in my date. that is, it’s a lie, as ordinary people would say people, right? special prosecutor hur's assertion about biden's poor memory so far saved the us president from the trial, but it hit his image and election campaign, and democrats were very unhappy with this. in your opening remarks, you stated that you did not humiliate the president, but that is exactly what you did, you should have understood that your report would have maximum political effect. why did you decide to publish a report on the state of his memory? congressman, theoretically, i could structure the report in such a way as to omit the question of memory of the president, but this would not be a complete and incorrect report. you understood perfectly well that your report would become a fiery whirlwind for politics. politics have nothing to do with my report. democrats asked to be
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taken into account. immediately after the discovery of secret documents, biden notified his own administration about it. returned the files and actively cooperated with the investigation. as for a similar case against trump, unlike the forgetful biden, he has already been brought to court. hearings could take place in july, although trump is asking for them to begin process following the presidential elections in november. he is confident that he will defeat biden. anton dadykin, maria skorodilka, lead. international observer corps. in the russian presidential elections, i am ready to begin work; in some regions, including four new ones, early voting is taking place these days, and special operation soldiers can take part in it. zinaid kurbatova found out in what mood they vote. an elderly resident of the zaporozhye region, out of excess of feelings
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, even crossed the ballot box where she had placed her ballot. voters living near the line combat contact, exercise their right. vote early, everything essentially takes place in the field, mobile groups of precinct election commissions work in neighborhood polling stations, the turnout of the total number of voters in the region was 36.22% by march 12. and in order to cover the election process in the zaporozhye region, our subject commission accredited 17 media outlets , so i think all journalists will have the opportunity to follow the election process and cast their votes immediately before entering the positions of the zaporozhye direction. today i took part in early voting in the russian presidential elections.
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first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko and head of the donetsk people's republic denis pushilin visited a polling station in the budenovsky district of donetsk. the commission received everything necessary so that every resident of the region could vote. i was pleased, of course, that people , with the second question, still say that they would like to vote and would like already take part in the elections and asked here so.
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will be installed in 283 precinct election commissions, which is almost 40% of our number of precinct officers. as expected,
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there are some fakes. in zaporozhye, someone is spreading false information that polling stations are not working. cases of other types of provocations have also been recorded. 1,971,529 people, this is the exact number of voters in the territory of the dpr. but provocateurs are trying to dispute this figure. once again our enemies have become agitated and are trying to discredit the electoral process. once again we touched upon the topic of the list of documents that make it possible to vote in elections. i’ve probably repeated this list for the twentieth time, but in principle i won’t get tired of repeating it, day and night. this means that in our country you can vote using a passport of a citizen of the russian federation, a passport of a citizen of the donetsk people’s republic, or a passport of a citizen of ukraine. with a mark of registration on the territory of the donetsk people's republic as of september 30, 2022. also on this list the entire range of military documents is present. the federation council noted that
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attempts to influence elections from outside through traitors to russia have become a feature of this company. and they did not rule out that in the future new legislative initiatives will be developed to protect the country’s sovereignty. zenaida kurbatova. news. in haiti, unrest that has continued since the beginning of the year has led to a change in government. the prime minister promised to resign, there will be a transitional government, the creation of which was agreed upon by a group of caribbean countries from the usa. sergei brilev will tell you how great the chances are that the situation will stabilize. barbecue is the name of this arsonist, now world famous.
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chairman of the caribbean community, president gayane. get ahead of yourself, this is how the us secretary of state, who also flew to the meeting, greeted him. mr. president, thank
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you for your leadership today. but thank you for your daily leadership, this is a blessing to the fact that the goyans have a difficult relationship with their neighbors, the venezuelans, with whom the americans, in turn, are involved in their affairs, now everything is really very multi-layered, but let’s return to the topic of haiti. so, it was announced that the current government of the republic was resigning, and this was confirmed by the gaeto prime minister, even though he has actually been in exile from the americans for a week now. the government i lead will cease immediately.
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given the urgent need, i am announcing today that the u.s. department of defense is doubling its assistance from $100 million to $200 million, bringing u.s. assistance to $300 million, a full 300 million, because even the most ordinary latin americans know what tens of billions washington spends on conflicts, where and how far away, and they also remember other things, firstly, how france gave it, where it came from, grew out of the terrible memory of the death squads, the tutuns, the makutes, the real guardsmen of the gaitan dictator papadok’s book, he pretended to be the high priest of the cult and even claimed that as such he predicted kennedy’s assassination, prepared and
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appointed his son as lifelong successor, but since both of them were against fidel castro in cuba, what were they like in the sixties and eighties, because of the geopolitics of that time, american appropriations were pouring in, well, now, now from a geopolitical point of view , the americans don’t need haiti, so they remember only when, as today, the situation has reached complete chaos and begins to threaten america itself , and no matter how poor, backward, haitian haiti is. this is well understood from today's polls on the streets of porto prenz. such countries always put us in a situation where we fight with each other. it's like you're running from the rain, but turns around all by falling into the mud. they haven’t decided anything yet, but they already understand everything. sergey brilev, news from the caribbean. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations.
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russian digital solutions, withdraw. to a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with the production of raw materials and exports, what is our product.
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why were the ukrainians so confident that they couldn’t take the rifle, the enemy was firmly entrenched, it was hard to knock it out, drive it up, it was very problematic. how many of them were there before the platoon, probably everything that was possible flew, both artillery and tanks, fired tanks, with skillful actions, as they say, they broke in, captured this whole gang, for them it was a surprise, the appearance of a whole russian units , that's it, let's get to the cars, all the houses were prepared for defense, everything was
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on almost every floor. it took a long time from the beginning of the assault to the end of 7 days, that is, according to today’s concept, very quickly.


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