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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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why were the ukrainians so sure that avdievka could not be taken, the enemy was firmly entrenched , it was difficult to knock it out, drive up, it was very problematic, how many of them were there before the platoon, probably everything that was possible was flying, both artillery and tanks, he fired tanks, skillfully actions, as they say, they broke in , captured this whole gang, for them it was a surprise, the appearance of russian units in the rear.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. march 13, 1884 the siege of khartoum began, and this led to one of the largest battles of the anglo-sudanese war. the british have already captured egypt and now it is sudan, which, formally, has come.
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to organize the evacuation of the remaining egyptian garrisons , general charles gordon was sent to khartoum; he had 700 soldiers at his disposal, but instead of withdrawing the egyptian troops, gordon began alone.
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belonged to lenin, who at that time was in exile to the st. petersburg union of the struggle for liberation he created working class. nine delegates gathered at the apartment of railway worker pavel rumyantsev. for the sake of secrecy, they set a festive table and arranged it as if it were the owner’s wife’s birthday. the significance of this congress is often underestimated. neither the program nor the charter were adopted, and soon the participants were completely captured and the entire movement was subjected to repression. nevertheless, that's exactly it. the congress realized the idea of ​​the unity
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of social democracy, gave the party a name and formulated its goals in the manifesto. it was said about the historical mission of the proletariat, the overthrow of the autocracy and the fight against capitalism and the bourgeoisie until the complete victory of socialism. the functions of the central committee of the congress as the highest body were determined. lenin and stalin counted their party service precisely from this event. the house on zakharevskaya street in minsk, where they met, is now a museum. on march 13, 1970, kgb chairman yuri andropov suggested that leonid brezhnev destroy the remains of adolf hitler, joseph goebbels and members of their families. hitler and his wife eva braun committed suicide on april 30, 1945. and gebel and his wife committed suicide the next day, having first killed their children. they were discovered, first buried in the area of ​​​​the city of ratinov, and then in magadburg, on the territory of a soviet military camp. but now it
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was handed over to the authorities of the gdr and the germans could find the burial place. the ussr feared that this would spur fascist and revanchist sentiments. to prevent them, they developed a top-secret operation. code-named archive, besides the security officers and brezhnev, only head of government alexei kasygin and chairman of the presidium of the supreme council nikolai were aware podgorny. the remains were dug up, placed in weapon boxes, burned in a vacant lot, and the ashes were scattered over the bidorits river. and hitler’s skull was sent to moscow back in 1948. exactly 20 years ago, on march 13, 2004, lucha took the stage at the new york metropolitan opera.
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this is what this day in history was like.
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hello, on the russia 24 tv channel, it’s time for the main legal news, i’m andrey ivlev to lead the duty department. in moscow , a jaguar rammed pedestrians, the driver of the car lost control and the car was carried onto the sidewalk, it crashed into passers-by, and then got stuck in a snowdrift, two people were injured; there had been accidents at this place before. the last one took the life of a pregnant woman, is it really all about the problematic intersection, from the scene of the incident sultan ziganov. several traffic police crews, city services and even a mobile laboratory of the forensic center of the ministry of internal affairs with a telescopic camera, all attention is focused on the burgundy jaguar, which
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so deftly perched itself on a meter-long snowdrift. after a dangerous maneuver, under his wheels there were two pedestrians. a man was just hit at a pedestrian crossing. almost right before my eyes. experts reconstruct the details of an accident bit by bit, the braking mark of a car on the asphalt and even the sole of a shoe on the sidewalk can tell a lot, but it is preliminary known that the cause of the accident was not drunk driving or even the racing of rabid street racers. the jaguar driver allegedly did not share the roadway with another traffic participant. in other words, the cars were unable to move away. crossroads of verkhnyaya maslovka and mirsky lane is quite a problematic place. residents say: before entering a pedestrian crossing, it is better to look around three times, in case some reckless driver wants to fly through the yellow light, but even walking along the sidewalk does not allow you to relax, there are no fences, and the curbs are not high. this intersection gained its notoriety after another
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high-profile incident, in 2018, when at that time the current top manager and teacher at synergy university, mikhail isakhanov, was racing along the upper maslovka. addiction to illegal substances stupidity and the habit of being distracted by the phone while driving led to a car accident, and sakhanov flew onto the same sidewalk at an intersection, hit two women, one of them was nine months pregnant, she died on the spot, the culprit then ended up in the dock, he was sentenced punishment of 6 years in prison, his fate was almost repeated by the owner of a burgundy jaguar. this time the pedestrians were injured, but both were alive and received medical assistance on time. the prosecutor's office controls the establishment of all the circumstances of the accident, as well as the course and results procedural verification carried out on this fact. local residents have already started talking about the fact that the damned intersection needs to be secured,
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the sidewalks, at a minimum, should be fenced off with barriers. a letter to the district government is already being prepared regarding this matter. sultan zeganov, dmitry frolov, kirill kryuchko, conductor, duty department. for chelintano in krasnoyarsk , the sentence to anatoly bykov came into force; the already convicted entrepreneur was accused of organizing the murder of his competitor, bykov, who was named for his resemblance to the italian singer. krasnoyarsk celentana received a total of 20 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony, and the court also ordered him to pay 7 million rubles as moral damages in favor of the daughter of the deceased businessman. cohabitation may not be marriage, but it is also not a way to hide income. the cherkessk city court seized the apartments and cars of the beloved of the former head of the traffic police department for the stavropol region, alexei safonov. let me remind you that he is accused of creating an organized crime. society, the investigation believes that being the main gaiter of the region, safonov, together with subordinates took bribes from
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heavy truck drivers; in total, two dozen criminal cases were opened; the defense asked the court not to seize the apartment, but the fimida refused. ryazan firefighters will become even more mobile on land and on water. off-road vehicles will help them with this. the equipment was presented by the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. he arrived in the region on a working visit. the minister is accompanied by our film crew from ryazan. report by maxim shevchenko. ryazan employees of the ministry of emergency situations have a special day. new cars with shiny tires lined up. each car has everything you need for travel. what are hydraulic tools used for, in this case in the fire service? to remove victims from cars during an accident? but do you always have to carry this with you or not? of course, on every call you always have all this in the car. replenishing the vehicle fleet is part of the planned work, he says.
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area, you are constantly improving your knowledge and skills in order to come to the rescue in a timely manner, your initiative and determination are the key to the successful completion of any task, and the tasks are often difficult, in the spring there are floods and large fires, the year before last it burned so much that the smoke screen reached moscow, then teamwork helped to cope, i see completely teamwork, that is, no one shares, here are our powers, here are not ours, we, together with
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which are also released into the territory of the russian federation. the location of the part was built with company money; the company also purchased special equipment. when creating these cars, we took into account the specifics of the enterprise where they might be useful. to for example, this fire truck differs from the usual one in the presence of a so-called foam lifter. this is a boom that can shoot a large stream of foam from above. and this is a fire testing laboratory, which has become a professional prize winner almost two dozen times.
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a fragment of a wire is like under a microscope; with the help of it, laboratory assistants see the specifics of short circuits and overloads on a large screen, this time they also show it to the minister. by the way, alexander kurenkov’s work program in the ryazan region includes not only visits to fire stations and laboratories. in at the end of his working trip to ryazan, the head of the ministry of emergency situations opened the all-russian competition in fire and rescue sports. more than 400 people from twenty-three regions of the country will compete for the title of the best at the competition site.
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the footage is now evidence in a criminal case, a deaf-mute young woman, a mother of many children, is driving a taxi calmly around the city on a call to another client, but as soon as she slows down at the sidewalk, she is attacked by an aggressive, inadequate person.
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during interrogation, the man stated that his daughter was driving, but the taxi driver allegedly did not let him pass. a respectable suv, apparently, the idiot considered this a personal insult to his beloved princess, he rushed to defend her honor with his fists, i broke the glass, grabbed him by the collar of his jacket, to which a man came out , it turned out to be a woman who likes to wave his fists, now he assures... as if tried to apologize to the victim, which, however, did not stop him from fleeing the crime scene without even paying for the damage. the prosecutor's office took control of the progress and results of the criminal investigation into hooliganism against girls, taxi driver in dimitrov. now the potential hooligan faces long isolation from honest society in an isolation cell. the issue of his arrest will be resolved in the near future. vladimir bazov, andrey karamanov,
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lead the duty unit. the famous russian businessman pavel teo was put on the wanted list by the kyrgyz secret service , the owner of the largest company capital group, which is engaged in the construction of luxury real estate in... moscow. in kyrgyzstan , they are suspected of financing an organized crime group. we are talking about the international criminal group bratsky a circle whose leader was one of the most influential drug lords in the world. kamchi kalbaev. last year, during his arrest , he was liquidated. the gang's record includes murder, drug sales and human trafficking. according to kyrgyz security officials,
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billionaire thieu, allegedly known in some circles as pasha, could have sponsored illegal activities and also participated in money laundering. korean. tons of fish, red caviar and kamchatka crab were not allowed into the market. in the trans-baikal region, police seized a dubious delicacy from illegal circulation. there were no documents for seafood. law enforcement officials do not rule out that they have stopped another illegal channel for the supply of products that can be extremely dangerous to health. despite all the prohibitions, attackers find loopholes. our editorial auditor, who is also the threat of illegal traders, was convinced of this. night street lights and boxes of seafood, the police stopped an apparently ordinary truck to check, but it turned out that it was filled with unmarked caviar, crabs and other sea creatures, it’s all the same here, which translates, also a tick, yes,
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most likely the vanitel weighed this rich cargo from... those who supply all these dishes to other regions of the country, the police will now look into this. more than 2 tons of red caviar, almost 300 boxes of kamchatka crab weighing about 3 tons and other fish products with a total value of over 14.5 million rubles were seized. seafood caught in the east of the country often surfaces in the west. we decided to check the sellers of one of the moscow markets for...
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the situation in the neighboring fish shops is no better there was something somewhere, i don’t know where. somewhere, something, i don’t know where, like in a fairy tale, we live in a fairy tale, you already know, maybe you’re here in a fairy tale, in the kingdom of fish? the lord of the fish ruins even makes fabulous promises, that’s it, it won’t be for sale, yes, it won’t be, exactly , exactly, you give your word, honestly pioneer, but the result of a short promenade around the market
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is disappointing, the entire list of necessary documents was not found, not a single caviar dealer, maybe you saw something, it’s silent like a fish, that this is carelessness or the very deliberate sale of a poacher’s catch, to be sorted out by the relevant department while trade is going on and very briskly, but the driver of the truck with the illegal catch was out of luck. a criminal case was opened against the driver for transporting unmarked crab caviar, so the man will have to interrupt his trip across russia, and it is possible that for a long time. danil sukharuchik, alexander fushin, conductor, duty department. when the molotov cocktail went from love to hate, the moscow region police detained the overly excited romeo. a young man burned three cars
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after a quarrel with his girlfriend. the flames also spread to a fourth car in the parking lot. at the time of the criminal entry, cctv cameras and recordings were recorded and helped to restrain the pirate. during interrogation, he admitted that the cause of the crime was burning jealousy. allegedly , he was offended by his lady’s heart and decided this way... the former traffic cops from the arkhangelsk region will not go to the colony, this was the final decision made by the court, a year ago the still active inspectors used special equipment on a drunk driver, it turned out to be assistant prosecutor, the police officers were fired from their jobs for exceeding their official powers and given suspended sentences, but the regional prosecutor's office considered that the accused... got off easy and deserved real imprisonment. about the ending of the scandalous story, alina skachkova. for former traffic police officers alexander
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ovsyanikov and dmitry grishin, this is groundhog day. they were already in this room, already listening to the verdict for daring to stop a drunken assistant military prosecutor. now everything is new, state prosecutor considered the suspended sentence imposed by his partner to be too lenient and requires sending them to a colony for at least 5 years. i don't know why the prosecutor's office can't stop. they justify their, well, how can i say, their own attack on their employee, they still defend it, they cannot stop, there is already a decision, there are sentences, but for some reason they go further. a big story happened a year ago on the night of february 23. grishin and ovsyanikov went out on a raid, caught drunks and were right when they stopped the driver of this black foreign car. lowering window, reckless silently waved the crust and honestly admitted, drank, and refused meta-testimony. the inspectors asked to go into the car. but then it started, hands back, like no, this is my demand, not a request, hand back, hand, hand, squeeze, the driver refused, then
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the partners took out handcuffs, they assure the stranger did not introduce himself, so for them, first of all, it was a drunk driver, a threat on the road, but for the law an inviolable special subject, kirill bakatikov, assistant military prosecutor, such personalities as judges, deputies, investigators are protected from pressure; they cannot simply be detained and fined. he did not introduce himself, he was asked to present some prohibited items, to which he refused, struck him on the hands, as a result of which physical force was used against him. according to the law, grishin and ovsyanikov could only stop such a driver, and then they were obliged to call his colleagues from the prosecutor’s office for investigation, but they acted differently. this miscalculation resulted in a whole criminal case for abuse of power powers. for a situation in which no one was hurt, inspectors could get up to 10 years, but what?
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dressed father, ovsyanikov’s young father, now they work as fire and ambulance drivers. themis did not change the sentence, which means that the former inspectors will remain suspended for 4 years, without the right to temporarily hold a position in the authorities, the decision was greeted with applause, because despite the ardent requests of the prosecutor, grishin and ovsyanikov are still free. alena skachkova, oleg ivanov, lead the duty department. example investigators are now studying fantastic impudence; a security officer, an impostor with a false credentials, has been detained in moscow. in a fake car from the investigative committee with a fake license plate number on the car, but with a bag of real cocaine and a real pistol with cartridges, the zamoskoreysky district court of moscow has already made
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a decision on the crime. having revealed himself as an influential security official, the attention of the road inspectors was attracted by this luxurious car with the symbol of the department, but without the usual red stripe along the body, they began to figure out what kind of marking it was the self-confident driver is in an inadequate state, as if under the influence of some substances, he has a military investigator’s id that is clearly fake and a curious package in the glove compartment. why were the network signals used with the skr symbolism? for video shooting, for video shooting, i understand, so ... where did this machine come from? from rostov? the driver was noticeably nervous and showed our employees an official id with signs of falsification. he refused a medical examination. as it turned out, the fake investigator made a trip to the capital from rostov-on-don and now the self-proclaimed security official is in very big trouble. all legal news in telegram channels vestigory parts honest detective, we 'll see you, stay on russia-24.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special ones. who are you all looking at? maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna medium, watch it first in the app or online.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
6:00 am
russia will treat the united states as an interventionist if they appear in ukraine, and washington understands this, vladimir putin said this in a long interview with the host of the vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov, they said, in particular.


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