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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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moscow is ready for negotiations on ukraine, but this should be a serious conversation with security guarantees for russia, and not a pause for the rearmament of kiev. he made such a statement.
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for whom the americans will vote, while he believes that the pre-election situation overseas is becoming increasingly uncivilized . the head of state touched upon the issue of our northern neighbors joining nato. vladimir putin called this quote a meaningless step from the point of view of national interests in finland. now russia will station troops at its borders destruction systems that were not previously present in this area. vladimir putin also spoke about statements by individual countries that they supposedly have no red lines in relation to... russia,
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the president noted, they must understand that then russia will not have such red lines. watch the full version of the president’s interview with dmitry kiselev on our broadcast at 10 am moscow time. and now about the ongoing special military operation, our sappers are operating in the southern donetsk direction, they are literally combing the territory in search of explosive objects, and how reconnaissance and mine clearance are carried out, our military saw it.
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but you can’t hesitate, because the enemy regularly fires to kill, 50 m from me, there is something heavier there, this is 100%, the discovered explosive objects are destroyed on the spot, one at each, so that for sure, the area has been successfully cleared and now the main strike groups can come here, here is another combat sortie of sappers. the goal is the same, reconnaissance and mine clearance, great, now one drone has flown past us from our side, that’s it, ready, yes, ready, that’s it, let's run, let's go, good luck, guys , good luck, in a dilapidated building we immediately found unused ammunition, we should try it with one chain at once, in total i have 16 pieces left to blow up there, here are five pieces here, the sappers plant a detonator, explosives and immediately leave danger zone. it might be loud for 5 minutes.
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the engineering and sapper company of the 155th marine brigade works in one of the most dangerous areas of the south donetsk direction. now their main task is to lay corridors for infantry and heavy equipment. only for the last one week. engineers and sappers cleared more than 300 anti-tank mines. soldiers carefully prepare before entering the line of combat contact, conduct aerial reconnaissance, and study the terrain. in the evening we receive a task in the gray zone. we go down, we work out, we clear the roads, we check everything with probes , we don’t even pull what the foreigners found, we destroy the invoice, most are on a magnet, the iron is immediately affected, that is, when you approach, it is undermined, the enemy often leaves cleverly hidden double traps , but our sappers we have learned to detect them, under the pressure of bullets , under the pressure of shells, we are running, clearing mines, now ukrainian...
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it would be impossible for the peaceful work of sappers to carry out successful offensive operations, tank and assault groups are not blown up in minefields and continue to systematically push the enemy out of fortified positions. eduard pongov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. us arms sales to taiwan are turning the island into a powder keg and putting its residents in grave danger. this was stated in chinese embassy in washington. the fact that american arms exports are being undermined. stability in various regions of the world and especially in eastern europe, moscow repeatedly said, but officials in the white house again did not heed the warnings. why, my colleague, emil mirsaev, will tell you about this. the united states announced military support for kiev for the first time this year,
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without additional funding from congress. on behalf of us president joe biden, i am announcing an emergency package 300 million in security assistance. this package includes a large tranche of shells for haymarc. and also, as the pentagon later added, stinger anti-aircraft missiles, small arms ammunition and nato 155mm artillery shells, including improved cluster munitions. the american military department managed to negotiate with suppliers to reduce prices for replenishment of previously transferred weapons. will this scheme work again? big question. incapable method of supporting ukraine, in many ways, as i understand it, this is on at the moment a good deal for one time. we will continue to work closely with congress to secure funding. realizing that the hard-earned amount is a drop in the bucket in the context of the ukrainian conflict, biden instructed the secretary of state to provide another
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$126 million in aid to kiev. true, where the funds will come from and what exactly will be used is not stated in the white house memorandum. his host once again called on congress to urgently act for now. it’s not too late, but in general they are now trying to persuade the american parliament to go to another ukrainian the adventure, it seems, came from all and sundry from overseas from polish high-ranking officials, polish president andrzej duda and prime minister donald tusk. i hope that the voice from poland will influence the position of the speaker of the house of representatives, he must realize that the fate of millions of people depends on his individual decision, he must stop speculating about whether the united states will help ukraine? in the meantime , there is no agreement in congress. the situation is difficult, we all know it. everyone also knows that poland is now harming us not in words but in deeds ukraine has massive checkpoint blockades and an embargo on basic agricultural products. trade turnover between the cherished allies
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dropped by 10%, but tusk forgot to mention this; it would be more profitable to ask for help from others, and therefore called on nato countries to increase defense spending to 3%. colleagues in the weimer triangle are eagerly awaiting news from the polish prime minister. on friday, at an unscheduled summit , scholz and macron will discuss assistance to the square in berlin. the latter will make an address to the nation about ukraine tomorrow. for him, now is the perfect time better. deputies of the national assembly, as part of a symbolic vote, supported the government’s ten-year deal on military assistance to kiev.
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the satirical magazine charlie hebdo ironizes the conflict, depicting macron sending yesterday’s schoolchildren to an internship in the square. emil versaev, news. the united states, with its words of assistance to ukraine, confirms its actual participation in the conflict. this statement was made by
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the russian ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov. in addition, he added that biden’s request for the allocation of additional funds to the armed forces of ukraine is destructive not only for washington, but for the whole world. calls for strikes on crimea prove that the american establishment will not stop and will continue its already failed policy towards kiev. now. alexander's economic news, according to reuters, russia's reaction to the illegal confiscation of central bank assets could bankrupt the euroclear. tell me, how ? tatyana, as one of the options, the bank of russia can withdraw 33 billion euros from euroclear, which is located in depositaries in moscow. for now, on to another topic. russia has a lot to do to change the structure of the economy, even if in terms of purchasing power parity we can overtake japan in the coming years, then we still need to work on its efficiency and... innovation, this statement was made by vladimir putin in an interview with the host of the vgtrk vesti nedeli program dmitry
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kiselev. according to the president of russia, one of the main tasks today is to increase labor productivity, because in conditions of a shortage of workers and labor resources, we have only one way develop effectively and increase labor productivity. watch the full version of the president’s interview with dmitry kiselev on our broadcast at 10 a.m. moscow time. russia's response to the appropriation of eu assets could bankrupt euroclear and lead to a global financial crisis, reuters reports, citing a european official who deals with confiscation issues. the agency's source explained that if europe decides to appropriate russia's assets, it will not be able to use the entire amount to support kiev. a significant part euroclear will have to be kept on the balance sheet, otherwise, when the conflict ends, the campaign will be hit with a barrage of claims from the russians. bank, first of all, it could lose 33 billion euros, which are stored in the national
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depository in moscow. in addition, russia is capable of suing euroclere money in the depositories of hong kong and dubai. and finally, the eu may be hit by an avalanche of claims from western banks, which, due to sanctions, will lose money they once invested in russia. this is the mechanism by which the euroclear can be completely depleted, said a senior eu representative. if euroclear runs out. license, and this could lead to a global financial crisis, since euroclear holds assets worth 37 trillion euros. the redemption of blocked securities by foreigners from russian investors will heat up the domestic stock market. the moscow exchange index may grow by 3.5%. this is what experts interviewed by vedomosti say. on march 25, the first stage of the ransom will begin, it will allow the citizens of our country. acquired assets from our country without additional permits,
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abroad, so non-residents will be able to withdraw frozen securities to buy from russians ; the entire redemption process will be completed before september 1. most domestic companies with foreign registration will move to russian offshores. we are talking about the russk islands. russia has strengthened its support for the production of auto components. this is necessary to
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restore balance after the departure of foreign companies. the money comes from the industrial development fund. as the statement writes, in the previous 2 years, 78 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes. in the current plan to allocate not less than 55 billion. an enterprise can receive preferential financing under the auto components program if it is ready to produce components for agricultural machinery. budget. production must exceed 125 million rubles. then you can count on loans from 100 million to 5 billion rubles. rate 3.5%. if within 7 years the enterprise begins to provide components to at least two factories, the ministry of industry and trade can pay off the debt through government subsidies. the moskvich automobile plant is looking for new partners, a contract with the chinese jack motors, it is not using all its capacity, writes about this rbc. there are plans to release two this year.
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why were the ukrainians so sure that avdievka could not be taken? the enemy was firmly entrenched, it was difficult to dislodge, to approach, it was very problematic, how many of them were there? probably everything that was possible was flying, artillery, and tanks, he fired tanks, with skillful actions, as they say, they broke in, captured this entire gang, for them it was a surprise, the appearance of russian units in the rear , that’s it, let’s go to the cars, that’s it the houses were
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prepared for defense, almost everyone was on each floor took a long time. on the assault there are seven days to go, well, that is, according to today’s concept, very quickly. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. a tourist center has opened at one of the most famous power plants in russia at sayano-shushushinskaya gas. as
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it turned out, our citizens are of great interest in this industrial facility. hundreds of travelers visit it every year. alexander usatenko will tell you about the excursions. sayano-shushinskaya hydroelectric power station is the largest power plant in russia. look at it every year more than 300,000 people come to khakassia for the greatness of the engineering genius. from today , tourism will become more comfortable. the sayanno-shushushinskaya kress information and tourist center is open. outside there is an area for charging electric vehicles. inside there are almost 200 km of modern space, which will not only... receive tourists, but also conduct lectures for children and youth. when the president talks about the development of industrial tourism, this is primarily important for our younger generation, so that the guys can see firsthand how much it’s all powerful, how interesting it is, then come here to work. here they will tell you about the history of the creation of the ges, give out equipment and give instructions before the excursion.
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be sure to check the list of items you can bring into the hydroelectric power station. another first point was the turbine room of a hydroelectric power station. students of the siberian federal university were told about the operation of transformer hydraulic units. after the engine room , everyone gets to the most spectacular part of the excursion. the ridge is the most powerful hydroelectric power station in russia. from here there is a stunning view of the yenisei, sayan mountains and siberian taiga. the nature and scale of the hydraulic structure left no one indifferent. when you climb to the crest of the dam and...
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usatenko, andrei grishkov, sergei larionov, one large hydroelectric power station. alexander what is comparable to the appearance in the energy system elena goleeva, vesti, republic of khakassia. and now a shot from telegram channels - this is japan, where a satellite rocket exploded immediately after launch. reason: technical failure. it is known that the launch was supposed to take place within a few days. back, but he was then transferred to the equatorium, which was announced.
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in the 2000s, i built my first enterprise with a love for people and a reliance on technology, and today the whole country needs modernization. russia should become a leader in robotics and artificial intelligence. only new people can do this. we know how to build the economy of the future for people. vladislav davankov, time for new ones. the wealth of russia should belong to the people. yes. increase taxes for the rich and exempt the poor from taxes. should be in the hands of the state. yes. the increase in the retirement age will be cancelled. yes. the state must teach, treat and protect. then kharitonov. yes, for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism.
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shall i clean it up? no, leave it. the zhirinovsky case lives on. slutsky, russian presidential candidate. only those in whom we are confident can pave new paths into space, but do not leave the ground, choose a route, hold the helm tightly, speak not loudly, but make us hear and listen. nobody listened to us. listen now. vote for someone who can be trusted with the country. and now the news
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sports alexander, the first round of the gagarin cup has ended. tell me when the second one starts? tatyana, good morning, the second round series starts this saturday, march 16, the first matches will be held in the dynamo-tractor and avangard-lokomotiv series. so, the moscow dynamo became. minsk could have won more, the puck hit the crossbar after a 1:1 lead. the muscovites bounced back in the middle of the second period, maxim dzhiashvili scored, and took the lead at the beginning of the third with a winning goal. ilyenko, in the end there was also an empty goal gates. the winner of the regular championship , dynamo moscow, moves on, and for minsk, which became eighth in the west, the season
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is over. the team again failed to overcome the barrier of the first round of the playoffs. thus , all pairs of the second round of the gagarin cup were determined. he is also the quarter-final of the tournament. let me remind you that from this season, from the second round , cross-playoffs are in effect. teams from the west will play against teams from the east. dynamo tractor. avangard, lokomotiv, metallurg, spartak and ska will hold a series against motorist. second round of the cup gagarin will begin on march 16 and will last until a maximum of the twenty-ninth. now football in the champions league has gone through two more return matches at the 1/8 stage. barcelona and london arsenal reached the quarter-finals of the tournament. in the match against napoli , barcelona scored two quick goals. xavi's team already led with a score of 2:0 by the seventeenth minute. once again this season it worked. emphasis on youth, students of the barcelona academy. at the end of half an hour, napoli won one goal back and retained the intrigue and chances. robert saved barcelona from a nervous ending
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lewandowski. the polish striker scored 10 minutes before the end of the match. as a result, 3:1, barcelona won the match and 4:2 on aggregate. napoli is eliminated from the champions league, and barcelona reached the quarter-finals for the first time in four years. arsenal, in turn , reached the quarter-finals of the champions league 14 years later. in the home game against porto, arsenal needed to win back a one-goal deficit. arsenal scored it at the end of the first half and the score did not change until the end of the match. 0:1 in porto, 1:0 in london. the game went into overtime, but it was decided it's all in the penalty shootout. two saves by arsenal goalkeeper david rai took his team into the next round. the russian football cup has returned after the winter break. in the quarterfinals , the rpl, cska and rostov played the return match in moscow the day before. in the first. the confrontation ended in a 1:1 draw at the end of last year, this time the current russian cup holders cska won with a score of 2:0. the army team scored both goals in the second
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half. ilya. gapov scored his first goal for cska, the second goal was also scored by newcomer tamerlan musaeva. 3:1 on aggregate, cska goes to the semi-finals of the rpl path, and rostov drops to the bottom of the bracket and will continue to fight for trophies on the regional path. and just on the way of the regions, the leaders of the first league , khimki near moscow, knocked krasnodar out of the russian cup. in the middle of the first half , penalties were scored, in the 57th minute oleg isaenko scored a goal against krasnodar, symbolically, because. that he played in the krasnodar system for 8 years. khinki on the way of the regions went further in the second quarter-final stage, the team of andrey talalaev now will have to play with the team that will be eliminated from the quarter finals of the rpl. krasnodar was eliminated from the cup. and at the end of the issue is a unique achievement of saudi al-hillal. the team set a world record for the longest winning streak. the day before , alhilal also beat alhilal in the quarter finals of the asian champions league with a score of 2:0.
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in a row, no one has ever had more in club football in history. alhilali's winning streak began at the end of september last year, and since then there have not even been draws. that's all about sports for now, see you in next hour. meet the popular moscow writer, nikolai ribinin , your brother is in the donbass, you need to go there , you have to go, just ride here as a passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother , in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray zone, behind this line you will become to others, but what happens there?
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there was my childhood and youth, and now the enemy, that’s it , we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, there’s a passenger behind me, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, and i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i owe him find. hope still there is? there is always hope.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. we watch to explore the world, an educational program. and documentaries, we watch, we watch, for free, without registration, with an application or on a website, a mobile voting point, na, are you
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waiting for someone? now you will see, this is a special mobile point that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely goes, so that every resident can vote, but how does everything work here, and just like at a regular polling station, you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and vote, but how will your ballot be stored, the boxes are sealed, the ballots from them will be stored entirely in bags? before the end of voting, and there will also be observers at the polling station, alyon, again shopping, gifting, on marketplaces with a vtb debit card , 25% cashback, i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, what are men silent about when
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they urinate painfully? erection problems.


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