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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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they were expecting 47 billion, but so far they have received only 300 million. the united states announced the first military aid package for ukraine this year. what will be included in it ? how long will this amount be enough? more than 300 anti-tank mines were cleared by our sappers in the last week alone in the southern donetsk direction. how engineers work on one of the most dangerous sectors of the front, in a report by eduard punigov. the first round of the khl playoffs has ended; the finalists and last season's champion, cska moscow and kazan akbars, sensationally do not qualify for the quarterfinals. up to +10 v moscow, forecasters promise this week. warmth is returning to the southern regions. let's ask our meteorologists about forecasts. moscow is ready for negotiations on ukraine, but this must happen.
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a separate issue is the presence of foreign specialists in ukraine, the supply of western weapons to kiev, the russian leader noted that the participation of official foreign contingents will not change the situation on the battlefield, according to the president, western specialists have been there for a long time, working...
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sweden, now russia will deploy their borders, troops and destruction systems, which are on this area did not exist before. vladimir putin also spoke about statements by individual countries that they supposedly have no red lines regarding russia. the president noted that then they must understand that russia will not have such lines. watch the full version of the president’s interview with dmitry kiselev on our broadcast at 10 am moscow time. us words about assistance to ukraine. confirms actual participation in the conflict. this statement was made by the russian ambassador to the united states, anatoly antonov. in addition, he added that the request biden's plan to allocate additional funds to the armed forces of ukraine is destructive not only for washington, but for the whole world. calls for strikes on crimea prove that the american establishment will not stop under any circumstances and will continue its already failed policy towards kiev. the day before, the head of the cia said that if congress approves a new aid package. independent, then
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the armed forces of ukraine, with the support of the united states, will be able to regain the offensive initiative. this will also provide the opportunity to carry out strikes on the crimean peninsula and the black sea fleet. an active part of international exercises and a maritime security train are taking place in the gulf of oman. more than twenty ships, support vessels and combat boats from russia, iran and china are participating. representatives of pakistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, and aman came as observers for the first time. india and south africa. participants in the maneuvers have already fired heavy machine guns and small-caliber naval artillery at surface air targets. today, according to the plan , they will also work on the release of a ship captured by pirates with the involvement of helicopters and disembarking groups for inspection. tomorrow is the final stage of training and summing up. now about the combat missions carried out by russian sappers in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. they are looking for destruction.
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sappers are combing every meter, on the one hand you need to act carefully so as not to blow yourself up, but you can’t hesitate, since the enemy regularly fires to kill, 50 meters from me, there’s something heavier there, that’s 100%, discovered explosive objects are destroyed at place, with one bolt on each, the area has been successfully cleared and now the main strike groups can enter here. and here is another combat sortie
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by sappers, the goal is the same, reconnaissance and mine clearance, great, just one drone flew past us. infantry is working in one of the most dangerous areas of the south donetsk direction, now their main task is to lay corridors for infantry and heavy equipment; in the last week alone, engineers and sappers have cleared more than 300 anti-tank mines. soldiers carefully prepare before entering the line of combat contact, conduct aerial reconnaissance,
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study the features of the area. in the evening we receive the task, we go down the gray zone, we work out, we clear the roads, we check everything with probes, what the foreigners discovered. we don’t even pull, the invoice, we destroy , most are on a magnet , the iron is immediately affected, that is, when you approach, it is undermined, the enemy often leaves cunningly hidden double traps, but our sappers have learned to detect them, under the pressure of bullets, under the pressure of shells, we run , we are clearing mines, now the ukrainian forces have begun to use mine tunnels, that is, there is a tank mine there is an infantry mine coming from above and it is advisable to keep an eye on this process so that there are no sad consequences later. without the brilliant work of sappers, it would be impossible to conduct successful offensive operations. tank and assault groups are not blown up in minefields and continue to systematically push the enemy out of fortified positions. eduard
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pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. vladimir putin held a meeting with the winners of the russian leadership competition. among the participants were those who work successfully. sphere. all we’ll find out more details from alexander nazarov. alexander, greetings, what topics were in the spotlight? hello, for example, the meeting participants discussed the social gasification of opec plus, as well as the advantages of digitalization. the country is looking for promising leaders of a new generation, including in the energy sector, and the competition for russian leaders helps in this regard. it has been carried out on behalf of the president since 2017 within the framework of the russia land of opportunities platform. on tuesday, vladimir putin met with the winner.
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it was possible to create a sustainable system of social elevators, of the 500 winners of the competition, 470 have already taken high positions, among them pavel sorokin, first deputy minister of energy, among the most important projects that he is currently involved in is social gasification, after your instructions we have completely changed the system in this direction, firstly they made it possible to supply gas to the site free of charge, completely changed the regulations to make it possible, they changed it. for the citizen and gazprom, together we found a budget to implement this, which is important, then mikhail vladimirovich, he personally oversaw this process there, gave instructions to create a separate management system based on the coordination center, they created a unique system where we now see on a daily basis in all regions , from the application there to the feedback from every
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citizen who wants to submit it, what we helps identify weaknesses and responds quickly to them. gas pipes have already been installed in more than 9,000 households, and another 1,100,000 have the technical ability to connect. now, on behalf of vladimir putin, also work is underway to include gardening non-profit partnerships in the program that are located within gasified settlements. but as for gasification, i spoke about this in the message, that we need to distribute it to gardening partnerships, we will cope with this. in the parameters that you have outlined, the limit is gasified.
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amounted to 30 trillion rubles over 8 years. in addition, russia has changed the incentive system for modernizing oil refining. more than a trillion worth of refinery renewal projects have been launched rubles for development. they will direct more than 3 trillion rubles of investment, as a result, our share in the world market should rise from just over two to 67%. at the same time , the ministry of energy believes that there is a need to change the global financial system. the world now needs an alternative system of relationships so that economic operators can all choose with whom, how and when to communicate, and for this we need a financial system, an independent function that provides it. i'm talking about legal support and international courts. everyone will be better off for this, even to the west, they just don’t want to admit it yet, but it will also be better for them
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than the uncontrolled collapse of what now exists. russian leaders vladimir putin discussed with another participant in the competition the advantages of digitalization in the field of hydrocarbon production, especially in hard-to-reach conditions. vladislav vakhnin, who manages the gazprom neft project on the fault platform in the arctic, said that the work there is as automated as possible. we receive 13,000 data from the platform every second to work with this array, we use various modern digital solutions there, that is, probably a colleague told you, well, if not, i will say that they practically manage, manage the production, sitting in the center, and even essentially engage in gurgling, sitting in the center, this absolutely right, 1500 km away today , technologies are built in such a way in gazprom that we can have... instant communication with the staff on the platform and there help them in solving the production tasks that
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they face, but for this it is impossible without numbers, that's why we're doing it now development of domestic tools that will allow, for example, to automate work with digital twins along a fault. the process of setting prices for petroleum products within the country was also discussed at the meeting. first deputy minister of energy pavel sorokin noted that the current mechanisms, including tax incentives: damper allow them to be kept 20-25% lower than on foreign markets. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. if you want
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to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open a business account on, again i can’t sleep on volimidin, actually it’s mine, but they’ll drop it for you, volimidin drops. rosbank is a real opportunity. new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunting! your instinct, they told me, you will dance with this house
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of culture, well, everyone danced and sang together in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zoevo, and 1,200 more renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia, according to the decision of the president and caring people. alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. home is where the family is, at domrf bank 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. the more accurately the tires are selected, the better the control, go to avid. you choose the make of your car right away, immediately find new summer tires, tires can be found conveniently and quickly,
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there is still hope there is always a belly passenger in the cinema from march 14th. give gifts with a free vtb credit card, 20% cashback on everything, and 200 days without interest. in the nineties , cinema almost disappeared; today it is a strong industry with billions in revenue. we wanted to record you in one of the pavilions, but it turned out that everyone was busy. nowadays, in 2-3 months you need to get in line for a very large number of films, series are being filmed, so many are being made, a lot are being filmed, why it is important that the country has its own film production, these are all our absolutely dear heroes, we grew up listening to this music, we grew up listening to these fantastic theologians, can you imagine what a humanitarian catastrophe if we were deprived of this.
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the boiler room was tested at a new waste incineration plant in the moscow region. in total , four such sites are going to be built in the region; when the enterprises operate at full capacity, waste storage will be reduced by almost 3 million tons per year. maria valeeva will tell you more about this project. 700.000 tons waste per year the plant will be able to process. voskresensk city district , construction is almost completed, testing of the operation of the boiler plant has begun, the first launch was successful, i am launching a program for step -by-step ignition of the gas burners of boiler number three, it is customary to monitor the gas burner at the place of sockets, boiler number three, the launch has been completed, checking the main components is the most important the stage of preparing the plant for industrial
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operation, so far only the operation of the boiler is visible on the screens, but soon with their help employees will be able... to monitor what is happening fuel supply, recycling rooms and operation of other technological systems. the plant contains a lot of automation systems and at each stage there are more than hundreds of such stages, an automated control system is provided, including plant safety. workers will be able to load waste into the boiler bins using control panels on special chairs; there are three operating modes. in full mode. automatic mode, semi-automatic, when the operator helps a little, in necessary cases he can switch completely to manual mode, when the operator sits in a chair using these joysticks, just like in our games, yes - it can be controlled thanks to the project of the rtinvest company; for the first time , high-temperature surfacing technology was used inside the boiler, which allows you
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to completely destroy all harmful substances; the plant has a lot of unique equipment , most of... domestic production. the first turbine in russia for a waste energy recovery plant has already been installed here; it was made in yekaterinburg, they even gave it a name, they called it flavia. in the territory three types of treatment facilities were built. all the water that comes to the plant will be used again, reservoirs will not discharge it, it is a closed cycle system. no need to worry about harmful gas emissions into the atmosphere. everything at the enterprise. well thought out, the flue gas, passing through several stages of purification into the chimney, comes out already purified and in compliance with the environmental standards of the russian federation. another key task is electricity generation. one plant can provide electricity to 250,000 people. in 2024, as part of the energy project
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it is planned to launch four such enterprises from waste in the moscow region. this. there are quite a lot of components ; our main technological partner is rosatom, and of course, with rosatom we created a plant and exceeded the localization gap by more than 20%. the launch of the plants will allow us to preserve more than 600 hectares of fertile agricultural land in the future. and nature. maria valieva, sergey velichko, ivan payavsky and alexander cherkassov, lead. more than 400
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people were injured in iran as a result of the fire festival celebrations. 26 people died. the republic celebrates the ancient holiday of the arrival of spring and the rebirth of nature. traditionally, on this day people gather in the streets. songs and jumping over bonfires, and they also launch fireworks and firecrackers. people were injured as a result of non-compliance with safety precautions and improper handling of fire and firecrackers. ivanovo paratroopers destroyed a fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction of the special operation. crews of tos-1 asentsip heavy flamethrower systems worked at ukrainian armed forces facilities. provides support to assault units northwest of artyomovsk. at night, crews went to combat positions and launched strikes. the essence is thermoboric damage, which
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is created due to a pressure difference from very low to very high, in the atmosphere of which the enemy cannot survive. we work every day, well, at night, every night, we create big trouble for the enemy. our targets are strongholds, areas of co-operation, and enemy manpower. closed firing positions, we do not allow the enemy to rotate troops. in the kherson direction the unit as a result of coordinated actions, dnepr groupings of troops defeated two formations of the ukrainian armed forces, the ministry of defense reported. as part of the dnepr group, the tasks are performed by medical instructor sergei zaretsky. every day he saves the lives of his comrades. about the courage of military doctors - report by anton stepanenko.
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i evacuated the hall - this is the everyday life of a front-line medical instructor, this is exactly what he did in his hospital, only not under fire, i am the same target as everyone else, that is
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, there is no particular fear, of course there is fear for his life, it’s like everyone else’s, he does n’t count how many colleagues he now owes with their lives, but why, the main thing is that he was able to help in time, for this they were awarded a medal, for saving the dead, they died, and he saved them. i’m proud of my husband, he always helps, regardless, even before he was called up, he always helped everyone, always helped everyone out at work, that’s why he always goes into battle like that, always goes to help, where help is needed, there’s my husband, he doesn’t really tell his family what he has to do at front, why worry, they’re already worried, they know that i’m careful, no matter how careful, and they don’t worry too much, anton stepanenko. news of the zaporozhye front. a new park has been opened in gelendzhak. it appeared on the site of a giant wasteland. architects and designers tried to take into account the wishes of local residents.
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they preserved relict plants and planted thousands of new green spaces. daria nikishina inspected the territory. on the black sea coast there is a new tourist pearl, the youth park in gelendzhuk spreads over 11 garakh has already made locals and vacationers fall in love with it. it’s great that we have such a place in gelendzhuk, where you can come, take a walk with your family, and lie on hammocks yourself, well, cool, great, very cool, we really liked it here, we really liked the sea, the playgrounds, how positive it is here, everything here is just so beautiful, aesthetic, very friendly, very beautiful , very beautiful, well done, god forbid the city of kurogerezhik will be enlightened, the park was created literally in a vacant lot, about the history... the place is mentioned by governor venyaminev. head of the region initiated the creation of this space by decision of the president , construction started here just a year ago. during this time , the resort managed to create a comfortable
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recreation area. unique in its kind, for decades it was a wasteland, that’s what would happen next , it would remain a wasteland, but it’s unlikely that every hundred square meters in genzhik is worth its weight in gold, and here i want to say right away, only with the support of our president, this wasteland has turned into such a park only with the support of anyone who wanted to build something here, but the decision was made in favor of the people and residents of gelendzhuk and vacationers, because gelendzhuk does not have enough parks, today this is also lacking...
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it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. easy to do, change your voice. now about the weather, warming is breaking records in siberia, we’ll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina gregorova. ekaterina, hello, we have been talking about abnormal heat in siberia for several days now, but you and your colleagues previously warned about a stop in april temperatures in european part of russia. when will it get warmer in siberia? until the april heat
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remained in the european territory of the country. not for long, soon in siberia.


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