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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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moment in the economy, it is not a sin to look at the experience of other countries, first of all, of course, we need to talk about the repatriation of our compatriots, what repatriation is and what compatriots are is already reflected in our regulatory framework, there is no need to repeat here, we need to talk here about attracting people who may not be planning to move to the russian federation, but because of their qualifications, because of their talents,
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they were treated humanely so that they would integrate into our society in a natural way, all this together should give a corresponding, i hope, positive effect, well, yes, and of course, everyone must comply with our traditions, the laws of the russian federation, and of course, compliance with sanitary standards is very in demand, and so on and so forth, this ...
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we are growing with new regions, such as odessa and well, in general, this is indeed the case and we are now a russian city, so there is probably great hope, and here there is probably also in this direction , well, of course, this is the population density there
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and we are now moving along the entire line front, judging by the message and the ministry of defense of our military correspondents, was it still possible to find a way...
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he said, we discovered with surprise that there were russians like us, well, yes, we came to the aid of these people, that’s it in principle , the answer to our question, if we abandon these people today, then tomorrow our losses may
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increase many times over, and for our children...
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we have never refused negotiations, well, without, without gestures, that means, without compromises, it’s like then, i will try to explain, when we were negotiating in turkey in istanbul, i have already said this many times , i need to repeat it again, i will do it, moreover, the negotiators on the other side and i came up with such a thick folio, a document, in fact...
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even the former prime minister of great britain, mr. johnson dissuaded them from finally signing and accordingly executing this agreement. the topic that you just mentioned came up, we need to inflict, inflict defeat on russia on the battlefield, are we ready for negotiations? yes, we are ready, but only not ready for negotiations that are not based on some - some kind of wishes, after
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the use of psychotopic drugs, but based on the realities that have developed, as in such cases they say on earth, this is the first second , after all, many times they have already promised us everything, promised not to expand nato to the east . then we will see, we will see them at our borders, they promised, if we don’t go deeper into history, they promised that the internal conflict in ukraine would be resolved by peaceful means, political, as we remember, three foreign ministers arrived in kiev, poland, uh , germany and france.
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on the other hand, we are ready, nevertheless , it ends seriously, but this is somehow absurd with our verdicts only because they have ammunition for conversation, and we want to resolve, resolve all conflicts, and especially this conflict by peaceful means, but we must clearly and clearly understand for ourselves that this is not...
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we want to repeat once again to resolve all disputes and this dispute, this conflict by peaceful means, and we are ready for this, we want this, but this must be a serious conversation with security ensured and for the opposing side, well in this case we are primarily interested in the security of russia, the russian federation. we will proceed from this, it seems to me that we somehow
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look too noble, we will not succeed in such a way that they will once again conclude something with them, and they will once again deceive us, and we will console ourselves with that , that we are honest, but they deceived us, that our fate in the end is to remain fools all the time, but wait, well , since... the americans, they minted medals for themselves in the nineties for victory in the cold war, since then all these decades have been decades of big lies, how can one even hope that they will finally conclude an honest agreement with us, which they will fulfill, and even with guarantees for us, but i don’t know how to deal with them in general, that’s how, do you... really believe that this is possible?
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i don’t want to say this, but i don’t trust anyone, right, but we need guarantees and guarantees must be spelled out, they must be ones that would suit us, in which we will believe, so... this is what we are talking about, but now, it’s probably premature to talk publicly about what this could be, but we certainly won’t buy any empty rumors.
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looks like such a fighting gali rooster, thereby frightening all europeans, yet how to react to this? the fact is that the military of western countries are present in ukraine,
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they were present for a long time even before the coup d’etat, and after the coup d’etat. their number has increased manifold, now they are present in the form of advisers, they are present in the form of foreign mercenaries and suffer losses, but if we are talking about official military... agents of foreign states, then i am sure that this will not change the situation on the battlefield, this is the most important thing, just as the supply of weapons does not change anything, secondly, this can lead to
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serious geopolitical consequences, because if we say , polish troops... will enter the territory of ukraine for, as it sounds, to cover - the ukrainian-belarusian, say, border or in some other places, and in order to free up ukrainian military contingents to participate in hostilities - on the line of contact, then i think that polish troops will never leave there, well, it seems so to me. in this case, then , because they want to return, they sleep and see, they want to return those lands that they consider historically theirs and which were taken from them by the father of nations joseph seryoovich stalin and transferred to ukraine, they of course
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want to return them, and if there official polish units will enter, they are unlikely... to leave, but then other countries that have lost part of their territory as a result of the second may follow their example world war, and i think that these are the geopolitical consequences for ukraine, even from the point of view of preserving its statehood in its modern form, they will of course rise to their full height. question, if we return to macron, maybe he decided to take revenge on russia in this way for the fact that we stepped on his tail in africa, we had to stand there afraid, somehow he probably didn’t expect us to be so active , yes, i think there is some kind of resentment, but when we
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maintained direct contacts, it was enough we spoke openly on this topic; we did not interfere in africa. you didn’t push france out of there, but the problem is different, this is not the unknown wagner group, it first carried out a number of economic projects in syria, then moved to other african countries, the ministry of defense provides support, but only on the basis that it is a russian group, nothing more that, and e. we didn’t push anyone out, it’s just that the african leaders of some countries agreed with russian economic operators, wanted to work with them, didn’t... wanted to work with the french in some way, it was not even our initiative, it was an initiative on the part of our african friends, but
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it is unclear why they would be offended at us in this regard, if if an independent state wants to develop relations with its partners from other countries, including russia, it wants to develop relations with russia, we didn’t touch them.
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there are no national tasks at the level of the russian state, we are just friends with them and that’s all, they want to develop relations with us, well , for god’s sake, and we are meeting them halfway, there is nothing to be offended by, but now in france they say that there are no red lines left in relation to russia and nothing is impossible. everything is possible, and in general they want to somehow talk to us on the basis of the balance of power, which we just don’t hear from france, from the west, from
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lithuania, in general, some kind of chorus, discordant, but hostile, but maybe we too make a non-standard decision at some point, invite you to apply for... we set ourselves, as for those states that say that they have no red lines in relation to russia,
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well then they must understand that in russia in in relation to these states there will also be no red lines, and as for the small states of europe, well, firstly, we treat everyone with respect, no matter what, and secondly... that’s when they, these small states call for tougher policy towards russia and take some extreme measures, including, say, sending troops and so on, these are still those states, they understand this, and those who will not feel the consequences of the provocative statements they made, these are the ones who can feel they behave much more restrained and correctly. germany with taurus , which means scholz says that we do not supply, there are
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forces that insist on exhibiting taurus in ukraine, the british come up with their initiative, let’s say through england, we are ready to send the target in transit, the crimean bridge, generals. the germans are already planning operations there, as we heard, not only the crimean bridge, but also military bases, as they say, in the depths of russian territory, someone is already saying that these missiles can hit the kremlin, not at all in general, they get very lost in their dreams, well, they fantasize, they encourage themselves, firstly, secondly, they try to intimidate us, but there is, as for the federal republic of germany, there are problems there - problems of a constitutional nature, they talk about germany , and if these taurys end up in that part of the crimean bridge, which, of course, even according to their concepts, is
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russian territory. it essentially does not change the course of hostilities in the consequences that inevitably occur for the opposite side, well, we now we hear that they have - well, in the federal republic of germany, and your channels, foreign channels, all the german channels show how much they have, how much is in disrepair, how much
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requires improvement, modernization. we had stable relations with these countries, and i don’t know, we have quite good relations, i think that they benefited more from the fact that they adhere to neutrality, because this gives certain advantages, at least as a platform for
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negotiations. in order... to reduce tensions in europe, with we generally had ideal relations with finland, simply ideal, we did not have a single claim to each other, especially territorial ones, not to mention in other areas, we didn’t even have troops, we removed all the troops from there russian-finnish border, why did they do this, well, based on purely political considerations, in my opinion, i really probably wanted to be members of... a western club under some kind of umbrella, why do they need this, frankly speaking, i don’t understand , this is an absolutely meaningless step from the point of view ensuring their own national interests, well, nevertheless, it’s up to them to decide, they decided so, but we didn’t have troops there, now they will, there were no destruction systems there, now they will appear, that’s why our economic relations were very good,
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they took advantage of our ... what’s wrong with this, but now the situation will change with many of their goods in other markets, they are not really needed, ours are not getting enough, i don’t understand, well, in the meantime, it’s going to the usa, you know, it’s a household item, but nevertheless in recent years there in helsinki, especially in border areas of finland. russian rubles were accepted there, including in helsinki in large supermarkets, you could buy whatever goods you wanted for rubles, there were all these advertisements in russian all around, now it’s easy to go bankrupt there at the border, yes, yes, yes, well, why am i saying , but on the other hand, this is very good from an economic point of view, real estate prices remained at a fairly good level,
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good from an economic point of view, but...


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