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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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this was more than four years ago, he told me so in one of the conversations, you want him to win, excuse me, i ’ll tell you how he does, it’s just direct speech, so that sleeping joe wins, he told me that when was president, and then, to my surprise , they began to persecute him because we allegedly supported him there as a candidate, well, before some. complete, here, and as for today’s pre-election situation, it is becoming more and more uncivilized in nature, and i would not like to give any comments on this matter, but it’s definitely already, i think it’s obvious to everyone, the american political system cannot claim to be democratic in every sense of the matter.
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dissuaded you from running for president, otherwise he’ll start an arab spring here, that is, biden didn’t seem to like you very much, so to speak, at all, even then you had such a historical duel with him, or you just already have it somehow , to be honest, it’s somehow not very much an overt interference in our
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internal political processes. and we have talked many times, and i have spoken many times said, we won’t allow anyone to do this , well, okay, so to speak, if we get away from the interference of election battles, in fact the escalation continues, and it seems that both superpowers, russia and the usa, are playing what in america is called the chicken game, this is when chickens rush and suddenly jump up there. at each other, and there it’s a game , when guys in cars fly into each other’s heads, who will swerve first, it seems that no one is going to swerve first, so a collision is inevitable, why, well, in the usa they announced that they are going
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to send in troops means that we know what american troops are like on russian territory, interventionists, that’s how we treat it, that here everything is rushing so head-on, but, but we are ready for this, i have said many times, for us it is a matter of life and death, but for them, for them it is a matter of improving their tactical position in general in
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the world, well in europe in particular, maintaining their status, their status among their allies, how can they even be prepared for this, are we really ready for nuclear war? well with from a military-technical point of view, we are of course ready, they are constantly with us , constantly in a state of combat readiness, this is the first, second and this is also
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a generally recognized thing, our triad, the nuclear war, it is more ... modern than any other triad, and we only have such triads, before the americans, in fact, and we have advanced much more here, we have it more modern - all the nuclear components, in general in terms of carriers and charges we have approximate parity, but ours is more modern, but everyone knows that specialists, everyone knows, but
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... we do too, but that doesn’t mean that - in my opinion, i’m not ready to start this nuclear war tomorrow, well, they want to, well, why do that, we’re ready, but maybe for the sake of it convincing, at some point to conduct nuclear tests, uh, after all, we don’t have international restrictions for this, huh? there is a treaty banning tests of this kind, but unfortunately the united states did not ratify this treaty, so we, in order to maintain parity here, withdrew this ratification, because
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the treaty was not ratified by the united states, and it did not finally enter into force because it did not receive the required number of ratifications, but nevertheless we adhere to it. these agreements, but we know that the united states is considering the possibility of conducting such tests, this is due to the fact that when new warheads appear. they, as some experts believe, are not enough to test only on a computer, which means they need to be tested in real life, in natural form, well, these are the ideas in certain circles in the usa, they are floating around, they have a place to be, we know about it, well, we are also looking, if they conduct such tests, i don’t exclude it, definitely, we need it, we don’t need it, yet necessary.
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at the front in connection with kharkov or kherson, did the thought of tactical nuclear weapons flash through your mind? for what? despite the fact that, at the proposal of the then command of this group , a decision was made on our part to withdraw troops from kherson, but this did not mean at all that we had a front there is falling apart , there was nothing like this close, it was just done in order... in order not to incur unnecessary losses among the redundant personnel, that's all, this was the most important motive,
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because in the conditions, in the conditions of combat operations, when it was impossible to fully to supply the group located on the right bank, we would simply have suffered unjustified losses of personnel, because of this , the decision was made to relocate to the left bank, and the correctness of this choice was confirmed by what we tried to do the ukrainian command on... in certain sections of the left bank, in the same settlement of the krynki, just threw everything there for their people, like into a meat grinder, they have been running around there lately in the literal sense of the word, in the literal sense of the word, that means ammunition they tried to throw them there, meaning high-speed boats and drones, well, what is it, well, what is it just? to slaughter, they were simply sent to slaughter, i once asked
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the chief of the general staff, well , there is nothing secret here, i say, listen, who do you think makes such decisions on the other side, because someone, the one who makes the decision, understands that they are sending people to certain death, why do they understand, well, who makes it? deciding why they are doing this, it’s pointless, pointless from a military point of view, i’m saying, but what, well , i don’t know, probably the top political leadership there is saying, based on political considerations, that they have some chance there , which means breaking through our defenses, there is some chance of getting additional money, referring to what they have there, it means
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that there was never such a need, that is, such a thought never occurred to you, no, but why? but weapons exist in order to be used, we have our own principles,
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what they say is that we are ready to use weapons , including any weapons, including the one you mentioned, if we are talking about the existence of the russian state, harming our sovereignty and independence, but everything is spelled out in our strategy. your first reaction was: i’m not ready, exactly, this is direct speech, since then you, of course have gone through a very big evolution, if you had to write a telegram to yourself at that time, what text would be in it? you see,
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it’s completely, it’s like the yankees at the court of king arthur or something like that. it is impossible to answer this question, because the question was asked at that time in the historical and economic context in which the country was located, in the internal political situation from the point of view of internal security, and all this together prompted me to the answer that i gave: i'm not ready for this, and not because i i was scared of something, but because the scale of the tasks was simply, well, huge, and the number of problems was growing every day like a snowball, so i said sincerely, and not because i repeat, i was scared of something, but because
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i i thought that i am not ready to solve all these problems and god forbid... i’ll do something even worse, that’s what we were talking about, so i said it absolutely sincerely, and if i came back, i would repeat it the same thing, but what then became decisive, you still went, probably, conversations with boris nikolaevich, well, probably... “ okay, okay, okay, i understand, we’ll come back to this, and we came back several times, in the end he said that i’m an experienced person, i know what i’m doing, what i suggest, well, i said some other things, it’s probably awkward for me to praise myself, well
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, i said such positive words, later.” he confirmed this once again in a very positive way, i won’t talk about it now, when the work started, everything is completely different there, you know, when you work, you think, this, this, this, this is right now you need it, now, tomorrow, it ’s gone, it’s gone, when you get involved in work, it’s a completely different story, there’s no time to be afraid anymore, you haven’t finished it...
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this preparation for admission is a turning point for you, it was that situation , when you had to go to obank and realizing, either i will do it now, i will cope, or then i will carry out the plans that i want, and you were already planning to work in the kgb, or i lost, then everything is different and.. .there is no chance, but is russia now also in a position where it is necessary to play abank? firstly, i didn’t have such a position then, right, because, yes, i, uh, wanted to work in the state security agencies and it was
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precisely the admission, it was such a turning point, that’s it, that’s the feeling, yes, or so, or so, it's the same. not really , because i was told, i just came to the reception, said, i would like to work, what is needed for this, and the alternative was simple, i was told, i need to either get a higher education and better law, or serve in the army and or has no work experience there there for 3 years, but it’s better to postpone joining the army, which means that if i hadn’t gone to university, but had gone to serve in the army, yes, it might have been a longer path, then... the goals that i set for myself, but it’s still... there was, but there is always an alternative, well, you did it with tension, well, yes, of course, because after all, i studied chemistry at school.
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development will not turn away from its path, to what extent do you feel the support of russian society, in its new quality, because a new quality of russian society has emerged, it was, it’s just manifested itself, and it’s very good that we... that we gave the opportunity to this deep russian society to express itself, and it
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seems to me, i have this feeling that people have been waiting for this for a long time, that but the ordinary person, he will a is in demand by the state and b, the fate of the country depends on it, this feeling of internal connection with the homeland... with the fatherland, its importance in solving key problems in this case in the field of security, it raised this to the surface the strength of the russian and others peoples of russia, you always feed off of this, the point is not that it feeds, someone feeds off, the point is that i see the demand of society, this is the most important thing, to meet the demands of society, but... right to admit that you you play a key role not only in russia, but in the world, because billions of people pin
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their hopes on you for international justice, for the protection of human dignity, for the protection of traditional values, how does such a scale of responsibility feel? tell you honestly, i don't feel it. in general, i’m just working in the interests of russia, in the interests of our people, and yes, i understand what you ’re talking about now, i’m ready to comment on it, but for me to somehow feel like some kind of arbiter of these world services, there’s no such thing , believe me, even close, i’m just fulfilling my duty to. russia and in front of our people who consider russia their homeland, as for other countries of the world,
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the way we are treated throughout the world is closely related to this, this is interesting, this is a phenomenon such, that’s for sure, and what here , what i would like to draw attention to, here you are absolutely right, here many people in the world seem to look at us, at the fact that...
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ordinary citizens of these countries, they feel in their hearts , what is happening, our struggle for our independence and true sovereignty, they associate with their aspirations for their own sovereign, independent development, uh, but this is aggravated by the fact that in the western elites, in the western elites there is a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, which is unfair , from the state of things
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in... in international affairs - they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampires' point ends, you are hinting at them, as you put it in your appeal to colonial habits, so you are talking about this , that's how it happens, yes, that's how it happens.
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china, nor with india, but well, the largest in europe in terms of population, and now the fifth in the world in terms of economic size, well, why do we need such a competitor, they think that no, it’s better like some american specialists.
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will end with russia, this is where the slogan came from, to inflict a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield, but later the realization came that this was unlikely, and even later that this was impossible, and the understanding came that instead of a strategic defeat, they were faced with the powerlessness with which e faced, and with despair, despite the fact that they relied on the power of the all-powerful united states, they were faced with powerlessness before the unity of the russian people, before the fundamental foundations of the russian financial economic system, its stability, and in front of the growing
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capabilities of the armed... forces of the russian federation, that’s when they began to think , well, those who are smarter began to think that it would be necessary to change some kind of strategy in relation to the russian federation, but then the idea of to resume the negotiation process, to find some ways to end this conflict, to look for where russia’s real interests lie. and these are dangerous people, by the way, because with people who are guided by such base principles, it’s easier to fight with them, in our country, remember how in russia they said how happiness is for some -


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