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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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the real interests of russia, these are dangerous people , by the way, because with people who are guided by such base principles, it is easier to fight them, we remember how in russia they said how happiness some have at this level, in what was it, rash, drunk and nose covered in tobacco.
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yes, with such people it’s easier, it’s a rash, drunk, that is, ate, drunk, the nose is in tobacco, because they used snuff, but now the nose is in cocaine, yes, well, it doesn’t matter, with such people it’s easier, with smart people it’s more difficult, they more dangerous because that they influence the consciousness of society , including ours, they will throw out all sorts of their wishes under the guise of... carrots for us, you already drew attention to this when you asked a question about the possibility of a negotiation process, but nevertheless, here this is where contradictions arose within the western community, this is an obvious thing, we see it, we are not going to engage in splits there, they themselves will do it brilliantly, but we will certainly strive to respect our interests, i can’t... ask, vladimirovich,
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these attacks on the belgorod and kursk regions, just military actions that are taking place in our regions, they behave more brazenly, they feel something about what caused this, well, the explanation is very simple, all this is happening against the backdrop of failures on the line of contact.
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they bring in personnel for personnel, they immediately throw them out, so, for this, on the belogrod section of the border, there, a little further south, in my opinion, in one place, there with much smaller forces, but nevertheless, the main goal, i have no doubt about it, is that, if not disrupt the presidential elections in russia, then at least somehow - somehow interfere with the normal process.
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are going to do, they will also try because we can assume that they are in some other areas, we see this, vladimirovich, here we are... we mentioned the episode when you saved children from a fire, because your grandchildren have already gone, which country would you like to leave to your grandchildren? you know, at the first stage we need to fulfill everything that was stated in the message to the federal assembly a few days ago. we have big plans, we have them a very specific nature in the sphere of economic development.
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therefore, we should never forget about this about the classes of the older generation, we should always remember this and give them their due for today, ensuring their well-being, but the future belongs to the children, so i already talked about
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programs in the field of motherhood and childhood, well, that’s it this is only done on the basis of the economy, i count on the achievements of science, technology, information technology, artificial intelligence, work technology, genetics and so on and so on, well, rural our economy is developing, and modern technologies are also needed there, they are actively used and will be used further, and of course the country will be self-sufficient in the sphere of ensuring its security and defense. together we will have to multiply all this many times over, and the future will be secured. thank you vach, your confidence is contagious for success in your noble endeavors. thank you. thank you, thank you. this was an interview with vladimir
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putin, the host of the vktrk vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov. who will provide development, who guarantees stability, who unites us, in whom you are confident, only in him, russia, vote for the one who can be trusted with the country. i’ll remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s case
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lives on, slutsky, a candidate for the presidency of russia. this is us, in siberia in the far east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region and in the south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. come to the polls on march 17, this is our time, the time of new ones. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one in the electoral newsletter. time for something new. it's difficult in russia. find a person who would not dream of justice and a better life. few people know that at our national enterprises the salary is more than 100,000 rubles. free medicine, education, interest-free housing, every second
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family has many children. and it will be like this everywhere, let’s play capitalism and that’s enough. for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. now footage from the government house: roman evgenievich, federal treasury, the service that is responsible for budget execution, this is in first of all, as bringing the appropriate funds to the budget. recipients, as well as the fulfillment of the relevant budget
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obligations stipulated by law, and the implementation of national projects, government programs, and socio-economic initiatives that are supported by the president depends on how quickly the resource is delivered to the recipient budget without delay. today, the efficiency of the treasury during the transition to a single treasury account has increased significantly. i would like you to talk about the results of this work for the twenty-third year, please give me the floor. execution of the federal budget was with the best indicator of 98.2%. and all regions also reached out. in these conditions , in the context of increased expenses , all payments were made uninterruptedly, precisely thanks to the system of treasury payments. a particularly important innovation for us last year was the implementation of the instructions of the president of the russian federation to introduce digital acts. digital acts were signed last year. the amount of 7 trillion rubles. what it is? this is a fully digitized primary document, agreed with the tax service, which
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allowed us to reduce the deadlines, in general we record violations, previously there were 30% violations of the signing deadlines, now it is less than 1%. payments were made within 30 days, now it takes 1-2 days. therefore, of course, in these conditions we see an acceleration of payments. the single treasury account allowed the russian treasury to become the third administrator of federal budget revenue after tax and after. the federal budget received 541 billion rubles; constituent entities of the russian federation felt the benefit of 144 billion rubles; all our regions received 4 of them billion new constituent entities of the russian federation, it is very important that at the expense of the single account of the federal budget , special treasury loans are also provided 190 billion rubles loans for advanced financing with repayment next year 142 billion rubles it is very important that in these conditions we help accompany infrastructure budget loans, control expenses current ones are carried out, helping to prevent
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unreasonable expenses, in total we have prevented 134 billion rubles, this is fully consistent with the tasks in the field control and supervisory activities. for the fourth year already, the service ensures the conduct of all auctions of state property and real estate, and you also maintain an information system for government procurement, which allows... but quite effectively carry out and monitor those purchases that are carried out by our federal executive authorities, and not only federal authorities, these are institutions, regions, this activity allows you to save money while achieving a fairly high quality, and what is it is very important to support small medium-sized businesses; according to the decision of the president, the share of participation of small medium-sized enterprises in the procurement of large companies.
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as for state property, indeed in 2020 we became the operator of the bidding system, 32 types of bidding were transferred to electronic form, we are currently recording for last year that... the initial price for last year, if it was 273 billion rubles, then the final the price was 335 billion rubles.
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22% increase, thanks to a transparent bidding system. what is the task for this year, we we, of course, we take the procurement system as an example, and in theory the bidding system should be the same, in which not only the bidding itself should be carried out, that is, notifications, but the contracts themselves should be concluded. we are submitting corresponding proposals to the government of the russian federation, they are supported by the ministry of finance. relevant authorities and will also develop this system in this direction. after all, there are a lot of functions, one of which is the function of control, supervision, and financial affairs. in the field of control and analysis of financial business transactions state corporations, and , accordingly, also state-owned companies, publicly law companies , business entities, and so on, but here one of the functions is to carry out analysis, moreover, the execution of budgetary powers of state municipal financial control bodies and executive authorities, the introduction
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of budget accounting for individual bodies authorities, tiroganov, all the functions of the control and audit department of the ministry of finance they here i would consider it necessary to draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to work more clearly with state defense order. we should not have a situation where, when we increase the volume of purchases, when we are planning large significant government funds, the price rises along with the increase in purchases, and we must look at this on a competitive basis. i understand that for this you need the assistance of the federal antimonopoly service, as well as pricing. are included in the functions of fas, but the treasury, as the main auditor and analyst, should take an active part in this, i would like to ask you to took an active part, together with colleagues from fas, from the federal tax service, in the commission, which will work to monitor all relevant approaches related to pricing with
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the fulfillment of budgetary obligations in the defense order, since this is a very important area and... and requested i would like these efforts of the service to be directed there. thank you, dear mikhail ilaimevich, your order will be carried out, indeed, the treasury is now the internal auditor of the government of the russian federation. there is a special body, this is the federal dark-field service, which, according to the law on state procurement, is an authorized body, but under the leadership of the government of the russian federation we will provide the necessary assistance and assistance, all our analytical capabilities and resources will be used to solve the task you have set. thank you. this was footage of a meeting between the head of government , mikhail mishustin, and the head of the federal treasury, roman artyukhin. the active part of the international sea train exercises is taking place in the gulf of oman security. more than twenty support ships and combat boats from russia, iran and china are participating. representatives
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of pakistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, aman, india and south africa came as observers for the first time. participants in the maneuvers have already completed firing from a large one. artillery against surface air targets, today, according to the plan, they will also work on the release of ships captured by pirates with the involvement of helicopters and the landing of groups for inspection. tomorrow is the final stage of training and summing up. give gifts with a free vtb credit card. 20% cashback on... everything and 200 days without interest, hello everyone, dear subscribers, sometimes when mom orders cosmetics, she goes from being a favorite and turns into strict, sleep-deprived, gloomy, then i have a cosmetic bag done, look, cosmetics can be done first try it on, we wanted to be
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russia is not at a crossroads, it is on the strategic path of its development. which president sees the future of russia, what security guarantees for moscow should consist of, and whether he can change the course of hostilities of foreign troops in ukraine. vladimir putin gave a long interview to the presenter of the news of the week, dmitry
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kiselyov. let's look at the key statements. we were waiting for 47 billion, but so far we have only received 300 million. usa announced the first military aid package for ukraine this year. what will it include? will this amount last long? the active phase of naval exercises in the gulf of oman are joint maneuvers of russia, china and iran. today, according to the plan, they will work out the release of the ship seized by pirates. climate spring is coming to the european part of russia, up to +100 in moscow , weather forecasters promise this week. let's ask our meteorologists about forecasts. society and business in russia are ready for the transition to a progressive taxation system. about it vladimir putin said. the president gave a long interview to the host of the vgtrk vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov. the conversation took place
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that night. in the kremlin that


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