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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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47 billion were waiting for the announcement, but so far only 300 million have received it. the united states announced the first military aid package for ukraine this year. what will it include? will this amount last long? the active phase of naval exercises in the gulf of oman are joint maneuvers of russia, china and iran. today, according to the plan, they will work out the release of the ship seized by pirates. it comes to the european part of russia. society and business in russia are ready to transition to a system of progressive taxation, vladimir putin said. the president gave a long interview to the host of the vktrk program news of the week to dmitry kiselev. the conversation took place that night in the kremlin. that the tax
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burden in russia should be more fair, the head of state said earlier in his message to the federal assembly. the distribution of this tax time, it should have been fair in the sense that the common treasury, as they say, for solving national problems, and above all for solving problems of fighting poverty, should still be allocated more to corporations, legal and physical.
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but they didn’t touch her anymore so that she was stable, this is the most important request and demands from business, this is what the government should do in the very near future, together with deputies of the state duma, present a proposal. vladimir putin also commented on the resonant statement by french president emmanuel macron about the possibility of sending nato troops to the ukrainian conflict zone. such a sharp reaction from paris, according to putin, may be related to the situation in africa, where france is.
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agreed with russian economic operators, wanted to work with them, not wanted to work with the french in some way , it’s unclear why they would be offended at us in this regard, if an independent state wants to develop relations with its partners from other countries, including russia, wants to develop relations with russia, we didn’t touch them there former french colonialists in these countries, well, yes. i even say this without irony, because in many countries where france has historically had metropolises, well , they don’t really want to deal with them, we have nothing to do with it, but well, it’s probably, probably, it’s more convenient to be offended by someone without seeing your own problems. speaking about the military-technical potential of the country , vladimir putin said that the nuclear...
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components, so do we, but this does not mean that - in my opinion, i am not ready to start this nuclear war tomorrow, well, they want to, so what to do ? , we are ready, we have touched upon issues of economic development, now, according to the russian president, much remains to be done to change the structure of the economy, our country, as vladimir putin said, can even overtake japan, but we need to work over... the efficiency and innovation of the economy. and this is how the president commented on the sanctions from the west: in many ways, these restrictions are nothing more than unfair competition. many people have expressed the idea of ​​creating a special body
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that would deal with sanctions, their reflection, well, in general, it’s clear, yes, defense against sanctions, is something similar expected, or does this make no sense? there is no need to simply, we analyze, and the government, the central bank, the security council, we analyze everything they do our enemies, much is done not even for political or military reasons, although this is argued, but is done simply for reasons of competition, unkind, and unfair competition, hiding behind some political or military considerations,
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contribution - the best percentage of up to 16% per annum to sberbank online with yota you can speed up with yota you can do everything to a maximum of 50 gigs in 2.0 minutes for 399 rubles you can yota if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account then open an account for business on..., under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, ideal, planbier, airy , natural,
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a silver bullet brings happiness in the heat of july, now it will appear, well, what about a card that earns itself, a debit card gazprombank with a stable income of up to 35%. this sign is modestly hidden behind the big victories at the new stadium. it will support the spirit of sport in the new playgrounds near the house in any weather. this sign does not move forward against the background of great talents in the updated house of culture. and he will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the sign of russia's national project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. now broadcast on our channel, the leadership of the fund for the contribution they make to the development of public diplomacy, in line with the unified
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foreign policy course, which is approved by the president, today work on this dimension of diplomacy is especially in demand.
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at any moment, any country may find itself under the blow of an illegal sanctions baton
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; in general, this stimulates the creation of mechanisms and interbank interaction not controlled by the west and the construction of new international transport corridors, the creation of alternative production chains and much more, which ensures the sustainability of the economic development of every self-respecting country, organization, and at the same time the influence of brix, where
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russia is the chairman this year, is growing and strengthening its authority. after the accession of egypt, iran, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, ethiopia, brix represents a platform for dialogue and interaction between the leading players of the world majority, bearing the support of a polycentric world order. i will also note that at the regional level. in the context of the complete degradation of the osce as a euro-atlantic symbol, which i have already mentioned, the task of forming a new architecture of equal and indivisible security in eurasia, which is designed to complement the strengthening of the process, comes to the fore. the formation of a large eurasian partnership, which president putin has mentioned more than once, which is taking shape thanks to joint...
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by the way, president putin mentioned this in his message to the federal assembly. and in october last year, we already began practical work on the formation. foundations of such a system, russia took part in an international conference in minsk, which was organized by the belarusian chairman in the organization of a collective security treaty, and was dedicated specifically to the processes formation and prospects for creating a eurasian security system, there was a very interesting conversation, and this work
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continues at various platforms, including in the csto, but not only, we mean.
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briggs in this sense acts as a potential coordinator of those integration processes that are taking place at the regional level, and brix is ​​already a truly global association, and of course, brix may well be a stimulator
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of effective efforts in favor of creating a truly equal, fair mechanism or even ... i want to draw your attention to this, we appreciate the efforts of the foundation, we count on the fact that the promotion of our foreign policy concept of our foreign policy interests will, of course, be facilitated by the plans that the foundation is currently implementing and plans for the future, we very positively appreciate the attention you
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are paying expanding relations with partners from... public, non-governmental structures of the global south and east, we will do our best to promote the development of this work, including, of course, solving financial, issues of financial support, i know that work is constantly being done on this and i am grateful to those present, many, many of whom are directly involved in this work and contribute...
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i would also include in this series the tasks of combating modern practices of neo-colonialism, to which the recently convened meeting was dedicated united russia, inter-party, international. conference, russia moves the world forward, we
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invent and develop, build and produce, we create a country in which we want to live ourselves, we defend our homeland, brightly welcome guests, and we... we confidently move forward, we create our future together. this is us, in siberia in the far east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region and in the south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. come to the polls on march 17, this is our time, the time of new ones. vladislav davankov, time for new ones. the united states, with its words of assistance to ukraine, confirms its
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actual participation in the conflict. this statement was made by the russian ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov. in addition, he added that biden's request for allocation additional funds for the armed forces of ukraine is destructive not only for washington, but for the whole world. calls for strikes on crimea prove that the american establishment will not... stop under any circumstances and will continue its already failed policy towards kiev. the day before, the head of the cia said that if congress approves a new package of assistance to the independent states, the armed forces of ukraine , with the support of the united states, will be able to regain the offensive initiative. this will also provide the opportunity to strike at the crimean peninsula and the black sea fleet. the transition to a unified system of treasury payments made it possible to achieve the best annual performance indicators of the federal budget. about this at a meeting with the head.
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mikhail vladimirovich, of course, last year was a landmark year for the entire budget system, due to the fact that the execution of the federal budget was the best indicator, 98.2%. and all regions also reached out. under these conditions, in the face of increased costs , all payments were made uninterruptedly, precisely thanks to the system of treasury payments. especially important for us last year was the implementation of the instructions of the president of the russian federation on the implementation of digital acts. digital acts were signed last year. rub. i would like to ask you to take an active part, together with your colleagues from the front office, from the federal tax service, in the commission that will work
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to monitor all relevant approaches related to pricing and the fulfillment of budgetary obligations in the order. we will provide the necessary assistance and assistance, all our analytical capabilities and resources will be used for post solutions. ivanovo paratroopers destroyed fortified strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction. the crews of tos-1a sentsepek heavy flamethrower systems worked at the targets of ukrainian militants. they provide support to assault units northwest of artyomovsk. at night, crews went to combat positions and launched strikes. doesn’t
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survive, we work every day, well, at night, every night, we create big trouble for the enemy, our goals are strongholds, areas of co-occurrence, enemy manpower and closed firing positions, we do not allow the enemy to carry out a rotation. in the zone of a special military operation, courage is shown with high professionalism. doctors, every day the lives of his comrades in the zaporozhye region are saved by the sanitary instructor of the units of the dnepr group of troops , sergei zaretsky. about the courage of military doctors - report by anton stepanenko. the husband is so kind, if they said, it’s necessary, then we are going where we need to go. when mobilization began, sergei zaretsky immediately decided for himself that he would definitely go to the northern military district. medical instructors at the front needed, and he is of no use in this capacity. he will be a doctor much more in civilian life, just like his wife. when they called a doctor, a boy ran up, as we were all there.
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they died, and he saved them, i’m proud of my husband, he always helps, regardless of even before he was called up, he always helped everyone, he always helped everyone out at work, that’s why he always goes into battle like that, always goes to help, where help is needed, there is my husband, he doesn’t really tell his family what they have to do at the front, why worry, and so they worry, they know that i am careful, as if neat and especially strong. don’t worry, anton stepanenko , valery vinakurov, news, zaporozhye front, uh-huh, meet, popular moscow writer nikolai ribinin, your brother in donbass, you have to go there, you go, just
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so passengers can ride here. i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there, into the gray zone, beyond this line, you’ll become different, but then what, that’s where my childhood and youth were, and now it’s darkness, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it's hard to get used to. about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, and i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. let's see. let's watch, free of charge, without registration. in the application or on the website.
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we always do everything together, support each other, believe in the best, care and... warmth and overcome difficulties together. together, we are strong, we vote for russia. now about weather, warming is breaking records in siberia. we'll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina,
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hello, is today a new record? in siberia, when it gets warmer already in the european part of russia, well, the european territory of the country will very soon become april- like warm, but in siberia, on the contrary, it will soon get colder, but for now...


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