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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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and joseph biden, following the results of the primaries , secured their nomination in the presidential election. what's next? in russia they plan to reduce the tax burden for large families, vladimir putin stated this in an interview with the host of the vgtrk vesti nedeli program dmitry kiselev. the conversation took place last night in the kremlin. supporting families with children is one of the main priorities of the state. the president spoke about the measures that the authorities are taking about how much money. from all measures to support families with children, then over the next six years we plan to spend, well, through various channels up to 14 trillion rubles, this is a huge amount of money, areas of support for families with children, there are a lot of them, starting with general social ones, the construction or renovation of kindergartens, the construction of new schools, the renovation of old schools in ghosts - the order is in accordance with
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the requirements today, support for women from pregnancy until the child is 17 years old, we continued the system of issuing maternity capital, we continued payments, well, now we are making decisions of 450 thousand rubles per family, if a third child appears there...
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these negotiations are only because they are running out of ammunition, well, this is somehow ridiculous on our part, but we are nevertheless ready for a serious conversation, and we know the various options that are being discussed speech, we know those carrots that they are going to show us in order to convince us that the moment has come, we... we want, i repeat once again, to resolve all disputes and this dispute, this conflict by peaceful means, and we are ready to this, we want this, but this must be a serious conversation with security security and for the opposing side, in this case we are primarily interested in the security of russia, the russian federation, this is where we come from. and we will proceed,
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also vladimir putin warned the western elites that the parasitism of the golden billion on other nations is ending, this so-called golden billion, for centuries, 500 years, they practically parasitized on other nations, ordinary citizens of these countries, they are like we would feel in our hearts what is happening, our struggle. for their independence and true sovereignty, they connect with their aspirations for their own, independent development, but this is due to the fact that in the western elites, in the western elites there is a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, unjust, from the state of things in
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international affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh, and pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampires' point is running out. the president noted that he sees the demands of society and the most important thing is to meet them.
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this is the most important thing, to comply requests of society, watch the full interview with the president on our channel at 14:00 moscow time. on other topics, the united states, with words about assistance to ukraine, confirms its actual participation in the conflict. this
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statement was made by the russian ambassador to the united states, anatoly antonov. in addition, he added that biden’s request for the allocation of additional funds to the armed forces of ukraine is destructive, not only for washington, but for the whole world. calls to strike. in crimea prove that the american establishment will not stop at any cost circumstances will continue the already failed policy towards kiev. and the day before, the head of the cia said that if congress approves a new package of assistance to the independent states, then the armed forces of ukraine , with the support of the united states, will be able to regain the offensive initiative. this will also provide an opportunity to strike at the crimean peninsula and the black sea fleet. more than 20 ships are participating in an active part of the international maritime security exercises in the gulf of aman. support vessels and combat boats from russia, iran and china. as observers representatives of pakistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, aman and india, south africa came for the first time. participants in the maneuvers have already fired heavy machine guns and small-caliber naval artillery at surface and air targets. plans for today include
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the release of a ship seized by pirates, involving helicopters and landing groups for inspection. tomorrow is the final stage of training and summing up. russian units. from the enemy in several directions of the special operation at once, so in the avdeevsky and kupyansky sections the ukrainian armed forces lost about 500 more people. attacks on enemy military targets are carried out by artillery, aviation, and drone operators. at a smooth job svetoslav dolgachov. flight for reconnaissance, the copter is controlled by a girl, call sign hacker. while still in civilian life, she mastered programming courses and now uses them in combat.
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shot! artillerymen strike at identified targets. within a day, with the help of d-30 howitzers , we managed to repel two enemy attacks in the kupino direction. the guns hit at a distance of up to 15 km. ukrainian fighters did not even come close to our stronghold. combat helicopters finish off retreating enemy. the army always goes into battle with the mi-35, the mi-8 provides backup. in our army, artillery interacts effectively. aviation and infantry. lancet loitering munitions operators destroyed the gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount in the volchi area. the group's air defense systems destroyed 31 unmanned aerial vehicles in the zhovtnevoe, shevchenkova, zmeevka, and zhitlovka areas. in
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the ovdeevsky and kupinsky directions, the enemy lost 480 personnel. after winning a difficult battle, our guys set off for restoration. here they are met by a female medic, call sign. on the spot we stabilize the guys who are brought from the front line. mura lugansk has been at the front with her husband since 2014, she knows firsthand what it means to worry about a loved one and wait for him from battle, wishes patience to everyone, and first of all to herself, this is even more than satisfaction when the guys remain alive, we we are here, therefore, in order to save the guys, our army continues successfully. advance in the ovdeevsky direction, the enemy is trying to counterattack, but return the lost positions are not being restored, our assault groups have already entered thin berdychi and orlovka, a new offensive is unfolding in the direction of the yar clock. svyatoslav dolgachev, egor pavlenko, alexander plakhov, vesti lugansk. deposit, the best interest rate in savings, is
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an easy way to profitably invest money online. one. button and you look with confidence hmm, just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button savings grow with the maximum rate, go ahead, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime, alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback, i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, a new big special barbecuecon already in combo for 469 rubles. now she will appear. well, what about a card that earns itself, a
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prime minister mikhail meshustin met with the head of the federal treasury , roman artyukhin, and discussed, in particular , the results of the work of the treasury, as well as the control and supervisory activities of the department in the field of state defense procurement. today , the efficiency of the treasury. during the transition to a single co-treasury account increased significantly. i would like you to talk about the results of this work for the twenty- third year, please, you have the floor. dear mikhail vladimirovich, of course, last year was a landmark year for the entire budget system, due to the fact that the execution of the federal budget was the best indicator of 98.2%. and all regions also reached out. under these conditions, in the face of increased costs , all payments were made without interruption, precisely thanks to the system of treasury payments. especially for us. much of last year was the implementation of the instructions of the president of the russian federation on the implementation of digital
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acts; last year digital acts worth 7 trillion rubles were signed. i would like to ask you to take an active part together with colleagues from the fas, with federal tax service, in a commission that will work to monitor all relevant approaches related to pricing with the implementation of budgetary obligations in defense. resources will be used to solve the problem you set. a monument to the heroes of the young guard was unveiled in moscow. the monument was installed in a park on the street, also named after the organization that fought the fascists during the great patriotic war, on molodogvardeyskaya street. the mortgage and the stone appeared there more than half a century ago, at the beginning sixties, the work was postponed several times. last year, the installation was undertaken by the russian military historical society on behalf of the president. more than 50 years have passed and the monument to the heroes of the young guard
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has found its place on maldogvardeyskaya street. in this regard, i would like to thank everyone who was involved in this, and the residents of donbass, who kept the memory of the young guards in the most difficult years, even in those years when the main memorial in the lugansk region was the shurv mine, where their bodies were dumped alive, was abandoned by the ukrainian authorities, in fact ruined, we restored it 2 years ago. a tourist center has opened at one of the most famous power plants in russia at sayano shushinskaya gas. as it turned out , our citizens are of great interest in this industrial facility; hundreds of travelers visit it every year. on excursions alexander usatenko. the sayano-shushinskaya hydroelectric power station is the largest power plant in russia. every year , more than 300 people come to khakassia to see the greatness of the engineering genius. from today, tourism will become
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more comfortable. outside charging area not only receive tourists, but also conduct lectures for children and youth. when the president of electric vehicles, inside almost 200 km of modern space in which there will be no talk about the development of industrial tourism, this is primarily important for our younger generation, so that the guys can see firsthand how powerful it all is, how interesting it is to come here later work. hydroelectric power stations will provide equipment and provide instructions before the excursion. be sure to read the list of items that are prohibited from being brought into the hydroelectric power station. the first point was the turbine room of the hydroelectric power station. students of the siberian federal university were told about the operation of transformer hydraulic units. after the engine room, everyone gets to the most
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spectacular part of the excursion. the crest of the most powerful hydroelectric power station in russia, from here there is a stunning view of... dear guests, colleagues, the mainskaya hydroelectric power station has reached its installed capacity, the mainskaya hydroelectric power station has reached its full capacity of 321 mw, after modernization it has become the most modern not only in the yenissei cascade, where includes the syashinskaya and krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power stations, but in the world, and this station now operates entirely on russian equipment, thus creating technological sovereignty,
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which is especially important in the conditions of sanctions pressure, it is also ensured repairability. parts and design documentation, and technologies from domestic manufacturers in order to carry out both current and major repairs. the power of the mainskaya hydroelectric station is 20 times less than the sayano-shushushinskaya one, but it plays a large role in the hydraulic system. sayanashurskaya gas, it is a peak station, during the day it can change its load from a thousand, for example, megawatts to 4,000 mw, so that water users in the lower beuf do not feel these level changes too much. ges, who smooths out these peaks with her work. the comprehensive modernization program has been in effect for 12 years. during this time, the capacity of power plants increased by 600 mw, which is comparable to the appearance of another large hydroelectric power station in the energy system. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news: republic of khakassia.
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're going on vacation. and we're going. third year, so open a vtb savings account. the rate is 16%. save up faster. roolol fultra oil, created using innovative gtl and pao technologies, ensures maximum engine performance. rolf ultra - a new era motor. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! magnet - the price is what you need! oil blago 999. deposit, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. now the economic news is short: revenues from privatization should increase 100 times, such plans were announced by
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finance minister anton seluanov at a meeting of the board of the federal property management agency. according to him, the budget now only talks about a billion rubles, and it is worth adjusting the amount to 100 billion. according to the federal property management agency, in 2023 the treasury received 29 billion rubles from privatization. they will start issuing them to exporters. exemption from the mandatory sale of foreign currency; companies that receive more than half of their profits in rubles or have foreign currency loans will be able to apply for them, the statements write about this. the government commission will issue the permit, while export earnings, including ruble earnings, will still need to be credited to accounts in local banks. let me remind you that since october, some exporters have been required to sell at least 90% of foreign currency earnings. bitcoin for the first time in history costs more than $73,000. since the beginning of march , the cryptocurrency has updated its maximum three times already, while in terms of capitalization it has overtaken silver and become the eighth largest traded asset in the world. among the reasons for the growth, the so
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-called halving, when the issuance of new bitcoins is halved, the cryptocurrency is also supported by the influx of money into the itf in anticipation of a reduction in interest rates by the federal reserve. and exchange prices for cocoa beans in the world again set a record above $7,000 per ton. since the beginning of the year, these products have generated... one and a half times. now cocoa is the leader in price growth among agricultural products. the reason is shortage. he has been observed for two years now. however, traders expect a weak harvest due to hot and dry weather in west africa. it was economic news. short.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia.
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they change entire locations, it’s easy to make a deep fake, change your voice,
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we will expose all the fakes. western military officials are increasingly talking about unenviable prospects for ukraine , both the cia chief and the head of nato spoke in this vein, about whether the west’s attitude towards the ukrainian conflict is changing, let’s talk to the russian ambassador in brussels alexander takavinin, he is now in direct contact with the studio, yes alexandrevich, hello, good afternoon , the head of the cia , william burns, said that if the united states stops supplying arms to kiev, ukraine will face big problems, including territorial losses. before this, he spoke in a similar vein ... in your opinion, how has the is the west's assessment of what is happening in the conflict zone changing? well, it is obvious that western elites are now very concerned about the situation on the contact line in ukraine, they see that the initiative there has passed into the hands of russian troops, all these statements are connected with this, sometimes... bordering on panic,
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as for the united states, then it is clear that this all fits into the desperate attempts of the democratic administration to convince congress, as soon as possible, to allocate new large-scale funding for the supply of weapons to ukraine, and for this purpose all means are used, including during the hearing of the heads of intelligence agencies of the united states.
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maybe an informal dialogue, have you received any similar signals recently? we do not have a dialogue with nato, now, as i have said many times, we have... an understanding that there are channels.


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