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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him. well, what happened to macron, he ’s completely gone crazy, he’s gathering troops to send the french to fight our army.
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the coup d'etat were present, and after the coup d'etat their number increased manifold, now they are present in the form of advisers, they are present in the form of foreign mercenaries and suffer losses, but if we talk about...
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they will never leave, well, it seems to me so, in this case, then because they want to return, they sleep and see, they want to return, those lands that they consider historically theirs and that were taken from them by the father of nations josephomovich stalin and transferred to ukraine, they of course want to return and...
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the topic is, we did not go into africa and did not squeeze france out of there, but the problem is different, this is the well-known wagner group , it first carried out a number of economic projects in syria, then moved to other african countries, the ministry of defense provides support, but only on the basis that this is a russian group nothing more. we didn’t
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push anyone out, just african leaders some countries reached agreements with russian economic operators. we didn’t touch them there, the former french colonialists in these countries, well, yes, i even say this without irony, because in many countries where france was historically a metropolitan, well, they don’t really want to deal with them
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, we have nothing to do with it, well so, probably, probably, it’s more convenient to be offended by someone, maybe, maybe such an acute reaction is quite emotional on the part of the french president, connected, among other things , with what is happening in some african seeing at the same time their own problems, well , states, although i know other african countries where they are calm about the french presence and say that we are happy with it, we are ready to work with them, but in some...
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at some point they will invite ask for help from the two-million-strong north korean army, well, for example, in exchange for our nuclear umbrella over half of the korean peninsula, why not, then? well , first of all, the democratic people's republic of korea has its own nuclear umbrella, they didn’t ask us for anything,
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uh, this is the first, second for us, in principle, as we see today, based on the results of what is happening... what and secondly - this is when they call on these small states to tighten their policy towards russia and take some extreme measures , including let’s allow troops to be deployed and so on, these are still those states, they
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understand this, and those who will not feel the consequences of the provocative statements they made, those who can feel... they behave much more restrained and right, well, all this dancing with germany with taurus, which means scholz says that we do not supply, there are forces that insist on supplying taurus in ukraine, the british are coming forward with their initiative, let’s say through england, we are ready to send in transit to... the target of the crimean bridge, generals the germans are already planning operations there , as we heard, not only the crimean bridge, but also military bases, as they say, in the depths of russian territory, someone is already saying that these missiles can hit the kremlin, they don’t really bury themselves in their here
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such dreams, well, they fantasize, they encourage themselves, firstly, secondly, they are trying to intimidate us, but there exists, as for... the concept is russian territories, this is a violation of the constitution of the federal republic of germany, well , the thing is that the opposition is there in germany, it is behaving even more aggressively, well, let's see what they agree on, we are watching this so closely, well, they are using these british and american missiles, this does not change the situation on the battlefield, they just inflict ... of course, the damage is obvious, but, but, in essence, this does not change the course
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of hostilities, in the consequences that inevitably occur for the opposite side, well, we now hear that they, well, also the federal republic of germany, and your channels, foreign channels, all the german channels show, that how many they have, how many are out of order, how many require improvement, modernization and so on, well, let them work , well, as you rightly said, there are some things that they need to think about, whoever is smarter thinks about it, here are the new members nato, finland and sweden, in general what did they exchange for, here is the minister of foreign affairs of sweden, tobias belstruem , then suddenly told the turks: that sweden is against nato bases being on
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swedish territory, that they did not understand where they entered at all, what happened to them, it’s theirs i have to ask, i don’t know, we have quite good relations, we had stable relations with these countries, and i think that they benefited more from the fact that they adhered to neutrality, because this gives certain advantages, at least as... very probably wanted to be members here western club under some kind of umbrella
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, why do they need this, i frankly don’t understand, this is an absolutely senseless step from the point of view of ensuring their own national interests, well, nevertheless, it ’s up to them to decide, they decided so, well, we don’t have it there there were troops, now there will be, there were no destruction systems there, now they will appear, that’s why we have economic relations?
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i can’t say 100%, in any case, this is absolutely absolutely, without improving the situation in terms of security, in bilateral relations, and in europe as a whole. well then at the moment, there is an active presidential election race going on in the united states; it cannot be done without you, you are invisibly participating in it, since each of the candidates of the republican democratic party mentions you in their speeches, and in general
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you don’t go there.
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who will be trusted by the american people, the american voter, well, here ’s what’s curious: even in the last year of his work as president, mr. trump, today’s presidential candidate, reproached me for precisely the fact that i sympathize biden, this was more than four years ago, he told me so in one of the conversations, you want him to win, excuse me, i’ll tell you how he did it... they supported her as a candidate, well, that’s some complete bullshit , as for today ’s pre-election situation, it is becoming
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more and more uncivilized in nature, i would not like... i came to moscow and tried to persuade you not to run for president, do you remember this story, then he spoke about it while meeting with the russian opposition in spassa chaos, and wrote about it gary kasparov, that biden told this story, that he came to the russian white house to prime minister putin and tried in every possible way
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to dissuade him from becoming president, otherwise he would have an arab spring here, that is, biden is kind of not very good, so to speak , didn’t really like you, in general even then you had such a historical duel with him, or did you just say it somehow, somehow you didn’t really pay attention to it, you didn’t even really pay attention, that is, for him it was serious, but for you it’s not, well, that’s just it this is a sign of interference. and we have said many times, and i have said many times, we will not allow anyone to do this. in the nineties , cinema almost disappeared; today it is a strong industry with billions in revenue. we wanted to register you in one of the pavilions, but
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it turned out that everyone was busy. now you have to wait 2-3 months in advance for a very large number of films. series are being filmed, so many are being made, a lot is being filmed, why is it important for the country to have its own film production, these are all our absolutely dear heroes, we grew up listening to this music, we we grew up listening to these fantastic theologians , can you imagine what a humanitarian catastrophe if we were deprived of this, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. our country, our president, our choice. 15
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3:23 pm
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3:26 pm
does she really read minds or not?
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3:28 pm
if we get away from the interference of election battles, in fact the escalation continues, and it seems that both superpowers, russia and the united states, are playing what in america it's called: chicken game - this is when chickens rush at each other and jump on each other, and there it is a game when guys in cars fly into each other's heads - whoever swerves first, it seems no one is going to swerve first - so a collision is inevitable, why? well , the united states announced that they are not going to send in troops, which means we know what
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american troops are like against russian ones. territories are invaders, we will treat it that way, even if they appear on the territory of ukraine, they understand this, i am there he said that biden is a man, which means he is a representative of a traditional political school, this confirms this, and well, besides biden and others, there are enough specialists in the field of russian-american relations in the field of strategic costs.
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