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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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naturally, there will be an operational record of exactly what day zakhary kalashov will be released, it is not reported, according to media reports he is being released due to health problems that the seventy-year-old leader of the underworld has developed behind bars; the authority will probably celebrate his next birthday when he is free. fyodor eliseev, andrey ivlev, lead the duty department. read more about this topic in our telegram channels, the duty department is led by an honest detective. we have everything. stay on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. kiev is hysterical; elections are about to take place in russia. the enemy wants to disrupt the vote or at least reduce turnout. they use tanks, social networks, agents and traitors. why do they have nothing? does not exceed.
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russia has more drones than ukraine, they are better. the american press has recognized the superiority of our electronic warfare drones. will the kiev regime be crushed soon? in all senses. a blow that is impossible to react to. russian stealth missiles raided today even modern nato air defense systems bypassed odessa. what exactly was attacked? mission to catch the guy and send him to the trench. the ukrainian border guard units are literally competing; the fugitives prefer to drown. a classic can offend a hundred years later. the metropolitan opera in new york warns of discrimination in the production of turandot, which again did not please western fighters for tolerance. so, russia.
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failures, you need to show at least something, and mainly, attention should be focused on the information side of the matter, the main goal, i have no doubt about it , is to, if not disrupt the presidential elections in russia, then at least somehow interfere with the normal process, the will of the citizens, we are talking about the main thing... mainly about yesterday's events near
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the borders of the belgorod and kursk regions, where, as the president recalled, an attempt was made to carry out sabotage and terrorist attacks by militants of the ukrainian armed forces, mercenaries. the result of the adventure was predictably the defeat of the enemy, who suffered colossal losses, here the head of state, of course, has the most accurate data. more than 200, somewhere around 230, out of about eight tanks used, the enemy lost seven out of nine.
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it was not necessary, but the kiev regime and its foreign masters clearly really wanted to sow panic and chaos among the civilian population on the eve of the early elections, but failed, just as other unknown characters, whose intentions are also quite obvious, will not succeed, anton potkovenko will confirm. having been hit in the teeth at the front, he is spinning up a combat media machine. kiev, on the eve of the russian elections, is trying unleash an avalanche of provocations on our country in order to reduce turnout. create a negative information background, but it doesn’t work out, because kiev acts directly on hysteria head-on. for example, terrorists from the so -called rdk and the legion are spreading a statement on social networks that they will allegedly launch attacks on belgorod and kursk. this is primitive intimidation, a hopeless attempt to disrupt elections in two cities. intimidation, all the more hopeless since everyone saw the defeat of the ukrainian saboteurs who tried to attack in recent days belgorodskaya
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too, as they say, in all seriousness, here is a post supposedly from an oryol resident, who supposedly the ukrainian center of psychological operations saw a whole army of the notorious legion of the same terrorists, and this army is supposedly marching on moscow, oh how, only andriy imagined it all, written in ukrainian, the unmasking turned out to be a rough job, well, the west is acting even rougher, our colleagues, in particular from the bundestag, from the american congress, also from the european union, they from...
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our nerves and character are becoming stronger. western media are furiously whipping up negativity around the upcoming russian elections. that's what the washington post headlines. do you know where this comes from and what the agent reprints with pleasure like this. this is a column, again, by a foreign agent, kara murza the younger. he calls for the upcoming elections to be recognized as illegitimate. this is now the main message of the entire imaginary opposition that has been scattered to pieces. kara murza. in fact , he’s now been behind bars for a quarter of a century for treason and fake news about the russian army, how does he manage to write for western publications, a mystery, and no less a mystery is what happened to another foreign agent included in russia’s list of terrorists, leonid volkov. this figure was beaten with a hammer in
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vilnius, and the window in the car is broken , there is a sad photo of him, and his leg seems to be covered in blood, but volkov does not look like a chop , as he later calls himself in the video, no, of course, he is in that jar with spiders, which their supposed opposition has long turned into, anyone could attack him, these already moth-eaten fighters against the regime are ready to gnaw each other’s throats for crumbs of grants, but somehow all this happened very timely, a decommissioned fighter against the volkov regime, somewhere he got 15 times in the leg with a hammer, this whole staging, it’s in the same convoy as the media provocations of the central police service, the same as suicidal storms special forces of the armed forces of ukraine, which...
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this is an old bad anti-russian manual about the hand of moscow, that among western politicians, and among anti-russian foreign agents, such dirty tricks are discussed at gatherings of all these renegades who have left, tasks are set, such information is collected, analyzed, then we drew conclusions that, alas, are confirmed, they say the main thing that we are faced with non-humans, these are not people, we know what and how to do, and the main thing is that we must... our country, be it the kiev regime, trying to disrupt the russian elections, enemies pumped up by western intelligence services or traitors or russophobes with beautiful,
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already quite faded faces, they all break into delusional provocations or suicidal attacks, and once again prove that they have no chance... in the polling stations there were over 700 people personal composition, among the destroyed equipment there are partanks, three command and staff vehicles and quite a few artillery pieces, including those made in great britain. about the situation on the front line in the dpr, report by grigory vdovin. the crew is preparing for a combat mission, all systems must be checked, and the ammunition rack must also be prepared. you have to love the tank. because he helps you out, helps you, saves you, if he doesn’t love you, you won’t love the tank, if you don’t
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service it, then this is already a disaster, a disaster, the cars can be seen that they have been honored in various alterations, it used to be a crew of tankers of the guards the first slavic brigade, well, you can’t remember everything, because during the work it tore off the sides after being hit nearby from behind, they had already worked it out, they were driving empty without shells , they were driving to the point back from behind the arrival, the road almost got us. it’s difficult at the front , you have to go around not exploding shells, but puddles in the fields, in which western tanks, as is already known, would drown, are overcome immediately, in the avdievsky direction the task is to support the actions of our infantry, give one fire, one fire, fire, shot , order completed a command was received to roll back to the original one, timely maintenance of each vehicle is a guarantee that in battle it is not under... check, look at the oil, filter, lubricant, everything, batteries, everything as it should be, like a friend
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or like a beloved woman? she probably already walks more like a beloved woman, a friend is a friend, more towards her, she is more affectionate, like a beloved woman, more like that, well, of course, even talk to her, in front of you is the t-80 tank, which literally came out the day before yesterday from the battle, from it you can see what’s on it typical damage from shrapnel from fpv drones. now the crew is carrying out restoration work and is returning to battle again. the tank crews of the fifth brigade named after alexander zakharchenko put their multi-ton, but still swallows in order, and the peculiar feathers of these birds, dynamic protection, in battle they work and save the vehicle and the crew, then they need to be changed, small tremors are heard, as if, well, if somewhere - then nearby, well, it’s like a clap, and even small tremors, we’re riding as a commander, joking, as if we’re doing it so that the crew was. in a normal fighting mood, the tanks here are of different types and different modifications, but they go into battle in one general formation, and there are very
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unusual, but necessary specimens, it seems like a tank, but not really a tank, or rather not a tank at all, it’s a combat repair and recovery vehicle , brem, the so-called tow truck, this should be part of any tank unit, the mission of this crew is ambulance and pulling the wounded from the battlefield, and the wounded here is a tank, that is, you need to jump up. the tanks themselves, but undoubtedly the character and endurance these tankers, five
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by five, recapturing their native land from the enemy, which was replaced with several layers of everything under the enemy’s fpv drones, but no one deliberately delayed the repairs, they repaired what was necessary and immediately went into a new battle with new forces. the t-72 is being deployed to carry out a combat mission, there is absolutely no driving to the front, the crew can only wish good luck. grigory vdovin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev and andrey rudenko, lead. donetsk people's republic. not far from a forest plantation without any cover there is an enemy combat vehicle standing. but in fact , it is combative only at first glance. this is footage of an indicative episode of our intelligence work in the donetsk direction. at the beginning of the video , the drone operator records several potential targets at ukrainian armed forces positions. however, as we see, no one is in a hurry to destroy them. and no wonder. if you look closely, you will notice that the tanks are only a weak semblance of the real thing. equipment, as noted by military correspondent alexander kots, ukrainian militants wanted to outwit ours with plywood dummies
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operators and divert attention, but the plan could not be realized, dug trenches are discovered nearby, passages lead to an underground dugout, a shell instantly arrives there, but while the enemy is trying to hide from drones using makeshift methods, russian forces are successfully suppressing boplas with modern means of rap, and even the western media are already publishing pessimistic...
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now this gain is practically leveled, the overseas press disappointingly states. surprisingly true article absolutely true, our ministry of defense prepared, looked for manufacturers , among private owners, among organizations, and looked for engineers, among volunteers , this took time, and tests, all these our techniques are military, yes, but that the result appeared, thousands, thousands, thousands of batches at once, then there are not one-off, one-off ones and scattered according to... specifications, but uniform, but uniform drones in large quantities, yes, this has now given just this very qualitative leap at our front. ukraine is also losing in electronic warfare, not to mention already about the number of troops and the number of shells, this is also from the new york times article. russia, quote, has more equipment that can suppress drones of the ukrainian armed forces, and better
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coordination between units. ukrainian commanders and military analysts unanimously lament that their military... in russia they managed not only to increase the production of drones, they are constantly improving them, here is the personnel of one of the workshops, it is located not far from the svo zone, we understand, we cannot name the exact the place where they promise to release even drones, which will not be controlled by a person, as now, by an artificial intelligence, a neural network, in the next few months or the next six months we...
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are running out, but drones alone will not cope, so the kiev regime is in an increasingly dangerous situation. this is how ukrainian armed forces helicopters are being destroyed at the jump site in the donetsk people's republic, these images were published by the russian ministry of defense, the target was discovered, as they say, by air reconnaissance equipment. military experts believe that these were just drones, which then adjusted the fire with cluster shells and this is just one of many episodes involving the use of drones. it seems to me that we have an advantage in reconnaissance drones, quite large, the same zalovsky ones, of course in lancets, in komikaze drones that are quite large and serious, because we see this, the ukrainians are even trying to copy our eagles, trying to copy our lancets, they are really busy trying to reverse engineer, and what
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if not trying to copy our samples is the best, well, let's say... recognition from the enemy. in ukraine there is simply no command structure that is capable of coordinating the actions of the disembodied unit along the entire front line, the new york times calls the reason for the failure. hence the confusion in the armed forces of ukraine, when drone operators simply lose contact with their own device, and sometimes even start operating a completely different one. the reason here is frequency. many copters are configured to the same thing, these are factory settings, but there is a shortage of craftsmen who are able to reprogram ethereal drones into apus. home. the topic is that drones are mainly purchased in ukraine volunteers, collecting bits and pieces from the world, who knows what, this is an experiment, different models, different frequencies, this is the key difference from russia, our approach is much clearer, everything is under the control of the ministry of defense according to uniform standards, hence the completely different result . the kiev regime is now trying to adopt russian experience. a month ago , zelensky ordered the creation of
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a separate company of troops in ukraine, a force of unmanned systems, in order to streamline the use of drones both in the air and on the water. for us. there is no need and that’s why they come from the front and it’s clear that these guys, they have everything already prepared, everything is set up there, you just need to teach them how to fly, and there is no need to directly create separate super-space forces there specifically for drones, because these drones are built organically into the structure of the company and there parts are used on an equal basis there, roughly speaking, with with a kalashnikov assault rifle, but we are now pressing both qualitatively and quantitatively, the most important thing, so that thanks to our drones and electronic warfare systems, the kiev regime will soon be destroyed. will be suppressed in every sense, now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next in our broadcast, the mission is to catch the boy and send him to ako. the ukrainian border guard units are literally competing; the fugitives prefer to drown. this is us, in siberia in the far east,
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in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region and in the south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. march 17. when it seems that things can’t get better, penoplex slabs provide a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold,
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to be loved, we remain loved, megamarket, please beautifully and profitably, pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay with any smartphone, receive super cashback every month, not just profitable, alpha profitable. not they believe that the lives saved are simply fulfilling their task under fire, this is about russian military doctors, for whom helping others is a daily feat, since for ukrainian militants medical instructors have become a target contrary to all international norms, anton stepanenko will tell about the everyday life of heroic doctors in the zaporozhye sector of the front. my husband is so kind, if they say it needs to be there, then we go there. where to go, when mobilization began, sergei zaretsky immediately decided for himself, he would definitely go to the northern military district, medical instructors at the front are needed, and in this capacity he
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will be much more useful in civilian life. there was a man, there was a fragment in the shoulder blade, the sacrum and a fracture of the hip, that is, well, in general, he was alive, i treated him, stopped the bleeding, treated him, bandaged him, evacuated him, this is the everyday life of a front-line medical instructor, this is exactly what he did in his hospital, but he didn’t under fire, i am the same target as everyone else, that is, there is no such fear, of course there is fear for my life, it’s like everyone else, how much? servants
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now owe him their lives, he does not consider, but why, the main thing is that he was able to help on time , for this he was awarded a medal, for saving the dead, they died, and he saved them, i am proud of my husband, he always helps, regardless, even before he was called, he always helps everyone he helped, he always helped everyone out at work, that’s why he always goes into battle like that, he always goes to help, where help is needed, there’s my husband, he doesn’t really tell me what he has to do at the front, why worry, and so they worry, they know that i am careful, as if neat and special doesn't worry much. anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, news, zaporozhye front. there was an explosion and an air raid alert was announced. that's it, succinctly and stingily for the media of the kiev regime. this morning they responded to the russian attack on odessa, where ukrainian anti-aircraft
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crews allegedly successfully worked. however, in local chats and telegram channels they traditionally did not believe the soothing propaganda, they write: “they clearly heard a series of powerful detonations in the port.” and we all, of course, have known for a long time what kind of infrastructure is there. throughout apparently, the assembly points of the notorious unmanned boats were again hit, but interestingly, this time in the ssu, it seems they tried to cover the above-mentioned production with the most dense air defense barriers. in particular, according to the resource russian weapons, with reference to sources
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in the village of odessa port, once the pearl of the ukrainian economy, and now almost the largest military facility in the independent, three missiles hit workshops and probably secret parking lots of uncrewed boats of the kiev regime. surface-type drones, they are assembled in makeshift workshops under the guise of sometimes civilian objects, including boathouses, of course there is such a task to destroy these workshops, our reconnaissance is working and its quality has increased in... the last time, so we are talking about the fact that these attacks are carried out on specific objects that have been verified. the russian military used the kh-59 mk2 ovot. these are large aircraft missiles with a warhead of about 300 kg. they fly almost 300 km at a speed of about 1.00 km/h. initially, the ammunition looked extremely unusual, had an additional turboprop. but the most modern modifications do without it. they became.
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they were stowed inside the fuselage; more could be placed in the bomb bay of the 1957.


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