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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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these are large aircraft missiles with a warhead of about 300 kg, flying almost 300 km at a speed of about 1.00 km/h. initially, the ammunition looked extremely unusual , had an additional turboprop engine, but the most modern modifications do without it, they have become lighter, more maneuverable, have the stealth prefix, and su-34, su-35 and su-57 aircraft can be carriers of the gadfly. rockets now. square in cross-section, yes, in order to be unnoticeable, they say that their reflection coefficient is equal to the reflection coefficient of a pigeon, and you also know why is this done, for the 57 aircraft so that they fit inside the fuselage, you can place more bombs from the compartment c57 of the seventh, the main feature of the gadfly is stealth, it would seem like... you can not
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notice a ton of metal flying in the air, but on in practice, it is enough to say that according to experts, that same odessa base was guarded by the best western air defense systems, norwegian hesamc and german airist, they had no chance to repel the attack. it is reported that the missiles traveled almost their entire journey at ultra-low altitudes, just 10 meters away above the surface of the water, only on approach to the odessa port they performed a slide maneuver, that is, they soared sharply into the sky. this is necessary in order to gain additional kinetic energy, and also from the required height, using its own electronics, to detect the target and aim at it. only at that moment did they find themselves in the detection zone of nato air defense, but it was too late to respond to the attack. it’s just at the level of interference, why is it so poor? firstly, the detection range will be short, yes, due to interference ground-based, correlation of this signal that comes back. it is distorted, the system
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in this case, then it detects it anyway, but the time is already short to hit it, the air defense system does not have time to sabotage it. will there be more attacks like this? most likely, yes, experts say, there are still military targets in the odessa port, where and what intelligence needs to find out, but as soon as the information appears, gadflies will fly to the addresses. against which the kiev regime has no fly swatter. division of the vostok russian group the armed forces repelled another counterattack in usa on the southern donetsk front of the special operation, and also inflicted a massive fire defeat on enemy personnel at malinovka, staromaisky and urozhainy. as a result , the kiev regime lost up to 150 militants. but in the meantime, in areas where enemy formations have already been knocked out, special attention is paid to mine clearance and the work of sappers, report by eduard punigov.
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light and demining, great, just now one drone flew past us from our side, everything, ready, yes, ready, everything, they ran up, come on, good luck guys, good bullets, in a dilapidated building they immediately found unused ammunition, do it, try one chain at once, in total i have 16 pieces left to blow up there, here are five pieces here, the sappers plant a detonator, explosives and immediately leave the danger zone , in 5 minutes it will be loud. "the engineering and sapper company of the 155th marine brigade is working in one of the most dangerous areas of the south donetsk direction, now their main task is to lay corridors for infantry and heavy equipment, only in the last in a week, engineers and sappers cleared more than 300 anti-tank mines. soldiers carefully prepare before entering the line of combat contact, conduct aerial reconnaissance, and study the terrain. in the evening we get the task, we go down the gray zone, we work on it. we clear the roads, we check
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everything with probes , we don’t even tug at what the foreigners found, we destroy the invoice, most are magnetic, for impact, immediately the iron, that is, when you approach, it is undermined. the enemy often leaves cleverly hidden double traps, but our opponents learned to detect them. under the oppression of bullets, under the oppression of shells, we run, clear mines. now the ukrainian forces have begun to use mine digging, that is, there is a tank mine, and an infantry mine is coming from above, and it is advisable to keep an eye on this process so that there are no sad consequences later. without the jewelry work of sappers there would be no such thing. it is impossible to carry out successful offensive operations; tank and assault groups are not blown up in minefields and continue to systematically push the enemy out of fortified positions. eduard pongov, alexander botkin, lead south donetsk direction. the german chancellor said that supplying taurus missiles to ukraine
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is an irresponsible step, although this is precisely the decision that olaf scholz is being pushed to by his coalition partners. according to polls, the majority of german residents support sending long-range weapons to kiev. chancellor, however, prudence is not held in high esteem in the bundestag. about european hawks. report by the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov. the scandal surrounding the leak of negotiations between bundeswehr generals planning attacks on the russian rear on the crimean bridge gave germany's largest opposition party, the cdu , is another reason to return to the issue of supplies of taurus cruise missiles to ukraine. why be shy, since now everyone knows everything. in addition, the allies from london put forward a proposal for the so-called ring exchange. germany hands over the taurus to britain, they send their stormshadows to kiev. maybe now the chancellor will come to the bundestag and tell them something different from what he said before. this is a long-range weapon that reaches its target at a distance of up to 500 km. this is a weapon that i consider
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irresponsible to use without the participation of german soldiers. i have repeated this many times. you say that german soldiers will have to control the situation, this is an expression of mistrust. to issues on which germany's security depends. scholz is still “whether you trust them or not, the pressure that not only the conservatives are putting on him, but also the prestigious ones in his own.”
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and we need to say this very clearly: germany is already a country of conflict. germany is participating in the economic war against russia through sanctions, and also supplies ukraine with a significant amount of weapons. and deliveries of taurus cruise missiles with a firing range of over 500 km, with the help of which the kremlin could be destroyed, will be clearly regarded by russia as a declaration of war on the part of germany. therefore, it is right and necessary to continue to refuse to cross. this red line, precisely from the supply of taurus missiles. the taurus will not help turn the tide of the war, nor will other weapons systems. however, the german ministry of defense's immediate plans suggest that berlin may someday open up to discussing options. according to nato standards, german arsenals
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should have at least a thousand high-precision cruise missiles. data from open sources indicate the presence of 600, of which only 200 are ready for combat use. in the future, it will be able to transfer more cruise missiles to ukraine without jeopardizing its own national defense, and the so-called ring exchange through allies will become more feasible. others in other words, the transfer of taurus to ukraine threatens not only with escalation in relations with russia, but also with germany itself.
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soldiers, now we have more of those who are able to function, we need more orders. based on this, most military analysts conclude that germany is not ready for the very war that its allies from london are pushing it towards, especially now. macron's efforts to form a coalition in europe willing
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to undertake a military intervention in ukraine can only be compared with his activity in suppressing anti-war opposition within france. the opposition is resisting. you all dress in white and speak about goodness, denying any opposition. millions of french people who represent it ended up in evil camps. the choice you want to impose is either we support macron, or we are accused of...
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to show scholz how to work. they will be accompanied by polish prime minister tusk, who has been invited to act as a lightning rod. scholz's relationship with macron is sparkling continuously, and the unofficial purpose of the meeting is to relieve unnecessary tension between germany and france. the probability of success is 50/50. much will depend on tomorrow's vote. in the bundestag, which, at the instigation of the opposition from the cdu, will make the third attempt in 2 months to push taurus for ukraine. for the first time, the german parliament refused supplies; for the second, it agreed to transfer long-range weapons to kiev without mentioning the taurus. if tomorrow the deputies approve the idea, even in the format of a ring exchange with britain. olaf scholz may find himself in a very vulnerable position in the eyes of his more militant neighbors. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkov. andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. the hall
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is sold out, everyone in one impulse clapping to the beat of the music and diligently spelling out the words. a video filmed in one of the ukrainian schools, which is an excellent illustration of what the kiev regime is preparing young people for, since with such sincere joy and inspiration the children sing a song dedicated to the ideologist of the extremist upa stepan bandera. the trend of bandarization of schoolchildren, in itself, of course, is not new, but the propaganda about the readiness to fight for ukraine with muscovites in the current realities is heard from children’s lips ominously. it becomes clear that the independent authorities simply do not leave young people any choice, and those who are now taught to glorify the terrorist with stomping and slapping will inevitably find themselves in...
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according to internal data from border guards , almost 500 draft dodgers tried to escape from ukraine in six months, and these are only those evgenia petrukhina found out who was caught, how detachments of knowledgeable hunters operate and whether it is possible to hide from them. potential soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces are fleeing ukraine en masse, either out of fear or simply unwillingness to fight in side of the nazis. of course, those who were not captured by the tatskashniks are running, but they are running after them. they themselves are watching the real death squads , border detachments, the so-called border guards , look, almost 1,400 fugitives from mobilization were caught by the thirty-first border detachment of ukraine, and there, in addition to the border guards and the security service, and probably all the same tsk even more embittered, in general, cooled the ardor of those , who decided to flee to romania through chernivtsi, almost the same number of fugitives
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were caught in six months by the death squad from mukachevo, among those caught, apparently those who wanted move to the territory of... hungary. about a thousand people tried to escape to moldova, but failed. also because of the border guards. and apparently, the seventh carpathian border detachment in lviv is doing worse. in six months they caught only 126 people. or maybe they just took money for passing through the cordon, who will check them? well, the thirty-first border detachment from chernivtsi, judging by their statistics, could have turned out to be more cunning. they appear to be working with their own agents. these agents, for a certain amount.
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and for the border guards there are solid bonuses: firstly, while they send people to the front, they themselves are not conscripted, secondly, the statistics of the battles are good, and these are bonuses and not only, they can rob people who run out of the territory of ukraine with them carrying some kind of money, some values, the fact that they are allowed to engage in smuggling, yes, and this is exactly the same, because the border guards, they are under the control of the sbu, they work together, well, often patients, or rather potential... the soldier is most likely dead, this is necessary i don’t really want to go into the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces. here the border guards pulled out the body of twenty a one-year-old boy from the ivano-frankivsk region, and this is already the twenty-first case, and only for the mukachevo border detachment. so what was it? the cold mountain tisza and its strong current, or is it still small arms? we didn’t see the corpses presented,
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but these people who would be handed over to relatives and where would they be? obviously, a wetsuit, a mask, and a special raincoat were being prepared. also popular are, say, disguises that block a thermal imager, that is, this is a thermal mask that is also pulled up from above, or someone wraps it around themselves in a makeshift way with foil, because ukraine uses its drones against
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its own people, when with a thermal imager they see at night who is moving where.
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to exchange 3000 depleted dry troops , but with such and such losses on the ukrainian side, this actually doesn’t look much like rotation, but calibers or giranis may well fly through the infrastructure of the border guards square, a death squad for all their merits in quotation marks should return like a boomerang, then the boys will run from poland to moldova, everything is better than in the cold yew, in the sights of the sbu. we'll be back after a short advertisement, here's what we'll tell you about. a classic that may offend you a hundred years later. the metropolitan opera in new york warns of discrimination in its production of turandot, which again did not sit well with western fighters. for tolerance. alfabank for business.
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of the 16th century could somehow negatively affect the current generation of students. they say that the scottish bard sometimes raised too frank topics. in response to the absurd decision of the british media, a whole campaign to protect burns. the university was accused of simply turning students away. neither shakespeare nor the bible will work as a topic, but, however, the champions of emasculated tolerance will be only glad that, on occasion , these figures are ready to, if not completely distort, then at least censor almost all of the world’s classics. for example, the metropolitan opera in the usa is already warning viewers. the opera turandot turns out to be full of some racial stereotypes, but what is offered in return? this time
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the puchini were suspected of discrimination. it turns out that in the production of turandood, which has been running at the metropolitan opera itself since 1987, there are elements of discrimination. of course, according to the plot, she is a husband-hater. princess turandot tries to avoid marriage by asking the applicant riddles and executes them if they do not answer. but this is a classic that is already 100 years old. but now a large article appears on the official website of the metropolitan opera, which, in addition to the history of the production, tells that it abounds. contradictions, distortions and racial stereotypes. artists who played torandote in the eighties was surprised, to put it mildly, as they had never heard of such warnings in any other opera before. there is no risk of eventually canceling all the works of world culture, because they will certainly offend someone, it reaches the point of absurdity, they prohibit white artists from making up themselves as people of another nationality, as
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africans or asians. everyone remembers the sensational story with the white moor atela. can this be called tolerance? rather, this is the opposite phenomenon, harsh censorship that is destructive to the culture. but is the destructiveness of culture important when what is at stake is what is called tolerance in this context. now there is pressure that the entire heritage of chinese second-hand culture is being brazenly used and portrayed as bloodthirsty. for many spectators, staff at the metropolitan opera warn, it will. you can see by looking at it, whoever is annoyed by the fictional chinese characters, stay away from the production, this is already the reaction of western music critics to claims that are unfounded, the manhattan institute responded even harsher, they said the metropolitan opera is giving a legacy that must be protected, directors come who naturally want to make a career, young people with ambitions, but not always,
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unfortunately with... in fact, naked people powdered themselves hysterically and jumped around the stage no less hysterically, actors with disabilities too without a hint of clothing, they were lifted in their arms in wheelchairs, all this action, or rather , all this action was watched by children, but then there were no notes about discrimination. in london, despite sharp criticism from the public, it has been operating for almost a year theater for african americans only. there are special performances that are prohibited for light-skinned people. which one? in general
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, culture is underway - a planned reformatting of western society to completely anti-human values ​​and a system of moral coordinates in general. all this is briefly called in one word transhumanism, when a person is dehumanized and transformed into some other transcendental entity, without any boundaries of internal responsibility. but people without values. history is easier to manage; isn’t this what the classics of new democracy are trying to achieve on the political stage of the west? why were the ukrainians so sure that avdiivka could not be taken? the enemy fortress was entrenched, it was hard to knock it out, it was very problematic to drive up, how many of them were there before the platoon, probably everything that was possible was flying, both artillery and tanks,
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they fired at tanks, with skillful actions, as they say, they broke in and captured this one... russia no longer trusts western countries, any promises must now be backed up with firm guarantees. ukraine and its sponsors they have already begun to understand that russia’s interests will have to be taken into account in any case. vladimir putin spoke about this in an interview with the author and host of the program to conduct the week,
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general. russia today , dmitry kiselev emphasized, it is already clear to everyone that.


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