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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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in a very vulnerable position in the eyes of their more militant neighbors. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. and the european union, it seems, is preparing a legal basis for suspending the visa-free regime with ukraine. as reported on the eu website, a decree on new rules for visa-free freezing has already been agreed upon. the reason may now be an increase in the flow of migrants or violation of human rights. europeans and the un
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have a lot of questions regarding ukraine on both of these points, for example, dissatisfied with the lack of rights national minorities, the resolution will come into force after approval by the european parliament. the us defense industry is unable to keep up with orders for long-range guided missiles, and washington intends to move some production abroad for the first time. according to the wall street journal, an assembly plant will open in australia. the location has not been chosen. the states want to use this country as a base for confrontation with china, but, however, the publication notes that australia lacks skilled workers, and this will become a big problem. u on the coast of somalia, pirates hijacked a commercial ship, the eu naval mission reports. this is the message. the bandits managed to board the cargo ship, which was flying the flag of bangladesh. twenty sailors were taken hostage. and the day before it became known that
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samalite pirates had seized a ship with coal from mozambique. well, then, after a short advertisement , we’ll tell you who in finland will be allowed to drive with russian license plates and about the situation with gasoline and diesel. deposit is the best interest in savings - this is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button savings grow with the maximum rate, one button and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, savings with prime is more profitable, professional cos coloring, permanent cream paint.
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finland introduces new restrictions for cars with... what to do? dmitry akimov was looking for the answer. the ultimatum expires in 3 days. this is exactly how one can interpret the latest statement from the finnish authorities. director of the finnish customs enforcement department, same rakshit, said that now every car owner has a car with a russian license plate. is obliged to confirm his right to drive on the roads of the country of suomi. if a car registered in russia and not entitled to be in finland is found in traffic, customs will seize the car and make a possible tax assessment on the matter: consequences may include
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customs duties and tax, as well as the removal of the car from the eu. cars with russian license plates can still be used by students, as well as those who officially work in finland. with this... an important clarification: the car had to enter the country before introduction of the ban, that is, until september 16 last year. what does this mean for these russian cars that are actually in finland legally? yes, and this of course, the finns will attack them, yes , the finns will actually attack them or think, they have the right to attack russian cars, russian cars, so you see, this is also a type of bullying, exactly how drivers should leave. the country's authorities are not interested in the territory of finland; let me remind you that the borders on the eastern side have been closed since november last year and at least until april 14 this year, you just let the people out, let them take these cars of theirs
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, there’s a finnish border to drive here, no, they closed the border, they do nasty things to people so that they still suffer there in estonia, but this is a senile decision, across countries. in the baltics, cars cannot be overtaken either; there the ban was introduced even earlier. violators, for example, in lithuania face fines of up to 6,000 euros and confiscation of the car. the authorities of this country do not know how many cars with russian license plates are currently in finland, but they warn that they have the right to drive on our roads will need to be confirmed constantly, so now a student card or a fixed-term employment contract. any traffic policeman has the right to demand. dmitry akimov and sergey fodeev, news from st. petersburg. and in russia there is a steady surplus of supply on the fuel market. as reported by the agency, gasoline reserves at refineries and oil depots are 2 million tons of diesel
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fuel - 3.5 million tons. since the beginning of the year , gasoline shipments to the domestic market have increased by 6%, and diesel by 8%. this was achieved thanks to timely measures taken. to ban the export of certain types of fuel protective duties for resellers. a decision was also made to increase mandatory diesel sales on the stock exchange. in the retail segment, prices are now stable. the situation is under daily monitoring by the ministry of energy and the federal antimonopoly service. in turkey, in the resort town of antalya , a tornado was noticed; it formed in the sea. these are the pictures tourists posted on social networks. no one was hurt; the whirlwind disappeared quite quickly. a thousand russians who are currently abroad have already voted early in the presidential elections, this
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said foreign ministry official maria zakharova, well, in russia itself they vote early in hard-to-reach and remote areas, as well as in new regions, in areas located near the line of military contact, zinaet kurbatova will tell you in more detail. election committee employees rushed to the khangalavskoye field in yakutia when they were micro. the bus almost fell through the ice, as a result, a rotation vehicle delivered the election commission to the village of zolotopromyshlennikov ; 15 miners were able to vote at the site. early they vote in hard-to-reach remote areas; for members of the election commission , getting to such a village or island is a whole adventure; sometimes the journey is made for one person, for example, lighthouse keepers. here the election commission is flying by helicopter to the mutnovskaya field in kamchatka, where the largest one is located. geothermal power plant, we are all citizens of one country, we are remembered, we all have the right, and we
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get it, accordingly, to vote, to make our choice. 40 people voted in mutnovsky, in total in kamchatka 6,000 voters have already made their choice, ahead of schedule. military personnel vote early, here in syrian tartus, this is the base of the navy, russia , the crew of combat auxiliary ships cast their votes, black sea. and the pacific fleet, everything is clearly military, right in bulletproof vests and helmets, threw the ballot into the ballot box again in the hands of a machine gun. polling stations are deployed at the positions of the southern group of troops performing combat missions in a special military operation. here is your ballot, here is the voting booth. military personnel of the units of the eleventh army corps of the west group of forces and the thirty- sixth combined arms army of the east group of forces cast their votes. as you know, a sapper has no right to make a mistake. the contract soldiers from
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the 90th engineer regiment have already been mobilized and have already voted. at the moment, polk is actively participating in the presidential elections of the russian federation. together we vote for russia. in the kherson region, the turnout for early voting by the end of the day on march 12 was 58.14 of the total number of voters. members the election commission walked around the surrounding areas with surnas. during the main voting phase. 61 polling stations will open here, early voting is taking place in towns and villages located near the line of military contact. early voting continues in the zaporozhye region; 247 mobile voting groups operate here. march 13, turnout was 40.2%. chairman of the territorial election commission kamenko recently reported that the flight was not far from the territorial election commission, but it feels like... that country, well , literally, it reminds us of itself every day, we, our members of precinct and
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territorial election commissions know how to act in this situation, that’s what i always say, we can’t be scared anymore, we are everything anyway, we will hold elections, i would probably like to vote in an elegantly decorated school building with traditional pies and a folk choir, but people understand that for now the only way to cast their votes is in the field, the situation that we have now is itself... they shoot, unknown when could arrive at any second. there are no violations in donetsk and the zaporozhye region, this was recorded by observers, both independent and from different parties. zenaida kurbatova, victoria kaberskaya, alexander porkhunov, news. in khakassia, at the preiskovaya resort, a skier triggered a small avalanche. these shots were posted by ourselves. tourists, well, the snow flow first hit the skier and he
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tumbled down the slope. the most interesting thing is that, in principle, he was not injured, he was dressed with bruises and a slight fright. a new school for 1,100 students was opened in the kostinsky district of sochi, built thanks to a national project.
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also modern and new, so we moved here. the governor addresses the boys and girls. veniamin kondradev notes that this school has everything for the harmonious development of everyone’s personality. comfortable conditions have been created for study and recreation, creativity and sports. children will go to such institutions with pleasure. these are the very conditions in which the boys and girls standing here will study, these are the conditions, high-quality conditions, which means the quality of education they have will.
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digital markings, stands, soft wall protection and automated basketball scores. the assembly hall, which is equipped with a ten-meter led screen, is also surprising. venyamin kondratev decides to go up to the guys with them to evaluate the capabilities of this site. the school also has a choreography room, a library, and a cozy space for relaxation, creativity and learning. the astronomy class deserves special attention, in which students are already studying the solar system, satellites of the planets. school amazing office. these are the ones that didn’t exist when i was a schoolboy, and believe me, even now, i’m sure they don’t exist in most schools in the region, you have them, the gymnasium will reduce the load on nearby schools, it will reduce the number of students in the second shift, now in there are about 780 thousand students in the region, everyone deserves the best. inna nikishina, alexey komarov, lead. on still in
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sochi. the russian artistic gymnastics championship started, olympic medalists, as well as winners of world and world championships, came to the federal territory of sirius. europe. about the fight for the title of national champion, stas ridikultsev. sirius, of course, is the brightest star in the night sky, but when the entire constellation of russian artistic gymnastics comes together and becomes dazzlingly bright, this is what the national championship looks like.
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from start to finish 14 points everyone will get everything at home from the stands nagorny’s family is watching the performance in the front row, his wife and son , he is not such an ardent fan yet, so somewhere i even forgot that i have a wife and child here , because there was a great desire to win as a team, today was this is the mood unfortunately we didn’t win, these words were spoken by nagorny without yet knowing the official results, the moscow team, in which... arthur dalalayan and nikita nagorny set until the last type of the program is in the top three, but is not in the lead, everything changes when another tokyo olympic champion, denis oblyazin, comes into play on the vault, but oblyazin missed. i had surgery on my shoulder and won’t be able to compete here at my favorite rings; my knee also started to bother me, but i came out and jumped so much that the muscovites came out of third place soared to the first place, russian gymnastics
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is still doing dizzying somersaults, we try to keep the bar and try to break away from the young people even at our age somehow, that is, they are great, they are trying to catch up with us, stepping on our heels, this is good competition , it’s healthy that there are no certain things there, that there is service or something else, it’s on the contrary nice when you have healthy competition, that you can compete with them. the very first day of the national artistic gymnastics championship gave bright emotions and dazzling stories, ahead of the team tournament for women, individual all-around competitions in individual events. stas ridikultsev, stanislav petrov, alexander sidorov, alexander salmashevsky, news from sochi. what is a dream car, the answer is very simple, it should have everything, style, dynamics and first class comfort, on any
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the memory of the past and conquer new heights, it is in our hands to choose our future and the future of the entire country. together, we are strong, we vote for russia.
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russia no longer trusts western countries; any promises must now be backed up.


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