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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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russia no longer trusts western countries; any promises must now be backed up with firm guarantees. ukraine and its sponsors have already begun to understand.
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that russia’s interests will have to be taken into account in any case, vladimir putin spoke about this in an interview with the author and host of the vesti nedeli program, general director of the russia today media group, dmitry kiselev, stressed that everyone already understands that dreams of defeating our country are untenable, what else was discussed speech, alexey golovko knows. the detailed conversation between vladimir putin and dmitry kiselyov lasted more than an hour and a half, a lot of topics were touched upon, but the longest conversation was, of course, during a special military operation and about why right now ukrainian nationalists are especially actively shelling russian border cities. the main goal, i have no doubt about it, is to, if not disrupt the presidential elections in russia, then at least somehow - somehow interfere with the normal process, pour out statements from citizens. first, second is the information effect, third, if at least something works out. get some
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a chance, some argument, some trump card in a possible future negotiation process. we will return this to you, and you will return this to us. they will also try in some other areas, we can see that. the ukrainian command, apparently, expected a noticeable effect from the recent raid of saboteurs who tried to penetrate the territory of the belgorod region, but the column was defeated on the approach to the border, and the general headquarters reported to the president about the enemy’s losses. more than 200, about 230 approximately, out of eight used the enemy lost seven tanks, nine out of nine armored vehicles, seven of them american- made bradley. for the sake of pr effect , the ukrainian command is ready to sacrifice its people, and not only in one-time actions, but for months, as is happening in the krynki on the left bank of the dnieper, just like a meat grinder of people.
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it’s easier to fight, remember how in russia they said, well-fed, drunk and your nose is in tobacco, your nose is in tobacco, because they used snuff, but now your nose is in cocaine, yes, well, it doesn’t matter, with such people it’s easier, with smart people it’s more difficult, they are more dangerous because they influence the consciousness of society, including ours. russia is now ready for negotiations, but now, after all the defeats, ukraine and its allies will have to take into account the real state of affairs on the fields of a special military operation. are we ready to negotiate? yes, we are ready, but only not ready for negotiations that are not based on some wishes after the use of psychotopic drugs, but based on the realities that have developed, as they say in such cases, on earth. we have already many times, what not promised. just because they
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are running out of ammunition, well, it’s somehow ridiculous on our part, russia will no longer trust western negotiators at their word, as in the early nineties, any agreements must be backed up by legally binding guarantees, i don’t want to say this, but i don’t trust anyone, so, but we need guarantees and guarantees must be spelled out.
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has been present in ukraine for a long time, they were present even before the coup d’etat, and after the coup d’etat, their number increased manifold, now they are present directly in in the form of advisers, is present in the form of foreign mercenaries and suffer losses, but if... we are talking about official military contingents of foreign states, then i am sure that this will not change the situation on the battlefield. probably, president macron also didn’t like the footage from mali, burkinofasso and niger, where
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during the recent coups russian flags were constantly visible in the crowd, french neo-colonialism collided with renewed vigor in africa, maybe he decided... to take revenge on russia in this way because we stepped on him on our tail in africa, we had to be afraid there, we didn’t go into africa and squeeze france out of there, but the problem is different, this is the well-known wagner group, it first carried out a number of economic projects in syria, then moved to other african countries, ministry of defense we provide.
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in ukraine, i think that these are the geopolitical consequences for ukraine, even from the point of view of preserving its statehood in its modern form, they, of course, will rise to full height in all their beauty. even such once neutral people succumbed to war hysteria.
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countries like sweden and finland. now, after joining nato, they, by the will of their rulers, are on the front line of a potential global conflict. we generally had ideal relations with finland.
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in folk affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries
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to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampires’ point ends. russia, as at all times, can only rely on its army, navy, and now its strategic missile forces. are we really ready for nuclear war, sir? military-technical point of view.
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i said that for us it is a matter of life and death, but for them, for them it is a matter of improving their tactical position, in general, in the situation in the world, well in europe in particular, maintaining their status, their status among their allies, this is also important , but not as much as for us, the west, as during the cold war, will not be able to drag russia into a ruinous arms race. the us military budget has almost reached a trillion dollars, but many expensive decisions become meaningless after
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the emergence of russian developments. if you calculate how much it cost them, say , a missile defense system, well-known , yes, and, uh, one of the main components of overcoming pro, on our part, the vanguard, the intercontinental missile, well , just incomparable values, and we essentially reset . reproached me for the fact that i sympathize with biden, this was
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more than four years ago, he told me so in one of the conversations, you want him to win, excuse me, i’ll tell you how he is, this is just direct speech, so that sleeping joe wins, he gives me he said so when he was still president, and then, to my surprise, they began to persecute him because we allegedly supported him there as a candidate, well, before some. although moscow and washington currently do not have common approaches to any global problem, they are unable to agree on the limitation of strategic offensive weapons, perhaps for greater persuasiveness.
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since the treaty was not ratified by the united states, it did not finally enter into legal force, because it did not receive the required number of ratifications, but no less, we adhere to these agreements, but we know that the united states is considering the possibility of conducting such tests, what is this connected with? due to the fact that when new warheads appear, as some experts believe, it is not enough to test them only on... a computer, which means they need to be tested in kind, in their natural form, well, these are the ideas in certain circles in the usa, they are floating around , take place, we know about it, well, we also look, if they conduct such tests, i don’t rule it out, not definitely, we need it, we don’t need it, we still
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need to think about it, but i don’t rule out that we can do the same thing, well... despite the entire population of donbass and novorossiya. political and military opposition from the enemy and his allies, russia will continue to carry out the tasks of a special military operation, will continue to defend the russian language . if we abandon these people today, then tomorrow our losses may increase many times over, our children will not have any. future, because we will feel insecure, we will be a third- or fourth-class country, no one will take us into account if we cannot defend ourselves, and the consequences could be catastrophic for russian statehood. did you remember during this interview how
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vladimir putin’s idea of ​​the work of the head of state has changed over the years, now that president yeltsin is already outgoing? at all, it’s like the yankees at the court of king arthur or something else like that, it’s impossible to answer this question, because the question was asked at that time in the historical and economic context in which the country was located, in the internal political
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position from an internal point of view. i thought that i was not ready to solve all these problems, and god forbid i make something even worse, that’s what we were talking about, when the work started, everything was completely different there, you know, when you work , you think, this, this, this, this is what you need right now, this, now, tomorrow, it ’s gone, it’s gone, when you get involved in work,
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it’s a completely different story, there’s no time to be afraid anymore, yes it's not a matter of fears, yes, but it's a matter of understanding, as it were, the ability to solve these tasks. the president admitted that he feels the support of society in this difficult time, which is accompanied by an increase in patriotic sentiment. this feeling of an internal connection with the homeland, with the fatherland, of one’s importance in solving key problems in this case in the field of security, it brought to the surface this strength of the russian and other peoples of russia. do you feed off of this? always. and this feedback helps vladimir putin cope with his responsibilities in the most important post of president of a large country, so that i somehow feel some kind of arbiter.
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200 soldiers, mercenary officers, 10 tanks and a dozen other armored vehicles, half of them american, as well as 20 self-propelled guns and missile systems were destroyed, three command and staff vehicles and a weapons repair shop were destroyed. in addition, a strike was carried out on the petriot missile complex in the kharkov region. air defense forces shot down 136 combat drones; in addition, reconnaissance discovered helicopters in su, which landed in a hidden area to refuel.
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woman, more so she kicks of course, with her even to talk, in front of you is the t-80 tank , which just the day before yesterday left the battle, from it you can see that it has characteristic damage from shrapnel, from fpv drones, now the crew is carrying out restoration work, restoring the battle again, their multi-ton, but after all, the swallows are put in order by the tankers of the fifth brigade named after alexander zakharchenko and the peculiar... feathers of these birds, dynamic protection in battle works, saves the car and the crew then needs to be changed, small tremors are heard, as it were, well
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if somewhere nearby, well, there’s a clap and the commander makes small pushes, we’re joking, as if we’re doing it, so that the crew is in a normal fighting mood. the tanks here are of different types and different modifications, but they go into battle in one general formation; there are very unusual, but necessary examples. it looks like a tank, but not quite. or rather, it’s not a tank at all, it’s a combat repair and recovery vehicle, a brem, a so-called tow truck, this should be part of any tank unit. the mission of this crew is ambulance and pulling the wounded from the battlefield, and the wounded person here is a tank, that is, you need to jump up to the wounded one, hook him and quickly pull him to a safe place. we had the fastest evacuation - it was 2 minutes. during an evacuation there are some little things, somewhere i took a slightly wrong turn, maybe... at the moment it might throw me off, but then if it throws me off, it means throwing you off, well , it will lead you to the side, but what if will lead to the side, it’s me who will hit the mines, it was
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these same five tankers on these tanks in their direction the other day who were photographed from a copter, iron not only the tanks themselves, but there is no doubt about the character and endurance of these tankers, who are conquering their native land from the enemy, five by inch, which at the same time is mined in several layers, all under the enemy’s fpv drones. but no one deliberately delays the repairs; they repaired what was necessary and immediately went into a new battle with renewed vigor. the t-72 is being deployed to carry out a combat mission; there is absolutely nothing to get to the front. the crew can only wish them luck. grigory vdoin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev and andrey rudenko. news from the donetsk people's republic. the german chancellor said that the supply of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine is an irresponsible step, although it is pushing for such a decision. according to polls , the majority of residents do not want to fight and support the chancellor. european hawks have a report from the chief of our berlin bureau,
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mikhail antonov. the scandal surrounding the leak of negotiations between bundeswehr generals who were planning attacks on the russian rear of the crimean bridge gave germany’s largest opposition party, the cdu, another reason to return to the issue of the supply of taurus cruise missiles to ukraine, which is something to be ashamed of, since now everyone knows everything, besides, the allies from london have put forward a proposal for the so-called ring exchange: germany transfers the taurus to britain, they send their stormsheds to kiev, maybe now the chancellor will come to the bundestag and tell them something.
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over 500 km, with the help of which the kremlin could be destroyed, will be clearly regarded by russia as a declaration of war on the part of germany, therefore it is correct and necessary to continue to refuse to cross this red line, namely the supply of taurus missiles. taurus will not help to turn it around.
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the bundeswehr's weapons now give the german government more options, in the future it will be able to transfer more cruise missiles to ukraine without jeopardizing its own national defense, and the so-called ring exchange through allies will also become more feasible. in other words, the transfer of taurus to ukraine threatens not only an escalation in relations with russia, but also that germany itself will face a shortage of the most powerful weapons systems at its disposal, although...
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they find themselves in the camp of evil.


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