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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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it quickly becomes clear: there are a lot of commanding staff, there are only 46,000 soldiers, this means that the troops are hardly able to function, more soldiers are needed, now we have more of those who give orders. based on this, most military analysts conclude that germany is not ready for the very war that its allies from london and now, especially from paris, are pushing it towards. macron’s efforts to form a coalition in europe willing to undertake a military intervention in ukraine can only be compared with his activity in suppression of anti-war opposition within france. the opposition is resisting. you all dress in white and talk about good, denying any opposition, millions of french people who represent it are in the camp of evil. the choice you want to impose, either
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we support macron, or we are accused of supporting putin, this is nonsense. however, the zeal with which the new prime minister and foreign minister are participating in macron’s militaristic campaign makes one suspect that this is what the recent reshuffles in the french government were all about. government. the phrase that i remembered in our discussion is that you need to stop sticking out your chest. so i'll tell you this, i prefer to stick out my chest rather than lie on...
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he is constantly outperforming others, the assumption that a partnership with ukraine will strengthen our security is complete nonsense, do i need to remind you that ukraine is a warring country , an agreement with a warring country inevitably leads to war. we will vote unanimously against this agreement, which imposes vague obligations on us for 10 years with vague goals. we should not enter into military conflict. with russia , thanks to the efforts of the opposition , there was no clause in the strategic agreement on the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, but this vague document itself was approved by a majority vote; on friday macron will probably bring it to berlin to show scholz how to work. they will be campaigned by polish prime minister tusk, who has been invited as a lightning rod. scholz's relationship with macron sparks continuously. and the unofficial purpose of the meeting is to relieve unnecessary tension between germany and france. the probability of success is 50
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to 50. much will depend on tomorrow’s vote in the bundestag, which, with the support of the opposition from the cdu, will make the third attempt in 2 months to push taurus for ukraine. for the first time, the german parliament refused supplies; for the second, it agreed to transfer long-range weapons to kiev without mentioning the taurus. if tomorrow the deputies approve the idea, even in the format of a ring exchange with britain. olaf scholz may find himself in a very vulnerable position. in the eyes of their more militant neighbors. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. the european parliament supported the demands of eu farmers and refused to extend the duty-free import regime for ukrainian grain and other agricultural products for another year. almost 350 deputies voted to refuse kiev and send the proposal to the european commission for revision. but it is understandable, now there is a mass protest. farmers, they are going bankrupt for dumping
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ukraine, farmers make up a significant part of eu voters, and elections to the european parliament should take place in june, well, actually, that’s why the deputies became so bold, but after the elections everything can, of course, change. in the russian presidential elections, the main voting starts on march 15, the candidates and their proxies held... a final meeting with voters. details from margarita semenyuk. the election campaign is coming to an end; for several months the candidates for the post of president of russia and their proxies have been working, as they say, in the fields. trips around the country and large-scale work with voters, and participants in the presidential race visited dozens of regions of russia, held hundreds meetings, recorded thousands of wishes and problems of citizens. all appeals were reflected in the election programs. there is less time left before the start of the first day of voting. days in some regions in a matter of
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hours, and today the final trips took place. the last day before voting is the co-chair of vladimir putin's central election headquarters, maryana lysenko. held in barnaul in the altai territory. lysenka completed her working trips as part of the campaign. here she met with afghan veterans, students, doctors, visited a hospital for war veterans. the fundamentally important point of emphasis now is everything related to assistance to participants in a special military operation, assistance to the families of participants in military operations, assistance to children who are returning, and not only those who were wounded, but assistance in adaptation. the candidate from the communist party today held meetings in volgograd, here nikolai kharitonov and fellow party members laid flowers at the monuments to outstanding historical figures vladimir lenin, joseph stalin and georgy zhukov, visited the monument to the hero of the battle of stalingrad, and then proposed
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to rename the city hero volgograd and return it to its historical name. therefore, it is necessary to hold an all-russian referendum and return it to victory day, preferably. the historical name is stalingrad, and i think that the population of our country, our voters, will support this name, because in today’s situation, when the nato bloc is led by the united states of america, the old lady of europe, having forgotten the lessons and especially the lesson of the battle of stalingrad, the stalingrad defeat, then when 3000 it was only those led by field marshal paulus who were captured; today this lesson has been forgotten.
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for its immediate adoption, the president said 3,500 rubles, but this is in the thirtieth year, we are talking today, we also advocate a progressive tax scale, because it is fair, those who can, on the contrary, should pay more. candidate, having visited 17 regions of russia, including... new subjects of the country formed a program that included the wishes of citizens. slutsky noted that most of the citizens’ appeals are related to high prices for products. the ldpr leader intends to stop rising prices and control large retail chains. people also made requests to restore order in the housing and communal services sector in medicine. so, polling stations
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will open on friday, march 15th. our live channel will provide detailed coverage of the voting process and the vote counting process. leonid slutsky also met with pierre de gaulle, the grandson of the former french president, general charles de gaulle. he came to the russian presidential elections as an international expert. slutsky emphasized that moscow supports and unites everyone who advocates for a multipolar world, believes that countries have the right to sovereignty. russia today has essentially created a new global majority. and for the first time in several centuries it is not anglo-saxon.
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unification, the unity of countries for which their values, history, traditions, culture, religion, national language and much more are the most important factors in deciding how to live and develop further. in russia. there is a stable supply surplus in the fuel market. as reported in ministry of energy, gasoline reserves at refineries and oil depots are 2 million tons, diesel fuel is 3.5 million tons. since the beginning of the year, gasoline shipments to the domestic market have increased by 6%, and diesel by 8%. this
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was achieved thanks to timely measures taken to ban the export of certain types of fuel and protective duties for resellers. a decision was also made to increase mandatory diesel sales on the stock exchange. in retail. in this segment, prices are now stable, the situation is under daily monitoring by the ministry of energy and the federal antimonopoly service. next, after a short advertisement at... russophobia of the finns, why will the crime boss shokro young be released early? order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, rolfultra oil.
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pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay, receive a superkick every month, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. finland is introducing new restrictions for cars with russian license plates. owners are required to remove them from the property by march 16 countries, but checkpoints on the border with russia are closed, and neighboring countries also have such a ban. what to do? dmitry akimov was looking for the answer. the ultimatum expires in 3 days. this is exactly how one can interpret the latest statement from the finnish authorities. director of the finnish customs enforcement department sami rakshit said that now every car owner of a car with a russian license plate is required to confirm. give your right to drive on the roads of the country suomi. if a car registered in russia and
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not entitled to be in finland is found in traffic, customs will seize car and will make a possible tax assessment on this issue. consequences may include customs duties and taxes, as well as the removal of the vehicle from the eu. cars with russian license plates can still be used by students, as well as those who officially work in finland. this is an important clarification. the car had to enter the country before the ban was introduced, that is, before september 16 last year, what does this mean for these russian cars? is actually on finnish territory legally, yes, and of course the finns will attack them, yes, the finns will actually attack them, or they think they have the right to attack russian cars, russian cars, so, you see, this is also a form of bullying, how exactly drivers should leave the territory of finland, the country’s authorities are not interested, let me remind you, the borders are from the east the parties have been closed since november
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last year, and at least until april 14 this year. years, well, let the people out, let them take these cars of theirs, there’s a finnish border here, no, they closed the border, they’re doing dirty tricks on people so that they’re still in estonia suffered, but this is a simple solution, cars cannot be transported through the baltic countries either , the ban was introduced there even earlier, violators, for example, in lithuania face fines of up to 6,000 euros and confiscation of the car, how many cars are there from russia? license plates are now located on the territory of finland, the authorities of this country do not know, but they warn that their right to drive on our roads will need to be confirmed constantly, so now any traffic policeman has the right to demand a student card or a fixed-term employment contract. dmitry akimov and sergey fodeev, news from
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st. petersburg. the court decided to release zakhary kalashov on parole. in the criminal world he is known as shokrom young. the reason is deteriorating health due to age. he turns 71 in a week. fyodor eliseev will tell you why he is serving his sentence and what awaits kalashov after leaving the colony. never before will the country's most influential authority, zakhary kalashov, be released. his request for conditional early release was granted by the uyslabinsky district court of the krasnodar territory. decision on this was decided behind closed doors. zachary. kalashov, better known in some circles as shakro the young, was called the head of the country’s underworld. kalashov began his path to the criminal olympus back in the early seventies in georgia, several prison terms, then moving away from caucasian law enforcement officers to moscow. over time, shakro the young became one of the most authoritative criminal leaders, the so-called thieves in law. in the nineties, kalashov survived more than a dozen
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assassination attempts; in 2003 he moved to sunny spain. in those years, this european country became... from the main financial laundries, where the leaders of russian gangs laundered their income, thieves in law bought up hotels, beaches and restaurants, luxury villas and yachts, filling the spanish treasury with money, but the hospitality turned out to be short-lived, as soon as the dirty finances settled in europe, it was suddenly opened on the visiting millionaires themselves hunting, during several operations dozens of members of russian gangs were detained, shakro young also did not escape this fate, he received 9 years in prison as prescribed. in the fall of 2014 shakro was young deported to russia, the love of a beautiful life migrated with him, operatives were convinced of this during the arrest of kalashov in 2016 in moscow, a country mansion with a picturesque garden in the house of the king of thieves, royal interior, furniture in gilded monograms, a luxurious piano for one owner , two swimming pools, a gym for maintaining health, a bar with a collection
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of premium brands of drinks, possibly for holding important negotiations. kalashov was caught after he tried... to bribe high-ranking generals for he asked for a million dollars to release his chief assistant, a crime boss nicknamed the italian, who in december 2015 staged a shootout on rodchelskaya street in moscow. then an italian, also known as andrei kochuykov on his passport, together with eleven accomplices , came to an elite restaurant and demanded 8 million rubles from its owner zhanna kim. she turned to former kgb officer, lawyer eduard budantsev, for help. the skirmish is over. the arrow killed two people and injured nine. this is the event prompted legislators to develop a new article to combat the leaders of the criminal world. to this day, those methods that were formed just a few years ago are actively used by the law enforcement system of our country. due to
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shakro’s intervention, the young instigator of the shootout was almost released, but the transfer of the bribe was stopped in time with... his deputy, as well as the deputy head of the capital’s main investigations committee of russia, denis nikandrov. he betrayed his boss , alexander dremanov. the fate of all participants this scandalous story turned out to be sad. nekandrov served his term and was released on parole. drymanov is still in prison, and maksimenko committed suicide after being behind bars. zakhary kalashov. it was in this way that he was able to earn himself an indisputable authority in this environment. in 2018, shakro young was found guilty of extortion using violence. the court
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sentenced him to nine years and 10 months in prison. the king of the thieves' world was supposed to be released only in 2028. and so now, like a bolt from the blue, the news about parole. and people who are subject to parole understand that after they are released, and they... will be supervised by the police, and such meetings between the district police officer and those who are in his area occur infrequently, usually once a month, plus the criminal executive inspection also takes control of these people, surely a person with such influence in the criminal world will be looked after by the special services than he will be engaged, but i don’t think that he will go to the machine, you know, of course, he will be doing what he has been doing all his life, uh, in what way will it be expressed, that means, seeing, well, we’ll see here, yes, here, of course, there will be an operational record for him, on what exact day zakhary kalashov will be released is not reported, according to media reports he is being released due to
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health problems that the seventy-year-old leader of the underworld has developed behind bars, next birthday authority will note probably already free. fyodor eliseev, andrey ivlev, lead, duty unit. it’s easy to imagine an ideal house, but it’s not always possible to build, so just imagine, everything else from selecting a site to choosing a contractor, trust the section build a house for a house click. so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power. gas - an ultra-pure base of rolf ultra motor oil, synthesized from gas using two innovative
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from time immemorial , the law reigned in russia, the people, princes, and governors chose together, this approach is democratic, the elections of authorities are public, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choose traditionally only innovatively, progress helps us, improving the process, december is truly a godsend, millions vote quickly, clearly, from a laptop or smartphone, across russia. freely, we choose a candidate so that we can comfortably make plans , the traveler votes freely anywhere, there is a mobile voter in a swinging way of life we are on a date convenient for us , be calm at the site, video control is in place, in addition to the cameras at the site, like heroes and fairy tales, observers stand, monitor the legality, in
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general, everything... similarly, you can see for yourself at the site by looking at the cic rf website.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, amounts seriously. in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you shook yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure? is it easy to get confused by the facts when
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you only see part of the big picture? chasing views changes entire locations, it's easy to do. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparable original in their questions, and what in general with production, raw materials and exports, how...
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what is our product. russia no longer trusts western countries; any promises must now be backed up with firm guarantees. ukraine and its sponsors have already begun to understand.


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