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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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russia no longer trusts western countries; any promises must now be backed up with firm guarantees. ukraine and its sponsors have already begun to understand that russia’s interests will have to be taken into account in any case. vladimir putin spoke about this in an interview with the author and host of the vesti nedeli program, general.
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no one will consider us a third or fourth class country if we cannot protect ourselves. and the consequences could be catastrophic for russian statehood. for russia, every human life is priceless, which cannot be said about the priorities of kyiv. against the backdrop of the successes of the russian military, the enemy is snarling at peaceful cities. the belgorod and kursk regions are under constant attack. just the day before, we repulsed an attack by a ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group that was trying to break through the border; the enemy lost over 200 people, seven tanks, and seven armored vehicles. against the backdrop of those failures, they need to show at least something, and mainly, attention should be focused on the information side of the matter, if at least something works out, get some chance, some an argument, some kind of trump card in a possible future negotiation process. and moscow
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is open to dialogue about peace, the president again made it clear, but the negotiations are not a pause for the rearmament of ukraine, but a serious conversation with guarantees of russia’s security. are we ready to negotiate? yes, we are ready to negotiate now only because they are running out of ammunition, well, this is somehow ridiculous on our part, we are nevertheless ready for a serious conversation, and - we know the various options that are being discussed, we know those carrots that they are going to show us, in order to convince us that the moment has come, we, we want to repeat once again, resolve all disputes and this dispute, this conflict by peaceful means, and we are ready for this, we want this, but this must ...
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will enter the territory of ukraine for , as it sounds, to cover the ukrainian-belarusian, say, border, then i think that polish troops will never leave there, well , it seems to me so, in this case then because
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they will want to return , they sleep and see, they want to return those lands that they consider historically their own, but send the loudest. paris may be linked to its own failure in africa, where the fifth republic continues to lose its influence. we didn’t push anyone out, it’s just that the african leaders of some countries agreed with russian economic operators, wanted to work with them, didn’t want to work with the french in anything, it’s unclear why they would be offended at us in this regard, if... if an independent state wants to develop relations with its partners from other countries, including russia, wants develop relations with russia, this is probably , probably, it’s more convenient to be offended by someone without seeing your own problems,
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putin commented on the expansion of nato due to the entry of sweden and finland into the alliance, russian troops and weapons systems will appear at the borders , but before , the president emphasized, we had... good neighborly relations, germany was also unpleasantly surprised , high-ranking officers, who, as it became known from the intercepted conversation, were seriously discussing taurus strikes on the crimean bridge, are fantasizing about themselves they are encouraging, firstly, secondly, they are trying to intimidate us, but there are problems there , as far as germany is concerned, there are problems there, problems of a constitutional nature, they say correctly, what if these taurus end up in that part of the crimean bridge.
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they associate their aspirations for their own independent development, but this is aggravated by the fact that in the western elites, in the western elites there is a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, the unjust state of affairs. in international affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampires’ point ends,
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russia has not changed its strategy towards the collective west in the event of a direct threat to the existence of the state, damage to sovereignty or independence, we are ready to use any weapon, including me ...
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back in the last year of his work as president, mr. trump, today’s presidential candidate, reproached me precisely for the fact that i sympathize with biden, this has been for more than four years ago, he told me so in one of the conversations, you want him to win, well , excuse me, i’ll tell you how he is, this is just a direct speech, so that sleeping joe wins, he told me so when he was still president... they supported
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him as a candidate, well, before some kind of complete. russia is also on the threshold of a single voting day, it will take place this sunday, march 17. according to vladimir putin, the country is approaching him more united than ever. to what extent do you feel the support of russian society like this? new quality, because something new has emerged the quality of russian society, it was there, it just manifested itself, and it’s very good that we, that we gave this deep russian society the opportunity to express itself, and it seems to me, i have the feeling that people have been waiting for this for a long time, that ordinary person. he will be a in demand by the country and the state and b, the fate
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of the country depends on him, it is this feeling of internal connection with the homeland, with the fatherland, of its importance in solving key problems in this case in the field of security, it has raised this level to the surface this power of the russian and other peoples of russia, you are always fed from this, but the point is not that you are fed. someone subscribes, the fact is that i see the request of society, this is the most important thing, to meet the demands of society, the interview ended well after midnight, summing up the result, the president emphasized that russia has achieved a lot, but together we can do more, for this is the power of possibility. natalya solavyova, lead. the russian army repelled 14 attacks in su, zelensky’s formation lost almost 1,200 more soldiers, officers. mercenaries, 10 tanks and a dozen and a half other armored vehicles were destroyed, half
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of them american, as well as 20 howubs, self-propelled guns and missile systems, three command and staff vehicles, and a weapons repair center were destroyed. in addition, a strike was carried out on the patriot missile system in the kharkov region. air defense forces shot down 136 combat drones. in addition, reconnaissance discovered ukrainian armed forces helicopters that landed at a hidden site for refueling and high-precision means. the crew is preparing for combat departure, all systems must be checked, the ammunition rack is also prepared, you need to love the tank , because it helps you out, helps you, saves you, if you don’t love it, you won’t love the tank, don’t service it, then this is already a disaster, a disaster, the vehicles are obviously well-deserved in various alterations.
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after being hit nearby from behind, we had already worked it out, we were driving empty without shells, we were driving to the point back from behind the arrival, we were a little short. the road near the front is difficult, it is necessary to go around not exploding shells, but puddles in the fields, in which western tanks, as we already know, would drown, are overcome immediately, in the avdeevsky direction, the task is to support actions on... the infantry has arrived, give one fire, one fire, plus, fire, shot, fire, the order has been executed, the command has been received to roll back to the starting point, timely maintenance of each vehicle is the guarantee that it will not let you down in battle , check, look at the oil, filter, lubricant, everything, batteries , everything is as it should be, like a friend or like a beloved woman, she probably already walks more like a beloved woman, a friend is a friend, more towards her, she is more affectionate like a beloved woman. more so she is of course even with her talking in front of you is the t-80 tank, which
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just the day before yesterday left the battle, from it you can see that it has characteristic damage from shrapnel, from fpv drones, now the crew is carrying out restoration work, restoring the battle of their multi-ton tanks again, but still the swallows are being tidied up by tankers of the fifth brigade named after alexander zakharchenko, and peculiar feathers. birds, dynamic protection in battle works, saves the car and the crew, then you need to change small tremors, as if somewhere nearby, well, as if there was a clap and small. we push the commander, we joke, as if we are doing it, so that the crew is in a normal fighting mood. the tanks here are of different types and different modifications, but they go into battle in one general formation, and there are very unusual, but necessary examples. it looks like a tank, but not quite a tank, or rather not a tank at all, it’s a combat repair and recovery vehicle, a brem, a so-called tow truck. this should be
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part of any tank unit. the mission of this crew is an ambulance, and in their direction the other day they were caught filming copters, not only the tanks themselves are iron, but there is no doubt the character and endurance of these tankers, who are conquering their native land from the enemy five by five, which is mined in several layers, all under the enemy’s fpv drones, but no one is deliberately delaying the repairs, they repaired what was necessary and immediately put it in a new one fight with new strength. the t-72 is being deployed to carry out
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a combat mission; there is absolutely nothing to get to the front. all that remains for the crew is... wish you good luck. grigory vdoin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev and andrey rudenko. news from donetsk people's republic. the european parliament supported the demands of eu farmers and refused to extend the duty-free import regime for ukrainian grain and other agricultural products for another year. almost 350 deputies voted to refuse kiev and send the proposal to the european commission for revision. it's understandable. now there are mass protests by farmers, they are going bankrupt for dumping. in ukraine, farmers make up a significant part of eu voters, and elections to the european parliament are due to take place in june. actually, that’s why the deputies became bolder, but after the elections everything can happen change. the court decided to release zakhary kalashov on parole. in the criminal world he is known as shakro young. the reason for deteriorating health is age.
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he turns 71 in a week. what is he serving his sentence for? is waiting for kalashov after leaving the colony, fyodor eliseev will tell you. the once most influential authority in the country , zakhary kalashov, is about to be released. his request for conditional early release was granted by the whistlabinsky district court of the krasnodar territory. the decision on this was made behind closed doors. zachary kalashov, better known in some circles as shakro the young, was called the head of the country's underworld. kalashov began his path to the criminal olympus back in the early seventies in georgia. deadlines, then moving away from caucasus law enforcement to moscow. over time, shakro the young became one of the most authoritative criminal leaders, the so -called thieves in law. in the nineties , kalashov survived more than a dozen assassination attempts, and in 2003 he moved to sunny spain. in those years, this european country became one of the main financial laundries where incomes of the leaders of russian gangs. thieves in law
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bought hotels, beaches and restaurants, luxury villas and yachts, filling the spanish treasury with money. the hospitality turned out to be short-lived; as soon as the dirty finances settled in europe, the visiting millionaires themselves were suddenly hunted. during several operations , dozens of russian gang members were detained. shakro the young also did not escape this fate; he received 9 years in prison. having served his time in prison, in the fall of 2014 shakro the young was deported to russia. the love of a beautiful life migrated with him. in that operatives were convinced during the arrest in 2016 in moscow, a country mansion with a picturesque garden in the house of the king of thieves , a royal interior, furniture in gilded wines, a luxurious piano for one owner, two swimming pools, a gym to maintain health, a bar with a collection of premium brands of drinks, possible for important negotiations. kalashov was caught after he tried to bribe high-ranking generals, for a million dollars he asked for the release
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of his main assistant, a criminal authority nicknamed italian. in december 2015, he staged a shootout on rotchelskaya street in moscow. then an italian, also known as andrei kochuykov according to his passport, together with 11 accomplices came to an elite restaurant and demanded 8 million rubles from its owner zhanna kim. she turned to former kgb officer, lawyer eduard budantsev, for help. the skirmish ended in gunfire, killing two people and injuring nine. it was this event that prompted legislators to develop a new article to combat the leaders of the criminal world. to this day. those methods which were formed just a few years ago and are actively using the security system. of our country, due to the intervention of shakro, the young instigator of the shootout was almost released, but the transfer of the bribe was stopped in time by the special services , and several influential security officials were detained at once:
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the head of the internal security department of the investigative committee , mikhail maksimenko, his deputy, as well as the deputy head of the capital's main headquarters of the investigative committee of russia, denis nikandrov . he betrayed his boss , alexander drymanov. the fate of all participants this scandalous story turned out to be sad. nekandrov served his sentence and was released on parole. dramanov is still in prison, and maksimenko committed suicide after being behind bars. zakhary kalashov has repeatedly shown himself in a criminal environment as a consistent, principled person, strictly speaking, in no way knowing pity, which is how he was able to earn himself unquestioned authority in this environment. in 2018, shakro molodoy was found guilty of extortion using. court sentenced him to 9 years 10 months in prison, the king of the thieves' world was supposed to be released only in 2028, now the news about
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parole comes like a bolt from the blue: and people who are subject to parole understand that after that , as soon as they are released, they will be supervised by the police, and such meetings between the district police officer and those who are in his area happen infrequently, usually once a month, plus the criminal... the executive inspection also takes control of these people, for sure behind a person with such influence in the criminal world will also be watched by the special services, what will he do, well, i don’t think that he will stand at the machine, you know, of course, he will do what he has been doing all his life, uh, in what this will be expressed - that means in the form, well, we’ll see here, but here naturally there will naturally be an operational record of him, on what exact day zakhary kalashov will be released is not reported, according to the media he is being released due to problems with... health, which for lattice appeared at the seventy-year-old leader of the criminal world, the authority will probably celebrate his next birthday already in freedom. fyodor eliseev, andrey ivlev, lead, duty unit.
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a new school for 100 students was opened in the khostinsky district of sochi. built thanks to the national education project. inna nikishina attended the opening. every square meter in the new school will surprise you; there are 30,000 of them here. students are greeted at the entrance by a spacious atrium, due to stained glass windows, a lot of natural light enters the room, but this is not just a lobby, here for boys and girls lectures will be held. the educational institution was highly anticipated by local residents; it was built in less than 3 years under the national education project, which is being implemented on behalf of the president. the microdistrict is large, there are a lot of children, not everyone can carry it. they built a school right here, we are very happy, i even have tears welling up with emotion, it makes a crazy impression, i think that inside everything is also modern and new,
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that’s why we moved here. the governor, veniyaminev, addresses the boys and girls notes that this school has everything for the harmonious development of everyone’s personality, comfortable conditions have been created for study and recreation, creativity and sports, children will go to such an institution with pleasure, these are the very conditions in which they will study. gyms are equipped with digital markings, stands, soft wall protection and
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automated basketball scores. the assembly hall, which is equipped with a ten-meter led screen, is also surprising. venyamin kondratev decides to go up to the guys with them to evaluate the capabilities of this site. the school also has a choreography room, a library, and a cozy space for relaxation, creativity and learning. the astronomy class deserves special attention, in which students are already studying the solar system , satellites of the planets. the school is amazing, the classrooms are the kind that didn’t exist when i was a schoolboy, and believe me, even now , i’m sure most schools in the region don’t have them, you have them. the gymnasium will reduce the load on nearby schools and reduce the number of students on the second shift. now there are about 780 thousand students in the region, everyone deserves the best. inna nikishina, alexey komarov, lead. and
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the russian artistic gymnastics championship started in sochi... olympic medalists, as well as winners of the world and european championships, came to the federal territory of sirius. about the fight for the title of national champion, stas ryadikoltsev. sirius, of course, is the brightest star in the night sky, but when the entire constellation of russian artistic gymnastics comes together it becomes dazzlingly bright. this is what the championship looks like countries. without international competitions, the main competition for our gymnasts is, of course. russian championship, so not a single athlete misses it, no matter what condition they are in, maybe they don’t do all the apparatus and don’t go to every exercise, but nevertheless, it is the duty of every athlete to perform at the russian championship. we were very serious and today is the first day, i can say that i experienced certain emotions, very interesting, yes, competitive, truly competitive, and competition of course it's cool. more than 150
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of russia's strongest gymnasts in... paris will be left without the best team in the world, the russian national team. at the tokyo olympics, the russians also had a neutral status, but the new, fictitious admission conditions are unacceptable for our team. currently, athletes who must be admitted under the conditions of a neutral athlete must sign one piece of paper called a declaration. nikita nagorny’s emotions speak about how important the national championship is, but he won everything on the platform, make a program, don’t you have to do everything on the horse, twist it, twirl it, from
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start to finish, everyone will get 14 points.
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to rush at least somehow, that is, they are great , they are trying to catch up with us, they are stepping on our heels , this is good competition, it ’s healthy, that there are no certain things there, that there are servants or something else, it’s on the contrary nice when you have healthy competition that you can compete with them. the very first day of the national championship in artistic gymnastics gave bright emotions and dazzling stories, ahead of the team tournament for women, individual all-around competitions in individual events. one hundred sredekul residents, stanislav petrov.
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why were the ukrainians so sure that the avdiivka could not be taken? the enemy was firmly entrenched, it was hard to dislodge , it was very problematic to approach, how many of them were there before the platoon, probably everything that was possible was flying, artillery, and tanks, he fired at tanks, with skillful actions, as if...


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