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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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ask the residents of today's ukraine how low the price of this confrontation is, for you , of course, it will not say that for you there you are some kind of crumbs, a few percent of your gdp from...
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the european commission has unlimited powers to control the media throughout the european union. the european commission, which is neither italian, nor portuguese, nor even estonian, does not understand how these people became european commissioners in the first place. now they will also control their media, once again, not over the national ones.
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that we are not at a crossroads, that we are following a definite, clearly verified course, this is a kind of antithesis to what they perceived in the soviet union of the gorbachev era, which was precisely at a crossroads, which was constantly selling , giving, in general, in asian countries in relation to us, there is still a certain syndrome in power, that is, that the country, which , you know, can support, can, so to speak, do everything, and then one fine moment everything ends, they leave, and those people who, so to speak they work with us...
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they were counting on us, they all turn out to be defenseless and not just defenseless, but we even simply refuse even them, this is very important, because building our relations now in asia, where very serious, very important processes are taking place, it is very important to create the image of russia , as an integral, consolidated country that accurately and clearly knows its interests and is ready to support and defend its allies, this is a very important point, this is a very important message to these countries, and... not only countries like myanmar or laos , which generally communicate seriously with us and generally count on our support to a large extent, but also many other countries in southeast asia, which now find themselves in an increasingly uncertain state between china, the united states and where their security issues become extremely acute for them. and this is where the most interesting thing is that yes, economically, of course, our position in this region is incomparable with either the american or chinese. politically, yes, we have very
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there are many common interests, a lot of common agreements, but the most important thing and what irritates our, so to speak , quote-unquote partners the most is that in the security sphere today russia is practically in non-competition and the events in syria and the events in africa, they show that at critical moments russia and the role of russia can radically change the entire situation that is developing in this region. and... meanwhile , events continue to happen there now, which, apart from a certain alarm, generally do not cause anything. firstly, the philippine-chinese confrontation is escalating; it has now become clear that there were secret negotiations between the philippines and china, and that they agreed on something in shanghai in january. the filipinos refused to comply with these agreements. and there was an interview with a senior chinese diplomat.
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to the fact that the deployment of american armed forces is taking place there, moreover, now this lisa raymonda has arrived there and brought 22 presidents of the largest american corporations to the philippines, and they should invest a billion dollars in the near future, they said that first of all they will make chips there, that
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they say taiwan and china are too large centers, so to speak, and we need to make new centers, one of these centers will be in the philippines, for why the americans are doing this , they also show others... that they say chinese help and chinese money, but we have our money, and we are ready on this economic front, in general , to resist china, and here we can add to this, that there will be a meeting in april biden and kishida and that the americans are now trying to use japan both against us and against ukraine, so that japan would transfer weapons to the united states, and the united states would accordingly transfer its weapons to ukraine, that is, there. a further process is taking place, well, plus they are preparing for the balikangan military maneuvers, this is shoulder to shoulder, where almost everyone will participate, the americans, the japanese, the south koreans, and the australians, these will be very big maneuvers, that’s what this whole situation is about, the last thing i want to say is
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it is surprising, of course, the position of china, you see, china, which practically controls 40% of the philippine gdp, controls 35% of the market, so to speak. uceo , moreover, in export trade, china practically has 30% there, well, they trade about 30 billion with the filipinos, americans 6 billion, but it turns out that the one who is significantly economically and from all points of view is much weaker, he wins, the one who simply has enormous opportunities to influence the same marcos jr. on the political elite of the philippines for in order to somehow at least moderate it a little, because
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they practically squeezed out the entire political elite, yes, so there is no need to deify the experience of your neighbors, you need to carefully look at the situation. mikhail mikhailovich, we must definitely pay attention to the weapons part of vladimir putin’s interview. the supreme commander-in-chief
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said that our nuclear triad is significantly superior to the similar american one, and our avangard hypersonic glide unit makes the whole thing practically useless. american pro, let's focus on about why he makes the american pro useless, if we repeat some points here that were previously voiced, then exclusively. and decoys, active jammers
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, and dipole reflectors, and various kinds of mylar balls, such a sausage is flying across the sky, try to select warheads among them and carry out live firing at these warheads, this is a very difficult task, here is reactionary selection against the background this whole flow of goals, but nevertheless, in one way or another it can be achieved, well... for example, in the a-135 system , selection is carried out using the upper layers of the atmosphere, even this principle is applied, but, but, the fact is that both the warheads and the anti-missile missile have very high speeds, that is, the relative speeds of approach are very high, they are so are great that it is necessary to exclude the human operator from the process of combat shooting, because he does not have time to react, well, at such speeds, everything is measured there. just seconds, which means the whole thing needs to be transferred to a completely automatic mode
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work, that is, some kind of combat firing cycle, and even at the time when this cycle starts, there is even a special command that blocks all toggle switches, switches, buttons so that the operator cannot intervene when the guidance process begins. what hypothesis is used as the basis for this combat cycle? because, strictly speaking, all this is carried out on the basis of combat algorithms, the only hypothesis that can be put is the hypothesis of the rectilinear and uniform movement of the target, since shooting anti-missile , how does it differ from anti-aircraft missile firing , that’s its fundamental difference, an anti -aircraft missile system, operators there for capture, guidance, launch, they accompany the target until the very last moment, sometimes in automatic mode, sometimes in manual mode, but nevertheless they accompany. when an anti-missile system fires, the combat mode radar detects the warhead
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of an intercontinental ballistic missile, makes several notches, then extrapolates and builds a trajectory flight of this unit, based on the hypothesis of straight and uniform movement, the meeting point is determined, it is at this point that the anti-missile missile is launched, this is the only way live fire is carried out, now attention, if the hypersonic gliding... energetic maneuvers along the course in altitude, this completely resets all the operation of the digital member complex of any anti-missile system, because it has just detected, made several notches, built a trajectory, determined the meeting point, determined the moment of launch, at this time energetic maneuvers begin, and that’s all these calculations are going to hell. therefore, our hypersonic glide unit really nullifies the entire
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missile defense system of the united states, in particular the so-called ground base interceptor and even iedges, i deeply doubt, even if it uses kinetic interception with active homing at the final stage, during such maneuvers, during such the vanguard will not be able to express this combat unit at speeds.
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regarding the possibility of using nuclear weapons in certain situations, then to say that, in general, our our opinion as a whole does not disagree with the assessments of the supreme commander-in-chief, what does he actually say? and emphasized in his interview, when he spoke, when he spoke about the possibility of using nuclear weapons in certain cases, again, since we were talking here - repeatedly about the possibility of a french contingent arriving on the territory of ukraine in the zone of a special military operation, then in my opinion, when will it really be their de facto participation in hostilities, when the formation arrives this or that french, when they receive this or that sector or zone
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of defense or offensive on the front line, they will take part in the battles, this is the first... day of these, their participation in the battles, well, by and large, is, and this should be clearly stated, the french military-political leadership must be aware of this , that this is already an invitation to use tactical nuclear weapons on our part, that’s how i personally think of this , i am convinced that this is an invitation, well, in this regard, it should be noted that putin, firstly, what said, he said that constant readiness, that we are ready, and that the same wording: ready, we are not ready, again... there is no emotionality here, like, what, use nuclear weapons, said differently, said , that we have a concept, compliance with this concept, if necessary, and until constant readiness, and this is already important, malik, yes, well, a couple of comments about everything that we discussed today, at the very beginning
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of the program, yes it was said about how good it would be to punish the europeans for everything they have done, yes over the past few years. well, it seems to me that they, of course, managed to punish themselves, yes, and we see this in the state in which the european economy finds itself now, the eurozone is already de facto in a technical recession, and for several quarters in a row, industrial production is practically falling in all countries, well in germany especially, the real incomes of the same germans have fallen to the level of 2015, that is, already nine years ago, well, nine years ago, they continue to fall, yes, because well, sort of are not keeping up with inflation, which is still up to...
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the latest measurements, 27 or 28%, from scratch, and of course, in this regard, macron’s ratings are very low, and well , so is his party, which is now called a renaissance, well, frankly it’s flying away in the upcoming elections.
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from tomorrow's macron's speech to understand where this will all come, but so far it resembles very bad political technology, yes, because we see, yes, really very different comments from macron, then from gabriel atal, this one the future mini macron, who will be dragged along by the next presidential elections , obviously in 27, otherwise we send it to the uk, then we don’t send it, then it’s just some kind of contractors who will train ukrainians, then it’s possible there are some rear units there , and so on, so macron is trying to present all this as some kind of... strategic uncertainty or ambiguity, but if the americans sometimes still succeed in this, then the french , of course, do not succeed from the word at all, well, that’s why i’m not sure that in principle yes they will send someone there, but we’ll see, maybe they will, but as for the internal french discourse, yes, this is of course being discussed in a very strange aspect, that is, it is clear that the main, well, the main phase of the election campaign for
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the european parliament has begun, yes therefore, gabriel autar, when justifying macron ’s statement, said that well... maybe it was worth sending the supporters of marine lepine, it’s worth sending the french army to ukraine, because there is already a russian army on french territory, well, he had in mind national oralia, who are now being portrayed as such pro-russian fifth column agents, and so on, well, considering that they are of course leading in the polls, this is wonderful, well, probably the last one in france, i really liked the poll that has now come out against the backdrop of all this what ordinary french people think, whether it is necessary to send troops to ukraine or not. the takeaway itself is one wicket, but 79 are against, 21 will work with him, tomorrow he will again be in favor of something, well, this is even lower than macron’s ratings, therefore, i admit that now the political strategists will speak within the framework of this... strategic uncertainty, but that ’s okay, macron certainly, probably, besides the elections, also has certain ambitions, yes, to take the place of the conditional, in quotes, president
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of the european union, yes , because we see that the french are being given a ride for the second time from the position of chairman of the european commission, and mrs. vanderleen is going to run for a second term, well, although the french actively lobbied for their protege, and their creature, this thierry bretton, who is now on the european commission and deals with the issues of monopolism, but failed to push through it, so there will be an insertion of germany, and vonderleen, well, the christian democrats , relatively speaking, and so is macron, i think that she is not a christian and not demotic and not she’s a democrat, and to be honest , she also has nothing to do with german national interests, so this is a typical atlanticist globalist, but i think that the french will still try to play on the contradictions with germany, of course, and pull the blanket over yourself, well, certainly prepare for a possible future. trump’s presidency, yes, because all this talk about trump leaving europe will leave the europeans to completely understand this mini-beater themselves, well, in my opinion, it’s still just talk, but the european bureaucrats and in general
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the european elite, it seems to me, has already convinced itself that this will happen, so they are preparing in advance to fight very seriously inside themselves over who will manage all these processes, the germans or the french, maybe the british, well, by the way, here again, at least this is by far the most destructive agenda at the moment... at the moment, europe is driven by london, yes, but david cameron, lord cameron, yes, the current head of the office has already announced the fact that i am precisely against it, he is precisely against sending armed forces to ukraine, so even the british washed their hands of it, well, it is clear that they have british special forces participating in an unofficial format, but they refuse regular units, yes in principle, it’s especially important to even send nekor to the houthis enter the tenza, well, as an option, or at least cause problems for the british fleet, which is still in small numbers in the red sea.
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but we understand that he is a protégé of the kaczynski team of law and justice, well, the right wing of his party, it supports blocking the polish-ukrainian border so that ukrainian farmers do not supply any grain to the territory of poland, well, just like that like the confederation party, these are even more right-wing nationalists and partly situational allies of law and justice, so of course there is no one person inside poland, andrzej duda, i think he’s trying to sit on all the chairs at the same time, he didn’t meet with trump, although... probably, well, maybe he should have, but apparently that’s kind of the point the visit was somewhat different, so he will try to work on this topic later. indeed, he personally, like kaczynski, had relatively good
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relations with trump during his first term, so i think that he will certainly try to work with trump in his second term, but here the question already arises of what will happen in poland in the twenty-fifth year, in poland in the twenty-fifth year there will be presidential elections, at which i am far from sure what will happen to anzhe and duda, or even there, if not him, anyone else, from the party of law and justice in principle. will win, because their ratings are quite low, and the situation in the polish economy is, of course, very deplorable. by the way, the person who is now being discussed as a possible future president of poland, we also hear very often on the air, this is radek sekorski, yes, he is the former chairman of the european council, now the minister of foreign affairs of poland, i admit that a civil coalition, a civil platform, it is he who can drive the presidency into war; he will immediately declare war, he will push him towards this, well, yes, yes, that is, far from the fact that he will win, but the chance...
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i’m even afraid to imagine what could happen, that it really is written there that macron is a traditional orientation, this will be such a blow for him, or something about his wife, yes, about whom
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now they started talking again. the united states of america, yes, that is, in general, de facto, the american presidential primaries have already ended, even though there is formal voting there. it will still go until june, but trump has already received more than half the votes of the delegates, it is obvious that they will be candidates from their parties in the upcoming elections, yes, well, we are there for maximum chaos, naladimirovich said, devour each other, as they say, here let's wish both sides good luck in the good appetite of the collapse of america, they will certainly cope with it, here i am i highly doubt that any of them will be replaced
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at the party congress. in july for the republicans, in august for the democrats, only perhaps in the event of significant physical incapacity, that is, the death of biden or trump, but still this is a scenario that trump is so terrible for them that they can do anything , anything, even a repeat of the dallas scenario with kennedy. i admit that this is possible, because the pressure that is now being put on trump in all directions shows that, well, some part washington establishment, she really is. with the fact that with trump coming to power, the holiday of life will end for them, although again, personally , if so, i would proceed from their position, but i would n’t even be especially afraid, that is, we all remember trump at the first term, that same deepst quite easily calmly digested it, but there were some issues where trump was beneficial, but they allowed it to be realized, for example, a trade war with china, where trump was disadvantageous to them, for example, an attempt to negotiate with russia, in in general, they didn’t give trump anything to do, i honestly have no reason to believe that
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the same thing will not happen in the second term, especially if we are now. and they didn’t forgive anyone, he just understood everything and didn’t forgive anyone, he realized that his mistake was that he didn’t drain the washington swamp, now he can jail everyone the damn mother, ukraine will give him enough material, of course we wish him good luck donald trump, let's see if he will be able to do anything or not .
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how the republicans are preparing their project, there will be migration reform plus ukrainian tranches, we should too because we are already hearing a lot of talk about preparing for such a scenario that they
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will be able to do some of this in april.


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