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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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russia no longer trusts western countries; any promises must now be backed up with firm guarantees. ukraine and its sponsors have already begun to understand what to take into account.
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russia's interests will be necessary in any case, vladimir putin spoke about this in an interview with the author and host of the vesti nedeli program, ceo of the russia today media group, dmitry kiselev, and emphasized that it is already clear to everyone that dreams of defeating our country are untenable. natalya solovyova knows what else was discussed. this interview is quite possible call it software. the president touched upon important topics: how our country will develop in the coming years and what place it will occupy in the world. and therefore the key issue has become a special military operation: the russian army is advancing kilometer after kilometer, liberating more and more populated areas. if we abandon these people today, then tomorrow our losses may increase many times over, and our children will have no future. because we will
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feel insecure, we will be a third, fourth class country with us no one will be taken into account if we cannot protect ourselves, and the consequences can be catastrophic for russian statehood, for russia every human life is priceless, which cannot be said about the priorities of kiev, against the backdrop of the successes of the russian military, the enemy is snarling at peaceful cities, belgorod is under constant attack. and the kursk region, just the day before they repulsed an attack by a ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group that tried to break through the border, the enemy lost over 200 people, seven tanks, seven armored vehicles, against the backdrop of technical failures, they need to show at least something, and mainly attention should be focused on the information side of the matter, if at least something works out, to get some chance.
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but we are nevertheless ready for a serious conversation, and we know the various options that are being discussed, we know the carrots that they are going to show us in order to convince us that the moment has come, we want it, i will repeat it again resolve all disputes and this dispute, this conflict by peaceful means,
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kiev's fortunes have left the west with a dilemma : either push ukraine into negotiations with russia, or send kiev more than weapons and support, risking direct confrontation with moscow. this will not change the situation on the battlefield, this is the most important thing, just as the supply of weapons does not change anything, secondly, this can lead to serious geopolitical ones. consequences, because if, say, polish troops enter the territory of ukraine for, as it sounds, to cover the ukrainian-belarusian, say, border, then i think that the polish troops will come from there
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they will never leave, well, it seems to me so, in this case then, because they want to return, they sleep and see, they want to return. to work with the french in some way , it’s unclear why we should be offended in this regard, if if an independent state wants to develop relations with its partners from other countries, including russia, wants to develop relations with russia, then, probably, probably,
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it’s more convenient to be offended by someone without seeing your own problems, putin commented on nato expansion due to germany joining the alliance between sweden and finland. it is understandable for the west to prevent russia’s victory at any cost; some of the elites, in the name
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of the so-called golden billion, do not want to have such a huge country next door, dreaming of dividing it into parts. they feel, as if in their hearts, what is happening. the unfair state of affairs in international affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that
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the vampire ball is ending. russia did not change its strategy towards the collective west, in in the event of a direct threat to the existence of the state...
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in which the american people, the american voter will place their trust. well , what’s curious is that even in the last year of his work as president, mr. trump, today’s presidential candidate, reproached me for precisely the fact that i sympathize with biden. it was more than four years ago, he told me this in one of the conversations: you want him to win, excuse me, i’ll tell you. like him, it's just straight talk for sleeping joe to win. he's like that to me he said when he was still president, and then, to
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my surprise, they began to persecute him because we allegedly supported him there as a candidate, well, it’s some kind of complete nonsense. russia is also on the threshold of a single voting day, it will take place this sunday, march 17. according to vladimir putin, the country is approaching him, united as never before. to what extent do you feel? support for russian society, in its new quality, because a new quality of russian society has emerged, it was there, it just manifested itself, and it’s very good that we, that we gave an opportunity for this deep russian society to express itself, and this , and it seems to me, is like this... i have a feeling that people have been waiting for this for a long time, that here is an ordinary
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person, he will be in demand by the country by the state or, the fate of the country depends on him, so this feeling of an internal connection from the homeland with the fatherland, of its importance in solving key problems in this case in the field of security, it is what brought to the surface this strength of the russian and other peoples of russia. by the way, zelensky’s formation has also been lost almost 1,200 soldiers, mercenary officers
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, 10 tanks and a dozen and a half other armored vehicles were destroyed, half of them american, as well as 20 howubs, self-propelled guns and missile systems, three command staff vehicles were destroyed, a weapons repair center was destroyed, in addition, a blow was struck at the missile complex patriot in the kharkov region, air defense forces shot down 136 combat drones, in addition , reconnaissance discovered vsuk helicopters. which landed in a hidden refueling area and two mi-8s were destroyed by high-precision weapons. about the situation on the line front gregory in dupin. the crew is preparing for a combat mission. all systems must be checked, the ammunition rack must also be prepared. you have to love the tank, because it helps you out, helps you, saves you. if he doesn’t love you, you won’t love the tank, you won’t service it, then that ’s it. happened in various alterations, this is a crew
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of tankers of the first guards slavic brigade, well, you already remember it all, because during the work it tore off the gate after being hit nearby from behind, they had already worked, they were driving empty without shells, they were driving to the point back from behind the arrival, a little didn't get enough of us the road near the front is difficult, it is necessary to avoid not exploding shells, but puddles in the fields, in which western tanks, as is already known, would drown... they are overcome on the move, in the vdievsky direction the task is to support the actions of our infantry. let's go, come on, one hijack, one coal, plus, fire, shot, order completed, command received to roll back to the starting point. timely maintenance of each vehicle is the guarantee that it will not let you down in battle, check, look at the oil, filter, lubricant, everything, batteries, everything is as it should be, like a friend or like a beloved woman, she is probably more like... a beloved woman is already going to each other, more towards her, she is more affectionate, like a beloved woman, more like that
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, well, of course, even talking to her, in front of you the t-80 tank, which just the day before yesterday left the battle, you can see from it that it has characteristic damage from shrapnel, from fpv drones, now the crew is carrying out restoration work, restoring the battle again, its multi-ton, but still brings swallows in a row tankers of the fifth brigade named after alexander zakharchenko and the peculiar feathers of these birds, dynamic protection, which works in battle and saves the car and crew, then it needs to be replaced. heard small. as if there were tremors , well, if somewhere nearby, well, as if there was a clap, and even small tremors, the commander is driving, joking, as if we are carrying out so that the crew is in a normal fighting mood, the tanks here are of different types and different modifications, but into battle they march in one general formation, and there are very unusual, but necessary specimens, it seems like a tank, but not quite a tank, or rather not a tank at all, it’s a combat
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brem repair and recovery vehicle, the so-called tow truck, there should be such a thing.
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elections to the european parliament are due to take place in june. actually, that’s why the deputies became so bold, but after the elections everything can and will change. the court decided to release zakhary kalashov on parole. in
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the criminal world he is known as shakro young. the cause of deterioration in health is age. he turns 10 in a week. 71 years old, what he is serving his sentence for and what awaits kalashov after leaving the colony, fyodor eliseev will tell you. once the most powerful authority in the country zakhary kalashov is about to be released. his request for conditional early release was granted by the whistlabinsky district court of the krasnodar territory. the decision on this was made behind closed doors. zakhary kalashov, better known in some circles as shakro the young. he was called the head of the country's underworld. kalashov has just begun his path to the criminal olympus. in the early seventies in georgia, several prison terms, then moving away from caucasus law enforcement to moscow. over time, shakro became young one of the most authoritative criminal leaders, the so-called thieves in law. in the nineties, kalashov survived more than a dozen assassination attempts, and in 2003 he moved to sunny spain. in those years, this european country became one of the main financial laundries
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where the leaders of russian gangs laundered their income. thieves in law bought hotels, beaches and restaurants, luxury villas and... filling the spanish treasury with money, but the hospitality turned out to be short-lived, as soon as the dirty finances settled in europe, a hunt was suddenly opened for the visiting millionaires themselves, in the course of several during the operations, dozens of russian gang members were detained; shakro young also did not escape this fate and received 9 years in prison. having served his time in prison, in the fall of 2014 shakro the young was deported to russia; the love of a beautiful life migrated with him, the operatives were convinced of this. during the arrest of kalashov in 2016 in moscow, a country mansion with a picturesque garden in the house of the king of thieves - royal interior, furniture in winzel gilding, a luxurious piano for one owner, two swimming pools, a gym to maintain health, a bar with a collection premium brands of drinks, possibly for important negotiations. kalashov was caught after he tried to bribe
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high-ranking generals. for a million dollars, he asked for the release of his main assistant, a crime boss nicknamed. an italian, who in december 2015 staged a shootout on rotchilskoy street in moscow. then an italian, also known as andrei kochuykov on his passport, together with eleven accomplices, came to an elite restaurant and demanded 8 million rubles from its owner zhanna kim. she turned to her ex for help kgb officer, lawyer eduard budantsev. the skirmish ended in gunfire, killing two people and injuring nine. it was this event that prompted legislators to develop a new article to combat '. to this day, those methods that were formed just a few years ago are actively used. law enforcement system of our country, due to the intervention of shakro, the young instigator of the shootout was almost released, but the transfer of the bribe was monitored in time by the special services, and
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several influential security officials were detained at once, the head of the investigative committee's own security department , mikhail maksimenko, his deputy, as well as the deputy head of the capital's main directorate-investigative committee of russia, denis nikandrov. he betrayed his boss , alexander dremanov. the fate of all participants in this scandalous story turned out to be sad. nekandrov served his time. term and was released on parole. drymanov is still in prison, and maksimenko committed suicide after being behind bars. zachary and kalashov repeatedly showed himself in a criminal environment as a consistent person, principled, strictly speaking, in no way knowing pity. it was in this way that he was able to earn himself unquestionable authority in this environment. in 2018
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, usually once a month, plus the criminal executive inspectorate also takes control of these people; surely the special services will also keep an eye on a person with such influence in the criminal world. what will he do? well, i don’t think that he will stand at the machine, you know, of course, he will do what he has been doing all his life, in what way it will be expressed, it means that, well, we’ll see here, but here , of course, there will naturally be an operational record of him, on what exact day zakhary kalashov will be released is not reported. according to media reports, he is being released due to health problems that the seventy-year-old leader of the underworld has developed behind bars. the authority will probably celebrate his next birthday when he is free. fyodor eliseev, andrey
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ivlev, lead the duty unit. large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons. russia of the present and future. touch all achievements on the main page exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that delights russia. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on march 14 , 1489, catherine carnaro, the last queen of cyprus, abdicated the throne, giving the island to the venetian republic. the kingdom of cyprus was created by the crusaders; it was a commercial cultural center of the eastern mediterranean, but powerful people set their sights on it neighbors, genoese, egyptian sultans. and the ottoman turks. then king kik ii married catherine, the daughter of an aristocrat from venice, in order to gain support for the republic. after the death of her husband, she began to rule, became more
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cypriot than venetian, when venice decided to take the island into its hands, instead of defending it, katerina did not want to leave her new homeland, but did not risk going into conflict. the cypriot chronicler georgios boustranios, the last queen of cyprus, spoke about katerina’s departure. gave her capital nicosia on horseback, all in black accompanied by a retinue and could not hold back her tears. in the church of san salvador in venice, where her ashes rest, there is a bas-relief depicting how caterina cornaro transfers power in cyprus to the venetian doge. on march 14, 1919, the bolsheviks conveyed their proposals to end the civil war to the american diplomat william bullitt. he arrived in moscow for negotiations on behalf of the us president.
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the bolsheviks needed an advantage over others so that everything would be as they wanted, and at the same time, the hostility within the country would end. therefore, lenin and his comrades agreed to outside help. foreign allies put forward their demands, among them the payment of royal debts to them. but lenin and his comrades demanded that the americans and british lift the economic policy. kadu from russia, withdraw the intervention troops, return prisoners of war who remained abroad after the end of the first world war, and much more. neither the us nor the uk were happy with this option. perhaps they decided that soviet power would collapse under the onslaught of the white armies and there was nothing to negotiate with it. however the bolsheviks dealt with the civil war themselves; their western colleagues had to accept different conditions. march 14, 1966.
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there were huge queues at the moscow rossiya cinema to get to the premiere of the first part of sergei bondarchuk's film "war and peace". the main roles were played by vyacheslav tikhonov and the previously unknown lyudmila savelyeva. bondarchuk saw natasha rostova in her. he himself played pierre bezukhov, despite the age difference, he took his wife for the role of helen. skoptsev. anna timereva starred in the episode, widow of admiral kolchak. she was also an etiquette consultant. the entire cast was stellar. angelina stepanova, anastasia versinskaya, oleg tobakov, oleg efremov, the director carefully followed roman tolstovo and shocked him with his unprecedented scope and innovation in filming battle scenes. thousands of soldiers took part in them, for whom thousands of russian and french uniforms were sewn. based on
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exhibits from dozens of museums. they made props and formed a cavalry cinematic regiment of one and a half thousand horsemen. such a large-scale project in there was no history of soviet cinema yet; he received the grand prix of the moscow film festival, an oscar and many other awards. on march 14 , 1995, the first russian-american... expedition set off for the mir station, which is considered the first modular space station. vladimir dezhurov, gennady strikalov and normand tagart took off on the soyuz tm-21. they went into outer space five times to prepare for docking with the atlantis shuttle. nothing like this had ever happened before, but everything went well. other crews also worked at the station and conducted hundreds scientific experiments in the field of biotechnology,
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medicine, astrophysics. here, in 1995, for the first time in the history of world cosmonautics , the american space shuttle atlantis docked with the russian orbital station mir. the mir shuttle program also provided nasa astronauts with the opportunity to work on the russian station. and this was an amazing example of fruitful cooperation between our countries for the benefit of all humanity. this is what this day in history was like. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions bring it to a new height, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, but what about production, raw materials and
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exports in general? what is our product? welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.


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