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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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but what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product? welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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why were the ukrainians so sure that avdievka could not be taken, the enemy was firmly entrenched , it was difficult to knock it out, drive up, it was very problematic, how many of them were there before the platoon, probably everything that was possible was flying, both artillery and tanks, he fired tanks, with skillful actions , as they say, they burst in and captured this whole gang, for them it was a surprise, the appearance in the body. russian
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units, that's it, let's get to the cars, that's it the houses were prepared for defense, everything was on almost every floor, they took a long time, from the beginning of the assault to the end of the day, well, that is, by today's standards, very quickly. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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hello, on the russia 24 tv channel, it’s time for the main legal news, i’m andrey ivlev to lead the duty department. a police chase with shooting in volgograd, here the ministry of internal affairs had to open fire to detain a drunken reckless driver. inspectors tried to stop the foreign car for inspection documents, but at the sight of security forces.
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didn’t you also hear a special signal after the shooting? after the shooting, i tried to hide because i was not in a sober state. several reports of administrative offenses were drawn up against the driver, including for driving through a prohibiting traffic light, driving into the oncoming lane and lack of insurance. in addition to numerous fines , the violator will spend the next 10 days in a detention center by court decision for not obeying the lawful demands of police officers.
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the organizers of the illegal business sold through the so-called darknet and supplied. several online stores at once were engaged in prohibited substances, they produced, yes, they produced, now prohibited substances, everything that was there was in the package, a total of 8.6 kg of miphidron was seized, as well as equipment and raw materials. a trio of amateur chemists have been taken into custody; for such large-scale drug trafficking they face up to life imprisonment; rescuers will be able to step into the fire.
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support personnel safety in the plans for exercises on the m4 don highway. in total, in all regions
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, the group of assets involved exceeded 400 specialists and 140 pieces of equipment, including five helicopters. this is how, for example, rescuers practiced their skills in the nizhny novgorod region. the pm-12 vostok movement was launched in september last year. the 810 km long route has become one of the key arteries, reducing travel time from moscow to kazan by almost half. the traffic flow is growing, and along with it, attention to safety issues is growing. considering further construction plans, continuation of the route this year to yekaterinburg, in 2025 to tyumen, safety issues are of particular importance. our common task is not only to work out the necessary response issues, but also to direct efforts to prevent possible emergency situations. the importance of conducting such exercises is noted by the leadership of the vladimir region. it is difficult to overestimate the importance of doing this right now, because we see that the load on the m-12 highway is growing
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every month, with an increase in the number cars that pass through the highway every day, the risk of accidents increases. and everything is important. services to practice their maneuvers right now on the eve of the may holidays. rescuers of the vladimir region have extensive experience in fighting forest fires, now they will be able to travel to them in brand new cars, this is the planned equipment of the vladimir main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations. as part of the working trip, three tank trucks were delivered to the region. the vehicles will go on combat duty in the near future; all of them are highly cross-country and can easily reach even the most inaccessible places. area. this is a chance opening tool. dismantling the structure to carry out special work in a fire. all those who are always on the cutting edge, risking their lives, have been awarded today. the personal minister thanks the vladimir fire rescuers for their work. thank you for your service! hooray! hooray! hooray! from vladimir, the head of the ministry of emergency situations went
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to the city of kovrov, located on the high bank of the klyazma. this is a large industrial research center in russia, primarily in the defense industry of mechanical engineering and metalworking. this is where it is located famous strategically important. enterprises plant named after dekterev, where they produce samples of machinery and equipment, including for the needs of the russian ministry of emergency situations. for example, this robotic complex is designed to prevent explosions and fires. the dekterev plant produces robotic platforms, in which the ministry of emergency situations is very interested, we already have them partially, but we are planning broader development for, first of all , to save our human lives employees. at the end of the working trip , the minister. spoke in detail about the smart intercom system, the project is a pilot, it has already been tested by residents of kovrov, intercom cameras are installed in residential buildings, so residents can monitor the situation in the local area in real time, in case of an emergency, the system should inform about it instantly. sergey
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soldatov and khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty unit from the vladimir region. they called the gang of the forest, some are already in prison, some are still being sought about matters of the past without a statute of limitations. olga shurenkova. the main hitman of the bloody criminal group les, igor kuzmenko, seemed to be expecting the presence of the press in the meeting room. journalists have been following this high-profile process for a long time. the forest gang was considered one of the most bloodthirsty criminal groups of the late nineties and early 2000s. there are more than 50 particularly serious crimes, including 30 murders. became entrepreneurs, officials and social activists. the gang received this name from the name of one of the leaders, dmitry
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lesnikov. the leaders previously received life sentences deadlines. the forest gang is a collective concept; in fact, it is a real criminal community. gang members took a creative approach to committing this or that crime. this could either be an alleged robbery attack, although in fact it was already the purpose of killing a person, or a commission. a traffic accident, that is, an ordinary accident, created the conditions for this. killer igor kuzmenko hid from law enforcement agencies for 17 years, during which time he underwent several plastic surgeries and almost completely removed drawing the relief of his fingers so that he cannot be identified by fingerprints. he was detained in rostov-on-don 4 years ago with a ukrainian passport in the name of roman marchuk. during interrogation by the investigator, kuzmenko was categorically against showing his hands and face. the production order is not mandatory for you, so i offer it to you. voluntarily provide the surfaces of your hands, face and neck for inspection, do you agree? do not
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agree. probable customer valery chibanov, owner of the once large rostov construction concern vant, recent months was under house arrest for health reasons. he didn’t seem to count on themis’s mercy; he came to the courtroom with a travel bag, and also with a bruise on his face. he did not explain to journalists where this decoration came from. chubanov, as it was established, instructed gang members to attack their competitors. he is several. was on the international wanted list for years; he was detained in 2016 in thailand with a fake hungarian passport in the name of laisha idiyartu. a court's guilty verdict is a formality, and a predictable one at that. previously, their verdict was given jurors. the decision was unanimous. those involved in the crime do not deserve leniency. valery chabanov received 20 years in prison for the totality of his crimes. he was taken into custody in the courtroom. chibanova's sentence in the form of imprisonment is calculated from the date of entry. finding himself probably in the company of old friends, he immediately became cheerful
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and talked about something with the killer kuzmenko, and the men were so carried away by the dialogue that they did not even pay attention to the judge. kuzmenko was the executor of several contract killings, and according to the case materials, shot masayan helped commit crimes. kuzmenko, by the way, is the only one of the four accused who admitted his guilt, speaking with the last word, he stated that he committed the crime for various reasons, this quote, but there was repentance. handed over to them in a colony, he will spend the rest of his life, and finally igor vladimirovich kuzmenko will be sentenced for the totality of the crimes committed in the form of life imprisonment. another member of the criminal group is the son of valery chubanov, businessman andrei chubanov, former deputy of the rostov city duma, still wanted. after the security forces began to detain the group members one after another, he fled to ukraine. in 2019 , he was detained at a russian request, but his extradition was later refused. investigators from the capital's investigative department. despite the remoteness of the events,
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it fully establishes the factual circumstances of the case. the group may be involved in the murder of moscow region businessman valery kazakov in 2008. he was shot at the exit from the prosecutor's office building, and later finished off with a knife. another high-profile case, bandits dealt with a developer from sochi over a plot of land in the city center. i have him for 40 minutes. i fought in my arms, with a crowbar in my head, and then they persecuted me economically for a long time, hanging all sorts of illegal court decisions on me. no matter how hard killer kuzmenko tried to change the name of his appearance and rewrite his future, he could not escape justice. he will spend the rest of his life in a special regime colony. these correctional institutions are extremely strict; criminals are kept in cells for a maximum of four people, rare walks in a closed courtyard, and the prisoners move around the territory in a bent position.
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nikov, a resident of the tyumen region, sold a car, took out a loan, robbed a bank, all this under the guidance of telephone curators, he came to one of the bank branches with a hunting rifle, broke the glass, entered...
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funds into the so-called safe accounts, which in fact actually belonged to them. the fantastic, gullible raider has been detained, but his puppet masters have yet to be identified. 100,000 rub. for what i did a disabled person, the mufim fimid was surprised by her unexpectedly lenient sentence. one of the perpetrators of the brutal beating of a student, not only escaped imprisonment, but also the amount of compensation for moral damage was paid 10 times less than what the prosecutor’s office demanded. the injured party has already announced that it will appeal this decision about a cruel crime and a strangely mild punishment, sultan zeganov. this meeting is the finale of a very drawn-out trial of the brutal beating of a person, and the verdict is announced without the participation of the victim. oleg ivanov has been undergoing rehabilitation for 2 years now, traveling to regional
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medical centers. now i have a very difficult operation ahead of me, they will lengthen it. ivanov’s offender abdamukhammed appeared in the hall of the leninsky district court of ufa in a good mood and, hiding a slight embarrassment in front of the camera lens, only occasionally pursed his lips. find muhammad kanih subhi guilty of committing a crime. the conflict itself occurred back in august 2022. then, on the outskirts of the central streets of ufa in several meters from the local nightclub, oleg, together with a friend, met a noisy and very aggressive company. they wanted something from my friend. i asked what was happening, and they hit me in the face with the palm of their hand, a fight began , the street fight was recorded in detail by a surveillance camera, the footage shows that at the beginning the duel with fists was fought, so to speak, according to gentleman’s rules, one on one, oleg confidently held advantage, when suddenly abdumuhammed decided to change the outcome of the fight, from a tug he dealt oleg a strong blow to the head and
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knocked out the guy, meanwhile the second debashir rushed to beat the prone man with a special frenzy. after the blow, not allowing him to rise, he, in short, is pumped out, yes , why not, most likely a pass, a skull, oleg’s skull was literally broken , he was miraculously pulled out of a coma by resuscitators, then a complex operation to install a titanium plate and a long- long rehabilitation, my coordination is impaired, i can’t walk fully due to a leg injury, that is, i limp, tying my shoelaces, for me it’s also like such a difficult task, because i’m all time is running down. since i had a head injury, i can’t run or actively play sports, which also gave me a very big complication on my psyche. investigators first established the identity of the main instigator of the fight, evgeniy khamzin; it was he who sat on oleg, who was losing consciousness, and beat him until he was exhausted. after several months of litigation, khamzin was sentenced to three years in prison; it is curious that drach,
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like his relatives, who also called this decision too harsh, he left. ivanov is disabled, but brazenly hoped for a suspended sentence term. would you like to apologize to the victim yourself? they didn't apologize anymore. the remaining participants in the street brawl appeared in the case only as witnesses. only after the intervention of journalists was abdamhamed also charged. first, he was sent to an isolation cell, then, with the help of his lawyers , abdamhamed was released under a ban on certain actions. at the end of the trial he was acquitted of the crime.
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arranged for the victim of the brutality with the supervisory service, such a soft decision not to attack, oleg has already stated that he intends appeal the verdict. sultan zeganov, mikhail shirin, conductor, duty department. she paid her lover to get rid of her husband. in the moscow region, investigators uncovered a brutal murder based on a love triangle. according to their version, the forty-year-old femme fatale persuaded her young suitor to deal with her husband and, in addition to her charm, added. for motivation, 2 million rubles, and also said where, when the husband was caught, she hid the knife used by the hired killer, he struck at least two times. apparently, the lady decided
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get rid of her annoying husband, but did not want to share an apartment with him after the divorce, now she, her lover, has been taken into custody, apparently, the couple is awaiting separation for many years in prison, a crime boss, the so-called thief in law number one, shakro young preparing to go out on... the water, his request for parole was granted by the whistlabinsky district court of the krasnodar territory, the decision on this was made behind closed doors. zakhary
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kalashov, better known in some circles as shakro the young, was called the head the country's underworld, kalashov began his path to the criminal olympus back in the early seventies in georgia, several prison terms, then moving away from caucasian law enforcement officers to moscow. over time, shakro the young became one of the most authoritative criminal leaders, the so-called thieves in law. in the nineties, kalashov survived more than a dozen assassination attempts, and in 2003 he moved to sunny spain. in those years, this european country became one of the main financial laundries where the leaders of russian gangs laundered their income. the thieves in law bought hotels, beaches and restaurants, luxury villas and yachts, filling the spanish treasury with money, but the hospitality was short-lived, as soon as dirty finances settled in europe, the visiting millionaires themselves were suddenly hunted. dozens were detained in several operations. members of russian gangs, shakro young also did not escape this fate, and received 9 years in prison. having served his time, in the fall of 2014 shakro the young
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was deported to russia. the love for a beautiful life migrated with him. in that operatives were convinced during the arrest of kalashov in 2016 in moscow. country mansion with a picturesque garden in the house of the king of thieves, royal interior. furniture in gilded monograms, a luxurious grand piano for one owner. two swimming pools, a gym for maintaining health, a bar with a collection of premium brands of drinks, possibly for holding important negotiations. kalashov was caught after he tried to bribe high-ranking generals. for a million dollars, he asked for the release of his chief assistant, a criminal authority nicknamed italian. in december 2015, he staged a shootout on rodchelskaya street in moscow. then the italian, also known as andrei kochuykov according to his passport, arrived with eleven accomplices. the restaurant demanded 8 million rubles from its owner zhanna kim, who turned to former kgb officer, lawyer eduard budantsev, for help. the skirmish ended in gunfire,
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killing two people and injuring nine. it was this event that prompted legislators to develop a new article to combat the leaders of the criminal world. to this day day, those methods that were formed just a few years ago are actively used. due to shakro’s intervention , the young instigator of the shootout was almost released, but the transfer of the bribe was stopped in time by the special services , who immediately detained several influential security officials , the head of the internal security department of the investigative committee, mikhail maksimenko, his deputy, as well as the deputy head of the capital’s main investigations committee of russia, denis nikandrov. he betrayed his boss, alexander dremanov. fate of all participants in this scandalous story turned out to be sad. nekandrov. served his sentence and was released on parole. drymanov is still in prison, and maksimenko committed suicide after being behind bars. zakhary kalashov has repeatedly
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shown himself in the criminal environment as a consistent, principled person, strictly speaking, in no way knowing pity. it was in this way that he was able to earn himself indisputable authority in this environment. in 2018, he was found guilty of extortion with the use of violence, the court sentenced him to nine years, ten months in prison, the king of the thieves' world was supposed to be released only in 2028, now, like a bolt from the blue, the news about parole: people who are subject to parole understand that after once they are released, they will be supervised by the police, and such meetings between the district police officer and those who are in his area happen... infrequently, usually once a month, plus the criminal executive inspection also takes control of these people. surely behind the man with
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the secret services will also keep an eye on such influence in the criminal world. it is not reported, according to media reports, he is being released due to health problems that the seventy-year-old leader of the underworld has developed behind bars; the authority will probably celebrate his next birthday when he is free. fedor eliseev, andrey ivlev. vesti is the duty unit, read more about this topic in our telegram channels, the duty unit is led by an honest detective, that’s all we have, stay on the russia 24 tv channel
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. she definitely reads minds or not, premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee, he has a special gift, but who are you all looking at?
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well, there’s a girl standing in a buried area, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without any initiative, it seems to be in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website.
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let's start with the emergency in the magadan region, according to emergency services,
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a mi-8 helicopter made a hard landing near the kvartsevaya soupka deposit. there were 20 people on board, according to preliminary data from the ministry of emergency situations, one person was killed and two were injured. the governor said that rescue doctors had already arrived at the scene. the causes of the accident are still being investigated, and a criminal case has been opened. the transport prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation and notes that it is now difficult to have those conditions in the region. a storm warning in kolyma was announced back in.


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