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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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wait for the weather to improve. fsb operation in st. petersburg, detained members of a ukrainian banned organization who wanted to poison food sent to the northern military district zone. fishing volumes in russia are reaching record levels; production is the highest in the last 30 years. how to support the industry is being discussed today at the russia exhibition at vdnkh. the reason for the hard landing of the mi-8 helicopter in the magadan region could be an engine malfunction. this is the version of the prosecutor's office. a criminal case has been opened for violating the rules traffic safety and operation of air transport. the emergency occurred at the quartz mine. there were 17 guards and crew on board. according to preliminary data from the ministry of emergency situations, one person was killed and at least two were injured. the wounded are ready to be admitted to the district hospital. to the scene of the accident already.
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rescuers, doctors and members of the investigative committee flew out. it was established that on the afternoon of march 14 , 2024, 75 km north of the severovensky district of the magadan region, an mi-8 helicopter, following the route landing site quartz airport onsubchan, made a severe landing. there were three crew members and 17 passengers on board the aircraft. according to preliminary data, one person died and there were injuries. currently, forensic investigators from the eastern interregional transport investigation department and the investigative committee of russia have gone to the scene of the incident. kamchatka does not accept planes due to a powerful cyclone. departures and arrivals of all flights were postponed until tomorrow, some of the aircraft went to alternate airfields in magadan and vladivostok. snowfall on the peninsula
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hurricane winds that knock down trees and knock down advertising brushes. there are snow drifts on the roads, some sections are blocked. in the morning , nine cars collided on one of the highways due to poor visibility. classes at schools were canceled today, and visits to universities were declared free. in kamchatka, the first real snowstorm of this year, the peninsula is covered with a rather serious supercyclone, between 14 and 15,
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interdistrict public transport routes are closed, until weather conditions improve and a special team is dispatched for this purpose. a group was detained in st. petersburg suspected of preparing a terrorist attack against the russian military in the special operation zone. according to the fsb, the detainees worked for the main directorate of the ukrainian ministry of defense and were planning to add poison to the packaging of food that was being prepared for shipment to the front. details in the material. they were preparing to poison several thousand people , filming their every step for a report to ukrainian curators, a laboratory in a garage, a chemical protection suit, a respirator, in their hand a certain container, as for effervescent tablets, terrorists of the rdk, banned in russia russian volunteer corps, were supposed to add poison to the package of humanitarian aid that volunteers send to the north military district zone. the tasks were set by a representative of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine.
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this is what i understand, it will be suitable for military personnel, right? well, not only pregnant women, afghans too, but i understood, that is , like, well, civilians, civilians, like, but in general our target audience is those comrades who are accordingly there, oatmeal, sugar, semolina, four right-wing radicals from st. petersburg the cells of the terrorist rdk opened the packages and added heavy metal salts there, and then closed them. them so that nothing is noticeable, lethal parcels are prepared, tends to accumulate in the body, affects almost all systems, has an acute tactical effect, with acute poisoning and progressive doses of this metal, it can cause death , failed poisoners had tens of kilograms of a highly toxic substance, the gur built a whole logistics, he was traveling on instructions from the russian volunteer corps for a gps tracker, as well as for chemical toxic... substances of 20 kg, which
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was intended for military personnel and civilians of the russian federation, they came to my home with a parcel: as it turned out later, they were filled with poison to poison russian citizens, the murderous humanitarian must was to disperse among the russian army servicemen and residents of the liberated territories, through the volunteer center of the volunteer unit of the hispaniola battalion, it did not work out, all members of the terrorist group were detained fsb officers. a large-scale sabotage of the gur was prevented even at the preparation stage. kiev is increasingly using poisons as a tool... for terrorist attacks. at the beginning of the month , it became known about an attempt by the ukrainian special services to poison the russian military in melitopol and the governor of zaporozhye, yevgeny baletsky. the chemical warfare agent discovered in uncovered enemy agents for the first time, documented by our scientists, was manufactured in the usa, an analogue of the toxic chemical bz, which
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is controlled by the chemical weapons convention, code ea3167 edgewood arsenal. not surprising, given the close connection between the sbu and gur s'. organization, this is from 10 to 20 years in prison, so participation in terrorist activities means that they have poisoned their lives for a long time. anton potkovenko, lead. preparations for the presidential elections are being completed, and three-day voting will begin tomorrow. so, almost two will open in the sverdlovsk region. polling stations, over 25 thousand specialist observers will work on them, but you can also cast your vote remotely from yekaterinburg, reporting by kirill bortnikov. morning in the territorial the election commission does not start with
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coffee. a few days before the elections , employees will have to count all the ballots, there are not many of them, almost 100,000 copies, and distribute them to precinct commissions. on our territory in the oktyabrsky district. three permanent precinct election commissions, and there are four more commissions that were formed in places of temporary residence of citizens. this is a standard set of documents, special safe packages, seals on the voting box, a certain number of ballots and the same number of protective stamps, tear off the stamp, glue it to this place to place special stamp signs, secure it with the wick seal and put two signatures. accompanied by police, ballots and everything necessary are brought to the airport. koltsova , a temporary polling station is reopening here , final preparations are being made, booths are being installed, the necessary information is being placed, temporary polling stations are no different from permanent polling stations, all the same boxes for ballots, of course , voting booths, here, for example, there is a fascinating magnifying glass system lighting
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there are also places for observers, and of course, a video registration system that will work all 3 voting days; air workers can vote here.
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eliminate the consequences of prostatitis langitasis against prostatitis,
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before the temperature in the workshop was like outside, in winter they were freezing, they ran to the stove, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and the productivity has improved, and now these are much better for gifts. hundreds of languages , cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, entrepreneurs, we approach alone, we don’t detain people, what’s here? happens, but you didn’t know, transfer money from your business account to your personal account, pay
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a tax, what century do you live in, what bank do you serve in, individual entrepreneurs, btb does not charge a commission on transfers to your personal account, open an account for business on, vtb is a bank for your business, maybe you and i should also open an account with vtb? new game, hunt, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunt, test your instinct, but everyone told me this problem can’t be solved, that’s it is being resolved with the national education project. in russia , new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia, according to the decision of the president and caring people. she will appear now. so what's there? a card that makes money. the gazprombank debit card itself with a stable income of up to 35%. for constipation, slabelen can help in the morning;
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it is available in a large, convenient package. weak, i know what will happen tomorrow, order it nazdrav city. where are you going? i'm getting my brother. is there still hope? there is always hope. passenger's call sign. already at the cinema. we're going on vacation. and we're going. this is the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster. magnet, price, what you need. coffee-fresco 3999. temperature. take effervescent paracetamol-reneval. effervescent tablet, acetyl solicylic acid. renival. we trust renival. we choose renival. the world of bcs investment is limitless. there are those who boldly open it, relying on support. experts strive further to get more, we have something to offer them. bcs - the world of investments.
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at the russia nvd exhibition, today is fishing industry day. by 2030, the production of aquatic biological resources in russia may increase to approximately 6 million tons. such estimates are given by the federal fisheries agency. at the same time, last year we managed to achieve the maximum results over the past 30 years. we learn about the prospects of the fishing industry from alexandra nazarova. alexandra, what are our indicators? in 2023 it increased by 12% and exceeded 2 million tons.
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fisheries in russia are booming records. last year, we managed to catch more than 5,300,000 tons of aquatic biological resources, this is the maximum result in 30 years. and the positive trend continues. this year we have already received more than 1,140,000 tons, which is 7% more than in the same period in 2023. our industry-specific higher educational institutions, secondary ones, they also work very well, so the personnel, modernization of the fleet is the experience of our
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fishermen. herring production at the beginning of the year increased by more than one and a half times; by march 12, they received over 122,000 tons, however the main fish for us remains mentai, 750,000 tons, plus 9% in annual terms, thanks to this dynamics, prices in the wholesale segment are actively declining. russian fishermen. continue to increase supplies of mentaeva products to the domestic market. last year , deliveries increased by 13%. if we compare it with 2019, the volume of mentai supplies to the russian market has increased by one and a half times. today , the domestic market’s need for mentai is completely covered, in addition, we see additional potential for increasing the consumption of mentai in the domestic market. by according to the federal fisheries agency, by 2030, the extraction of aquatic biological resources in russia may increase to approximately 6 million tons. the investment
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quota program helps to increase volumes. mining rights can be obtained in exchange for fleet or infrastructure upgrades. thereby. 105 ships are being built and 25 fish processing factories are operating. the second stage of the program so far focuses on 46 ships and 11 factories. it is also planned to create logistics complexes. these are the mechanisms the industry uses both its own funds and attracts loans from domestic banks for the construction of new ships for the construction of new factories. currently, 22 fishing vessels have already been commissioned. this year. about 16 vessels will be delivered to all plans, well, next year it will also be possible , aquaculture production is also expanding, over 10 years , seafarers have more than doubled the volume to 4,200 tons, they grow fish, which is in greatest demand among russians, this has made it possible to significantly reduce import of trout and salmon. vladimir putin instructed to increase
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the consumption of our fish products by in the domestic market, the federal fisheries agency has already been developed. or a plan for its promotion, for this purpose it was also decided to create an autonomous non-profit organization. our federal state budgetary institutions will make contributions, from extra-budgetary sources, and we will talk with all the robaks that this should be a joint road, so we will also involve the robaks in ensuring that they make the appropriate contribution, we will create a supervisory board so that this work can actually be done promotion... it was supported by the fishing community, large companies, and we could this work is carried out quite competently and correctly. russia not only meets its basic needs for fish, but also sends it to foreign markets. last year , exports increased by 12% and exceeded 2 million tons. digitalization helps it develop the fishing industry; the monitoring system
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automates all processes, from quota distribution to production activities. new technologies are used in commercial exploration. this year, for the first time, russia fully explores the waters of the sea of ​​azov, and new regions are already actively integrating into general fishery complex. during the twenty-third year , 622 agreements for the use of aquatic biological resources were concluded with fishing companies in new territories, 374 production permits were issued, and this work continues. for sustainable development of the fishing industry. in the region, scientists are conducting research to assess the state of fish stocks, well, taking into account the restrictions that exist, but for effective work, we have already received a building, we will open a full-fledged vnero branch in mariupol. growth opportunities the russian fishery complex is today in the spotlight of experts, market participants and
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representatives of relevant departments at the russia forum exhibition, where fish day is taking place. thank you alexandra, alexandra nazarova spoke about the prospects for fishing in russia, we will continue to talk about this topic during this day, after 12 we will ask questions live to the head of rosrybolovstvo ilya shestakov. today is international rivers day, and our viewers in the regions will be able to take televised trips along the country’s largest waterways. branches vgtrk teamed up to create a unique one. a bridge that will connect eight federal districts with the broadcast center from samara. the all-russian television marathon origins will last 16 hours, it will help you learn more about the geography of russia and the role of large rivers in the history of the state. in the nineties , cinema of its own almost disappeared. today it is a strong industry with billions in revenue. we wanted
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to record you in one of the pavilions, but it turned out that everyone was busy. our country, our president, our choice, on march 17 we vote for our president, this is us siberia in the far east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region and in the south of the country.
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we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. come to the polls on march 17, this is our time, the time of new ones. vladislav davankov, time for new ones. democrats in the us congress intend to vote on a new package of military assistance to ukraine, bypassing the generally accepted procedure, but republicans refuse to discuss until the parliament sorts out the financing of american departments, the same pentagon, which is now faced a shortage of weapons in its own warehouses due to previous deliveries to kiev. about what is happening with the american military-industrial complex. the united states must evaluate the state of its military-industrial complex, as arms stockpiles have dwindled and supplies to ukraine are to blame. a bill with
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such an initiative was presented by a group of republican senators. stocks in american military warehouses are at dangerously low levels. president biden has been sending more weapons to kiev for the past 2 years than we can produce. this endangers our national danger, we are completely unprepared for any major conflict. lawmakers specifically emphasize that russia manages to produce key ammunition, including artillery shells, at a higher rate than the united states. the document proposes to calculate the needs for a major war in several theaters of military operations at once. however, political opponents , democrats of the house of representatives , do not hear the concerns of their colleagues; they are already demanding that the speaker consider the bill on foreign assistance, which includes support. lawmakers say the deteriorating military situation in ukraine could lead to u.s. troops eventually being deployed. however, the speaker
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of the lower house of parliament, mike johnson, puts national interests above, and therefore does not want to consider the issue of funds for ukraine until he closes the issue of further funding of american departments. knowing this, congressmen found a loophole and, as the washington post writes, introduced a special resolution, implying. the prime minister added that she considers russia a direct threat to estonia, an idea echoed by her colleague from riga. the baltic countries are trying to protect themselves from russia with an iron
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curtain, said the head of the latvian cabinet of ministers and added that the tasks are not simple, but achievable. allied poland, meanwhile , announced the allocation of about $30 million for the construction of shelters and bomb shelters in warsaw. the mayor's office already has a list of suitable locations, this is underground. and metro, a total area of ​​7 million square m2, was revered in the municipality, while the west preparing for escalation, military expert and un inspector scott rieth called for an immediate end to the ukrainian conflict. i’m not sure that it’s not too late for odessa, whether they will lose kharkov, ukraine still has a chance to save the territories, but kiev must stop this conflict right now, but they are not ready for this, ukraine cannot win, for it it’s all over and russia knows about this. and more importantly, the west knows about this, in contrast to public rhetoric, it allows ukraine to die, but western politicians continue to pretend to be peacemakers, head
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the diplomatic service of the european union, joseppe barel, proudly announced that the total amount of assistance to ukraine reached 138 billion euros. so the french senators voted for a bilateral agreement on long-term support for kiev, and only a few of them, in particular the communists, opposed it, realizing that paris was the same. does not accuse ukraine of unfair competition, this is a significant factor that will prevent ukraine from becoming a full member of the european union, local experts say. right now the european parliament is in its last session
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did not extend the regime. duty-free trade with ukraine, deputies demanded to review the protection measures for european agricultural producers due to excessive exports from ukraine. emil mersaev, news, paris, france.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. it's easy to make a deep fake and change your voice. now to the news from the special operation zone. the crew of a russian self-propelled gun destroyed another artillery piece of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. beats they correct with the help of drones, among the targets, also strong points of the armor of the enemy vehicle. eduard punigov observed the work of our fighters.
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a geocint, a self-propelled unit of the thirtieth artillery brigade, is leaving a dense forest belt for a combat mission; today they are working in the southern donetsk direction. target a31 received three projectiles in rapid fire. the crew fires densely at the limit of the howitzer's capabilities, and a shot sounds again after a few seconds to reload. gun, shot! the target was hit by means of objective control and destroyed enemy artillery installation. at that very second, our soldiers run for cover, and the ukrainian armed forces may respond with cluster munitions, but this time nothing happened. the front is moving forward in our direction, straight ahead, we are passing, everything is confident. the crew always acts as quickly as possible, immediately changing position after salvos. it happens that the longest is for 2 minutes, that’s all, so that everything can be aimed at once, everything can be sent quickly, everything can be aimed and so that the shells go away quickly, why do
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you have to speed up. well, the sooner the better, life is more valuable to you, so here’s something came and flew in response, but they managed to escape; artillery strikes are always corrected with the help of reconnaissance drones. play a vital role, they primarily provide support to our assault units, which right now are working on the front line and are consistently pushing out the enemy’s secured positions. the vostok grouping with precise strikes opens strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces and also conducts counter-battery warfare. geocintas work on targets at a distance of approximately 25 km, during breaks between the combat operation of the installation be sure to hide in a forest belt in a carefully camouflaged manner.


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