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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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following the route landing site kvartsev airport unsubchan, made a hard landing. there were three crew members and 17 passengers on board the aircraft. according to preliminary data, one person died and there were injuries. currently , forensic investigators from the eastern interregional transport investigation department of the investigative committee of russia have gone to the scene of the incident.
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all the houses were prepared for the werewolf, everyone was on almost every floor, they took a long time, from the beginning of the assault until the end of the day, well then according to current standards, it is very fast. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri bogdanov, today we’ll talk about the problem of arms control and a new possible architecture for global security. we have connections with the vice president of the russian international affairs council , evgeny buzhinsky. evgeny petrovich, hello. hello. the united states is expressing concern about the lack of dialogue with russia on armaments. tell me, is this a genuine concern, what do you think, or something like that?
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weapons, they, well , that was the official version, which they told us all the time , you know, as they say, not parliamentary ones poured into our ears that that’s it, the cold war is over, we are no longer enemies, we are partners, just a little more, we are strategic partners, and a little more and we will generally become allies, this, this after the meeting between putin and bush in ljubljana, when bush saw vladimir’s great soul there. and after that we concluded the moscow treaty, which the americans did not need, but in fact they were not shy this is to say behind the scenes, in particular one of my counterparts from the pentagon told me that understand that we believe that arms control in its current form is a treaty in favor of the weak, they did not consider us equal, but despite such parity in ..
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... and the inf treaty, they generally came out under a far-fetched pretext, unofficially they told us that it ties our hands in the east, let's remind the audience, in case someone doesn't remember - these are medium and shorter range missiles, medium and shorter range missiles, this second pillar and third pillar - this is the start treaty, but there are not... there were several treaties, one, the second did not come into force, thank god, the third prague treaty of the tenth year, which, participation in which we suspended, in february of the twenty-second year, by the decision of the president, then so
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to speak, by the decision of the state duma, now, now what they are concerned about, in my opinion, is the pace at which russia is restoring its military power, i emphasize, namely military power in conventional weapons, in nuclear weapons, the president is not without reason says that our nuclear triad has already been modernized by 95%, and for some types even more,
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since i repeat, probably for 10 years our triad in terms of ground components, sarmat is already on combat duty, yars is changing topali, airplanes, tu 160 , last year, five
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aircraft were put into service, this year there will be a total of 50 of them, submarines, boreas, and ash trees are also being launched.
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not the deployment of weapons in space, the americans always do this, well, they actually did not deny that some kind of arms control in space. is needed, but they are interested primarily in anti-satellite weapons, they are not interested in anything else, strike systems, they always told us that in any agreement the most important thing is verification, to verify the presence of any platforms in space, so they have the boeing x37 , we believe that it may well be a carrier of nuclear weapons, but they say: this is a scientific ship that has nothing but scientific tasks. well, here’s how to inspect it, it’s theoretically possible, of course, but it’s expensive to let it in there
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launch vehicle rockets with astronauts to inspect there , that is, there is a certain sense, but all this can be solved, we are worried, we have always been worried about missile defense, the global system, although here is my personal opinion, we, for example, are now with our s-400 complexes, s500 - space reconnaissance means, which we also have quite quickly replenishing our group, i personally am not very sure that we need this, we are interested, of course, in cyber, cyber threats, we could also work here, but also if we talk about strategic offensive weapons , of course, from my point of view, it’s better to live with...
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but it’s just expensive to maintain such an arsenal, it ’s not a cheap pleasure, nuclear weapons, so then there were 3000, now each side has, here we have the americans somewhere... then about 400, say yes, as for nuclear weapons, how do you assess the possibility of conducting nuclear tests, how great are the risks that you will still have to take this step, you know, nuclear tests, full-scale nuclear tests. they are needed if you are adopting nuclear, a new nuclear warhead, as
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far as i know, we have plans to adopt some new types of nuclear warheads, in any case, this has never been announced, that is, we do not have a great need to conduct laboratory tests, the americans, they just announced that they would develop a new one... it was, therefore, well, the president clearly said that if they conduct nuclear tests, well, we
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will also conduct nuclear tests, although from my point of view, there is such an urgent need for nuclear tests we are not here. evgeny petrovich, thank you for your answers to the questions, so we will closely monitor the developments of events, let me remind you that we talked with the vice-president of the russian council on international affairs evgeny buzhinsky. look, you can try on cosmetics first
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find out about the candidates, this information is also available in your personal account on the state services portal. how many pushkin cards have already been issued in new regions with which countries now joint film production is underway, minister of culture olga lyubimova spoke about this and more in an interview with our tv channel. olga borisovna, good afternoon. hello. tell us what is the role of the government and the purpose of the government when we talk about supporting the film industry. eu state support, national cinema. simply would not have survived, if we talk about pictures of what was then, if we look just 10 years ago, then practically nothing happened, that is, until, say, some 2016, before the active such work, the beginning, there was such a year of cinema, a reboot, a huge number of people, say, middle-aged, and artists in the late
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eighties, nineties, early 2000s, actually had no opportunity for creative realization, at that moment, of course, without... it’s valuable that this is exactly what the decision was made to create a cinema fund for such constant support for the formation of a leadership bloc, when large film companies appear, which we monitor every year, they change a little, from year to year we, based on economic indicators, the number of people, which these film companies were able to attract to russian cinemas over the course of 5-6 years are being determined. the block of leaders does not change much, i must say, but nevertheless , new and young, very bright teams are changing, but the most important thing is that the amount of production is increasing.
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clarifying question, what has changed, that is , how much did they give to film producers before and how much do they earn now? you know, since 2015, the government of the russian federation has been supporting the cinema industry for film production, cinema networks
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, which are also now looking with interest at any new emerging project
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, a variety of producers are looking at you, in addition to the state, of course, internet platforms, the largest ones , which finance, very often this young man is already caught by producers, they say: but we want to be co-investors, we liked it, well, tell us, and we will help you, and of course, if before for many years there was a debut film, well, not that it was on the shelf, it was... the first experience, let’s say, yes, for festivals, for shows, various meetings with a professional audience, such a first trial balloon, often the first trial balloons earn 300 million at the box office, plus look, i’ll add right away, the internet development institute was added, and we see how actively this direction is developing, and at the same time, imagine that every time a new support measure appears, the first thing we hear is that it will never work , six platforms will never be needed in russia. work, everyone is needed, you said that it is very important that the state it helped, when the state helped at the start, is it possible to then launch such a model so that film production still
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makes money, and a lot of money? they themselves now earn a lot, this is true, to predict some kind of special one, we would not rush into this yet, because i think we still need to very much develop the cinema network, we need, of course, to increase the number of leaders who are independent. will be able to invest these funds in their films, there cannot be 8-10 of them in the country, there must be be more, for now i would not make such very cheerful forecasts, because first we must generally get used to it and be able to predict the number, for example, now it seems to me that we are missing about 50 films a year in order for us to we felt confident, we realized that we could live. without american high-profile premieres, which are not ours, which have left, which do not work, but of course, in order to stabilize the situation on the market
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it will take more than one year, will it really be so, is it possible to develop union production, that is, when , for example, russia is together with some other country, and where this is possible, with which, of course, we have joint production, and we have signed joint production opportunities with many countries, now first of all certainly. we work with the cis countries, first of all, we work with asian countries, thailand , china, and india are very interested, in general the sco countries, the brix countries, they are very active, we understand that these are, by the way, billions of people, so if that, for a second from the audience, economically, chinese cinema is the first in the world, indian cinema, we know, bollywood, and the fantastic successes of indian cinema, their own. national language, every year, despite the fact that our colleagues come from dozens of countries to the moscow international film festival, incredibly
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interesting cinema from...
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yes, well, just imagine, 2 years ago, in fact there were no cinemas there at all, there were two private cinemas on all four regions. we started working, started working together with our colleagues, my new colleagues, ministers of culture, and lugansk , and donetsk, and kherson and zaporozhye, to find the very spaces where you can create cinema halls, now there are already 54, there are already 54 cinemas, and there will be 25 more. by the end of the year, yes, this is very important for us a measure of support, we understand , in principle, in russian regions, as in any municipality, in principle, the mood changes when a movie comes to the city, a holiday comes to the city, the opportunity to show that movie in a small municipality of the donetsk region, which is now shown on nevsky prospekt, to me it seems that it is also psychologically very important, then you understand, our guys in new
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regions have already received the pushkin card.
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do it as if on your phone, but no, this is the old, as we like to say, tube form of communication, it’s simple, when a person comes and communicates with the viewer, it’s warm, humane, offline, as teenagers say, it’s also incredibly important, and the fact that this life is returning to donbass is also very important, and also one of the trends that is certainly greeted with great warmth by local residents. thanks a lot. only you, citizens of russia, determine the fate of the fatherland, exactly 12 hours before the start
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of voting in the presidential elections in russia at 23:00 moscow time , the first polling stations in the far east will open, vladimir putin addressed the citizens of russia. an information center has already opened in tsika, and our on-site studio operates there. we know the latest information from my colleague roman plyusov. fsb operation in st. petersburg, detained members of a ukrainian banned organization who were preparing a terrorist attack against the russian military with using poison. details in our material. new attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on the belgorod region under fire from the capital of the region , prokharovsky district and the city of grayvoron. our correspondent igor pikhanov is working on the spot. a powerful cyclone covered kamchatka and the airport was closed.


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