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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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the dependence is such that in developed territories grp grows approximately 15% faster, in depressed territories it grows 25-30% faster than throughout the rest of the country, this suggests that for such regions as tver, novgorod, regional territories, the potential development will be simply enormous; lands that generally have no value today will have enormous value.
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together with construction, this will be 40,000 people over the next 6 years, and what is very important is that fuel emissions have sharply decreased in china, we looked at how much emissions have been reduced fuel in 1 year, 2 billion tons of fuel are not emitted into the atmosphere thanks to the railway connection, and you save...
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for our project, i think that within a month we will do this, but the emissions of high-speed electric, electric railway transport are approximately 10 times lower than aviation, and accordingly , about six times lower than automobile, so these are also two aspects that need to be kept in mind, and vladimirovich, as for... financing , in principle, we have collected an investment pool for one and a half trillion rubles financing of banking and pension funds, also thanks to all colleagues, practically the financing mechanisms are all ready and we are ready to start financing from construction together with the web through the mechanism of a factory for project financing of plant construction already and...
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therefore, if you give a start, i think that all my colleagues with great desire will begin to realize this multi-decade dream, thank you very much, uh-huh, thank you, german oskarovich just spoke about technology, of course i returned to this issue again proposal to mantor mantorov denis valentinovich to say: a few words about this
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component of the project, here i see representatives of companies that will have to work, implement this part of the joint work andrey iromovich transmash and the general director of transmash itself nikolay anatolyevich egorenkov, natalya konstantinovna eremina, metallurgical united company, senara group, viktor nikolaevich. nikitin alexander viktorovich technical committee pompiansky so tumanov dmitry yurievich russian electric motor company senar group again mikhail yakovich khodorovsky in general evrrasin sesenyaev pavel aleksandrovich denis valentinovich. uh, i
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want to give you the floor, then, at your suggestion, maybe one of the colleagues i listed would speak out and uh, say what he thinks about this project. and how to count, take part in this work, what are the plans of hope for the relevant companies here. please, denis valentinovich. thank you very much, dear vladimirevich, if you allow me, i will give a general opinion on behalf of all colleagues, because today we have many representatives, you are part of they have already been named. as a follow-up to the meeting that you held last month at the ural locomotives plant, we... additionally worked out the issue of production of high-speed trains, sorted out all the cooperation and confirm that the sinara group is most suitable for carrying out this task as the lead contractor, the company last year it was possible to implement the replacement
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of the lastochka electric train with the completely russian fenist, 16 trains have already been transferred. speed up to 400 km/h, for this purpose it is planned to the construction of two new buildings, with a total area of ​​6000 km, in cooperation on the project also with... today you have already named the flagship of the industry holding, the company will provide new trains with a number of system components, in total we will involve over 100 russian suppliers of raw materials, materials and
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components, in fact, today the main leaders are present and confirm their readiness to provide. production chain, the total investment in the project will be about 35 billion rubles. senara intends to raise up to 80% of this amount at a preferential rate mechanism of the cluster investment platform, especially since the company already has experience with this support tool; it is involved in the production of mainline and shunting locomotives in the kaluga and serulo regions. thus, vladimirich, the industry, with the support of the state, is ready to begin work on providing high-speed highways with russian-made electric trains; starting from 1927, the urals will be able to produce about a hundred such
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cars annually. thank you for your attention, we will implement the large-scale task you have set. well, you mentioned it. some of our business colleagues, viktor nikolaevich, lesh, say a few words, general director, yes, thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, indeed, based on the results of your visit to the ural locomotives plant, together with the ministry of industry and trade, russian railways, sberbank and the government of moscow and jsc state transport leasing company, systematic preparation work was organized in the shortest possible time. contractual documents, as you instructed us, today we are working on two contracts, one a contract for the supply of head trains that will undergo certification; a contract is being prepared from the state transport leasing company for the supply of a batch of already serial ones for the first route of the high-speed ​​line, moscow
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-st. petersburg. deadline until april 15, in accordance with your instructions, contracts for the lead trains, under the leadership of alek valentinovich, this work is underway, velozerovo, we... by april 15, these contracts should already be fully worked out, the structure and volume of necessary investments have been fully worked out , as denis valentinovich said, the ministry of industry and trade is very active helps, and targeted financing, we are preparing an application for targeted financing just within the framework of the mechanisms of the cluster investment platform and part of it goes through the industrial development fund, we confirm the readiness of the group of senators for cooperation more. than with 150 russian enterprises, you have already listed them too, vladimir vladimirovich, transmashholding, mtz transmash, transpneumatics, evrras, tikhkom, uh, work has begun, we are carrying it out at a very active
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pace, and today, i think, is also a landmark day, we are starting work already together on this great project, thank you very much for your attention. thank you, i would still like to listen to nikolai anatolyevich egorenkov, transmash, mtz. for the technological development of production , for my part, as a manufacturer of braking
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systems, i want to say that for us this is very serious, good work, from the manufacturer, today we have concluded an agreement in october with the railway transport engineering center, 17 january , approval of the technical specifications for...
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initial tests of the full braking system was submitted the high-speed train system, accordingly, by august 206 the certified declared braking system will be completely completed, that is, we will be ready for the series completely for mass production, together with the scenario with which we are in principle. in accordance with the technical specifications , all preliminary calculations for the iron electric motor were carried out,
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the technical specifications were agreed upon, that is, today ours is an electric motor, all calculated parameters are confirmed by all the requirements of the technical specifications, that is, our plant today day has all the required competencies, production capacities, it is able to ensure the production of highly reliable, energy efficient and meeting... all quality standards of the declared traction motor equipment, that is, we are ready, and in completing this part of our work today, andrey ramoch belousov, please, thank you , in accordance with your instructions, we have once again worked through all the economic aspects of this project, the issues that were raised at your meeting...
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on both sides, this project is now fully developed and ready, and we are ready to sign the relevant regulatory documents, including the concession agreement. thank you, anyone would like to say something else on the topic that we are currently discussing, if there is a need and desire, please identify yourself and the camera will take you. no, that's it, we agreed last time. at the meeting, which all colleagues mentioned here, we already agreed that we
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will meet again in this composition, we will fix that all the issues that were subject to final approval, worked out and resolved, we agreed that at this meeting we are recording the very fact of the start of large-scale joint work on this project. we will assume that the revision that was necessary to launch the project has been carried out and today we are making an agreement with you that this work is beginning, i wish everyone success, i thank everyone for the preparatory stage that has been done so far, i am confident that the project will be implemented and will play a very good, noticeable role in the implementation of those country development plans, which we talked about in previous months and
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which were set out in the message to the federal assembly in... our national development goals, thank you very much and all the best, good luck, now let's move on to the second part of the work and i want to give the floor to alexey evgenevich likhochev, please, thank you very much , dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, we greet you from the site of the leningrad nuclear power plant, a truly legendary place for russian nuclear scientists, this is where we started.
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today it is one of the most powerful nuclear power plants in our country , of course, the most powerful source of electricity here in the northwest produces 55% of the electricity consumed in the leningrad region, in st. petersburg, of course, with the commissioning of new units, this specific, this specific gravity, stable, the greenness of nuclear energy will only increase, we are making our contribution to socio-economic development. region at the construction stage more than 7.0 jobs, at the operation stage about 2.0 places, our contribution to the development of the economy of the leningrad region areas. vladimirovich, the plant has great international significance, you are well aware of the project of the belarusian nuclear power plant, ostrovets npp, the most modern,
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youngest power plant in europe, and so the reference, the reference for... the belarusian nuclear power plant was the fifth and sixth units of the leningrad npp, with fundamentals, the fighters took an active part not only in the launch of the belarusian nuclear power plant, but in the training of personnel , twin-city relations between the two are still developing teams. in recent years, a lot has been done to develop nuclear energy in our country. vladimirevich, including in the implementation of your instructions. over the course of 6 years, we connected six powerful ones to the network. power units , a unique floating nuclear power plant , academy komonosov, with two reactors on board; nothing else like it exists in the world. several years ago, we made a decision that truly inspired our entire nuclear industry. you talked about this, this is a transition from 20 to 25% of nuclear
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power generation in our country. we are good we understand, under the leadership of the government together with the ministry of energy, what we need to do before... 1935, we have to build 17 nuclear power units, in the medium term, increase generation in the urals, come to siberia, the far east, that is, cover almost all of this with our projects. throughout our country, in addition to powerful power units, we will also replicate small land-based nuclear power plants in a floating version, the most modern technologies, which, as you also talked about, are in great demand throughout our planet. but in addition to generation 3+ of the modern generation, we are working on the future technological landscape in the tomsk region in seversk, a breakthrough project is being implemented, a fourth generation project, a few days ago you talked about this topic with the general director of magathe, unique closed
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fuel cycle technologies are really being created there, they are being implemented there on earth there is a project for a fourth-generation power unit... fast neutron reactor with lead coolant, and i have the honor to say today that in the coming weeks we will launch the first object from this - truly such a stellar project, is a module for the fabrication and refabrication of mixed nitrite uranium-plutonium fuel, implying the complete closure of the fuel cycle and we will prepare for the physical launch of the 300 mw fast neutron reactor by the twenty-sixth year, i want to thank you again behind. all the decisions made, we will do everything to implement them, thank you very much, as far as i understand, there are two of the six blocks. it is gradually being decommissioned now, yes, that too vladimir vladimirovich, four thousand rbmk units worked here, two of them are already in a state of shutdown, and the team is actively working to
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bring these units completely out of operation and transfer the site to neutral, two rbmk thousand units and two 1200 mw units of a new generation are working at rated power, everything in general here , all plans are being fulfilled and... of course, the team, the city, and the region were really looking forward to today, really looking forward to this construction, this is, this is a century ahead, a project for a century ahead, and jobs, and green energy, and of course, salaries, development of the social sphere of the city, we feel at home here in the leningrad region, of course, many thanks to the governor, alexan yurazdenko, for the constant support of all of us, all of our work, we have one block.
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rosatom for fulfilling your instructions - this is , of course, the reclamation of the krasny bor landfill. this is a large environmental project that the agglomeration of st. petersburg and the leningrad region has been waiting for a very long time. and
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within our agglomeration, this is a project that today finds responses not only as important the project is environmental, but also a project that residents have been waiting for a long time. i want to say that in general the development of the leningrad region of the city of sosnoubor is actively connected with rosatom. i will give just a few examples; not so long ago we built the largest one. with rosatom, we built one of the best parks in the leningrad region, this is primorsky park, the funding ratio was 50 to 50, in the year of the ninety-fifth anniversary of the leningrad region , rosatom gave us a modern olympic- standard basketball stadium, now we are starting construction, we have already finished designing a modern ice palace, again in a 50/50 ratio, this is how we work together and... we are implementing one environmental project together, this is electric transport, unmanned urban transport, we are already building electric gas stations here together, we have already built four,
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already in this year the test mode will begin, but vladimirovich, as they say here, it ’s probably better to see once than to hear once, i suggest watching a short story, thank you very much, please.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, on the site carried out at the seventh power unit of the leningrad nuclear power plant. the entire scope of preparatory work, all the necessary licenses from rostekhnadzor have been received, and we ask for your permission to pour the first
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concrete of the seventh power unit. i want to thank you for the preparation for today ’s work, large-scale work, of course, to express the hope that all plans will be implemented, and i wish success to everyone who is embarking on these, these large-scale events, of course, i allow a good hour. right now we are witnessing the most important operation. after pressing the button , concrete began to be supplied to two concrete pumps with booms 36 and 52 m long. the concrete is supplied under a pressure of 8 megapas. the base slab
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is divided into two concreting blocks, the blocks are divided into nine sections, the volume of the first section is 592 m. concreting only the first section will take 18-20 hours. the total volume of concreting for the foundation slab of the reactor building of power unit no. 7 of the leningrad npp will be 5.4 congratulations, good luck to you, all the best. vladimir putin took part in the ceremony via video link pouring the first concrete at the base of the nuclear island of the seventh power unit of the leningrad npp, at the start of full-scale implementation.
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ela aleksandrovna pomfilova of russia, chairman of the electoral committee center, hello, hello, that’s what they said today when they told us about it. scali information center tsika said that early voting is already underway.


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