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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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at the russia exhibition today is the day of the fishing industry in the vdnkh pavilions they show fish, prepare fish, and most importantly, they talk about the achievements, tasks and problems of the fishing industry. the fishery complex is one of the most important sectors; in essence, it ensures the country’s food security. in october, vladimir putin approved a number of instructions for the fishing industry. the president also ordered the development. measures to stimulate fish consumption in russia, in fact, everything is there for fish consumption, mainly there is our domestic fish. so, at the end of last year, russian fishermen reached record levels, the catch exceeded 5 million tons, this is the largest figure in history. as explained in the russian fisheries agency, such indicators were achieved , among other things, due to a successful salmon run; the catch of pacific salmon in 2023 exceeded 600.
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record catches and record revenue are the maximum volumes of fish over the past 30 years, the results of government support for the industry, thanks to new vessels and investments succeed update catch records every year. experts note that over the past 10 years , the russian fishing industry has changed dramatically; new approaches to biological resources are being adopted. he actively invests in the industry. over 10 years, about a trillion has been raised. rub. as
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part of the investment quota program , the most ambitious modernization of the country's fisheries complex is being implemented. as part of the first stage , the construction of 105 ships is projected. also, as part of the first stage, 25 fish processing plants have already been built. we are already building refrigerated vessels for delivering catches directly from the fishery. plus, as part of this program, six logistics centers will be built. in the seaports of our country, and this will allow us, of course, to store the catches that we are currently extracting in the future and sell them both through exchange trading and directly deliver quality products to the internal territory of the russian federation. 22 new vessels have already been put into operation, their productivity is 2 and a half times higher than that of the old fleet. as part of the second stage investment...
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carried out within the framework of our individual programs and on behalf of the head of our state, funds were allocated for the creation of critical equipment that today we cannot obtain from abroad, by the twenty- fifth year we must issue serial samples, well, accordingly those enterprises that produce this equipment must be sure that they will have a stable serial order. additional funds were allocated for the construction of new research... vessels for
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expanding the geography of the scope of expeditionary work, the sailing training ships sidov and kruzenshtern, legendary sailing ships with a hundred-year history, which serve to train professional maritime personnel, were repaired. a large african expedition will start this summer. our specialists will study fish and fish stocks off the coast of the mainland. the results obtained will make it possible to make forecasts regarding possible fishing and give recommendations for the effective development of aquatic biological resources, including. and russian fishermen. the research will cover vast areas of more than ten countries on the west african coast, from morocco to angola, as well as the western indian ocean, the coasts of eritrea, aman, mozambique, madagascar and mauritius. and another important area of ​​work is the development of fish farming. since last year, compensation has been provided for 20% of the costs of construction or modernization of workshops for the production of feed for sturgeon salmon.
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now there is new footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. i propose today to talk about our plans in connection with the message.
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price growth is decreasing, inflation is stabilizing; in february it was 0.7%. in the first couple of weeks of the current month , inflation has gone to zero, it is clear that in weekly terms this is all very volatile, but nevertheless, it is the way it is. economic growth for january is 4.6% gdp growth, if last year we had 3.6, overall a very satisfactory, good figure, for january 4.6, it is also
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clear that this is only the beginning of the year, if in i’m not mistaken, my colleagues will correct me, but the very trends that we are now observing... give us reason to believe that the plans proposed as part of the message to the federal assembly are quite feasible, this work must be started immediately , while it is important to ensure detailed planning of all elements of each national project, such planning should combine in one logic of action all actions of all levels of government, from federal to...
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in relation to a specific subject federation, what additional ones may be tools are needed to achieve the practical, tangible results that russian citizens expect. i ask the government to decide on the main approaches and principles for implementing new national projects by the end of april. we will also discuss this issue separately at upcoming meetings. i think that my colleagues in the government have already begun this kind of work, the prime minister and i met, we discussed this issue yesterday, and i think we need to move on. practical work in each area, please let's begin our discussion today
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, and i give the floor to first deputy prime minister andrei ramanovich belausov, please, thank you very much, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear colleagues, message from the president of the russian federation, the federal assembly has formulated a key goal that must be achieved. purchasing power parity, the russian economy ranks fifth. calculations show that russia can become the fourth economy in the world, ahead of japan, subject to maintaining sustainable growth of at least 2% per year.
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regional centers, by 2030 the project will cover at least 12 thousand enterprises,
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twice as many as at the current moment, all 288 thousand social institutions, the outpacing increase in labor at enterprises covered by this program should grow by 5% compared to industry average ; secondly, expand the use of the benefits of digital solutions. the best practices platform launched last fall plays a key role here. domestic digital solutions for the efficiency of the russian federation. essentially, this is remote consulting on organizing the company’s digital transformation processes. by 2030 , about 600 services and standard solutions will be presented on the platform. we expect that this will increase the number of digital solutions that will be used by the enterprise by 2 and a half times.
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based on data for the past year, investment in fixed assets increased by 9.8%, almost three times faster than gdp growth. the task is to maintain rapid investment growth.
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rub. by 2030 it is planned to double the number of concluded agreements is up to 150 szpk, with a total investment volume of about 7 trillion rubles. secondly, it is planned to continue work on the implementation of a regional investment standard. the instrument creates clear rules and infrastructure to support investors in the region. the successful result of its implementation is confirmed. the results of the national rating of the state of the investment climate, annually developed by leading business associations by the agency for strategic initiatives. today is regional.
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this year, a program for the formation of long-term savings of citizens was launched , a new type of individual investment accounts was launched, access to the russian financial market of foreign financial organizations from friendly countries was simplified, these and a number of other measures were reflected in the development strategy of the financial market of the russian federation until the thirtieth year, updated by the government in december twenty-third. the third mechanism is to support the increase in non-resource, non- energy exports to markets friendly countries, in accordance with the message, the volume of non-resource and energy exports should increase by no less than 2/3, and exports of agricultural products by one and a half times. this is a very high ambitious goal. support for exporting companies will be provided at all stages of the life cycle
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of an investment project, export project, the promotion of russian products in... markets will be ensured by the provision of preferential investment, pre-export and trade financing, special attention will be paid to the promotion of russian goods brands under the auspices of the made in russia program. at the beginning of this year, the first festival fair, made in russia in china, took place, which was a significant success. russian manufacturers will be helped to adapt products to the requirements of new markets within the framework of measures... not only within the country, but on the territory of friendly countries, it is planned to assist private businesses in creating transport and logistics centers , industrial zones, necessary ports, warehouses and demonstrations abroad power, at
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in this case, russian exporters will also be compensated for part of their transportation costs. the fourth mechanism for accelerating growth is support for small medium-sized businesses. by 2030, the goal is to increase sme revenue per employee by at least 23% compared to the twenty-third year. this is 1.2 times higher than the growth rate of the domestic grain product. first of all, the growth of the indicator will be ensured by expanding financial measures to support preferential leasing of industrial equipment,
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entering world markets through expanding tools for supporting the group of the russian export center and placing products of smes on international marketplaces. the task of simplifying the conditions for creating a new business remains an urgent task in the six-year horizon. today
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, about a million new sme companies are created in russia every year, that is, slightly more than 17% of the average annual number of all smes. we plan to raise this value to almost 20% by the thirtieth year. this problem will be solved through adaptation. financial support measures for novice entrepreneurs, their access to the list of financial mechanisms, such as microloans, grants and guarantees, will be significantly expanded, and we will continue to work on optimizing reporting. and finally, the fifth mechanism is the implementation of import substitution projects. of course, import substitution itself is not an end in itself, but within reasonable limits it solves two problems at once, economic sovereignty. and stimulating growth. the task of import substitution will be accomplished through two main groups of measures. the first is systemic measures import substitution for a wide range
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of products. these include preferential loans, including within the framework of the cluster investment platform and the industrial development fund, as well as subsidies for neokr. the second group of measures is the launch of technological sovereignty projects, which were discussed in the address. each of them is aimed at producing specific lines of high-tech products based on their own development lines. these projects are distinguished by ensuring guaranteed demand, orders for the development of critical technologies, training and provision of special support measures. there will tentatively be 12 such projects, including machine tool building and robotics, new materials and chemistry, and food supply. dangers of new medical technologies, they will be supervised by specialized deputies and chairmen of the government. dear vladimir vladimirovich, the implementation of these mechanisms
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will allow the russian economy not only to respond to current future challenges, but to enter a trajectory of further sustainable growth, ensure the achievement of key goals, indicated in the economic part of the message of the president of the russian federation to the federal assembly. thank you for attention. thank you. last year, how many new small enterprises were created there 1,200, in my opinion , about one and a half million somewhere in the region this is one and a half thousand somewhere in this relationship was unique we plan to maintain this trend today and but it can only be supported by new tools that we are now developing, yes, it was truly unique because it was replaced.
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ultimately should be reflected in how people live, and this is the entire social sphere, healthcare, education, assistance to families with children, culture, here we also have big plans, tatyana alekseevna, please, vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, all instructions on the social sector block have been accepted for execution, we have begun, under... the leadership of the prime minister, to develop national projects, now the national project has a long and active life. its key task is to increase the expected
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life expectancy by the thirtieth year to 78 years. now three regions of the country have reached this milestone, these are the republics of dagestan and ingushetia and the city of moscow. as part of the national project, we will continue the ongoing modernization of primary care, this is most in demand. the population has a project, since it concerns every resident of our country; annually we record more than one billion calls to primary care institutions. to date, the most successfully implementing the program is the city of moscow, the republic of tatarstan, mordovia, karelia, the leningrad region and a number of others. we are planning, as you instructed , activities for the comprehensive development of emergency care and the fight against cardiovascular diseases. oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, we will also provide for the re-equipment of perinatal centers and children's hospitals, the modernization of antenatal clinics,
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material renewal... such high-quality infrastructural changes will make it possible to promptly identify and begin treatment for life-threatening diseases, thereby saving about 1 million lives. contribution to gross domestic product by lives saved may exceed 2
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trillion rubles. we are also planning a large-scale renovation of the material and technical base of over 2,500 kindergarten buildings and 9,300 school buildings. thus, together with the regions, by the end of the thirtieth year we will solve the currently accumulated problem with the buildings of educational organizations in need of major repairs and reconstruction. as part of this work, we will pay special attention to the repair of equipment in school medical offices. i will note the regions that have fulfilled their obligations in the twenty-third year for repairs and major overhauls of schools, these are the republics of bashkartastan, sakha, yakutia, north ossetia, alania, the chechen republic, and the trans-baikal territory. starting from 25, we will additionally carry out targeted construction of new schools and kindergartens in individual localities. this necessity is associated with historical disproportions in placement and
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significant deterioration. objects, as well as decisions made on the targeted development of a number of territories, together with regions, over 6 years we plan to build about 150 schools and 110 kindergartens. in 12 regions of the country , schools of leadership level, so-called flagship schools, will appear, which will become an advanced platform for the development of talented students and teachers, creating the introduction of the best educational practices in the country. today, this includes pskov, ryazan, belgorod and the construction of five such schools in the novgorod and nizhny novgorod regions, with a capacity of 800 places each with a campus for students to live in, three of which we plan to open in 2026. from september 1, 2023 in all schools a unified career guidance model has been introduced. in the current academic year, it covers more than 8.4
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million children, starting from the sixth grade. every week, schoolchildren are told about modern production; more than 514,000 children attended excursions at enterprises throughout the country. in accordance with your instructions, vladimir vladimirovich, by 2028 it is necessary to train 1 million specialists of qualified workers to ensure the security, sovereignty and competitiveness of the country in... the main sectors of technological sovereignty, for therefore, on your instructions, we are expanding the professionalism project; in 2 years of its implementation , 220 production clusters have already been created, and educational clusters, which include 925 colleges in 68 regions of the country in twenty-four priority sectors of the economy, have attracted 1.00 enterprises. the regional leaders today
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are: the first pilot or, as we call it, experimental graduation for the professionalism project will happen in 2024, this will be just over 138 thousand young specialists who will come to mechanical engineering, information technology, agriculture, transport, as part of the expansion of professionalism, according to the instructions that you gave in the message, we are now planning to increase the number of colleges and expand the areas of training in order to involve in the professional development project training in such specialties as healthcare, services, creative industry. in the twenty- fourth year


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