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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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creative industries. for the twenty-fourth year, we have already selected 70 clusters in 79 regions of the country. and now an additional selection of twenty more is underway, which will be completed by mid-april. along with such already branded projects as the zemsky doctor and the zemsky teacher, on your instructions , from the twenty-fifth year we will begin the implementation of the zemsky cultural worker program. and a specialist who comes to work in a village or small town will receive a one-time payment, as you instructed, in the amount of 1 million rubles, and those who go to far east, to donbass or novorussia, twice as much, that is, 2 million rubles. i would like to immediately say that as a result of your decision, the initiative has received a very positive response in the regions, and we will actively interact with colleagues and methodically support this work. this will significantly
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reduce the existing personnel shortage. vladimir vladimirovich, you announced an important measure to support large families - this is a doubling of standard deductions for personal income tax for children, for the second child 2,800 rubles. on the third of each subsequent up to 6.00 rub. per month, the amount of annual income, up to which such deductions are applied, increases from 350 to 450,000 rubles. this measure will take effect from 2025, we have estimated with the ministry of finance, we assume that it will cover about 10 million parents and guardians per year, according to preliminary estimates, a total of more than 35 billion rubles per year will remain in families. now about your instructions that relate to payments to certain
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categories of public sector workers. from january 2023, on your instructions there were special social payments were introduced for certain categories of primary care medical workers; depending on the category and specialty , the amounts of payments ranged from 4.5 to 18,500 rubles per month. now, in accordance with the additional decisions that you made and announced at... the meeting of the second forum of future technologies, from march 1, 2024 , payments will be made to medical workers of medical organizations and their structural divisions in settlements with a population of up to 50 thousand people, to doctors up to 50,000 rubles, for paramedical personnel up to 30,000 rubles, in settlements with a population of 50 to 100 thousand inhabitants, the amount of payments to doctors will be 29. for
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paramedical workers - 13,000. these measures will affect more than 200,000 health workers. the corresponding funds are provided in the budget of the compulsory health insurance fund, and the resolution will be considered at a government meeting tomorrow; payments for march will be made in april. also, from march 1 this year we will double the size from 5 to 10 thousand remuneration for classroom management and supervision for... teachers will also receive the first payments in april of this year. in september of this year, we will introduce an incentive payment of 500 rubles for educational advisers, school directors and secondary vocational education organizations. let us cover this measure from above.
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and the increase in the minimum wage from january 1, 2024 by 18.5% was made, it affected 4.8 million workers, we will continue this work, by 2030 the minimum wage should double again to 35,000 rubles, which is positive will certainly affect wages in the public sector in the economy as a whole, as well as an increase in social benefits.
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and the development of the system of university campuses , dear, in your message to the federal assembly you instructed to expand the program for creating modern world -class university campuses to forty, now we reported to you that campuses are being designed and built in seventeen regions, from kaliningrad to yuzhno-sakhalinsk, this is more than 2.3000 km of advanced infrastructure for... study, science, technology entrepreneurship, creativity, sports, and, of course, comfortable living for students, teachers, scientists, we have developed a unified campus standard and its equipment, each of which is linked to specific industries, technologies that allow us to train personnel, conduct
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research in all priority areas, such as genetics, artificial intelligence, new materials and others, these are all areas...
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taking into account the costs of construction, equipment and maintenance of facilities. this is unprecedented the scale of construction and financing of programs in the field of higher education in the modern history of our country. and thanks to your support, in august we will hold a third competition to select projects to create campuses, and we will select at least eight more projects. i would like to note that the program is in great demand, it is popular among the regions, we expect even more applications if there were any in the first selection. 27 applications, of which we selected nine, in the second there were already about thirty- nine, in the third we tentatively expect more than 50 applications, that is, the competition is very high, and what is very important is that the program is closely interconnected with other projects that are being implemented on your instructions,
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25 universities are involved in the creation of the campus, priority 20-30 program participants and 15 universities that received support for the creation of advanced engineering schools, that’s just on your initiative. you talked about this, both of these programs will be expanded and extended, the number of advanced engineering schools will double to 100, the implementation of the priority 2030 program will continue, these are the instructions have already given, the synergy of these programs, coupled with your instructions to increase the level of remuneration for teachers of fundamental disciplines, mathematics, physics, chemistry, will provide just such a systematic basis for training engineering scientific personnel for... to ensure technological sovereignty. on behalf of michal vladimirovich mishustin , the government has systematically organized monitoring of the campus creation program. we regularly hold meetings with marazyanovich and report on the progress of their construction at the chairman’s weekly planning meetings.
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remember, last year we showed you an information panel in which video cameras were connected to track the progress, construction of campuses in real time, and we monitor many other parameters there. dear vladimir vladimirovich, in your message to the federal assembly you also instructed to launch a large-scale program for the overhaul of 800 university dormitories, thanks to your support for these. 124 billion rubles will be allocated for the purpose, that is, approximately 20 billion rubles annually will allow for the modernization of the existing infrastructure, residential infrastructure of universities, that is, to carry out comprehensive repairs and solve not just any specific problems, but to update the entire infrastructure; we will be able to repair at least 140 dormitories a year, and this is approximately 49,000 more comfortable places for students annually, as you said, but it is necessary.
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the government will carry out your instructions on time, yeah, thank you, vich , the main thing is that this is provided with funding, but as far as i understand, the sources have been identified, there are no disagreements here, this is very good, you know, i would like to digress from those topics, which ones are you have now been touched upon, and i would like to thank all of you who were involved in the preparation and holding of igor the future for... the event , i will not hide that i treated it so, well, positively, of course, and wanted
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our young people, our guests enjoyed the communication, but still treated it with some kind of very light, modern, entertainment program, and it turned out to be a very serious event, but even... and the point is not that it’s turned out to be a serious event now, the important thing is that you we were really right, this is a good start for the future, these are truly games of the future, hundreds of millions of people watched, but it is important that we were the first to organize an event of this scale, and this is of course, this is of course. everything is very cool - interesting in my opinion, promising
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, so i would like to ask you, and mikhail vladimirovich has already spoken about this, we must , of course, mention those people who organized this work, and now as for what we are based on we want to achieve the results we want today we are talking and we will talk again, of course we must do this, you and i many times... the technological sovereignty of our country,
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we will continue to work in key areas , sets long-term benchmarks for achievement within the framework of existing government programs, as well as systemic measures of state support, and on your instructions, we are translating the development of the most significant sectors for the economy into the format of national projects; this, firstly, concerns the formation of a full cycle. production of chemical products, for this by 2030 about 150 new enterprises of medium and small-scale chemicals will be created, thereby we will provide russian raw materials to thousands of manufacturers of medicines, cosmetics, perfumes, household and industrial chemicals, varnishes, paints, building materials, and food products. the second end-to-end direction that has now reached...
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the digital maturity of the enterprise is up to 85%. in general , development is extremely important for the digitalization of all stages of the life cycle of industrial products. telecommunications services, they are now actively moving into space to strengthen our sovereignty in this area , on your instructions, a new national project is being formed, of its main directions i would like to note the development and production of promising launch vehicles, including reusable ones,
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the creation of transport modules based on a nuclear power plant, and, of course, the construction of the russian orbital stations. another priority you outlined for the next six years is increasing the economic connectivity of our country. this is what the tools of our two sectoral government programs. we are talking about providing civil aviation with domestic planes and helicopters, as well as technological sovereignty. into shipbuilding in order to continue the large-scale expansion of passenger, cargo and fishing fleets. in addition, our shipbuilders will help solve the problem of increasing cargo flows through the northern sea route. bearing in mind the increasing pace of construction of marine equipment, including
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tankers, container ships and icebreakers. the same goes for collateral. we are generating the necessary financial resources for the accelerated build-up of competencies, bearing in mind the additional capitalization of the industrial development fund, which will ensure the implementation of at least 500 additional new projects before the thirtieth year. through the mechanism of the cluster investment platform, we
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will be able to attract about another 2 trillion rubles in the industry. frequent investments, and through industrial mortgages to involve about 10 million square meters of production space into economic turnover, and this also expands access for small medium-sized businesses to the infrastructure of industrial parks. you have already spoken today about the results of last year in honor of attracting small medium-sized businesses in industry, this... will be an additional impetus, so we will continue, on behalf of the entire industry, i would like to thank you for the unprecedented volumes of support and your personal attention to the development of our industries, we will make every effort to cope with the assigned tasks, the report is over, okay, thank you, i wanted
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to say something, some things, everything is important, important everything that i would like... the power plant that you mentioned for work in space needs to be financed if we continue to treat things like this... but this does not concern you personally, of course, this concerns us in general, but it is necessary just to determine priorities, i want to turn to andrei rimovich and mikhail vladimirovich, well, there are issues that require additional attention, because this is this topic, it is somehow important, it seems like we are all accustomed to what we have here such competencies that others
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countries do not possess, but special attention needs to be paid to it in order... so that it a develops and can be used in the future to solve those problems that can and should be solved with the help of these technologies, this is the first, second thing regarding shipbuilding, which you mentioned, here we will need to decide on this, there is a need, apparently, for the construction of additional shipyards, so we need to decide on the location of their construction, and of course... if we link this with territorial development countries, of course, yes, and not only, but with convenience. production of appropriate equipment, then, of course, it would be advisable
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to do this in the eastern regions of russia, including in order to create conditions for the development of the far east, create new jobs there, well-paid ones, competencies, and so on, but it is more expensive there everything, and in order for this...
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civil fleet, and not only a specialized, but in a broad sense civil fleet, we will have to do this again in the very near future
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come back, i ask you to work on this topic, think about it, yes, thank you, our builders have achieved very good results - last year, we said this many times, and once again i want to thank everyone who is working this year complex for... results, there are many tasks, in the field of housing and communal services, in the field of development of small medium-sized cities, there are plans here, i just spoke about this in the message, i would like maratovich to return to these topics, please, dear vladimir vladimirovich, message special to the federal assembly attention is paid to the issues of balanced development of regions, increasing their economic independence. also the creation of infrastructure for the life and activities of our citizens, therefore our main strategic task is to develop infrastructure in a broad sense, this includes housing, social facilities,
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utilities, transport, industrial facilities and jobs for our residents , taking into account their opinions, which you emphasized in message. you have been instructed to formulate a program for the comprehensive development of about 200 settlements, including identifying less than 200 cities and towns. for each of which to develop a master plan. the main priority is to ensure the balanced development of regions and increase their economic independence. to do this , it is necessary, together with the heads of regions , to identify growth points in each subject and direct joint efforts of all levels of government to their development. this will give an unconditional impetus to the development of all settlements in each region and the region as a whole. the approach to human settlements development should.
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that is, we continue to support the dialed pace, and more importantly, that according to the results of last year, the housing conditions of 4.4 million families improved, this is also the best indicator in history, we are working to increase urban planning potential, fulfill national goals by the thirtieth year to introduce at least 120 million km, your decision on extension of the family mortgage until the thirtieth year, its special conditions for small... every year
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the population invests in housing construction, this is the largest investor in our country, that is, the population believes, these are roads, and networks, and social services, that’s all we we do it comprehensively, leads to the fact that the population is increasingly investing money in the development of housing construction, the decision to extend the program for a comfortable urban environment and competition in small towns, also the decision on a new program for the resettlement of emergency housing, the continuation of the program... structural budget loans allows we need to take a comprehensive approach to the development of human settlements and achieve an indicator of improving the urban environment by one and a half times by the year thirtieth. approaches to the integrated development of human settlements, agglomeration and macroregions, we reported to you on the example of the kaliningrad region, the st. petersburg agglomeration and the azov-black sea cluster. we will use the same principle to formulate our future work. resolving issues.
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the economic independence of the regions will help reduce their debt burden. previously, the government, together with the ministry of finance, had already made decisions to restructure the regions' debt on budget loans. from the age of 21, part of these funds is allocated by the regions to create infrastructure facilities in order to implement new investment projects. 126 billion budget funds have already been allocated for these purposes and are being implemented. debt of the regions will allow funds to remain in the constituent entities and be used for investment projects and infrastructure development, primarily in the public utilities sector. this is almost another trillion in our potential source for development, a powerful solution that will of course greatly
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help the development of the regions. today. the government's strategic initiative is being implemented - this is an infrastructure menu, in in which we have collected all federal support measures for the regions. this made it possible to begin to address issues of removing infrastructure restrictions for the socio-economic development of the regions at a qualitatively new level. according to reviews from regions, infrastructure budget loans have become one of the most effective and sought-after development tools. for the period 21-2 twenty-sixth year, we provided 1 trillion budget loans, of which more than 500 have already come to the regions, 190 billion rubles of special treasury loans, as well work is underway on 150 billion infrastructure bonds of the house of the russian federation, for which an increasing number of facilities are being built in the country, this will make it possible to create thousands of new facilities, update about 800 units of public transport, and due to...
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the decisions made , the construction of subways in five regions will continue nizhny novgorod, krasnoyarsk, chelyabinsk, st. petersburg, samara and the rolling stock in moscow and st. petersburg were updated. construction of an unprecedented amount of clean water will also continue. structures along the black sea coast. in addition, we have updated 6,500 public transport units as of today. thanks to the decision to allocate 150 billion, this work will continue, which will update public transport and bring it to the standard level. your decision to extend the program of infrastructure budget loans in the amount of more than one trillion will allow everything to be completed and all projects started to be continued, part of the funds will be used to modernize public utility infrastructure, and the most important thing is that the regions will see their long-term perspective until the thirtieth year,
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which will be necessary...


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