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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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does she really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee, she has special gifts, who would you look at today, well, here’s a girl. maybe you know who the killer is, yes, just look , my dream is somehow connected with this case, and you are amateur, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, let’s look before everyone else, in the application or on the website.
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tomorrow in russia the presidential elections will start, they will last 3 days until march 17, this is the first time that the election of a leader three-day countries. so, voters, polling stations in all regions will be open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, and will be installed there. and special terminals
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for electronic voting. you can cast your vote online at on the same dates, around the clock, starting from 8 a.m. tomorrow until 8:00 p.m. on march 17. according to the head of the central election commission, ella pomfilova, public election observation headquarters have been created in all regions. social activists will also monitor remote electronic voting. for the elections accredited observers from 106 countries. on the eve of the start of voting in the elections , the information center began operating.
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center, as well as on the websites of the central election commission. only 113,500 were produced for the russian presidential elections. 74,550 ballots, all of them were delivered to 89 regions of our country. the number of requests to the information and reference center of the central election commission of russia about possible violations in the elections this year has become unprecedentedly small, ela pamfiloma also stated this. however, the head the central election commission does not deny that the elections are taking place at a difficult time for the country. for the first time we are holding elections in such a difficult, extreme situation, i would like to say. when such a very toxic atmosphere was created, including an international one, of course, in conditions of continuous threats, and a host of other negative phenomena, we foresaw all this, in principle, this is not the first time for us, so we hedged our bets and in all regions
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reserve premises, places for voting, almost 10 million people will vote in the elections. deh is transparent, everyone can observe and see everything that happens on the days of recording, sharing keys, decrypting keys and creating lists of voters, electronic voting will take place in very difficult conditions, we expect, of course
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, a large number, a large number of cyber attacks, serious pressure, cyber pressure, so on our part we are taking all additional measures to ensure security, they have undertaken, in general...
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electronic voting, there will be five such suitcases, if suddenly this one disappears somewhere, then decipher the remote electronic voting will be impossible, this is what it looks like.
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observation of the presidential elections, he will work all 3 days while voting is going on, he will monitor the work of precinct election commissions and monitor remote electronic voting and keep in touch with observers on the ground. a 24-hour stream will be launched in the studio of the situation center, during which, as stated in the public chamber, social activists and experts will present an objective assessment and reliable information about the voting process, in counterbalance to fakes and possible attempts to discredit.
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types of appeal and resolves this issue through the court, because we are talking about interference in the
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activities of a financial company. and accordingly, as a means it is necessary to prove that this company somehow violated american law or disturbed the peace of american citizens. moreover, the chinese company appeals to the fact that the rights of 120 million tiktok users in the united states are being violated. at the end of last year, tiktok became the second most downloaded application. general quantity. loads increased by 4% compared to 22 to 733 million. the number of american users per month exceeds 54 million, which is about 32% of the entire us audience, that is, 170 million people. tiktok's digital advertising market share in the states was just 2% in 2022. according to oxford economics, last year, about 7 million small-medium businesses advertised their products on... and generated almost $15 billion in revenue as a result. tiktok's contribution to the us gdp was estimated at approximately 24 billion.
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according to forecasts, this year tiktok will bring owners about $8.5 billion in advertising revenue. for comparison, in 2020 there were less than 1 billion. the approximate estimate of tiktok is $200 billion. this is a huge number if you remember the one recently sold. which not every holding will be able to afford in dollars - this is really the amount that can be afforded, as if it would be some kind of borrowed funds from the bank. in 2022, tiktok's revenue was just over $9 billion, which is about 9% of byte dance's total revenue, more ... does not disclose financial data, but
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the company's revenue in the third quarter of last year rose about 43% to $31 billion, according to the wall street journal and the information. the total sales volume increased by 40% to 84 billion. if the bill is adopted, byddens will provide 165 days to sell tiktok. joe biden has already said that he will sign the ban if he...
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and former us treasury secretary steven mnuchin said that he is already gathering a group of investors. i think the bill should be passed and i think tiktok should be sold, this great business and i'm putting together a group to buy tiktok because it should be owned by an american business because under no circumstances would the chinese allow an american company to own something like this. in china, with a price of 100-200 billion dollars, there are not many companies that are able to buy out tiktok, theoretically, it could be alfabet or microsoft, but there is a high chance for them to encounter obstacles from regulatory authorities. the canadian parliament is discussing a bill to combat harmful information on the internet. authors of the document they propose introducing large fines and prison sentences up to life imprisonment for inciting hatred and persecuting people. on social networks, human rights activists point out that due to vague wording, christians who
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quote the bible may become victims of the new law, with details by elizaveta khramtsova. while bill c-63 has not passed its second reading, there is still room for debate in canada, but this may not be for long. the document submitted to parliament will significantly tighten penalties for so-called hostile speech. intentions, as always good ones: stop discrimination, protect children from harmful information and limit the spread of intimate content, punishment, including real sentences from two to 5 years for promoting hatred, for inciting genocide, up to life in prison, to somehow reassure. the people, the head of the ministry of justice decided to play on the feeling of class inequality. according to arif verani, the authorities want to first of all force large internet resources to be more responsible. if they fail to meet their own safety requirements or fail to remove the material that they were required to remove, the penalty will be truly significant. these are fines of 6%
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of total income or $10 million. we are sending a message to the platforms that monetary profit should not be their main concern. canadian human rights activists urge their compatriots to contact their representatives in parliament with a request not to vote for the document. the reason is vague formulations, because hatred is the same as beauty is in the eye of the beholder; it cannot be objectively defined, and therefore cannot be a reason to condemn a person. in addition, the document includes the possibility of house arrest for the alleged violation. prime minister trudeau and the government will have the power to introduce new restrictions that... censorship on social networks and even the ability to impose preventive punishment in relation to what someone might say something in the future. one of canada's most famous authors, margaret atwod, called the controversial bill oruilovsky. as writer and philosopher jordan peterson observed, even if the mother of canadian progressive feminism considers the bill dangerous,
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and others should think about it all the more. in an attempt to justify themselves, the canadian authorities point to the rest, where they say the same laws already exist. in australia and the uk, but critics of the document see another disadvantage in this argument: a tendency to suppress democracy in the english-speaking world. when they create vague laws that combine the topic of online safety for children, the elderly, unless they are euthanized, and control of hateful speech, making it difficult to comply rights necessary for democracy, they then protect you or prevent you from being independent, free, enjoying freedom and rights.
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the ministry of truth, the media committee, it will monitor how the law on the media is implemented in the countries of the community. the law approved by the european parliament will allow the european commission to interfere in the work of the press. publications will have to, for example, disclose their funding resources. in addition, the document formally prohibits the authorities from wiretapping reporters’ phones in order to find out sources of information. according to the politician, this norm was actively resisted by the governments of eu countries. however, they still have the opportunity to spy on reporters. if the court allows it. in addition, european laws are still loyal to limiting the rights of the foreign press. so in france, last month , the state bureau for combating foreign interference created a list of almost 200 resources that allegedly disseminate pro-russian propaganda. it is obvious that now any sources, any, be it media or materials from
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the internet that do not operate within the information mainstream, they are immediately recognized. propaganda tools, this is a general trend, it absolutely goes against the ideals of a free press, and once again demonstrates the authorities’ readiness to punish media they dislike. like canada, the european parliament did not forget to limit the rights of online platforms, social networks will not be able to remove dubious media materials themselves, the publication will need to be warned about the upcoming moderation, and it, in turn, will be able to complain to european authorities. true, such protection of press rights applies only to those editorial offices that the eu authorities consider genuine, honest and independent, and european officials have known views on the truth. elizaveta khramtsova, matvey popov, news. an exhibition dedicated to the 11th anniversary of the birth of children's writer sergei mikhalkov opened in moscow on gogogorevsky boulevard.
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the exhibition includes rare and previously uncoated materials. these are photographs, posters, letters, illustrations for works. stands in... in anological order tells about the most significant stages in the life of the classic of children's literature, from the creation of the first magazine at the age of 9 to participation in the great patriotic war. i entered the chukin school with mikhalkov’s fable. i filmed in fitel, in one of the fitels. well, who among us in childhood did not know what is good and what is bad? unfortunately, the next generations forgot a little about this, but... eh, let 's really remind them what is good and what is bad. there are a lot of interesting things, you can see, for example, at one of the stands dedicated to the war there. there is leaflet photo. during the war, front-line correspondents wrote leaflets literally on their knees, they were immediately printed and scattered over the fronts. this is one of
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the leaflets that survived. the moscow kremlin museums have prepared an exhibition dedicated to collectors. it is based on the collection of pavel karabanov, an expert on the russian history of antiquities. in the 19th century, this collection was called the second armory and encyclopedia. zinaida kurbatova has already seen unique exhibits, many of which are presented for the first time. exhibition of moscow kremlin museums dedicated to collectors of russian antiquities of the first half of the 19th century. if the names of the owner of the arkhangelsk prince nikolai yusupov and count musin pushkin, who acquired the manuscript of the word about the regiment, are well known, then the names of pavel karabanov and mikhail pogodin, almost forgotten, all these collectors are united by a romantic impulse to study.
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a retired representative of an ancient family, pavel karabanov, successfully married, the bride’s rich dowry allowed her to buy what she liked, from manuscripts and engravings to weapons and ladies’ trinkets, you must learn to buy karabanov has the silver, said his competitor, and collectors always compete, mikhail pogodin. at the exhibition there are many cups of german masters from the karabanovsky collection; these were the decoration of high cabinets in the chambers of moscow boyars of the 16th century. ambassadors of karabanov.
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one of the display cases is entirely dedicated to fakes; the lives of saints boris and gleb were written in imitation of the ancient charter, although the parchment could not be made as thin as in the middle ages. the author of the fake is muscovite anton bardin, who was not punished for his exercises punishments. in moscow there really was a man named bardin, a bookseller who produced counterfeit versions of ancient russian manuscripts, one might say, with particular cynicism, because he... sold musin to pushkin, the owner of that very burnt manuscript of the words about igor's regiment, allegedly preserved found version of this manuscript, even a burnt notebook, but in parallel he
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sold a second copy of the same to malinovsky , the man who published the word for the game regiment, sold it to the owner, who mourned the loss the original, a fake made and sold it to the same person who published this manuscript; they discovered this only after realizing that they had been given the same thing together. karabanov during his lifetime. gave a catalog of collections, which he placed in his mansion and called it a russian museum. he bequeathed the collection to the state; nicholas i ordered the items to be divided between different repositories. the collector mikhail pogodin was of a completely different type; he had a peasant background and a commercial streak. the emperor purchased pogodin's ancient repository for 150,000 rubles. silver and also distributed to different museums. here is an interesting cutlass from the 16th century with lead bullets. borodin from the pogodin ancient repository. this cabinet was created according to the sketches of fyodor solntsev, when the large kremlin palace was being restored. it is difficult to attribute it to any style. it’s absolutely
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fantastic, double-headed eagles, these little shelves where silver was supposed to be displayed. this is not an item from the collection of karabanov or pogodin or any of our collectors, but it is here to create the atmosphere of that era. the items presented were. were acquired by collectors during the reign of nicholas i, it was during this time that the emperors began to restore dynastic monuments of the ruling house of the romanovs, and under him the fashion for russian antiquity appeared. zenaida gurbatova, sergey velichko, lead. now the messages that are coming to informagentv's feeds: vladimir putin posthumously awarded a medal for courage to the deputy head of the krasnoyarushsky district of the belgorod region, igor borodain. who was blown up by a mine in the belgorod region for courage and dedication, demonstrated in the performance of official duty,
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the decree on awarding... to the rivers of russia will tell about its water resources and the role of rivers in the history of the state, samara became the central site of the marathon, which will last 16 hours. an intelligent digital network laboratory was opened in st. petersburg. there has never been anything like this in russia. the center will develop the most disruptive technologies, conduct the most complex energy research and test equipment. this will be the future of science, which i looked into
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our correspondent. dominitri akimov. no one has ever built such a laboratory in russia. the innovation center that rosseti created in the shortest possible time will be able to carry out the most complex research and will allow us to look into the future. the entire complex is completely ready for work and i will say that the lcs today is a platform for shaping the future of everyday life. tsdees is a digital twin of the energy system. in this room you can simulate the operation of any energy system, such as a specific enterprise or an entire city, and see how efficient it is performs its functions. in the next room, completely isolated from external interference , equipment for transmitting electricity through the air will be tested. researchers say in 10 years it's entirely possible we
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'll be able to give up. from wiring and sockets , respectively, by placing a set of equipment here, we can also evaluate the cross effect, that is, not only how each of the equipment elements behaves in a stabilized magnetic field, but also how they influence each other, and logically, the following step - it's like this the impact can affect a person, and this is a cybersecurity center and the principle of its operation is somewhat similar to a computer club, two teams will work here, one team of hackers who attack objects... ergosystems, and of course, the other team - defenders . the cost of the project is more than 3 billion rubles. and it will help strengthen the technological sovereignty of our country. there is also a testing complex on an area of ​​8 hectares. you can test anything from car chargers to industrial equipment. earlier we sent some equipment for testing abroad to european countries.
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therefore, without such, without such a center, without such an intellectual laboratory, in fact we could not, here we test almost 100% domestic equipment, by the way, we are testing not only domestic equipment here, we are testing chinese equipment here, we are testing equipment from friendly countries countries, thus the country receives the most important thing - the opportunity to develop and test domestic technologies, and therefore advance scientific knowledge forward, the country is then independent when citizens. they can gain new knowledge, not just copy some things, not just buy some technological developments, but get new ones. the newest laboratory is just one of many projects that rosseti is implementing in st. petersburg. the total volume of investments in the region this year alone will amount to 38.5 billion rubles. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, news from st. petersburg.
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geta is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. real heroes of our glorious armed forces. the assault of the guardsmen of the seventieth regiment, a settlement in the zaporozhye direction, is an epic and suspenseful video that can be watched endlessly. they are


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