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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 9:30pm-9:54pm MSK

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for, you are a metaphor, i am the prime minister, i adapt, i am changing, i am developing, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change period, bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, hello! on the russia-24 tv channel, time for the main legal news, with you on duty, i’m andrey ivlev. in st. petersburg, a schoolboy acted as an underground administrator and provided communications ukrainian call center for scammers. the teenager , along with other suspects, was detained during a police operation. in rented apartments , the attackers placed a portable telephone exchange and numerous gateways in which sim cards were constantly changed. through these devices, swindlers from abroad covered their tracks when they lured money from citizens in... countries, the scammers called from the territory
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of a neighboring state, and the victims saw the numbers of russian operators on the screens of their mobile phones. in the city on the neva , the suspect rented a one-room apartment apartment, where the organizers of the illegal activities, using a courier service , delivered the relevant equipment. well, a teenager found an interesting job advertisement in one of the instant messengers. it is reported that it is criminal. ukrainian curators paid for the service exclusively in cryptocurrency. along with the sixteen-year-old suspect, operatives captured two more of his alleged accomplices. chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin took control of the situation with poor-quality housing for orphans in krasnoyarsk region. dozens of orphanage graduates are forced to live in rotten barracks due to the machinations of municipal officials. the developer, a local deputy, said that there should be orphans. grateful that they
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were given at least something. about the fight against lawlessness. olga zhirrenkova. the rusty front door was also icy, due to dampness in the walls, floors, ceilings, and mold in the foundation. cracks, these shots were taken on a mobile camera by a resident of the city of uzhur, anna babasova, the house they moved into just a year and a half ago is already rotten, this is a kitchen, such beauty from the past years, a crack appeared in the foundation, the floors are already rotting, it really stinks, and my children and i live here, breathing this beauty, the neighbors have the same picture, they say that even the door lock was once so frozen that they climbed into the apartment through the window,
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wrong insulation of house chimneys and chimneys caused fires and rooftops burned. residents turned to the popular front for help. the apartments have very high humidity, dampness, mold, that is, water practically flows down the walls to the ceiling, their floors are rotting. we believe it is important to conduct a comprehensive inspections and... construction expertise, we will achieve decent living conditions for families. chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin took control of the situation with poor-quality housing for orphans in the city of uzhur. according to the conclusion of a construction and technical forensic examination, 1 of the houses is unsuitable
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for habitation due to the formation of mold fungus in places where the house structures freeze and the presence of moisture condensation. currently, construction and technical forensic examinations are being carried out in relation to... five other houses, while the investigation was ongoing, one of the families was forced to move to rent another place; due to the constant dampness in the apartment, the children began to get sick and suffocate. olga zhurenkova and dmitry manyshev, lead the duty unit. plane crash in kolyma. the mi-8 helicopter, with 20 people on board, crashed 75 km from the village of ivensk. these are the first images from the crash site, they were released by investigators. it can be seen that the aircraft overturned after a hard landing and partially sank in the snow. there were three members on board the aircraft crew and 17 passengers. according to preliminary data, one person died and there were injuries. the helicopter passengers have already been transported to the nearest village. the injured are being treated by doctors.
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a criminal case has been initiated into the aircraft crash. well, then to the colony for the deadly fireworks in the club. the case of the fire in kostroma ended with... what the court decided, when the tears were not from repentance, the driver who beat a deaf-mute woman was upset when he learned that he was being sent to a pre-trial detention center, and the wings of the moths were clipped, for how long, the police we carried out a test purchase in several regions at once, we will tell you about the results of the catch, all after a little advertising, also current legal news, wait. when it seems like things can't get any better, pinoplex slabs provide double the benefits. provide protection from heat and cold,
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where else you can turn a dance into a world heritage, a spot into an invincible machine, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, traditions into innovation, only here in the country over which ... hello everyone, dear subscribers, sometimes when my mother orders cosmetics, it goes from being a favorite and turns into strict, sleep-deprived, gloomy, then my cosmetic bag is replenished, look, you can try on cosmetics first. we wanted to be loved, we remain loved. megamarket. please
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beautiful and profitable. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. i welcome everyone who has joined us, this is to lead the duty part, we continue: a terrible fire in tver, here a multi-storey building turned into a fiery torch, eyewitnesses captured the terrible sight: the building did not have time to be occupied, it is still being built, but among the workers it was only possible by a miracle to avoid casualties, after the fire they all managed running out of the building, apparently an accidental spark...
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it’s scary to imagine how a fire in such a house would have ended if it had been completed without incident and the keys had been distributed to the residents. which claimed 13 lives in kostroma, the court sentenced stanislav ionkin; it was he who in november 2022, during an argument, fired a rocket launcher into the ceiling of a cafe. my colleague sultan zeganov then worked at the scene of the incident and monitored the progress of the investigation into what the court’s decision turned out to be. his report. moscow - the building of the second western district military court, behind these yellow walls with strong black bars on the windows announced the verdict on stanislav ionkin, the man. who was responsible for the death of 13 people in the burned-out polygon club, which was located in kostroma. this terrible
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fire will be remembered by city residents for a long time. then in november 2022, from friday to saturday , the entertainment venue was crowded. at approximately 3:00 in the morning, stanislav ionkin, as investigators established, had an argument with other vacationers. when the arguments ended, he fired a flare gun at the ceiling. the whole building in a matter of minutes. where besides the club also housed retail shops, it caught fire like a match, a stampede began at the turnstiles at the exit to escape the fire, people knocked down the doors of dangerous exits, and panic began. there were mostly girls there, all around, i said, the girls calmed down, everything will be fine, i began to knock down this door, when rescuers arrived at the scene , the roof was already on fire, the fire was put out for almost a day, among the charred ruins, the ministry of emergency situations employees found the bodies of those who could not escape, ionkin himself went on the run, but to no avail, stop, guys,
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yes, it’s not my fault, guys, i’ll give myself up, guys, it’s my fault. knew that when the security forces brought him for questioning to the investigator, they also brought the club manager there, who testified regarding fire safety, because if the emergency exits were open, and the evacuation of visitors was carried out according to all the rules, then casualties could have been avoided. after the fire, supervisory authorities began asking questions to the owner of the burned premises. it turned out that many of the extensions to the building were erected illegally; the owners of pubs and flower shops the shops are also counted. it looks like the victims will now have to recover damages from the culprit of the fire. stanislav yaonkin was sentenced to 20 years in prison with payment of damages. the total amount is more than 60 million rubles. sultan zeganov, khalimat kuchmezova. news. duty department. investigators fulfilling their professional duties in new regions solve historical
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problems. chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin stated this at an extended meeting of the board of the main military investigation department. towards summed up the work and identified key tasks. separately, i would like to note the successful completion of the tasks assigned to you for a non-special military operation. this is the recording and investigation of the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare. this is an investigation of the entire spectrum of crimes directly under combat conditions. employees of the investigative committee, in addition to their direct work. another priority is the restoration of the rights of participants in a special military operation and members of their families; this work is ongoing in the department. fiasco, a masterly thief. this weekend , watch eduard petrov's fascinating investigation about the cultural recivisist from st. petersburg,
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yakov, saturday. a hunter for rare violins and rare museum books assembled a team of burglars, who were nicknamed. teenage mutant ninja turtles, how black monday came in jacob's criminal career, unique interview footage in the film the robbery to the sounds of stradivarius. the masterly thief, repeat offender yakov saturday, spoke for the first time about his crimes. in order to commit this crime, i needed one crowbar. on his list is the theft of a handwritten 16th-century gospel and rorities. skripodivari and steiner, they cut through the mesh , at night they penetrated through this hole, the glass was lying and the crowbar was lying, that’s it, saturday led a group that skillfully robbed the banks of st. petersburg, they opened the vault on us, they fell from the ceiling, as he was preparing for his crimes, he was
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an ideologist, he was the brains of our team, at that time i was already there. very gambling player, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation, knowledge against the attackers, deputy head of the moscow region main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia andrei zelenov proposed holding a number of events aimed at informing citizens about new types of remote fraud. this was discussed at the next meeting of the public council; the head of the department also took part in the conversation. tatyana petrova, public relations officer of the department, regularly reports on the work of the police in combating it crimes. they got off with suspended sentences for fabricated criminal cases. in novosibirsk, the court announced the verdict for two once influential members of the prosecutor's office.
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so, the former prosecutor of novosibirsk denis ferenets is now officially on the list of criminals. he was sentenced to 2 and a half years. office for supervision of compliance with federal law. as investigators proved, ferenets and overino fabricated a criminal case ordered by the influential businessman oleg yarovoy. so, through the security forces, he put pressure on his competitor. yarovoy has already been convicted and also received a suspended sentence. the information picture of the day is supplemented by our colleagues in the regions. legal news can be seen. v local editions of the program are broadcast throughout the country. what is interesting in the kaluga region? let's ask ekaterina rumyantseva, she will sit down with us. ekaterina, what can you tell us about? hello, andrey, this is what we’ll tell you about this time: he was preparing a terrorist attack in the kaluga region, the special services detained a neo-nazi supporter. his task was sabotage at the substation. now
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the young man will spend the next 6 years behind bars. investigators and experts are looking into a strange and frightening act in the story of beating children in balabanov. fifty-six year old the aggressor could not explain his behavior. mysticism on a regional scale: houses in... meadow we continue our release. the scandalous businessman and former deputy governor of the chelyabinsk region andrei kasilov refuses to pay moral compensation to a student whom he made disabled. the fact is
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that the girl’s family filed a lawsuit against the businessman for 47 million rubles. previously, the parties entered into a settlement agreement and agreed that he would compensate the amount for treatment and medications, but several months ago the payments stopped. let me remind you, there is an accident happened in 2019. the lexus, driven by koselov, flew into lladaya vestva, in which there were residents of yekaterinburg. the most severe injuries were received by student anastasia vyatkina. the girl is confined to a wheelchair. the court found kasely guilty and sentenced him to two years of restriction of freedom. a court in dmitry near moscow arrested debashir for beating a deaf woman, a taxi driver. the bully did not like that she did not give way to his suv, although it had already been established that the lady was driving according to the rules. story received a response after the brutal footage went viral. my colleague alina skachkova talked with all participants in this conflict. by the beginning of the hearing in
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the dmitrov city court, mr. sergei kshnyakin, who attacked the disabled woman, seemed to have completely sobered up, but put on a mask just in case. do you drink alcohol? you can say no, for a holiday, within reason. they consumed anything, it was a holiday, a little, yes. what exactly? 200 maximum 200 g. the general director of a transport company falls into troubled memories of the past weekend, it was just a holiday, he was driving his daughter home, he saw double, because in a random taxi car, he supposedly imagined a terrible fight between hooligans, fortunately the dvr put everything in its place. here is a deaf-mute taxi driver , victoria abakomova, calmly driving after her next client, for no reason, no reason, a big man runs up to her, smashes the glass with his fist and beats up the mother of many children. a defenseless woman covers her face with her hands, gestures, asks
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to stop, but the torture ends only when the big man is pulled away by a passer-by, this is march 8, the lady crawls out of the car covered in blood and kshnyaykin realizes what he has done, wants to pay off, but the victim calls the police. victoria abakomova was turning right at this intersection, driving from the opposite direction. according to the rules , it was he who had to give way to the suv, without understanding it, the drunk kshnyaykin was indignant, saying that some taxi driver had not let him and his daughter in such a respectable foreign car pass, it would seem, he honked his horn and okay, but the rowdy passenger went further, he caught up with a mother with many children. here at the bus stop he organized lynching. victoria obakumova has not heard or spoken since childhood; her daughters are helping to translate this interview. the woman has been working in a taxi for 5 years, and now she can’t even get behind the wheel, or even leave the house. it’s scary, the family is afraid, as if he’s a nice troublemaker, by the way, he’s already been convicted of causing minor harm to health.


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