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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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that's it, let's get to the cars, all the houses were prepared for defense, everyone was on almost every floor, they took a long time, from the beginning of the assault to the end, well, that is, by today's standards , very quickly. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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hello, on the russia 24 tv channel, it’s time for the main legal news, i’m andrei ivlev. in st. petersburg, a schoolboy acted as an underground administrator and provided communication with a ukrainian call center for swindlers, teenagers, and other suspects who were detained during police operation. the attackers placed a portable telephone in the rented apartments.
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the appropriate equipment was delivered to the military service. well , the teenager found an interesting job advertisement in one of the instant messengers; it was reported that ukrainian curators paid for the criminal service exclusively in cryptocurrency. along with the sixteen-year-old suspect, operatives detained two more of his alleged accomplices. chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin took control of the situation with low-quality housing for orphans in the krasnoyarsk region. dozens. graduates and orphanages are forced to live in rotten barracks due to the machinations of municipal officials. the developer, a local mp , said that the orphans should be grateful that they were given at least something. about the fight against lawlessness. olga zhirenkova. the front door was also icy and rusty due to dampness in the walls, floors , ceilings, mold in the foundation, cracks. these shots were taken on a mobile camera by a resident of the city of uzhur, anna babasova. the house they moved into only a year and a half ago already. this is
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the kitchen, such a beauty from last year, a crack has appeared in the foundation, here, too , the floors are rotting, it really stinks, and my children and i live here, we breathe this beauty, the neighbors have the same picture, they say that even the door lock was once so frozen that they climbed into the apartment through the window, all plaster, everything is falling off, olesya miryukova’s front door fell out due to dampness, we contacted the administration, the developer, the developer told us, came, and threatened. these apartments in one-story houses in the small town of uzhur , krasnoyarsk territory, were built in 2021 for orphans. they were received under a social lease agreement 24 people, and after a few months the houses began to fall apart before our eyes. the developer blamed the problems on the residents themselves. i am violating the rules for the use of living quarters, since i was drying my laundry at an unacceptable distance from the radiator. residents of rotten
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houses repeatedly turned to officials , the help was invaluable, the orphans were given memos , advice such as not to close the batteries and not to dry anything on them, such a door, everything rots, everything breaks, locks, it’s possible that this response from local officials is connected with those the fact that the rotten sheds under the guise of social housing were built by the former local deputy nikolai morozov, mr. developer himself has now also changed...
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due to poor and improper insulation of house chimneys, fires started, roofs burned , residents turned to the people's front for help, the apartments are very large. humidity, dampness, mold, that is, water practically flows down the walls to the ceiling, their floors are rotting, we consider it important to conduct a comprehensive inspection and construction examination, we will achieve decent living conditions for families. chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin took control of the situation with poor-quality housing for orphans in the city of uzhur. according to the conclusion of a construction and technical forensic examination , one of the houses is unsuitable for habitation due to the formation of fungus and wood in places where the house structures freeze, and the presence of moisture condensation. construction and technical forensic examinations are currently being carried out on five other houses. while the proceedings are ongoing, one of the families was i was forced to move to rent another place, because of the constant dampness in the apartment
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, the children began to get sick and suffocate. olga zhurenkova, dmitry manushev, lead the duty department. plane crash in kolyma, an mi-8 helicopter with 20 people on board crashed 75 km away. a criminal case has been initiated. a terrible fire in tver. here a multi-storey building turned into a fiery torch. eyewitnesses captured the terrible sight. what's happening? the building had not yet been occupied, it was still under construction, but
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casualties were only miraculously avoided among the workers victims, after the fire they all managed to run out of the building. apparently, an accidental spark ignited the insulation, after which there was practically no chance of stopping the flame. investigators are now investigating the causes of the fire; it is possible that the security forces will have questions for the developers, because it seems that, in order to save money, they used the cheapest insulation, the flammability of which simply does not stand up to criticism. it’s scary to imagine how a fire in such a house would have ended if it had been completed without incident. and handed out the keys to the residents. well, in the case of another terrible fire that claimed 13 lives in kostroma, the court sentenced stanislav. it was he who in november 2022, during a quarrel, fired a rocket launcher into the ceiling of the cafe. my colleague sultan zeganov then worked at the scene of the incident and monitored the progress of the investigation into what the court’s decision turned out to be. his report. moscow - the building of the second western district military court behind these
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yellow walls with strong black bars on the windows announced the verdict of stanislav ionkin, the man who was responsible for the death 13 people in a burnt-out training ground club. that was located in kostroma, this terrible fire will be remembered by the residents of the city for a long time. then in november 2022, from friday to saturday , the entertainment venue was crowded. at approximately 3:00 in the morning, stanislav ionkin, as investigators established, had an argument with other vacationers; when the arguments ended, he fired a flare gun at the ceiling. in a matter of minutes, the entire building, where in addition to the club there were also retail shops, flared up like... a match, at the exit at the turnstiles a stampede began to escape from fire, people were knocking down doors for dangerous exits , panic began, mostly there were girls there , so i said, the girls calmed down, i kept saying everything, it will be fine, i started knocking down this
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door, when rescuers arrived at the scene, the roof was already on fire, they put out the fire for almost a day, among the charred ruins, the ministry of emergency situations employees found the bodies of those who could not escape, ionkin himself struck... running, but to no avail, stop, guys, it’s not my fault, guys, i’ll surrender myself , guys, last name and patronymic, it’s his fault admitted when the security forces took him to interrogation to the investigator , the manager of the club was also brought there, who testified regarding fire safety, because if the emergency exits were open, and the evacuation of visitors was carried out according to all the rules, then casualties could have been avoided; after the fire, supervisory authorities began to ask questions to the owner... of the burnt premises, it turned out that many extensions to the building were erected illegally, the owners of pubs and flower shops were also counting their losses. it looks like it will now be necessary to recover damages from the victims the culprit of the fire, stanislav ionkin , was sentenced to twenty years in prison with payment of compensation for damage, the total amount of
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more than 60 million rubles. sultan ziganov, khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty unit. investigators performing professional duties in new regions. are solving historical problems, chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin announced this at an extended meeting of the board of the main military investigation department. at the meeting , the results of the work were summed up and key tasks were identified. i would especially like to note the successful carrying out the tasks assigned to you in the zone of a special military operation, this is the recording and investigation of the use of prohibited methods of warfare, this is the investigation of the entire range of crimes directly in combat conditions. employees of the investigative committee, in addition to their direct work investigating crimes, carry out humanitarian actions and help residents of new regions.
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black monday has arrived. unique footage and interviews in the film “robbery to the sound of stradivarius. masterly thief, repeat offender jacob saturday, for the first time he spoke about his crimes. in order to commit this crime, i needed one crowbar. his list includes the theft of a 16th- century handwritten gospel and rare stradivarius and steiner violins. they cut through the mesh at night. he was penetrated through this hole, the glass was lying and the crowbar was lying, all saturday he led
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a group that skillfully robbed the banks of st. petersburg. they opened the vault and they fell from the ceiling on us. how did he prepare for his crimes? he was an ideologist, he was the brains of our team. at that time i was already very gambler. we took up this matter and... conducted their investigation, knowledge against the attackers, deputy head of the moscow region head of the russian internal affairs directorate andrei zelenov proposed holding a number of events aimed at informing citizens about new types of remote fraud. this was discussed at the next meeting of the public council; the head of the department’s public relations information department, tatyana petrova, also took part in the conversation; she regularly...
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oversees compliance with the federal law. as investigators proved, ferinets and overina fabricated a criminal case at the request of influential businessman oleg yarovov. so , through the security forces, he put pressure on his competitor. yarovoy has already been convicted and also received a suspended sentence. the information picture of the day is supplemented by our colleagues in the regions. legal news can be seen in local editions of the vestijournal program throughout the country. what's interesting in kaluzhskaya. region, let's ask ekaterina rumyantseva, she comes to us, ekaterina, what can you tell us about? hello, andrey, here's what we're talking about
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let's tell you this time: he was preparing a terrorist attack in the kaluga region, the special services detained a neo-nazi supporter, his task was sabotage at a substation. now the young man will spend the next 6 years behind bars. a strange and frightening act in the story of the beating of children in balabanov, investigators are looking into it and... experts, the fifty-six-year-old aggressor could not explain his behavior. mysticism on a regional scale: houses were built, but according to documents they are not there. how did it happen that the residents of the new microdistrict found themselves in a dense ring ? private development and cut off from the only road into the city. lighter, which means safer. traffic police were on duty in different parts of kaluga and caught violators. 25 kaluga drivers were caught with a prohibited license.
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he compensates for the amount of treatment and medicine, but a few months ago the payments stopped. let me remind you that the accident occurred in 2019. a lexus driven by koselov crashed into the government where the residents were located. the most severe injuries were received by student anastasia vyatkina; the girl is confined to a wheelchair. the court recognized kaselovo was guilty and sentenced to two years of imprisonment. in dmitry's moscow region, a court arrested a rowdy who beat a deaf-mute woman, a taxi driver. the hooligan didn't like the fact that she didn't give way to his suv, although it had already been established that the lady
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was driving according to the rules. the story gained resonance after the brutal footage went viral. my colleague. fortunately, the dvr put everything in its place, and now the deaf-mute taxi driver victoria abakomova calmly drives after her next client, for no reason, no reason, to her a big guy runs up, smashes the glass with his fist and beats up the mother of many children. a defenseless
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woman covers her face with her hands, gestures, asks to stop, but the torture ends only when the big man is pulled away by a passerby, like this on march 8, the lady crawls out of the salon covered in blood, and kshnyaykin understands what he has done, wants to pay off, but the victim calls the police. victoria bakukomova was turning right at this intersection ; a black suv was driving on the opposite side; according to the rules , it was he who had to give way, having figured it out the drunken kshnyaikin was indignant, saying that some taxi driver had not let him and his daughter through in such a respectable foreign car. it would seem that he honked his horn and okay, but the violent passenger went further, he caught up with a mother of many children, and here at the bus stop he committed lynching. victoria obakomova has not heard or spoken since childhood. they are helping her daughter translate this interview. the woman has been working in a taxi for 5 years, and now she’s
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not even afraid to get behind the wheel, she’s even scared to leave the house. the family fears that the friends of the influential kshnyaikin might not want to. take revenge. mostly the blow fell on the neck, hair torn out, bruise on head. while he was dragging me, i had scratches from broken glass on my chin. already in the hospital, they took out the remains of the glass from my chin, from my face, from my hands, from under my t-shirt. showdowns on the roads, too touchy drivers arrange almost every day, throw hysterics, wave their fists. in such situations, lawyers advise first of all to acquire a registrar. footage from it can become the most important evidence. there should always be a dvr that records video, not just what is happening outside the car, but also what is happening inside, and try not to leave the field of vision of this dvr, if possible, then also record everything on your phone, in court
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the investigators were asked to place shnyaykin in a pre-trial detention center, before this he was a violent brawler, he had already been convicted of. .. into custody, he shed tears when he heard the court’s decision, meanwhile, the victim victoria abakomova is recovering at home with her family, she plans to repair the car at her own expense and will soon return to driving again. alena, dmitry frolov and kirill kryuchka, lead duty department. he promised love until the grave and almost drove him into it in the capital’s metro in front of dozens of eyewitnesses. the fight between two lovers ended in attempted murder. here is this terrible scene: a girl tells her companion that she is leaving him, and he, in response, literally throws her under the train, knocks her off her feet and pushes her off the platform right under the wheels. the young lady was saved from death only
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by the lightning-fast reaction of the driver, who urgently hit the brakes. swan songs putan, what is the price there from 4.00 hours, everything is fine, thank you, minutes i'll probably be with you in 15. the operatives
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, punctual people, as promised, visited this thermal bath in the village of blagoveshchenko near moscow, exactly 15 minutes later, the local inhabitants assure that they please guests exclusively with massages, traces of massage oil are indeed present, in one of the resting rooms someone was clearly leaning on the walls , maybe they couldn’t hold their legs. or maybe i needed to stretch my back, the work is physically demanding, yes, this is my first day working here because i was invited here, but i only had one guest, and what to do here they called me to do an orotic massage without intimacy, that massage without intimacy is hinted at by literally everything, rooms in beige tones, a jacuzzi, post-massage alcohol, even uniforms for workers in the market of dubious services were regulated, shoes only with stiletto heels, dresses and no robes, here graphics,
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a resident of domodedovo, she was detained by criminal investigation officers. a criminal case has been initiated against the suspect and preventive measures have been taken in the form of a written undertaking not to leave in accordance with proper behavior. we do not offer intimate massage, a business scheme that adhered to by pimps in many regions of the country. is everything still in place? this is nizhny novgorod. at the entrance to the premises , masked men with machine guns are greeted by two persons in beautiful outfits. hello. the further the operatives go. the less clothes the ladies wear, but even here everyone assures that they are masseuses, good morning, girls, here is the same massage parlor in a residential building in nizhny novgorod, here
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a thirty-seven-year-old local resident decided to make extra money on simple pleasures, things were clearly going well for her mountain, more and opened a branch in the neighboring region, began to conquer the hungry men of saransk, from there operatives came out to her, the security forces broke down the door, and at the same time plans to brighten up the evening for several at once... what do you work for, for a long time, no, recently, what is your salon called? , you like everything is going well, searches and detentions took place simultaneously in all the salons of the nizhny novgorod pimp, in addition to herself, three managers and administrators were detained, three dozen priestesses of love were taken to police departments , mobile phones, laptops and drafts were found confiscated records containing information confirming the organization of illegal activities. various items used by girls when working with clients, price lists of sexual services. now the fallen but sweet creatures face either a change of activity
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or a change of employer, and also a small fine and the eternal threat of more and more meetings with vigilant operatives. fyodor eliseev, lead the duty department. even more legal news in telegram channels news of the duty department, honest detective, i thank you for attention, we'll see you, stay on russia-24. where is it cheaper to buy osaga , cheaper where there is competition, choose osaga on the comparison website or in the application, here insurance companies fight for you and offer the best prices, buy osaga cheaper, compare in your country, you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a transfer commission into a cash account. then open a business account on one of my friends became very popular on social networks. the internet has ended. are you on
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