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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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i literally saw it in front of the studio, but i’ll call and find out what’s going on, but i also saw this news, we’ll wait for the official one. exactly military happiness, and
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the guys deserve it, because they fight very well, meet the popular moscow one. writer nikolai rebinin , your brother is in donbass, you have to go there, you have to go, just so passengers can ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, to a gray wife, beyond this line you will become different, and there what was there my childhood and youth, and now darkness.
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that's it, we're leaving, it's scary, no, it's hard to get used to it, a lazy passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn't intervene , i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, for free, without registration. sasha, turn on the morning playlist, turn on the music. sasha, how should i dress today? dress warmly and take the zone. sasha, what time is my meeting? at 15:00. sasha found where to go tomorrow. close, but
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vote first. sasha, what’s the best way to get there? i've built a route, turn left, you've arrived. sasha, who should i vote for? and you have to decide this for yourself, together we are strong, we are voting for russia, the borders are exactly where they stood, now the engineering troops are working, demining, and a healthy trawl based on the t90 tank there, it is starting to work with us. that is, an explosion on an explosion, that is, it passes 30 m there, this is solid mines , that is, it was all so mined that it’s easy to clean and clean , and it’s easy for them to be ours, because it was a zone, so now, of course, there’s a lot of work, our
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sappers are working, engineers are working, that is, we still need to secure everything, among all these are civilians, which is simply surprising in a colossal way, no, those people who were hiding in avdievka?
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uh, i’m doing this kind of research work, i’m meeting with ukrainian prisoners, and i’m talking, but this time, this time i didn’t specifically take pictures, there are previous ones several times i posted, showed, i discovered for the first time in all this time, in a year and a half, interesting effects, i talked with
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the wounded, it means he’s in the hospital, he’s from near ivanofrankovsk, the wounds are so severe, well, we talked, talked, such there was a sharp story, but in principle i will say, i have the dynamics before my eyes, this is what is called the moral spirit of all these people, this is such a very serious downward line, and of course, if you
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were talking to those there yesterday , these are two big differences, as they say in odessa, according to compared to those with whom you spoke there in the summer of '22, this is simply colossal.
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so, after all, i am fascinated by the houthis , but please don’t, well, i can’t get it out of my head, well, it ’s real, yes, that is, imagine, especially if suddenly it all turns out to be true, and you know, you started the killing with the fact that we they are waiting for the elections, the elections will start tomorrow, they last 3 days. i'll take myself - courage, well arrogance, perhaps, or, well, this is my subjective opinion, i think that despite the clarity of the result, i will also take the courage to say this. boldly , boldly, boldly, here, but these are the most important elections that have been in our memory, so seemingly predictable, of course, not, because the election of a leader in the conditions of the beginning of a total reformatting of the world, which
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this leader began to lead this process, no matter how much we would like to, and many begin to say: we understand that in this situation we need to either remotely, like dima, or come, i'm sorry, get off your ass and come to the polling station, but we are obliged to vote, this is very important, there must be a result, despite all, i say again, predictability of the result, and i was and we were all eyewitnesses
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of the trilogy, this trilogy, in my opinion, is stronger . than theodore dreiser, an interview with tucker carlson, a message, an interview with dmitry kiselev, i usually insert here another interview with pavel zarubin, pavel zarubin, definitely, which means he can already rest, krider can definitely rest, because it was very important there, first let's cut it down, yeah then why? because everything that we secretly feared, that we secretly feared , well, i personally feared, all the questions were answered, everything was very correct, that tucker kalson didn’t ask a lot of things, well, he’s not russian, what’s his take it, then pasha zarubil appeared, who asked,
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he closed some of those holes, and then the message itself was this: and dmitry kiselev, who put all the points in the nodes, as a result of this i think, this is it, you know , there is such an expression, a fire in a mess, well, when there is a lot, a lot, a lot of shots, you as a producer should know, there’s a fire in a mess, a bubblegum, that’s exactly what’s happening, yes, i ’ll tell you later, it’s a quick cut of shots, editing cuts, uh, he calls it, well, filmmakers call fire signs, at least that's what i immediately thought too.
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what the audience understood, this is not the meaning , not this when the sanctions are imposed, but the third ki, we are preparing for the elections of the new secretary general, look, it’s a pity they don’t even teach the meaning of vgik, i remember this, i heard it for the first time from the late dad, but we are talking about something else, about you say, yes dear, we are all surprised what kind of reaction this is, macron, it means that this little corporal didn’t finish the corporal.
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well, this generation has grown up, and i like this fire in the mess, to be honest, because i will remind you that a year ago it did not exist, now.
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unfortunately, for you, many of you, the absolute majority, this will not work out for one reason, why would it be good, because only putin, vladimir vladimirovich, cares about you, about the ukrainians. none of the leaders of your partners care about you, but putin does, and you must understand this when... they tell you that auntie, dyatkina and plemyannikov have been taken, but you think first when
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they tell you that the war has entered the positional stage, or maybe this war is like this, when one shot at a time, one shot at a time, and we will count who has enough resources, but we have fewer victims, and you have a lot, when they tell you even after this. that somewhere burns or someone else said, russia can maintain this level of war for 2 years, why two, and why not a month or 10 years, have you ever thought? but i have a suspicion that these calculations were carried out by the same people who believed that in 2 months russia would collapse, and this is also reassuring, my dear and inexpensive ones, take...
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such statistics yes, well, we just decided to look with the editor: for during the conflict in afghanistan, more than 3,500
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coalition soldiers died, 2/3 of them were americans; during almost twenty years of stay in afghanistan, as the head of the central command of the us armed forces, kenneth mckenzie, said, the united states lost 2,448 people killed, 20,000 wounded, afghan mission bundeswehr. 20 years cost the lives of 59 german military personnel, 35 of whom died in battle or as a result of an attack, for 2 years, when nato is not involved in hostilities in ukraine, the loss of foreign mercenaries, there are not only nato countries, but foreign ones, 5,962 people. out of 13,387 participants, this is one in three, this is a very high mortality rate.
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actions, as they say, they broke in, captured this whole gang, for them it was a surprise, the appearance of russian units in the rear, to the rear, that’s it, let’s go cars, all the houses were prepared for... everything on almost every floor, they took a long time, from the beginning of the assault to the end of 7 days, well, that is, by today's standards, very quickly.
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on march 16, 2014, the crimeans and sevastopol residents decided with whom they were. kiev really wanted to show this crimea to the rebellious peninsula. they tried to put up barriers for us everywhere, they tried to block crimea from all sides, without exception. on the fifth year of the blockade of crimea, it completely dried up, and the water balance of the entire peninsula changed. on water is always nice to look at, especially when...
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at the beginning, a few words about mr. lutsenko’s statement about the presence of engineering ammunition in the warehouses of the ukrainian armed forces, allegedly everything was destroyed, nothing was left, there is no way to leave defensive lines in front of them with mine-explosive barriers.


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