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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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[000:01:00;00] of certain types of weapons, military equipment , ammunition, in wartime, well, by some official, this is already an article of the criminal code, of any side, this is the first, second, i still think that this is an element of operational camouflage and disinformation , for sure, even if they took money in 2019 to destroy anti-personnel mines, then most likely they took the money and left the anti-personnel mines, well, according to the glorious ukrainian custom, as is
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usually... the task, for example, to cope with, well, for example, radar sky m, which consists of weapons of the aerospace forces , the ukrainians have nothing similar, western manufacturers also failed to produce equipment that at least corresponded to the tactics, technical characteristics of the sky, um, then everything was fine, they discovered, captured, began to draw the route and... it must be in it’s time to add target designation to fire weapons, that is, for example, to the same patriots, well, there may be problems with this at the appropriate ranges, then in order to shoot down, for example, the same dagger, shooting, but again, in my opinion, it is necessary conduct with concentration of fire, that is, in order for this target, and it should be considered especially important, at least two anti-aircraft missile divisions must fire, this is called concentration of fire, and well, each must
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launch at least two. rockets, again, what kind of rockets can there be? missiles, in the case of firing at ballistic targets, especially hypersonic ones, not every one of them is a guided missile, because there is a missile that is designed for firing at aerodynamic targets, but there ready-made destructive elements, for example 2-2.5 g, in order to inflict heavy damage on a manned aircraft, this is quite enough, but in order to shoot down a ballistic missile, this is absolutely not enough, the fragments are ready... the destructive elements must be, let's say, a large faction, whether they have such missiles, there is no data, but again, what they sometimes lay out in their squares, well, like, a dagger was shot down, which means by our air defense systems, but the fact is that when everything - the dagger falls and its warhead is blown up, then in principle, some debris remains in any case, because complete destruction of dematerialization does not occur there, from several places, from objects that
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were hit by a dagger - a nidomissile complex, or rather, it’s correct to say s-400, then during combat triumph's actions, well, it fully justified the tactical and technical requirements that were laid down during its creation in full, in full, and it shoots equally well both at all means of air attack and on the ground, you can even rely on it functions that are sometimes performed by an operational-tactical missile system. like iskander, that is, it can even be used in this capacity, but again , is everything good with our air defense, well, answering this question, let’s say this, but of course there are issues that need further study, improvement,
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what is the most important thing in this matter, the most important thing is not to prepare for a war that has already passed, this is the first moment, or the second moment, i did everything, prepared everything, decided everything, but the war is over, but from these two moments somehow it’s all the same. we need to leave, and as far as it goes , flexibly, quickly, effectively, one might say , even running, that’s the thing, and we talked about it, but again, like senator cato, who in ancient rome kept saying, carthage should be destroyed, so i will say and will say that it is still necessary to separate the strike and defensive functions in those formations that we have as part of the aerospace forces, why this should be done, well, because it is so it has always been, firstly, they cannot be... united, i will explain on my fingers that in our country, for example, these armies, air force and air defense, as a rule, are led by aviators, after all , aviation and the organization of air defense, these areas are slightly different, first of all, of course, he has a headache there,
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why? to defeat the enemy with air-missile and bomb strikes, to solve the assigned tasks, and, for example, issues of defense, say, there is some oil refinery plant... in nizhny novgorod, but even if he wants some suggestions, we need to decide to strengthen it, well, guys, come back a little later, that’s right, well, the aviator who solves the problem of defeating the enemy at the front line will also say, so he needs to be relieved of these functions so that he can concentrate on performing his own tasks, to create an appropriate aerospace defense association, some, by the way, even the leaders of the aerospace forces believe that the structure of this type of armed forces is ideal, nothing needs to be changed there... there is no need to change, but this opinion is erroneous, well, even during the war , for example, in blockaded leningrad there was the leningrad front, and there was an air army, operationally subordinate to the commanders of the front troops, and la air defense, the leningrad army against air defense, it
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was the same in moscow, then there are functions that were divided, and the main attention, usually we have representatives of the expert community, some, well, focus immediately on the tactical characteristics of the complex, the far boundaries of the affected area. but the main focus is on improvement air defense should still be given attention to the control system, because if there is a control system, if there is system intelligence, you have information, you can carry out the purposes of direction, target distribution, that is, set a task for fire weapons, bring them in a timely manner to the appropriate level of readiness, this is the most important task, because it is precisely on the control system, the editorial intelligence system, but if we can figuratively say so on... yes , string fire weapons so that in the front line, for example, the same military air defense units, plugged in and received data on the air situation and target designation data, which they should perceive as a combat order, because if you don’t know
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the air situation, well, all the conditions are created for friendly fire. strictly speaking, these approaches should be the basis of all actions, and this must be done, i say, well, it’s not possible to do all this by the end of the war and... we’re trying, no, we’re trying, a completely striking example of the activities of the moscow government, which itself began to organize the protective circuit, and there are many different methods, it just seems to me that it is very important here to replicate the best practices, the ministry of defense is absolutely open, the general staff is naturally studying all the possibilities, so of course, but no one expected, for example, such use different types of drones for strikes in depth, while it must be understood that some are coming from the territory. for ukraine, and some run sabotage groups, so there must be a combination of work and different departments, that is, which is absolutely correct, they are talking about detection, not only the range, but also the height, that is, so that they do not dive, as if relatively speaking, under the barrier, further than
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hitting, because it is also a question of price, then there is, if you use expensive missiles for yes, well, for a cheap de facto drone, we are also not very effective, so suddenly the good old systems like shilok work here. and whatever else we need to do, we need to create a system that will be effective in 10, 15 years, because that the means of combat are changing, well , no matter how they change, reconnaissance is reconnaissance, the control system is... it should be in any case, because there is an opinion that, for example, manned aircraft will already be in a few years , well, after some period it will already be perceived as budyonny’s cavalry, but i can’t, i still can’t, i still want to end a little on a humorous wave, after all, probably, when pope... francis found out about such statements by joseppe barel,
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well, he probably could have given instructions to the inquisition to prepare tools, spanish boots, racks, whips, elements for water torture and stretching of the human body, but then apparently the head of the inquisition told him: “it won’t work, it won’t work, jazep purel is more than 50 years old, but according to rules..." of the holy inquisition, if you are over 50 years old, then you can no longer be subjected to torture, so you were lucky, but jazep jumped off, deep knowledge, i don’t want to, i apologize in advance, but i will omit a number of words, i asked a question to my loved one to a friend, he is a star general, i say this the truth about the daggers, i quote, these are the tales of baron stolzbetberg, in his maidenhood munchausen, this is probably the eccentric klitschko , he looked around when he piped up. i showed a cast iron one in kiev, today there are no means
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that can track the pointing of a missile at a dagger, the flight speed is more than mach ten, they don’t have their own dagger, let alone missiles that can be shot down, especially since they don’t have the technology, the materials from which the dagger is made , avant-garde, zircon, their memory is short, they forgot how feverishly the patriots shot back near kiev, and the result, i emphasize, i didn’t have time to hit the dagger, and there is no patriot, and most importantly he thinks... this nonsense, the patriot has screwed himself up more than once, and the four hundred really hits a penny at a distance of 400 km, and everyone sees this, everyone understands that at 500 is approaching, and there are technologies for working on hypersonic targets, why the hell should anyone buy a patriot when the russians have 450, you just have to get in line, but please, are the systems american? patriots screwed themselves up back in
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saudi arabia, when those same houthis attacked an oil plant several years ago the aramka complex using drones, in saudi arabia, its leadership was very indignant that the patriot complex missed these drones and caused damage to the oil industry. it is necessary to study operation mantis, which
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the americans carried out against oil complexes, floating oil complexes of iran in 1988, since they were suspected of intelligence activities at the same time, it is necessary to study the situation in the taiwan strait in 1996 and how the americans acted there, everything must be studied, in the end conclusions, which they... i do, what no, guys, we haven’t studied that with the houthis, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, not a single scenario is suitable, without a ground operation, for a ground operation, of course, the westerners are not ready, imagine how the houthis they will be happy, they say, it’s not the bad guys who came on their own, well, yes, the houthis, they, like many yemenis, they are a messy operation that is needed in scale, like the iraqi one in fact,
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because the army, the red sea coast from yemen, nothing can be done with them. another dead end, and this is the mess we're talking about they said it was growing. under the biden administration, us foreign policy was simply rapid, and under trump , the internal political chaos was growing, so for us, actually, what difference does it make whether biden or trump or someone else wins there, one of the options, or there will be more
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internal political chaos, or there will be more foreign policy chaos, it depends on whose taste, whose taste is better. arab emirates and saudi arabia, when they... received a call from biden himself, well, it was unthinkable at one time, now it’s already perhaps this has already happened, this is already a fact, history. muhammad bin salman, the crown prince of saudi arabia, when the same biden came to see him, immediately said, i won’t shake his hand, well, they found a way out because of
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the coronavirus, they bumped fists when the americans pestered saudi arabia, increase your oil production so that ... to bring oil prices down for the russians, well, saudi arabia simply sent these requests to the american administration and did exactly the opposite, on the contrary, it strengthened cooperation with moscow within the framework of the opec plus organization. where was it the administration of the united states of america has been seen to say something to israel; prime minister netanyahu of israel is now responding about red lines. administration, when blinken came to him, the leader of the palestinian national , he simply showed with all his appearance that he does not coincide with your red lines, and he knows the person little, does not like him, and it is generally
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unclear how he ended up there, so this will all increase, and these are the main changes that have occurred in recent years, because... this is no longer acceptable, many people tolerated it before, i it’s disgusting to even remember these american bush chicken legs, which in the cold bush chicken legs cold winter and the hypersound of the houthis immediately after a small advertisement, and by the way, i realized with horror that the inquisition understood that life after 50 is already torture
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in itself, i’ve been suffering for 10 years. with such pleasure , let us finish our thoughts, well, in the west they thought for a long time, and sometimes we helped them think so , and many others, that they can cultivate their garden, we can deliver these disgusting bush legs in our cold winters,
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just like they are against the same iran. garden i remembered today, it was no coincidence that i remembered my conversation once with the former minister of foreign affairs of iran ali akbar velaiti, he now continues to be an influential person, then he was an adviser to the spiritual leader, there was a lot of hot stuff in the world, we talked for almost 2 hours, and where - for an hour and a half he... he walked with a pointer near the map and told me about the port of chabahar, the iranian port that they are now developing, where they are attracting. investments, i looked at him and thought, well, sanctions against the country, and he’s there about sea transport routes, about
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alternatives to western projects, and so on. why did i remember this today, because today the results of joint exercises, in which russia, china and iran participated, are being summed up, in this place in chebahar. in my opinion, a very powerful deterrent against this growing western mess, but this is also a signal that we will protect our transport routes and our north-south project, which also relates to cooperation with iran, china, and many others, we will not allow them to cultivate their garden at our expense, so the houthis, where does hypersound come from? the houthis are keeping quiet on this score for now, keeping quiet
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about hypersound, but this has become a very powerful psychological impact for western countries, i’m watching the reaction all day today, i’m shocked, they’re shocked, they completely admit it, they say, well, why does hypersound exist ? china, russia, iran are working on this. the west can't easily deal with these guys. dmitry, yes, well, i’ll continue this thought. i don't know if there is whether the houthis have hypersound or not, the houthis have hypersound. but it is absolutely certain that ansar allah has halved, at least the world size. traffic through the red sea is that very beloved vladimirich babalmandyp strait, and the united states and their allies can do nothing about
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these bobsleds, yes, already the babsleds, and now the babsleds strait, and they can’t do anything about it, that’s a fact. biden talked about a lot of things at his address, i want to draw your attention to the fact that he even talked about the floating port that will appear at the shores of gas, well , the americans really have such technologies. but he didn’t say anything about operation prosperity guardian, which was designed to clear it all from these houthis, these houthis, and then the united states returned, ensured global trade, not and, you know, sometimes you hear from people, who somehow don’t have a good command of the subject, who say that they couldn’t deal with some houthis there, and the houthis aren’t just any kind, this doesn’t mean
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that the houthis seem to have the most power there. i don’t really understand how this business works, but on friday evening, when the shots are on the counter, you know, they can talk about how western technologies prevail over us, you know, it’s like, well, this is such a thing, when suddenly they begin to not prevail, well, yes , everything seems pointless, the world is really changing beyond recognition, it was obvious, well , first of all, it was clear from the war that it was completely different, nothing, so to speak, in fact, nothing that was expected. from this conflict, especially after the accession of western armored vehicles, western destruction systems, as if no one even
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expected anything like this or thought about it, by the way, in this sense, you need to be more careful about teleportation, which means, well, stoltenberg, because well, since the houthis have hypersound, he’s serious , they can transfer the transmission to him, he will think that they can really teleport him somewhere, he will, he will be afraid, by the way. a little bit in this regard, but they are dumbfounded, but on the other hand, those people who manage this today global organism, they
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are now represented primarily by the current
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us administration, this whole pack... when biden, followed by all the other leaders, well, the managers of europe, say that europe will follow ukraine, there is part of the truth in this, in in the sense that first they will abandon ukraine, and then all of you will disappear, all people who, regardless of where they live, on the territory of so-called ukraine, on the territory of almost so -called europe, need to think and think seriously about who to join. to survive in 21st century, because it is quite obvious that the earth’s axis has turned, the poles have shifted, there is no center of development, technology, that ’s all, they exist only in the pr area, this does not mean that there are no areas in which we need to work, but significant some of these areas where we need to work, we created for ourselves, abandoning the carcasses of the little ones, so to speak, it’s clear in aviation, now
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boeing has problems, by the way, very serious ones, apparently. well, they killed him, so he has a real problem, but it’s difficult, he found, yes, he was found dead, this is also interesting, you know, that is - they actually have the minister of finance elen now apologizing for the fact that her estimates of inflation turned out to be incorrect, she asks for the forgiveness of american citizens, no, not temporary no one knows their inflation, how long it will last, and well, yes, i understand that these seem like numbers to us. strange 3.5%, in my opinion, in the first months we have absolutely zero, the president said 3.5%, she thinks that’s normal, yes, but in the reserve currency 3.5%, it’s the same as if we had 45, this also needs to be understood, and the most important thing is that within this whole organism processes are now maturing that cannot help but degenerate into a civil conflict of the most severe kind, on top
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of all this, it means, well, i would be a marxist, he said, so i told you now. at the same time, this world suddenly turned out to be at least less modern than the houthis, this one is secondary, but it exists at the same time, the western world, and at the same time it is at war with itself within itself, and the two sides of this conflict, that’s just fundamentally irreconcilable with each other, so who wouldn’t win the so-called
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