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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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de facto, they declared war on us, if you look at how america is behaving, they are even waging a war, waging a war, macron’s statement that this is supposedly testing the waters, but de facto the french troops are almost declared as ready for water territory of ukraine, the germans, who in essence, several dozen more french mercenaries died. but as it turns out, france
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expressed disagreement with this, i think that they do not agree with the fact that they consider them not mercenaries, but career officers, they probably don’t like the word mercenaries, but the fact that french citizens died there, apparently they have no doubts. taurus, this is also a big question, this is a violation of the basic document, thanks to which the outline of modern germany appeared. that is , should we denounce the agreement, demand the return of the gdr, or not recognize it? the arrogant, cowardly reaction of the ambassadors of the eu countries, who are afraid to meet you halfway, why are they even needed in moscow then, well, this is a big mystery to me, because well, this is rudeness in the grand scheme of things, and of course, since they treat the opportunity to communicate this way with representatives of the russian leadership, well , we will take into account that they have no interest in this and...
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let them sit there in their offices for now, talk on the phone with their capitals, but what is happening now with the west, they have this frenzy , the worse things are at the front, the more viciously the west begins to speak out.
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becomes inevitable, based on this , they will be, of course, they will be, i don’t know what their plans are, but apparently, they will be cunning, or like the germans, so we will remotely direct the deadly weapons against russian cities, or they will say that these are just instructors who sit and watch what the ukrainians are doing there, we lost the west, but gained a global majority. yes, that’s right, that’s how it is
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, president lula, i was just at the g20 meetings, in brazil and at a reception with president lula, he confirmed his last year’s plan to develop alternative payment methods through brix, already in sao paulo, minister of finance for...
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who should we negotiate with, who won’t deceive us? well, when we talk about being prepared for negotiations, first of all, we always emphasize that there was an example, istanbul, april 2022, and no one, the head
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of the ukrainian delegation said that yes, we agreed, but boris johnson forbade us, he said: “fight.” he said this with such a naive face, even to me somehow. i felt a little sorry for him, as if he was worried that boris johnson had behaved badly, but besides what we are saying, if there is a willingness to conduct honest negotiations based on and taking into account our real concerns, the legitimate interests of russia, about whom we have been telling you for many years,
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zelensky has now taken this bait to push this formula, although i am in new york for him, a month ago, when we were at meetings on palestine, he held meetings, we talked one-on-one with him, in new york explained that this is just a dummy and he will waste time, what is their plan, to hold another meeting in switzerland, not to invite us.
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but, but, it’s significant that this neocolonial thinking is not changing in any way. thank you, sergey viktorovich. now advertising we'll continue after that. all the most important things in life are in our hands. fulfill a childhood dream. gain new knowledge and feel inspired. build a career, realize your plans, start a family, celebrate life , pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, it is in our hands
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to choose our future and the future of the whole country, together, we are the strength, the voices. we stand for russia, the battles for the purpose of absolute pr do not subside. place something somewhere, photos, videos, which, by the way, do not play any role, have absolutely no influence on the political the situation in russia, ukraine is burying its elite units, foreign mercenaries, russians, the number of destroyed militants who are trying to break through the russian border is already in the hundreds, the kiev regime clearly intends to shed as much nazi blood as it can, even if it is...
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here is footage of the destruction personnel of the drg of ukrainian terrorist formations,
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as a result of pre-emptive air and artillery strikes on the armed forces of the russian federation, the enemy suffered a loss of killed and wounded, this is the settlement of spodaryushino, there are at least 40 saboteurs trying to break into the territory, several pieces of equipment, i want to show a video from this spodaryushin, there... just during the next attempt, this video today is 195 militants and five tanks, the day is not over yet, such losses already - this is only on a very small section of the front, and given that there is already a shortage of equipment there, then of course what we see is very interesting for absolutely pr purposes, equipment is being thrown in, a lot of equipment is being thrown in, a variety of methods and attempts are being used. well there it is very powerful we are a group of people, they work brilliantly
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, they read, today the weather, although it was a little difficult for the flight of our birds, but we also have other means of objective control, this was back when the weather was good and it was clearly visible, so ours are working, working confidently, they work competently, but the depletion of resources on this section of the front ultimately opens up opportunities for us. solving the security problem of belgorod using a radical method, well, this is the liberation of the kharkov province and the city of kharkov from nazi creatures, well, by the way, this will be a triumph of historical justice , because it was the city of kharkov, as vladimir vladimirovich repeatedly reminded us, that was the first capital of the donetsk republic, so it was then called donetsk-krivorozh, so it would be correct, and of course for our soldiers when they see these. .. crosses on the pantz, the reaction is completely obvious and
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unambiguous, this is how modern war is, when you see everything, like what, the ukrainian nazis are now blaming anyone, starting from american corruption tops and ends with the long-deceased lady diana, for serious fortification by...
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these are just temporary observation posts. masichuk began to understand something. something just hit him in the head, from the point of view of our military supplies, the land list is much better, and it was voted by america, but we did not use it, and our diplomats never reminded of its existence , why
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because joe biden was a categorical opponent of landlease. despite the fact that he signed it, he did not want to launch this procedure, it would not give the opportunity to do tricks with money, with help, with weapons and the like, the first thing that trump will do? he will not run to hug putin, he will not run to bend ukraine, he will launch an audit procedure.
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and there is corruption at a large state level, and some other kind, well, he knows what he’s talking about, he himself stole a lot, by the way, the high level of professionalism of the ministry of defense of ukraine is emphasized by this photo, when umerov, of course, did everything well, but the only armored vehicle was backwards put it on in advance, well well, what to do, but on the other hand, what difference does it make to him?
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pmf-1, now some flashlights have appeared, which are also essentially anti-personnel mines, plus a whole series of missile defense systems that operate in these territories, they are scattering cluster munitions, in fact they are scattering anti-personnel mines, which also go off unpredictably, that is, they are scattered and after how long , in what version they will explode, no one knows, which is why there are more than 110
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countries actively countering the proliferation of these weapons, but americans, sorry, don’t care about this, that’s why. they will stop exempting ukraine from fulfilling its obligations under international law, this time will come, it will definitely come, we are, however, now at the border, we have the next three days, this is the most important period of time.
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to figure it out, when you know, the statement begins that it is possible, is it possible to protect it, is it possible, is it possible, dmitry anatolyevich has already suggested how it is possible? here, but in any case, it seems to me that these attacks against belgorod, kursk, bryansk regions, they simply already demand the clearing of this territory, this is a territory from which
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it is impossible to provide in any other way to these cities, which are located directly close to the line of combat contact, because again, if the more weapons are provided by the west, which has a greater radius of action, and therefore the territory to be cleared will be larger. ssso divisions are actively working plus cybersecurity plus information influence, because that’s what we are now
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we see, well, just classic versions of swinging consciousness, that is , the most complex, the most difficult audience is a calm audience, an audience that is able to see what is happening, an audience that is able to count, that is able to distinguish, separate grains from.
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i want to say a few more words about the statement that the deputy head of the security council made, yes, that is, he proposes his own formula, it seems to me that this kind of thing is simply vital, which, that is, explain what this means today dmitry antonich medvedev published a certain medvedev formula of his own, and in particular this formula implies recognition of the defeat of the ukrainian state, recognition of it as nazi, and the creation of an interim government. which signs the decision to transfer the territory of transfer under the control of the russian federation, and thus there is an option
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for ending the end of the conflict, that is, this is medvedev’s formula, and it seems to me that this formula is much closer to the option than zelensky’s formula, which, which is actively they are trying to pull in all directions, plus the main challenge that is happening here, zelensky said not so long ago, he says, but the main thing is that, the main thing is that no other formulas exist.
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scholz is not at all a product of the direct vote of the people, it’s been so difficult for us lately, there are few people in the world with whom you can talk, i fully feel that they are legitimate representatives of their people after death. there is no doubt about china, well, there are countries of the world majority, countries of the world majority, yes, please, now it the netherlands , listen, elections took place in november, the leader, well, absolutely the first party, but cannot become prime minister, the establishment doesn’t want him, i googled it especially for vasil, how to be lazy in hungarian, it will be langash, remember, langyshi, langashi
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, so this might be useful to you, about lutsenko, this is of course, that’s about it, no need to distort it, but about it, otherwise look, the hungarians don’t understand, that ’s what i mean about lutsenko, listen, i don’t know why the princess diana, i can remind him of another face of this company, if they'll give you a photograph there... do you know who it is and where it is? well, barack obama, did you find out, do you know where he is? it’s august 2005, the city of donetsk, young senator barack obama is visiting just to inspect the process of destroying mines, i just want to remember, and remember who in august 2005 was the minister of internal affairs of ukraine, yuriy lutsenko, imagine, just think about it, he says: we are under our
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power, but no one is. this process has never been in full swing, and under the strict control of the united topas, the topas plant, the destruction of these mines around the clock basically, i dare to assure you, they disposed of a huge number of these old soviet mines and so on, so now lutsenka can only remember who disposed of what and who did what. as for the elections, which have actually begun, including in the new territories of russia, a fateful moment, i know a lot of people about... the standards of holding elections in the occupied territories of ukraine, as they say, do not correspond to any democratic ones , this is stated by the country in which the elections at all canceled, canceled all democratic processes, in fact, and established
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a brutal dictatorship without any... by those deputies controlled by him, well , there is no gold reserve, and where the gold reserve is kept in the united states of america, you know, there are problems, although it is also very funny , how they suddenly found 300 million. vasil said yesterday, yes, remember, they repeated to us, well, the whole end of last year, the beginning of this year, whoever said this phrase, there is no magic pot, yes, the pot is hot.


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