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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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so, three-day voting for the presidential election begins in russia; there are 94,000 polling stations throughout the country. they operate from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm local time. russian citizens can also vote remotely. the electronic procedure is available in 29 regions. before the start of the main part , remote areas, military units, ship crews, voters abroad and in some regions voted early. and margarita semenyuk has all the voting details.
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in total, there are 90 thousand video cameras in the regions of russia. video surveillance will be carried out around the clock. during the entire period of operation of polling stations, there is voting, vote counting, right up to the entry of protocols, and gas elections. we do not
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have observations in pre-trial detention centers, in hospitals, and in a number of other areas, say, in areas outside the russian federation; in all others we either have video surveillance, or , in extreme cases, where there is no internet video recording. a significant difference is remote electronic voting; it is used in the russian presidential elections for the first time and immediately on a wide scale: 28 subjects of the russian federation vote on a federal platform, moscow has its own. all services have been mobilized to the maximum, we understand everything perfectly well, as if the complexity of the current situation, duty shifts and increased duty have been introduced everywhere. international observers from 106 countries have been accredited for the elections and have been monitoring the polling stations from the first minutes of voting.
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almost 1,500 journalists will follow the voting process at the cica information center. there is also an on-site studio for the russia-24 tv channel. viewers will see live broadcasts of current interviews. in representatives of almost 25,000 media outlets, including foreign ones, are accredited by the central election commission. 13 thousand reporters will go to the polling stations. only the people of the russian federation have the right to make a decision, and all these insinuations around these elections are an attempt to interfere with these elections, an attempt. to open polling
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stations abroad, attempts to attack our polling stations in the border areas and in new constituent entities of the russian federation, in my opinion, they, well, well, are pointless, because the people will still have their say, despite no matter what, moreover, if the pressure is stronger, so we are accustomed, so accustomed in russia, the stronger the pressure, the greater the unity in the expression of point of view. for the first time , residents of new regions, donetsk people’s, lugansk, will elect the president of russia. kherson and zaporozhye regions. the elections will last 3 days, polling stations across the country will be open from 8 am to 8:00 pm. margarita semenyuk, andrey shner, viktor kryzhinovsky, lead. the first polling stations to open were in the regions of the far east and siberia; there are more than fifty polling stations in chukotka. in the lists over 30 thousand voters. and anna martyashkina has all the details. chukotka elects a president. first day. voting in the very
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far north of the country, all 55 polling stations opened; before that, precinct commissions carried out all the necessary preparatory work and began to accept the first one at exactly 8 a.m. local time. voters. at the third polling station in anadrya , vasily bukhtiyarov was the first to vote. i always go to elections, i think it’s necessary, especially at a time like now, it’s enough for our side, i think difficult, you need to come and vote. the third section in anadra is special, only here russians can show their citizenship without registration. and there are no ballot boxes that are familiar to everyone, but only kaiboi, complexes for processing ballots, are installed. for us , this is, in general, a familiar procedure, it certainly simplifies the work of the commission significantly, well, in fact , the peculiarity of our site is that it is our site in the municipal urban district of anador in our municipality is designated as a polling station where
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people who do not have registration in russia at all, that is, neither temporary nor permanent, can vote. according to the district election commission, by noon 13,349 people had already made their choice in chukotka, and this. almost 40% of the total number of voters, high turnout, as small national villages usually show, so one hundred percent turnout is already in the village of noteppelmin urban district and gwikinot, in anadra district capital of the region there are five polling stations, here the turnout by 12:00 was 3,293 people, the day before in the region early voting has ended, it took place from february 25 to march 14 and was held in the territories of all urban and municipal districts. areas in the most remote, hard-to-reach areas in the tundra and the sea, reindeer herding brigades , in agricultural villages, weather stations on ships, in total early voting covered over 4,000 people, people are actively voting today on the first day of the election campaign, whole families come to the polling stations, for many
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it is a good tradition, a real holiday, it’s a family tradition, we always vote with everyone family, but everyone must come, make their choice, for the sake of our country, for our sake. the future of children, the future of our children. it should be noted that chukotka is highly active in elections at all levels, and if we recall the presidential elections that took place 6 years ago, then our region showed a high turnout, it was more than 82%. well, time will tell how these elections will go, there are still 2 days of voting ahead, the main one will be this sunday, march 17th. now economic news, maria, cost. brand oil exceeded 85 dollars per barrel for the first time since november of the previous year, tell us what are the reasons? tatyana, the market reacted to the report of the international energy agency; experts lowered oil production expectations by 900,000 barrels. i'll tell you about this
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a little later, but i'll start with other news. the labor mobility program in russia plans to expand, according to information from lime , the corresponding project for... it is assumed that not only military-industrial enterprises will be able to receive financial support for the relocation of workers from other regions complex and new regions, but also companies in priority sectors of the economy. the amount of subsidies will be about 300 thousand rubles per employee; experts consider the expansion of the program to be timely. among the reasons are the shortage of personnel in various industries, as well as increasing readiness.
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as a result, the share of own generation will become 41% with a projected total supply to the network of 1.890 million kwh. currently there are eight hydroelectric power stations operating in balkari with a total capacity of over 198 mw. volume of electricity generation energy in region last year exceeded 622.5 million kilowatts, but its share was 33.5%. for the first time since november last year, brand oil jumped above $85 per barrel. may futures for this grade
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rose by more than 1.5% in recent trading. well, today it continues to move upward. the second benchmark grade is west texas wti crude as well. is approaching the values ​​of november last year, its contracts are trading around $81 per barrel. the reason prices went up was the report. international energy agency, experts raised their forecast for annual oil demand by 190,000 barrels per day, china will have a particularly high demand, while production expectations, on the contrary, fell immediately by 900,000 barrels, by the end of the year the deficit will reach approximately 300,000 barrels per day. well, at the end of the issue, i will remind you that the exchange rate for today is 91 rubles. 53 kopecks, euro 100 rubles. 26 kopecks that's all i have for now.
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and now about the progress of the special military operation. of which only one name remains, fierce battles are now taking place. smart girls, smart girls!
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an enemy shell lands next to the leading infantry fighting vehicle. the car is enveloped in a dense cloud of earth and dust and fragments. she is not visible for a couple of seconds, but the bmp continues to move. first company, work, first company, work. the advance of the landing party is monitored using a drone and the driver is advised where it is safer to turn. the infantry fighting vehicles are already on the outskirts of the village and are opening suppressive fire. come on, maga, come on. smart girl, smart girl, men, work, first company, work, these are the men, in the village the assault groups are each moving towards their own objective, on command post, where they are being watched, emotions are off the charts, work, work , brothers, work, relatives, work , smart guys, smart girls, let's go, landing, let's go, they leave the car on the move to make it difficult to aim fire, dismount, disperse, the second group occupies your object, this video for...
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occurs mainly at night, is calculated by reconnaissance and is suppressed by artillery fire. we work intensively, we work day and night, as soon as the command comes, we wait for the coordinates, we send 152 there and we wait for what our commanders will tell us what they usually say, they usually say well done. bull's eye, as we can say, it's better here, in the sky
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there is a lot of work from our enemy's drones, sometimes it's crowded, they conduct reconnaissance, adjust fire, and kamikaze drones are also looking for their targets. when they surrender, they jokingly ask us, do you like the work of our artillery? they say that yes, everything is at a high level, which is why, in fact, they make this decision, despite intense enemy fire and fpv drones, both landing groups. the zaporozhye front continues,
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and now this is the hottest area of ​​intensity is not being reduced, the enemy is transferring reserves here. anton stepanenko, valery venokurov, news: zaporozhye front. the artillery of the tula guards airborne forces hit a stronghold with manpower of the ukrainian armed forces in the solidar area. shot. according to ukrainian militants. the blow was struck by the crew of the d-20 howitzer. after the artillery work, the attack aircraft took over. they entered an enemy stronghold and cleared it. artillery receives target coordinates from drone operators who are for...
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infantry, we dismantle dugouts, we also work on enemy infantry, we clear the road, we work 24x7, more or vascular disorders, blood clots, varicose veins, the cause of these health problems can be bad blood vessels, the drug angianor helps improving microcirculation.
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at avito work it’s easy to find your place, dad, you’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes until the new job, lots of vacancies every day new, avito work, you will find not
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just a job, but your place, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re all in the bank. we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we are at sovcombank , loans that everyone knows, votter, it tastes better on fire, burger king, a loan with cashback from sber - these are even more opportunities, because every month you will get back 2% of the rate with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback from now with prime it’s more profitable magnet pasta makfa spaghetti 499. magnet - the price is what you need! alen, again shopping, gifting, on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. the european
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peace fund to assist kiev will not guarantee that ukraine will receive more weapons, the telegraph newspaper reports. the day before, the eu member states barely agreed on the allocation of 5 billion euros to the independent country, but this is a drop in the ocean in the context of the entire conflict. with this message, the head of european diplomacy , josep barel, flew to washington. and with details, our correspondent emil mirsaev. everything will be decided in ukraine before the fall - the officer told reporters during the course.
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for such metaphors, berel has already been repeatedly accused of racism. his holiness, the pope of rome entered the garden where no one had invited him. calling on ukraine to surrender is more than
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just wishing for peace. i believe that now is not the moment when it is necessary to offer ukraine to surrender. on the contrary, this is the moment when we need to continue to help kiev. indeed, what a world it is when the european military-industrial complex is just beginning to grow. the german concern rhein metal, the same one that supplied hitler's army with tanks. production plant shells, military equipment, air defense gunpowder. ukraine is now an important partner for us; we see a turnover potential there of two to three billion euros per year. the plant, whose foundation will soon be laid in a secret location, will be an exact replica of the munitions plant that rhein metal is currently building at its historic site in northern germany, in unterlues. and while german industrialists are counting profits, a political scandal is flaring up in the high offices of the eu. this time the legislative and executive powers of the eu quarreled. and
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did it because of hungary. the european parliament will sue the european commission. deputies intend to challenge the payment of 10 billion euros in subsidies to budapest. this money was frozen allegedly due to stalled reforms. in fact , because of hungary’s position on ukraine. as a result , it was possible to reach an agreement with orban; the funds had to be quickly unblocked. but having received budapest's reluctant consent on ukraine, experts say, brussels could trick the hungarians into blocking the money again under the guise of a long legal battle. from the very beginning of the ukrainian conflict, hungary acted against anti-russian sanctions for peace negotiations. budapest still does not intend to shower kiev with money; it has to pay with its own wallet for a policy that differs from the general line of the bloc. how is the money of european taxpayers used ? are the conditions set?
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which are needed in france. emmanuel macron, in an interview with a national television channel, revealed the true reasons for helping kiev. blaming russia for the economic problems of one’s country has already become a tradition. the president of the fifth republic strictly observes it. about plans paris and the economic situation in europe, anastasia popova will tell. the french president allocated only half an hour to communicate with journalists, so he was immediately asked the main question that has worried the french over the past weeks.
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we are already experiencing the consequences in europe, the price of gas, our economic situation, the cost of grain, the economic decline that followed all of this, these are the consequences of the war that russia started. i want our fellow citizens to understand that there is only one person responsible for this situation in which we it turned out that this is the kremlin regime, if russia wins, then trust in europe will drop to zero. in order for the european garden, in the words of the head of european diplomacy barel, not to wither at all, it needs resources. after the interview, macron, perhaps for the first time, speaks openly about what
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really lies behind the interests of france. ukraine - this is in our short-term interests, because ukraine has a lot of resources and other elements that we need for our economy, for all these reasons, helping ukraine is justified, it is needed today and even more tomorrow. if we stop helping. then ukraine has no chance of winning, because 90% of the weapons and ammunition that ukraine has been using since the beginning of the conflict comes from europeans, americans, british and others. only macron is lamenting everything to no avail. the counteroffensive did not go as planned, the situation on the ground is very difficult, the ukrainian armed forces are suffering heavy losses, often one in ten. european industry is not capable of producing as much as kiev asks. paris still intends to look to purchase ammunition in all countries peace. whoever is ready to sell them to him, in parallel with this, he will convince his european colleagues to go to obank, because for europe, according to macron, this is a proxy war for survival. macron’s actions
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are difficult to name. the population of the republic is steadily falling, hence the corresponding comments from those who watched the interview, one of the most popular, if macron really wants it, then let him go to ukraine and fight himself. anastasia popolia bernadsky, european news bureau. clergy provide spiritual assistance to our soldiers on the front line, help the wounded and... psychological adaptation, and this work will continue. the russian orthodox church and the russian national guard signed a cooperation agreement. in turn, the national guard will ensure security in churches during religious holidays. maria valieva will tell you how it will work. lord, bless, save and preserve, protect the strongman from all evil. the clergy are
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constantly in their zone, providing assistance to the fighters. spiritual support, always ready to help and kind in word and prayer, to give parting words and blessings. this is the kazan image of the mother of god, under which russian soldiers from novgorod went to liberate moscow. the will, moral strength, sincere faith in the ideals of goodness and justice of the national guard fighters, all this is further strengthened by the efforts of the clergy,” emphasized the head of the russian guard, viktor zolotov, during a meeting with the patriarch of moscow and all russia kirill.
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your works are of great importance for ensuring the security, peace and well-being of our fatherland. i would like to wish everyone god's help, strength, strength, good health, but most importantly, that your service will always be so effective and useful for both the people and our state. troops of the national guard of the russian orthodox church. linked by years of collaboration. in 2016, patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia blessed the command of the russian guard for the construction of the church of the holy equal-to-the-apostles grand duke vladimir in balashikha near moscow. after construction was completed, i personally illuminated it. during this time, the main temple of the russian guard troops became one of the centers of spirituality for residents moscow region.
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the russian guard protects religious sites, ensures the safety of events during religious holidays , and provides every possible support to clergy in the special military zone. meet popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin your brother is in the donbass you have to go there you have to go there just for the passengers to ride here i’m not a fighter i came for my brother
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“in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray zone, beyond this line you will become different, and then what, there there was my childhood and youth, and now there is darkness, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no , it’s hard to get used to it, crazy passenger”? about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, and i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope.


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