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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother is in donbass , you need to go there, you should go there just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother in a couple of days, everyone will go there. beyond this line you will become different, but then what? my childhood and youth were there, and now he’s happy, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, a toothy passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how he was being beaten. i didn’t intervene, i betrayed
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him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website, in the far east, the first day of voting in the presidential election is already. came to an end, sites were closed in kamchatka, chukotka, sakhalin, the magadan region, as well as in the northeastern regions of yakutia. in kamchatka, according to the central election commission , there was already a very high turnout on the first day of voting, more than 35% of voters voted, in 80% took part in remote electronic voting. turnout was high in the sakhalin region; in chukotka, by the end of the first day of elections, more than 50% of voters had voted. in a number of settlements, the turnout is already approaching 100. thus, on the kuril
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islands, residents had to make their way through a snowstorm. let's talk more about the weather with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, at least the weather in the kuril islands will improve over the weekend. already now the wind speed is about 10 m/s, the snowfall is not so intense, and in the morning it is really windy reached storm speeds. and yet, the newlyweds maxima and marina from the north of kurilsk went to... the polling station straight from the polling station and were not stopped by a snowstorm with a wind gust of up to 27 m/s. and in general , no bad weather would prevent residents of the north of kurilsk from coming to the polling station, neither wind nor snowdrifts. this funny video was posted on the official telegram channel of the city administration. i’ll add that the height of the snow cover at the city’s weather station is 78 cm, the snowdrifts are really huge, and the turnout, as we know, very high. in the middle volga, samara region. in the morning it was sunny and
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frosty, the sky over the river in the talyati area was colorful, at the same time in the saratov region a frosty fog thickened at dawn, visibility did not exceed 500 m, even by noon the thermometers only rose to -3, although the sky was already clear . in the following frames, the city of velikiye luki in the pskov region, the day before it became the only settlement in russia where the maximum temperature record was updated at +10.3. today is not so warm, but sunny. let's turn to synoptic map. so, the coast. in the north of the kuril islands, in kamchatka, in the magadan region, snowfalls in the north of the primorsky territory are also associated with the flow of this cyclone, here is the southern part of the coastal region, as well as the continental part of the far east, remain behind anticyclones. the southern half of the russian plain is also protected by a solar anticyclone, here on northwest... in the north of european russia
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in the north of the urals and western siberia, the weather is determined by a vast atlantic cyclone. thanks to it , a powerful flow of warm air has formed over europe, which accelerates its progress. spring on the russian plain in siberia. the volgograd region today and tomorrow will remain under the influence of the anticyclone. partly cloudy weather in volgograd. today during the day it will be +5, tomorrow the air will warm up to +8°. but on sunday the cloudy fields of the southern cyclone will reach here and, in addition, the eastern wind will carry a humid air from the caspian sea. fog is possible in the morning, snow is expected, freezing rain is excluded, in the afternoon the maximum temperature is +4. in st. petersburg today is also a record high. warm. at night, a new record minimum temperature was recorded. and march 15, 2024 claims to be the warmest since 1981. the air today will warm up to +8°. tomorrow night in the northern capital it will be +5, in the daytime it will be +8 again. the weather is cloudy and damp.
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sunday night will also be warm. but in the afternoon a cold front will pass through the banks of the neva. during the day the temperature will drop to 0°. possible by evening frosts. there will be a lot on the roads. well, in moscow today there is slight cloudiness, +7 during the day, tomorrow night around zero, on saturday during the day the air will warm up to 8° above zero, the weather will be the same, sunny and springy, on sunday it will be cloudy during the day, maximum temperature +6, these are the forecasts . ekaterina, thank you, ekaterina gregorova, introduced us to weather forecasts in russian regions. participation in voting in elections. the president was received by the co-chairman of candidate vladimir putin’s headquarters, vladimir mashkov, who chose , in his words, the most convenient way - remote, i haven’t seen anything more convenient lately, i’ve done literally
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a few steps, i’ve already voted successfully, it’s really very convenient, dynamic, understandable, great. earlier today, vladimir mashkov held a meeting with foreign observers; representatives of the csto parliamentary assembly, in a conversation with him, said that preparations for the elections in russia comply with all international standards and they have not yet seen any problems with their conduct. vladimir mashkov greeted foreign guests in moscow and noted the special importance this vote. today is a very important day for us, today. citizens of the country elect the president of the russian federation and, of course, this day is probably the most important in the history of our country in recent times, because the fate, the fate of our
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fatherland, is being decided. well, now to the messages from the ministry of digital development, which records the high load on the state services portal, the figure, of course, is phenomenal, as they reported. that every second almost 6.00 people now visit the state services portal, they note that it is temporary, while some users have access to the system it may be slower than usual , some are asked to vote later, but in general the system is working normally. these delays are explained by the exceptionally high activity of russian voters; on the remote electronic voting portal, according to data as of 12 o’clock moscow time , 1.6000 russians had already voted. in moscow , more than 2.0 polling stations will be open during all three days of voting; 7,000 observers were trained on the eve of the elections to work in the capital. our correspondent is watching how they vote, stanislav vasilchenko. new voters
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come every few minutes, the polling station itself opened at 8 a.m., according to members of the isberkom , by this time there was already a line of people wanting to vote for their candidate. by this hour, more than 200 people had already passed through. only through this eighteenth polling station, among them was the minister of science of higher education of russia, valery folkov, he voted in person, in the classical way, using a paper ballot. minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev has also already left his voice. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin cast his vote at polling station number 75 in the presnensky district of moscow, and foreign minister sergei lavrov also voted. he demonstrates his civic position in the army. they also arrived at the polling station.
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depends absolutely, our future depends on each person. the voting procedure did not change. in case of in-person voting , you must go to the district polling station and then approach the members with your passport. election commission to verify the document, after confirmation you must select vote on a paper ballot or on an electronic voting terminal, which, according to members of the election commission, is now more popular than a paper ballot; people react positively to this in the future, it gives very accurate reports and limits people from recalculating errors. that is, it is immediately loaded into some databases, absolutely right, down to the minute, up to the second, and
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it is impossible to vote in some illegal or fraudulent way, security is at the highest level, there is also a remote electronic option without visiting a polling station, for this you need a computer, tablet or smartphone, voting is carried out online on a special internet portal of the central election commission of russia, for citizens with registration in moscow. on the website however, for this voting format it was necessary to submit an electronic application in advance, as about 5 million russians actually did; they submitted an application for online voting through the state services website. but let's return now to polling stations, public observers must be present at each of them to monitor compliance with the law during voting and the conduct of elections in general. we monitor the voting process, make sure that everything is legal, that there are no irregularities or violations. what about consultation? no, we do not have the right to advise or
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provide any assistance to voters, we are simply observing the process. for voting in the presidential elections in russia, more than 94 thousand polling stations have been created, about 113.5 million ballots. let me remind you that the presidential elections in the russian federation take place from march 15 to 17. participation is free and voluntary. the president of russia, in accordance with the constitution of russia, is elected for a term.
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and also like at a regular polling station: you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and vote, but how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, the ballots from them will be stored entirely in bags until the end of voting, and there will also be observers at the polling station. deposit is the best interest in savings - this is an easy way to profitably invest money online, just one button the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button savings grow with the maximum rate, one button and... look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest
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it's more profitable in sberbank with prime. we're going on vacation. and we 're going. save up faster. in march 2021, britain was shocked by the circumstances of the disappearance and death of a 3-year-old young woman. sarah everer was kidnapped, raped and killed by police. her killer wayne cousans served in the privileged scotland yard department, responsible for the protection of government agencies and diplomatic missions. british police have been caught committing various crimes before, but this case was something else that was shocking. to persuade his victim not to resist and to get into his car, kazans used
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his london police id. all the details of this high-profile case were restored in the documentary. bbc, prepared for the three-year anniversary of sarah everen's gebel. in order to reach kazan, detectives required a painstaking study of recordings from hundreds of cctv cameras in the area where the young woman last spoke on her mobile phone while returning home from a friend’s house. the outcome of the investigation was decided by a brief film from a bus that passed by the girl of the police officer who detained her. this completely changed the direction of the investigation, it became clear that she got into this car, we could not read the license plate, but we had a list of everyone who drove here, we established that it was a rental car, wayne rented it cousins. during the first interrogation at his home , kazans confessed to kidnapping sarah evere, although
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he tried to confuse the investigation and said that he acted on the instructions of a certain criminal group that extorted money from him. i don’t know who they are, they are some kind of group, a gang, they said that i should pick up girls for them and hand them over to them, they threatened my family, they said that they would use them, i had no choice, i must was to find someone, the dismembered body of the woman he killed was found in the forest, not far from the house kazansa, where he lived with his wife and two children, the criminal tried to commit suicide at the police station. murder, he feigned insanity, refusing to answer investigators' questions. this photo of a woman, who is she, wayne? no comment, have you ever met her before, no comment. the reaction to the fact that a police officer
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killed a woman was instantaneous ; a spontaneous memorial arose in the center of the park, next to which sarah everert was kidnapped. by the cool calm with which kazans behaved immediately after the murder. even while destroying the body of the woman he killed, he remembered to call the veterinary clinic to make an appointment for his dog. sentenced kazants to life imprisonment without the right of release. an independent investigation continued for another 2 years, the purpose of which was to establish how a potential
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criminal could obtain a weapon and police shoulder straps. its results were published recently; they are not encouraging for the leadership of the london police. it turned out that there were plenty of warning signs regarding kazanets. it could and should have stop. it turned out that long before the abduction. criminal and murderer, evidence of his penchant for cruelty, passion for pornography with elements of sexual violence and problems with debts appeared 20 years
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before this murder. the investigation has evidence that kazems committed a crime against a minor, this happened even before he was hired as a police officer. but the complaints received against kazans were thrown into the trash, and he continued to take advantage of his impunity and... he used his position as a police officer to impress or intimidate people he came across. he took advantage of their vulnerabilities, such as their youth and inexperience, their history of violence, and instilled in them their own responsibility for what happened so that they would not report what happened. the scandalous story of kazans did not stop there; as soon as he was sentenced, the london police exposed another criminal, a serial rapist.
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locked me naked in a closet or forced me to sleep . he beat me with a whip, defecated on me. naked on the floor. i was choked, kicked and
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threatened, he sent text messages wishing i would die in a car accident or from cancer and wanting to urinate on my grave. i was too scared to go to the police because the accused had hammered it into my head that he was the police, he was the law, and i belonged to him. it's possible. that david carrick would have continued to commit crimes, but the high-profile trial of killer wayne cousans prompted one of his victims not only to come to the police, but to insist that her allegations were thoroughly investigated. this ultimately led to a police officer knocking on the rapist's door with an arrest warrant. it is not necessary. no, she is. i've been a police officer for 20 years. do you really want me to confess like this? no, we are simply explaining to you that you are under arrest, tell us what you need. during the trial , 13 women came forward with accusations against carrick, he committed
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over eighty crimes, and the judge sentenced him to 36 life sentences. former police officer on parole can only count in 30 years. you have used women who have had relationships with you in horrendous ways, and you have sexually abused many women. there was no place for police lawbreakers. the changes affected not only the inspection system, but also our ethics and values. if the results of independent investigations are to be believed,
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then police officials. so far we have not progressed much beyond big words. even after the arrest of kazans and a review of the entire process of official checks, the management of the london police argued that the information about him, it still wouldn’t hurt to accept his service. i was in amazement, there is nothing that would stop the likes of wayne cousans today. i urge all police services to carefully review our report and take any necessary action. in january last year, citing staffing shortages, scotland yard called for the return of former police officers who had been disciplined for various offences. the materials of an internal investigation of the london police were recently published. it turned out, that scotland yard registers only 7% of crimes of a sexual nature, and this is done somehow, which allows rapists to evade retribution. as of june last year, the london
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police. over 1,800 arrest warrants for domestic violence have accumulated, but none of the suspects have been detained or questioned. this applies not only to london, but also to other regions of the country. a 2022 police report says the digital investigations team is looking to analyze a sex offender's phone. takes on average 10 months. while this should take a maximum of a month, the police do not have specialized departments to carry it out.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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we continue our news review. a three-day presidential election is taking place in russia. in some regions, the first day is completed.


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