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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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crimea and sevastopol return to their native harbor. on march 16, 2014, the crimeans - sevastopol residents decided who they were with. kiev really wanted to show this crimea to the rebellious peninsula. everywhere they tried to put up barriers for us, everywhere they tried to block crimea from all sides, without exception. the handsome uchansos was on the fifth year of the blockade of crimea, it completely dried up, and the water balance of the entire peninsula changed. it’s always nice to look at the water, especially when it’s not about...
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back to the news: he took part in voting in the presidential election co-chairman of the headquarters of vladimir putin's candidate vladimir mashkov, but he chose the most, in his words, convenient method, remote. i haven’t seen anything more convenient lately; i’ve made literally a few. action
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has already successfully voted, indeed it is very convenient, dynamic, understandable, great, earlier today vladimir mashkov held a meeting with foreign observers, representatives of the csto parliamentary assembly, in a conversation with him they said that preparations for the elections in russia correspond to all international standards and problems with their implementation, they have not yet seen. vladimir mashkov welcomed foreign guests to moscow and noted the special importance of this voice.
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several severe fires occurred in the nadezhdinsky district, as well as near artyom and vladivostok. in one of the villages , two streets with private houses burned down; the fire also engulfed fields, vegetable gardens and outbuildings. the work of firefighters is complicated by strong winds, gusts of which reach 25 m/s. according to preliminary information from the ministry of emergency situations, there were no casualties. the fires were caused by massive burning of dry grass. in moscow, on suspicion.
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the president of the fifth republic stated this in an interview with local television channels. emmanuel macron said that back in february twenty -two he asked the military-industrial complex to significantly increase production in order to help ukraine, because there are valuable resources important for france. the latest statement by the head of the fifth republic reveals the true reasons why paris is so concerned about the situation in ukraine, political scientists say. anastasia popova will talk about the future plans of the elysee palace. french for communicating with journalists the president singled out everything.
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he needs resources. after the interview, macron, perhaps for the first time, speaks openly about what really lies behind the interests of france. helping ukraine is in our short-term interests, because ukraine has many resources and other elements that we need for our economy. of all these
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reasons, helping ukraine is justified. this is needed today and even more tomorrow. if we stop helping, then ukraine has no chance of winning, because 90% of the weapons and ammunition that... ukraine uses the beginning of the conflict, comes from europeans, americans, british and others. only macron is lamenting everything to no avail. the counteroffensive did not go as planned. the situation on the ground is very difficult, the ukrainian armed forces are suffering heavy losses, often one in ten. european industry is not capable of producing as much as kiev asks. for now, paris intends to look to buy ammunition in all countries of the world who will be willing to sell it to it. in parallel with this, he will convince his european colleagues to go. bank, because for europe, according to macron, this is a proxy war for survival. macron ’s action can hardly be called convincing, almost 80% of the french are already against sending troops to ukraine, and in general the level of support for this entire military adventure among the residents of the republic is steadily falling, hence the corresponding comments
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from those who watched the interview, one of the most popular, if if macron wants it so bad, let him go to ukraine and fight himself. anastasia popovlia bernadsky, european news bureau. now the economic news is short: the deposit insurance agency paid depositors qiwi bank more than 3 billion rubles. this is 3/4 of the total amount of insurance liability, the dia said in a statement. 7.00 depositors of individuals and legal entities received money. let me remind you that in february the central bank revoked the license of kiwibank, citing numerous violations of laws as the reason.
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manufacturers of household appliances began to block parallel imports to russia, in particular sales on marketplaces. we are talking about the brands electrolux, tefal, brown and raventa , the businessman reports. according to the publication. now companies sign with partners in other countries have a moratorium on re-exports to our country, and violation of it is fraught with termination of the contract. experts admit that such equipment may completely disappear from sale; it will be replaced by products from turkish and chinese manufacturers. the number of foreign brands in moscow shopping centers has decreased by one and a half times. over 2 years, the share of foreign retailers fell from 44 to 28%. gazettes write about this. the departure of the big ones had an effect. players h&m, uniclo, inditex, ikea and others. now the russian market is mainly represented brands from turkey, belarus, south korea, italy and kazakhstan. at the same time, most of the vacated space was occupied by russian retailers. and rusal’s net profit at the end of the year decreased by almost 6.5 times. the company
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earned $282 million, its report said. revenue decreased less significantly, -13%. this is 12 billion. although the company increased sales and production of aluminum, this growth was offset by a decrease in prices for raw materials. over the year, the metal fell in price by almost 17%. it was economic news, briefly. at bigfest, a cheeseburger costs 39 rubles. and others offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank. to the taste. and period, this is the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, the top headphones, the top hair dryer, and on our birthday there are discounts of up to 50%, the tunderrobot gaming laptop for only 65.999, bambi and eldorado, hurray, have
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finally arrived something, and you! grown up, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, here you go, where did all this come from, you’re retired, and you got your pension from vtb, and there’s the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account. one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops, now on flowers such prices, it’s more profitable to buy a smartphone, for example, honor x8 b with a benefit of 700 rubles only in a megaphone, the deposit is the best percentage in savings - this is an easy way to profitably invest money online , just one button, the investment in the future in...
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the child has already been made, one button , savings grow at the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, saving with prime is more profitable, this sign is modestly hidden behind high-profile victories in the new stadium, in any weather it will support the spirit of sports at the new grounds near the house, this sign does not climb forward against the background of great talents in the renewed house of culture, it will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the sign of russia's national project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. you can find tires conveniently and quickly; you can search by car brand on avito. we're going on vacation. and we are going for the third year, so open vtb savings account, rate 16%, save
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up faster, magnet - the price is what you need, post nut bill 299,999 loan with cashback from sber - this is even more opportunities, because every month you will get back 2% of the rate with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry up to get the loan with cashback, in sberbank with prime it’s more profitable, one of my friends - order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles
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every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atms, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! this is america program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello! the white house has requested almost $850 billion for the pentagon next year. the american military budget, as always , will be a record and, as always, will be greater than the total defense budgets of the next 10 countries after america. a crafty figure, meanwhile , the hawks insist, demanding that biden give the us department of defense. trillion at once, so what kind of war are they preparing for and what
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are they ready to sacrifice? joe biden's recent appeal to the american congress, many of them , as they say, rolled their lips, but then the numbers appeared and it turned out that reality did not quite coincide with their expectations, what happened, there are several factors: firstly, last year the republicans... to a colossal the figure of the american national debt, which now equals $35 trillion, obliged the biden administration to keep itself within limits with regard to any budget expenditures, in fact, that’s why the previous pentagon’s plan has not yet been finally adopted budget. the pentagon is now operating within the framework of temporary resolutions, one of these resolutions, by the way, will expire on march 22, and the us department of defense. will once again face the threat of a shutdown, but if we return to specific figures, the main
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complaint of the hawks, who looked and got acquainted with the articles of america’s defense budget, is that yes, it will be increased by 1%, but given the colossal inflation, by and large this money will simply be eaten up by inflation, this is, strictly speaking, the main complaint those who counted on the fact that the budget would be really large, but on this topic the defenders of this budget have their own arguments, they have their own tricks and tricks, including among. the areas the pentagon cut in its 2025 request were research and testing of new technologies, as well as the procurement of advanced, field-ready weapons. however, the ministry of defense plans to purchase 86 fighter jets, 15 unmanned aerial vehicles, 74 helicopters and six ships. there will be almost 10 billion dollars
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spent on hypersonic and conventional long-range missiles. if you look at how much america in total. is willing to spend on military programs in the next budget year, then this comes out to 3% of gdp, in fact, this is the lowest figure since the cold war in the last 30 years, and this just scares numerous lobbyists of the military-industrial complex, who believe, listening , by the way, to biden himself, yes, who called himself, well , almost compared himself to president roosevelt of 1941. so here they are they say that if the united states is really ready or already has one foot in a new third world war, then why are these costs so modest? china, russia, iran and north korea are uniting to weaken america and change the balance of power in the world against the united states. we see the results of their ominous activity in
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a number of regions. the world has changed too much since publication. a systemic problem for the pentagon is the constantly growing shortage of recruits, the constant shortage of people in the armed forces of the united states and primarily in various auxiliary units, and they decided to eliminate this problem in the following way: there is a general shortage, now there are about 41 people, what they want
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to do, they want to eliminate those positions in the armed forces. in order to redistribute recruits to those positions that will be needed for what they call a new challenge, well, in particular, the confrontation in the potential european theater of operations, everything related to china, there are also several difficulties here, the problem itself is a shortage, it is very systemic, it is not associated with some one-time event, it is rather a trend that... continues to intensify, it is also associated with generational changes in american society, with fundamental changes, the pentagon itself talks about that the economy, demography, and the prestige of the army as such are to blame. in 1995, 40% of young people had at least one parent
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who served in the army; by 2022 , only 12% had a parent who had served. this. led to a rift between the military and a significant part of society, there is also a very important moral aspect here, the fact is that america has not gotten out of senseless bloody wars for the last decades, which has further undermined the prestige of the us army, the prestige of the pentagon, everyone remembers what happened in iraq, what happened in afghanistan, semi-secret operations operations involving what... investigations, including wikileaks investigations, which demonstrated the cruelty of the american military, in general, from the point of view of american youth, this is all unwinnable, in this sense, one might say, to paraphrase old soviet expression: the american army is not with the people. the reason for the problems with recruiting
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american troops is very simple. for the last 20-30 years, people who have passed through our army have been asking the question: what are we doing here? they didn’t understand why they were in iraq or afghanistan, and when they were told that democracy was being built here, they laughed because it was nonsense. people join the army to defend the united states, but instead they are forced to defend ukraine, to defend the middle east. we didn't sign up for this. however, in any in this case, of course, no army can completely do without soldiers, so human resources need to be replenished from somewhere. here they are already sounding creative, so to speak, in fact, already on the verge of a proposal, congressmen have presented a bipartisan bill that would allow conscripting... illegal migrants into the american army, this is something completely new, something from the field of the french legion, but given the massive illegal migration
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that the united states faces, especially in the last biden years, and i let me remind you that we are talking about the fact that over the past 3 years, 7 million illegal immigrants have already come to the united states, and many of them are young men, just at the age that allows them to carry. trumpists have long made the fight against illegal migration their strong point, so to speak, but their concern can also be understood; everything can
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lead to the fact that illegal immigrants, that is, people who, from the point of view of trump supporters, ended up completely undeservedly in the united states, will receive incredible preferences, and having already passed through the pentagon, having passed through this school of life, through the state machine, they will then have another opportunity to possess non-citizens, who in the end, being disloyal to rome, turned against roman citizens. hmm, let's allow the country to be invaded, not use the army to
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stop it, and then recruit those who invaded into the army and hope for the best, that's it. and now the next step, the states protect their population, separate ones, do not want to send their own to senseless wars that are sponsored by certain... not a single government, these are precisely these transnational forces beyond our control were used in his sensational, and in many ways programmatic for american isolationism, article by utah senator mike lee. in this article, mike lee puts the question squarely, he says that if the american establishment under biden manages to push through the admission of ukraine to... america will have no choice but to leave nato. if ukraine joins nato, the united states must leave the alliance, this is absolutely clear.
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a decision that could provoke next world war, cannot be accepted by transnational elites who are not accountable to any country or its citizens. if we are serious about maintaining us hegemony, dependent europe can in no way force our country to take nuclear risks. trump started small, he said that america was not going to pay the bills for the collective defense of those who were not ready to contribute the necessary money, but gradually this idea transformed into a big one. an ultimatum to those forces that are dragging the united states into global conflict. trump has many allies here, even in europe there are such people.
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the recent meeting between trump and the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, was called a rally of the right international. ukraine was one of the key topics, and in the very first interview that viktor orban gave after this meeting in maralaga, the hungarian prime minister spoke and... it was probably, first of all, interesting to hear zelensky in kiev about the specifics of trump’s plan for peacekeeping in ukraine, there is probably nothing new here, but this is the first time it has been said so bluntly, so specifically and so ruthless for representatives of the kiev regime, but orban said that trump would simply stop giving money to ukraine.
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billion a month were allocated, the most important time when a billion or 2 each, the problem for the american department of defense here is the colossal cash gap that occurred due to the fact that with unprecedented enthusiasm they sent military equipment to kiev, not too consistent with the dynamics of replenishment of this technology and everything led to the fact that now there are 10 billion dollars that were
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literally wasted... the us department of defense will need $10 billion to replace the weapons sent to ukraine, but so far the american defense department does not have the necessary funds for this. we could not make up for everything that we had already provided to ukraine. if the pentagon does not receive the required amount, this will affect the combat readiness of the united states itself in its stockpiles, the defense department official noted. there is another very interesting point. which can be found if you read the projects of the american military budget, not from left to right, from right to left, if you go from the numbers, as you sometimes read the menu , it turns out that with all this media rhetoric, the money that will be allocated to the european direction is half as much as the money that reserved for strengthening the muscles
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of the american military... machine in the chinese direction, it turns out that the americans continue to believe that for them the main and strategic confrontation is the confrontation in asia, this is the confrontation with beijing. probably the main conclusion that can be done by familiarizing yourself with the controversy that began around the us military budget, with the items of this budget themselves, there is only one conclusion, and it generally does not change. from the pentagon budget to the pentagon budget and it consists in the fact that whoever will never lose money, here it is the american military-industrial complex, and the lobbyists who spend efforts spend, again, money so that this military-industrial complex never was on a starvation diet. this was america. all the best.
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we continue the news review, now for the elections president, in some regions the first day of voting is over, polling stations have already closed, election commissions there are recording a high turnout, and for example, in kamchatka it was about 36%; at night, more than 60% of voters have already cast their vote.
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skhalina and smokers more than 47%, in the khabarovsk territory more than 30%. let me remind you that voting in russia lasts 3 days and pays a lot of attention.


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