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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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we continue the news review, now for the presidential elections, in some regions the first day of voting is over, the polling stations have already closed, the election commissions there are recording a high turnout, and for example, in kamchatka it was about 36%, and more than 60% of voters have already cast their votes. , in naskhalin and the kuril islands more than 47%, in the khabarovsk territory more than 30%. let me remind you that voting in russia lasts 3 days, a lot of attention. security,
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law enforcement officers are on duty everywhere, and video surveillance systems are installed. vote russians can remotely, for the first time in history, elect the head of state. the electronic procedure is available in 28 regions, as well as in moscow. well, now to the central election commission, directly where the teleconference with the khabarovsk territory begins, we will talk about the results of the first day of voting, my colleague dmitry gorn is in direct contact. dmitry, hello again and i give you the floor. good afternoon again, indeed, the first day of voting has already begun its logical conclusion, in the far east it is already polling stations have ended and closed for now, the khabarovsk territory is in direct contact with us, the correspondent is in touch with us, this is anna kalchuk and the chairman of the khabarovsk territory commission, denis kuzmenko, good afternoon, dear colleagues, well, i would like to ask a question to the chairman of the election commission khabarovsk territory, first of all... how was
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the first day of voting? how was the first day of voting? well, now in the khabarovsk territory all polling stations are already closed, all polling stations have opened at normal regime, at each polling station the day began with the performance of the anthem of the russian federation, and no violations were committed during the voting on the first day of voting. yes colleagues , please tell me, the voting takes 3 days, what will the safety look like ? the safety of the ballot papers that have already been used is ensured, the voting is 3 days, how will the safety of the ballot papers that have already been used be further, yes indeed the voting takes place within 3 days, the first we have not counted votes for 2 days, therefore, we are obliged to ensure the storage of...
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documentation, it will be provided in full compliance with the law, all ballots from portable voting boxes are poured into safe bags, these safe bags are sealed, including with special stamps that have a very high degree of protection, they are stored in safes, ballots from kuai are not spilled, they are stored directly in the kaip, you can see in the background, but... but every day, checking , control measures are carried out to confirm that all ballots are in complete safety, that is, everything is clear, everything is clear, moreover, an internal affairs officer is on duty at each polling station around the clock, video surveillance is carried out at each polling station, including around the clock, colleagues, yes, thank you, i know for sure from you ...
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there are also questions, yes, of course there are questions , but denis aleksandrovich, but in what mood do people go and how actively, if we talk about it, maybe there are even queues, but you know, i myself was present at one from polling stations to the opening, and already before the opening of the polling station, that is, before 8 o’clock, several dozen people had gathered, people went to the polling stations very willingly, and despite the fact that even those who in principle could go to the polling stations... vote at home, we have several voters, of those who came to the polling stations, have reached the age of 100 or more years, and several voters of couples, married people now immediately after marriage, came to the polling stations, but i want to note that at the polling stations there was a very festive atmosphere in the polling stations, members of the election commission tried to decorate the polling stations, in general , create a general festive mood, create conditions. the main subjects
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of observation are observers, we have them at all polling stations, in general , more than 2.0 voters are observing in the khabarovsk territory, there is a public observation center in the khabarovsk territory, information from all cameras, video surveillance from all polling stations flows there, all polling stations under this video surveillance is available for all 3 days, in general we are confident that you... six polling stations, all these images at polling stations are periodically
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rotated, we see information from all polling stations in the khabarovsk territory, well, the khabarovsk territory is large and difficult to access, we we know that... there are a lot of construction projects, a lot of rotational camps, even in taiga, how did the voting go there? and early voting actually took place on the territory of the khabarovsk territory, the khabarovsk territory ranks third in terms of territory, in terms of area, and some of the remote areas are so far away that voters really cannot come to the polling stations to vote for objective reasons, and the khabarovsk territory is very... quite actively developing, a large number of construction projects, roads, a port is being built , logging and mining are carried out , a large number
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of voters work at these fields, at these facilities, for all these voters we organized early voting, in general and more than 80 precinct election commissions were involved, these commissions reached their voters using vehicles, with the help of aeroplanes, snowmobiles and even air transport by helicopter they reached the most remote points, we reached more than 18 thousand voters, and this amounted to about 2% of the total, of the total number of voters who are located in the khabarovsk territory, tried to ensure the right to vote for everyone...
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anna, thank you for the direct inclusion from the khabarovsk territory, we received a comprehensive information about how the first day of three-day voting in the far east ended today, and now we pass the floor to our main studio, yuri. yes, dmitry, i thank you, your interlocutors, our colleagues. let me remind you that my colleague dmitry goron was in direct contact with tsika. the central election commission called for strengthening the security of ballot boxes, the deputy chairman of the center reported.
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poured ink into the ballot box, what did they want to prove? i don’t know, but this is definitely a criminal offense for which there will be punishment, it is alleged that someone called them, promised money, they will receive this money or not, but the fact that there will be an investigation for which they... very likely can get a criminal record, then this is of course an event that can be considered having happened, the court, of course, will make its decision, and, of course, there is no need to speculate here, we can speculate about morality.
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now footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, before we move on to the agenda of the meeting, i will say that we made the decision on the instructions of the president increased special social payments to medical workers, they are provided in addition to salaries from last year, in small villages, in towns where... there are less than fifty thousand people, their maximum amount for doctors will increase to 50,000 rubles. and
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for middle staff up to 30,000 rubles. in settlements with a population of 50 to 100,000, support will be 29.00 and 13,000 rubles. respectively. funds are prescribed as early as march 1; for the current month, doctors will receive them in april. in total this will affect more than 200,000. employees hospitals and clinics, also on the initiative of the head of state, from april 1 , at least 50% of the salary funds of medical organizations will be allocated to pay the salaries of medical workers, while wages should remain at a level lower than last year, i ask you to carefully monitor this in all regions of the country. our doctors, nurses, and other specialists help citizens. to preserve their health, their work deserves the most attentive, sincere respect. it is important that they receive all
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the required funds in a timely manner, and of course, in full. today on the agenda of the government meeting is an issue that concerns support for the older generation, as well as people with disabilities. in his address to the federal assembly, the president noted that it is necessary to increase funding for the long-term care system and bring it to a single high standard. and to ensure maximum accessibility to those who most need such help. we are talking about those who, due to age or health limitations, find it difficult to independently cope with, for example, organization of everyday life, food or hygiene. such care, taking into account individual needs , should be provided to them by specialists from patronage services, who, among other things , train family members. in the federal budget for the implementation of the system, it will take a long time.
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medical care at home; in total, about 173 thousand citizens will be able to receive it. we will continue to develop this practice throughout the country. another topic, support. new subjects of the russian federation, the president emphasized that in their work on their revival there are no trifles, everything that is important is surrounds people, in what conditions they live, study, work, raise their children, given the active restoration of the housing stock of engineering social infrastructure in the donetsk people's republic, the government will allocate 1 billion rubles for the purchase of domestic transport equipment, thanks to which the republican primary health care institutions.
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immediate assistance at home. also, for the needs of the region, 200 passenger cars with a cargo body will be purchased; they have increased cross-country ability and are used for a wide range of applications. range of tasks, including the transportation of humanitarian aid and medicines. everything must be done to ensure that people who live and work in the republic promptly receive the necessary services. today on our agenda is a large bill of amendments to tax legislation; on the instructions of the president , we continue to reduce the regulatory and administrative burden for citizens and businesses. first of all, for large families, now parents will not need to apply for property tax benefits; they will automatically become their receive, and such a non-declaration procedure will ensure a centralized transfer to
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a non-taxable limit for such income will be taken into account for each year, and not only at the end of the term, as was previously the case. there are proposals aimed at supporting business; enterprises will not need to submit zero simplified reporting if there was no activity. as well as further expansion of the range of companies that can switch to tax monitoring in order to insure themselves against additional audits, the risk of errors and additional charges. the annual bar will be lowered. the amount of taxes with which organizations can take advantage of this procedure from 100 to 80 million rubles and up to 800 million for annual turnover and asset value. we hope that these and other measures in the draft law will support citizens and businesses, including in solving problems that are important to them. the next question is about helping our agricultural producers. the president
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celebrated record harvests in the previous two years. he recalled that we are talking about more. domestic market to the global market, these volumes of agricultural products influence in order to maintain the profitability of our farms, we are using a whole range of measures from providing subsidies to farmers who grow grains to increasing reserves in the federal intervention fund for agricultural products, we will allocate an additional 7 billion rubles in... this year for such purchases, which will allow only stabilize prices for agricultural raw materials in russia, but reduce possible risks for consumers and processors, including the baking and fly-grinding industries, and will also contribute ensuring food security so that people have a variety of quality food choices. i ask the ministry of agriculture
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to monitor how effectively these funds are spent. mikhail mishustin held a weekly meeting.
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45%, it should be noted that the elections in zaporozhye are of such a stage-by-stage nature, early voting began on february 25, military personnel were the first to cast their votes, then residents of settlements that are located near the front line voted, and today the main voting began, but also. .. it also has its own characteristics, this is how the chairman of the central election commission of zaporozhye, galina katyusenko, explained it. today, large cities such as melitopol, berdyansk , energodar are voting in our cities, well, traditionally, in our cities the population density seems to be higher, so according to the information that comes to us from
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precinct election commissions, a large number of them have already been planned.
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that until now these people have taken part in , therefore this is a great help, it is noteworthy, voting for the president of ukraine, and for them in fact, there is something to compare with, it’s different , how can you explain, well, this is how you voted before, well, now i can do it more consciously, i know what i’m voting for. and not just for show, we want to see, well, participate in the role, how can i tell you, in the life of the country, there was not even a doubt.
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with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, sberbank with prime is more profitable, well, again to the central topic of this day: the chairman of the state corporation in... vbrf igor shuvalov voted in the presidential elections of russia. the procedure is standard: voters find them in the lists, are given ballots, then go to the booth, when the choice is made, the form is placed in the ballot box. and news from the fsb public relations center: an agent of a ukrainian terrorist organization banned in russia has been detained. he is suspected of preparing terrorist attacks in bryansk. according to the department, detained on instructions from her curators, seized explosives from a stash in the kaluga region. laid the device at the offices of energy companies and social institutions. the goal is to destabilize the situation before the presidential elections. criminal cases have been initiated. the maximum punishment for selected articles is up to 20 years.
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imprisonment, arrived on the territory of the bryansk region to plant explosives , kirov was sent from bryansk, it was necessary to pick up two packages, no, one package, but i have two buckets with soil, in them, as i understand, what was collected is there was an explosive, it arrived a taxi took me to bryansk, in bryansk two bombs were already installed at the site, then , when detonation did not occur, i was forced to take photographs... to show the places where the explosions were supposed to occur, i did this, after which i was sent for the next package, also with two explosives, but this time they were sent not to bryansk, to dyadkovo. the russian military thwarted another attempt to break through a unit of the ukrainian armed forces on the territory of the belgorod region in the area of ​​​​the border settlement of kazinka, about this was reported to the defense. the ukrainian armed forces are also trying to shell the territory of the region. in
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belgorod they announced it twice a day. equipped with gas equipment , there was a bang, as a result, windows in neighboring residential buildings were broken, as a result of this terrorist, one might say, act , two people were injured, local residents were the first to arrive at the scene with the help of fire extinguishers, car extinguishers began to extinguish this fire, they soon arrived firefighters, as a result, managed to stop the spread fire throughout the parking lot
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, there were... a large number of cars there at that time, according to the local mayor's office, as a result of this attack, 33 apartments were damaged, the insulation in social institutions was also damaged, a total of seven projectiles from the rocket system were destroyed as the city approached volley fire vampire, heard that there were explosions, saw where black smoke came from with fire extinguishers to help, he specially bought more, there may be gas equipment, but more? maybe it's a gazelle, so it's better to move away, plus here, apparently with the goods, but perhaps some cassettes remained, a unit of the ministry of defense, together with the co-grant services of the fsb of russia, destroyed ukrainian militants who were trying to break into the border settlement of kazinko, this is the gorovaransky district, ukrainian militants landed nearby in two helicopters with the border, they already tried to enter the populated area, they even managed to get to the outskirts
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of this populated area... occupy several residential buildings, but promptly units of the ministry of defense opened fire on militants, as a result they began to retreat with heavy losses, and the reinforcements that were already coming from the ukrainian border, towards the village of kazinka, were also destroyed. in just the last few days, a unit of the ministry of defense prevented other attacks by ukrainian militants on our territory. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, ivan kuznetsov, conduct the belgorod region.
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why were the ukrainians so sure that avdeevka could not be taken, the enemy was firmly entrenched, it was difficult to dislodge, it was very difficult to approach.


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