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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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why were the ukrainians so sure that avdievka could not be taken? crepa's opponent was holed up, it was hard to knock him out, to approach him, it was very problematic. how many of them were there? yes.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. today is the anniversary date: 100 years since the birth of the front-line writer yuri bond. the author of the works hot snow and the battalion asks for fire participated in the battles of stalingrad and in the liberation of kiev. tatyana ryzhova will tell you how he portrayed a soviet soldier. hot snow, battalions asking for fire, epic of liberation, exactly 100 years ago, on march 15, 1924, the writer yuri vasilyevich bondorev was born in orsk on orenburg soil. in 1931, the bondarev family moved to moscow, where the young man passed away. future writer, but all plans for
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life are crossed out by the war. already in the summer of forty -one, seventeen-year-old komsomol member bunddarev, among other volunteers, royd takupy near smolensk. later, bondurev learns that out of the entire class of the zamoskvaretsk school , only two young men remained alive. in august 1942, the future writer was drafted into the army, and in december he fell under stalingrad, where commands a mortar crew. we didn’t think about death, youth saved us, he would write later. this is where his war began. here at kotelnikov the first battle took place, the heroic reflection of the onslaught of the german tank harmats, who were trying to save paulus’ army that was surrounded, formed the basis of the classic novel “hot snow”. his grandson, andrei bondurev, told us how yuri vasilyevich described that war among those closest to him. his rich truth is high authenticity, it is rude masculine work is cold, it is the constant proximity of death, against this background it is a manifestation.
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compared perestroika to an airplane for which an airfield was not built, many people did not like it, persecutions of various sizes began, he, as a front-line writer, could not accept that wave of denigration of the history of our country, slander, and belittlement of the feat of the red
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army. in his later novels , he foresaw a crisis among the intelligentsia, he foresaw the dire consequences of perestroika, the destruction of the soviet union became... a great personal tragedy for him. in 1994 he was awarded the order of friendship of peoples, but the writer refused to take the award. in a telegram sent to president yeltsin, he wrote: “this will no longer help the good harmony and friendship of the peoples of our great country.” for many years , yuri bondarev was one of the unspoken moral centers of resistance to the destructive process of the nineties. he loved his homeland, his soul was rooting for it, and he understood that the recovery process would take a lot of time. yuri vasilievich. became march 29, 2020 in the ninety-seventh year of life, and today, when our country is again faced with the task protecting the sovereignty of national values, the legacy of the feats of previous generations acquires even greater historical significance. heroes of hot snow and battalions asking for fire are needed by young people, perhaps
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more than ever, to defend our country today. tatyana ryzhova, nikolay lomakin, artyom ryzhikov, lead. public control, how many cameras are they filming here? no, cameras are needed so that voting can be observed. there are observers at the site, and all important places are under constant video surveillance. tables of members of the election commission, places of issuance, storage, moving everything into redemption packages. voting boxes and places for counting ballots, and completed ballots are all sealed in bags and stored in separate safes or metal cabinets. i wonder who watches these videos? the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary,
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the recording can be rewinded and watched again. everything is transparent and under control. bad blood vessels: angionorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of formation blood clots strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angionm, keep your blood vessels normal, we are going on vacation, and we are going for the third year, so open a savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster! hello everyone, dear subscribers! sometimes, when mom orders cosmetics, it goes from being loved and turns into strict, into not getting enough sleep, gloomy, then i have a cosmetic bag done, look, you can try on cosmetics first, we wanted to be loved, we remain
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dated printed book in russia. we have such reference points in the history of mankind, in the history of the development of mankind, which really changed the world, fire, the wheel, the potter's wheel, the printing press. masterpieces, amazingly beautiful fonts, exquisite script and... complete absence of blots, marvel, marvel, yes, miracle, miracle, in that that there was not a single mistake, it was important that every letter was printed. why did ivan the terrible need this big state project? the 16th century is still the time of the annexation of the kazan kingdom. and without what could this enlightenment not begin? without enough books. when did the era of the printed word begin? is it already over? a manuscript is better than the spoken word, print is better than a manuscript, a tablet is better than a printed book. perhaps this logic, the technologies of progress are fair, although new ones, especially in the past, very often perceived too
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warily. and what is paper versus digital today, how relevant is this confrontation still, and is the imminent death of traditional paper, pleasant tactile publications, exaggerated? from this book they lecture on the history of book printing in russia in the book museum, in the main library of the country access to it is free, not only is it stored under glass, but in principle any citizen of russia can order it, touch the reading room like this, absolutely so, we have several opportunities, we have digitized it, and absolutely everyone can look at this book, leaf through it, study...
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the creator of gostunsky, deacon ivan fedorov, and pyotr timofeev mstislavets. these are the printers who created this first apostle. the pioneer printers prepared several hundred copies of the apostle for a whole year, here on nikolskaya, for many centuries, it is the main book street or the street of education. the first printed book here in the center of moscow appears almost a century after the gutenberg bible, but no one considers this a lag, well, if that’s the case
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so it goes, then europe also lagged behind china, where this technique was known many centuries before, everything has its time. but as we know, after this time, russia at the beginning of the 16th century experienced a time of troubles, a great destruction, the printing press was destroyed, it had to be restored after the time of troubles. the printing house did not burn down and the yard moved to the kremlin; after 1620 the workshops
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returned to the same place, and proper printing chambers were built here. the floor on which we walk and the building itself, it was partially built on old foundations, so if we let's look from the akushka, we can see the kitaygorod wall, it is practically adjacent to the wall, research carried out by archaeologists says that there are parts of the foundations of the 15th century, even before fedorov's times, that is, this place is old, so to speak, one might say prayed for, well why does ivan the terrible need it at all? it took a very expensive complex project, firstly, it ’s beautiful, the printers didn’t just decide to print, they make a beautiful book, yes, the book, if you start leafing through it, it’s really good, and it’s beautiful every spread, straight edges, finishing the text with a corner, engravings, ornaments, ligature,
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circulation was also important, there was a fight against heresies and flaws that arose when copying by hand. ivan the terrible is getting married. to the kingdom , however, in 1547 there is a crowning of the kingdom , that is, this is the new status of the russian state, we have a church council, which received the name stoglav in 1551, and naturally, all the issues that were related to church life, and not only icon paintings, the actual problems associated with liturgical books, with the correctness of the texts that are present there, with the reconciliation of these texts, they stood up, that is, we need a huge amount. century there are in almost every major city in europe. the russian tsar does not want to be left behind. at one time, kakadem tikhomirov said that one of the reasons was that the tsar wanted to show himself as an enlightened person, to show himself as
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a great monarch who had printing, one of the latest inventions. still, 100 years in those days. this is not a long time. in historical the museum houses an old copy of fedorov's machine. six times smaller than the original. the first russian typographer used all gutenberg's innovations, including a press that came from winemaking, but added his printing in two approaches, when the red cinnavario elements were first applied to the same sheet, then the rest of the text was printed with black ink. fedorov's achievement is liters, it took a whole year to achieve. these works, because fedorov carefully produced the liters themselves, the quality of printing delights modern researchers and is still visible every letter, but printing did not immediately replace handwritten books; they were common for a couple of centuries; in the digital era, the processes are more technologically advanced, but the forms have all been invented a long time ago. even our leaflets, which, it would seem, are not
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very similar to a book where you need to turn them over, are very reminiscent of ancient egyptian scrolls in general, you had to unfold it like this, and then wrap it like this , wrap it, wrap it, i think that the printed the book will serve as a source of inspiration for a long time, including digital works. one of the most advanced printing houses in russia are loaded with orders from publishing houses, printing does not stop for a minute, albums, textbooks, business literature. high-quality hard binding, which the consumer will be very pleased to hold in their hands tactilely. the publishing house is conquering.
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titles is increasing. and these books , even if circulation is falling, are printed in one of the oldest printing houses in russia, it was founded by the publisher ivan sytin a century and a half ago. this is china, this is india, this is iran, so yes, i had to work, yes, i had to to get used to it, yes, i had to test dozens of materials, but i hope that you, as
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a reader on the bookshelf, did not feel a change in the quality of the book, to say that someone came up with everything wonderful for me, no, to say that someone stopped and because of this it doesn’t work, no , well, you have to live with this, what obviously won’t give up paper positions soon are art albums, cookery and children’s books, of course my children have already grown up, grandchildren have not yet appeared, but it seems to me that even if i suddenly read an e-book, i definitely won’t give it to a child, but i’ll take this kind of book, which is well designed, pleasant to hold, pleasant to touch, somehow in this segment i have great confidence, in the portfolio of this small publishing house there is text: for adult readers , this impressive volume, for example, became the book of the year in 2018 and won in the art of printing category. here is the book the death of arthur, by thomas
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melery, it was one of the first, not the first, but one of the first, books printed in england, in 1465, that is, this is literally, the first printing presses just appeared, based on this book there is... all of arthurian literature, but their main specialization is children's literature, here are two timeless books of jokes for the little ones with illustrations, they were drawn by yuri alekseevich vesnetsov, in 1971, for the first time they came out, he was awarded the ussr state prize for two books, and they are still very popular, modern children's authors and artists. yes, there is competition with e-books as well. we have a wonderful book of russian proverbs, proverbs, too, i’ll just show you, with beautiful illustrations, if you look at last year, the decline in the paper market in
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general in terms of circulation is 20%, and the growth of the digital market is the same 20%. the volume is still far behind the numbers, it seems to me that this is just development and this tree, it will continue to develop, that is, it will have a branch like this, a branch like this, that is, a digital branch, a branch. paper, everything will exist together, what ivan fedorov looked like is unknown, they only knew that he grabbed his hair with a braid, a monument from 1909 theater passage, rather a conventional image , the first printer, according to one legend, fled from moscow after the monastic scribes burned the printing house; according to another version, he calmly left for the grand duchy of lithuania, letters have been preserved. fedorov’s correspondence with ivan the terrible, where he asks ivan the terrible for permission to take all the printing materials, yes, all the machines, all the equipment and transfer them there to getman
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khatkevich, and ivan the terrible gives the go-ahead for this, we call ivan fedorov our wonderful an intelligence officer who actually informed ivan the terrible about what was happening in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, in fact, helped hetman khatkevich preserve orthodoxy and establish orthodoxy in the territories that fell under dependence. in lvov in 1574 he produces another apostle and at the same time publishes the alphabet. both are celebrating 4 and a half centuries this year. using the first primer , several generations of children learned to read and write. before us on the very first sheet are wonderful ornaments designed by ivan fedorov, the alphabet itself from the first to the last letter. it is clear that mother washed the frame; we will not find this in the alphabet.
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all of their books, handmade art, are printed on antique equipment ; the rare book publishing house in st. petersburg revived these technologies in the early nineties; a 19th-century german press was saved from being melted down. the text is printed on such machines, it has a completely different sound, a different energy. the text was hand-typed and printed on a 19th-century machine; if you look closely at it, it has this effect. in 3d, it has an effect pressure, not a single modern printer , not a single printing press, can print text - so charming, so beautiful and so amazingly alive, their bibliophile publications are like exhibits, and the workshop itself is like a museum, circulations, or rather author's repetitions, tiny from one up to 30 copies, for example, libretta of balletto, clicker with
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sketches by shimyakin. here is the hand of pyotr ilvich, and this is the hand of mikhail shemyakin. this book can be seen at an exhibition in the hermitage, which opens on may 21. the book by vasily terkin, it lies in a case that is covered tarpaulin a raincoat with a fighting tent from the year 1942, we made the book itself in the form of an officer’s tablet, which opens, and there are real pencils, a sharpening knife, a compass, a
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wartime eraser. for the filiant, the word about igor's campaign, the colligrapher came up with a custom font based on the old russian charter. the book is entirely handwritten. the old russian font ustav, here i stylized it, is from the 19th century, but it is more modern and simplified. i use a wide pen, metal, it gives a very crisp edge.
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which i am typing now, it takes about 2.5-3 days to complete the cycle of one page, type the text, print. the inventions of gutenberg and later fedorov's machine made it possible to spread knowledge and teach more and more people to read and write, numbers also made texts more accessible, electronic publications are cheaper, they are convenient to store, but it is already clear that even though paper is being pushed out of circulation, the value of familiar books has only increased. a book is still the best gift, but not one that you can download, but one that you can leaf through in your hands. everyone it is clear that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably
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original in your questions. and what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is our product? back to the news review, let's start with the presidential elections, in some regions the first day of voting has already been completed, polling stations there have closed, election commissions there are recording a high turnout, for example, in kamchatka it was about 36%, but in chukotka more than 60% of voters have already given their vote. on sakhalin and the kuril islands more than 47%, in the khabarovsk territory.


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