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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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ours is more brutal, yes, ours is more brutal , there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like. back to the news review, let's start with the presidential elections, in some regions the first day of voting has already been completed, polling stations there have closed, election commissions there are recording a high turnout, for example, in kamchatka, it was about 36%. in chukotka
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more than 60% of voters have already cast their votes, in sakhalin and the kuril islands more than 47%, in khabarovsk region more than 30%. voting in russia, let me remind you, lasts 3 days; for the first time in the history of presidential elections, russians can cast their vote remotely. the electronic procedure is available in 28 regions, as well as in moscow. by this moment, according to the central election commission , more than 10% of voters had already voted. the central election commission is monitoring the progress. voting collects all data about elections, including violations. we’ll find out more details from my colleague dmitry gorn, he again came into direct contact with the studio from the cec information center. dmitry, hello again, tell us how they react to violations and how voting is going in general? yes, yuri, good afternoon, but unfortunately, the central election commission is not talking about this without violations ; it reacts to them, of course, instantly in order to resolve all the processes that can be resolved. places
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that are impossible, of course, will be dealt with by law enforcement agencies, such as, for example, the following event of a completely provocative nature occurred at several polling stations, they generally coincide, yes, that is, after a person has voted, a certain provocateur throws his ballot into the kaip and then pours green stuff into it, there is even a video recording from one of the polling stations in moscow, and so the moscow prosecutor’s office also noted: that such behavior may result in criminal liability , unfortunately, this voting has now become a little darkened, we have an emergency in three polling stations, in kursk, voronezh and korachay cherkessia, where people, women, men, took and poured ink into the voting box that they wanted this prove, i don’t know, but... this is definitely a criminal
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offense for which there will be punishment, it is alleged that someone called them, promised money, whether they will receive this money or not, but the fact is that there will be an investigation, according to which they are very likely can get a criminal record, then this is of course an event that can be considered accomplished, the court will of course make its decision, and of course there is no need to argue here, we can talk about morality, well, i’ll add that even if the customers... the customers pay off with the performers, then of course these funds most likely they will only contact their lawyer. to record just such offenses and consider other controversial situations , international observers also work at the polling stations, and in general observers also work throughout the entire territory of our country, there are more than 333,000 of them, at least that’s how many applications were submitted to work in these days, here among this large...
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observers who came to our country in order to trace how the core of those people, international this entire election process, is happening, despite pressure that came from the west, even direct threats. despite the colossal pressure, not long ago, just this morning i read these convulsive hysterical incantations with threats, and god forbid they are waving their finger, they are threatening our colleagues abroad with the western finger, god forbid you go there somewhere in the new these are our subjects of the russian federation.
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in sevastopol, suddenly you will see the truth, suddenly they will see the truth, suddenly it will break through that blockade, information lies. which have been betraying us all these years, i want to say , to express great respect, to give back to the courage of those people who, despite all these threats, came and are ready to go to any subject of the russian federation, well, here are the representatives of the bureau for democratic institutions and rights in quotes person. the osce was not invited to observe the elections due to the opaque and undemocratic activities of this very body, which was recorded more than once. when there is a human rights bureau, the
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osce, it demands that we be democratic, transparency. we've been saying all the time lately: start with yourself.
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today, since the very morning, it has been under enemy fire, but nevertheless, people continue to go to the polling stations in order to make their choice, and members of election commissions also heroically and steadfastly continue to work there. yuri, yes, dmitry, thank you, well, together with you we are monitoring what is happening, let me remind you that my colleague dmitry gord was in direct contact with the studio. now about how the russian presidential elections are taking place in crimea, voters there can vote on areas, more of them have opened. thousands at home and also remotely. our correspondent olga kurlaeva is now in direct contact with the studio. olga, hello, tell me, what is the situation at the polling stations, is there any preliminary data on the appearance? yes, hello, we are in the southernmost region of russia, our russian crimea, but
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we are also monitoring the situation in the city of sevastopol, the situation is such that despite the fact that voters are invited to vote remotely, people still go to the polling stations, maybe ? comes, the commission also follows all the rules that are universal in every country, this means that every citizen has the right to freely express his will and secretly express his will, without any pressure,
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not only adults and those who already has passports. but the clergy also comes, so vladyka tikhan, metropolitan of crimea of ​​simferopol, also generally voted and spoke about the importance of such a process as presidential elections, both for crimea and for the country. today again that day and hour when the fate of russia is determined, when the question of life and death is determined, and then everyone... let him decide, yes, vladyka tikhan said right away, exactly the phrase, that today again, because it is on these days that the anniversary passes, the anniversary passes crimean spring, today is the first event, but i must say that
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the crimean tatar people are also voting, this is what the mufti says about this, we are in a good mood today, compared to the fourteenth year. 10 years have passed, today we live at the highest level, everything, well i think everything is enough, of course, there will be, we will hold elections and today we are celebrating the tenth anniversary, i think everything will be fine, celebrate the beginning of the referendum, the beginning of the anniversary, the first anniversary of the crimean spring, the beginning of the crimean referendum, that is, the tenth anniversary of the referendum, started at 8: 00 in the morning, there was a laying of flowers at the monument to the militia of all times, then we approached the polite soldier near whom we are located, a polite man. this is a sacred place that every crimean knows about, in general,
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now the celebrations continue, they are not like that large-scale, but still the holiday is felt, the fulfillment of civic duty by all the people, well, for the crimeans, the situation is clear, we are very mobilized, the fourteenth year made us a monolithic patriotic such an integral community, so we are ready. an unpleasant sabotage danger in crimea is now in sevastopol,
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there are a lot of guests on the peninsula, including the famous director nikita mikhalkov, he attended a ceremonial meeting, a ceremonial meeting of the parliament of the crimean republic and noted the importance, the importance of the return crimea home, and also talked about how important svo is for us. with all the blood shed, and this event
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is truly providential in nature, guests of the crimean capital, and not only the crimean capital, the entire peninsula, as well as the city of sevastopol, can vote remotely, as well as in the old fashioned way using absentee ballots, our film crew will do so. studio.
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today the minister of science of higher education of russia valery folkov voted at the polling station, he voted in person in the classic way, using a paper ballot, also his the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev has already left his voice. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin cast his vote at polling station number 75 of the moscow district. foreign minister sergei lavrov also voted. your civilian one. the position is demonstrated in the army. defense minister sergei shaigu, chief of the russian general staff, valery gerasimov also arrived at the voting station. also, among those who voted by this hour, deputy prime minister of the russian federation alexey overchuk, minister culture olga lyubimova, leader of the new people party alexey nechaev, minister of justice of the russian federation, konstantin chuichenko, minister of sports alexey matytsin, not everyone chose the in-person voting format. for example, the head of the federal medical and biological agency, veronika skvartsova, voted. remotely, as did the minister of the russian federation for the development of the far east and the arctic, alexey chakunkov. he also
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voted remotely, electronically, which also confirmed his strong civic position. meanwhile people continue to come to the eighteenth polling station, we talked with the voters, they are all patriotic, confident, it is necessary to vote for the sake of our future, every person decides, must decide the fate of his country, we choose the future, we decide, we can influence... our future depends on the person , you can vote in person and remotely; in case of in-person voting, you must go to the district polling station, then with your passport go to the members of the election commission to verify the document, but after confirmation you must choose to vote on a paper ballot or on an electronic voting terminal, which, according to members of the election commission , is more popular than a paper ballot.
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the method is convenient and as safe as possible. people react positively to this in general. there is also a remote electronic option without visiting a polling station; for this you need a computer, tablet or smartphone, voting is carried out. ru, however, for this voting format it was necessary to submit an electronic application in advance, as they did about 5 million russians. they submitted an application for online voting through government services. but let’s return to the polling stations: public observers are required to be present at each of them, monitoring
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compliance with the law during voting and the conduct of elections in general. we are watching the voting process. we make sure that everything is legal, that there are no abandonments or violations. as for consultations, no, we do not have the right to advise or provide any assistance to voters, we are simply monitoring the process. to vote on during the presidential elections in russia, more than 94,000 polling stations were created, about 113.5 million ballots were produced. let me remind you that the presidential elections of the russian federation are held from march 15 to 17, participation is.
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30 tank trucks and a fire train with over 100 personnel were involved in the firefighting efforts . their work is complicated by strong winds, gusts reaching 25 m/s. according to preliminary information from the ministry of emergency situations, there were no fatalities; the fire was reportedly caused by dry grass. news from the fsb public relations center agent detained ukrainian
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terrorist organization banned in russia, he is suspected of preparing terrorist attacks in bryansk. according to the department, those detained by... her curator seized explosives from a cache in the kaluga region and laid the construction of offices of energy companies and social institutions. the goal is to destabilize the situation before the presidential elections. criminal cases have been initiated. the maximum penalty for these articles is up to 20 years in prison. he arrived in the bryansk region to plant explosives. kirov was sent from bryansk. had to pick it up two packages. no, one package, but there are two in it. yes. buckets with soil in them. as i understand it, what was collected was explosives, a taxi arrived, took me to bryansk, in bryansk the place was already numb, two bombs were planted, then, when the detonation did not occur, they forced me to... they forced me to go through and take pictures to show those places where the explosions were supposed to occur, i did this, after which i was sent for the next package,
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also with two explosives, but this time they were sent not to bryansk, to dyadkovo. the russian military disrupted another attempt by a ukrainian armed forces unit to break through into the territory of the belgorod region in the area of ​​the border settlement of kazinka. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the ukrainian armed forces are also trying to shell the territory of the region. in belgorod , missile danger was announced several times a day. a report from the region by our correspondent igor pikhanov. this morning, ukrainian militants shelled the city of belgorod against civilians using a vampire rocket launcher system. experts provide such data. was several shots were fired, most of them fell on the outskirts of the city. some shells exploded right next to an apartment building. as a result. where a gazelle , which is equipped with gas equipment , caught fire, a bang occurred, as a result, windows in neighboring residential buildings were broken, as a result of this
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terrorist, one might say, act , two people were injured, local residents were the first to arrive at the scene with the help of fire extinguishers, car fire extinguishers began to extinguish this is an ignition, firefighters soon arrived, as a result, it was possible to stop the spread of fire throughout... the entire parking lot, there were a large number of cars there at that time, according to the local mayor's office , as a result of this attack, 33 apartments were damaged, the insulation in social institutions was also damaged, a total of seven were destroyed as the city approached shells from the vampire multiple rocket launcher system, heard that there were explosions, saw where the black smoke came from with a fire extinguisher to help, specially bought more. this is gas equipment, and perhaps a car this is a gazelle, so it’s better to move further away, plus, apparently, there was some goods with the goods, perhaps some cassettes remained,
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a unit of the ministry of defense together with the border service of the fsb of russia destroyed ukrainian militants who tried to break into the border settlement of kazinko, this is the gorovaransky district, ukrainian fighters landed in two helicopters near the border, already tried to enter the settlement, they even managed to get to the outskirts of this settlement, occupy several residential buildings, but quickly the units the ministry of defense opened fire on the militants, as a result, they began to retreat with heavy losses and reinforcements were also destroyed, which were already coming from the ukrainian border towards the village of kazinka. in just the last few days, units of the ministry of defense have prevented other attacks. ukrainian militants entered our territory, and casualties amounted to 1,500 people; a large amount of military equipment was also destroyed, including tanks
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and armored personnel carriers. igor pikhanov, mikhail vidkin, ivan kuznetsov, conduct the belgorod region. oil prices are at a 4-month high. there are plenty of reasons for this, including the problem of navigation in the red sea and the expectation of a shortage of raw materials. about why even supporters of the green agenda from the international agency now believe that oil. there’s not enough for everyone, marya kudryavtseva will tell you. from a surplus to a slight deficit, the international energy agency has changed its forecast for the global oil market for this year. the main argument is opec production cuts plus. if in the last report , agency analysts confidently spoke about a surplus on the market of almost a million barrels per day at the end of the year, then according to new estimates, we are talking about a deficit of 300,000 barrels. but even despite this change. analytics forecasts remind us that one of the priorities for the iea is the green agenda. agency analysts expect oil demand to peak by 2030; opec says this will not happen until 2045
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. most likely, due to the fact that many people are even now talking about a deficit, there will indeed be a deficit this year in all likelihood, it will be even slightly larger than the forecasts currently issued by the international energy agency. in my opinion, we may well see. well, something closer , probably to half a million barrels per day, uh, but not now, but somewhere in the second half of the year. opec plus will continue to reduce production. a number of countries of the association have already confirmed a voluntary reduction of 1.7 million barrels per day in the first quarter and extended these agreements into the second. russia reduced oil exports by 500,000 in the first quarter barrels per day by may-june 2023. four reductions are planned for the second quarter.
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in achieving target indicators, but we do not encounter significant deviations, not everything fits within the given framework, but in general the actions seem coordinated. at the same time, in order to maintain a stable situation on the fuel market in russia during the spring field work, there is a temporary ban on the export of gasoline and diesel. as for russian oil, analysts are paying attention. reduction of the discount, we have come to the point where the russian export oil of the eurols brand is practically traded at parity with its marker grade brend. this suggests that there is a stable and fairly stable demand for sulfur grades of oil in the world, and russian yuralc is one of the key grades that are consumed in this segment, so we can assume that demand will continue to grow, accordingly our
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oil will... entering africa, well, as a matter of fact, a significant part of the oil flow has now transferred to the african supply route, houthi attacks as such have an immediate impact. meanwhile, the international energy agency believes that the increase in oil consumption will be offset by an increase
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in supplies. from countries such as the usa, brazil and canada, but confirm that there are still many uncertainties in the oil market, and the most important thing is china from the growth in global oil demand of more than 2 million barrels per day, of which the agency expects 60% to come from this country.
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now economic news, briefly: the ministry of finance
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has developed a project.


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