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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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now economic news, briefly: the ministry of finance has developed a project to extend the family benefit. mortgage until the end of 2030, under which
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large families receive 450 thousand rubles. they can be used to repay a home loan, a loan to build a house or purchase a plot. the family mortgage was supposed to end on july 1 of this year along with the preferential one, but president vladimir putin proposed extending it until 2030. the budget plans to allocate one and a half trillion rubles to finance the program. the deposit insurance agency paid depositors. bank more than 3 billion rubles. this is 3/4 of the total amount of insurance liability, the dia said in a statement. 7,000 investors, individuals and legal entities, received the money. let me remind you that in february the central bank revoked kiwibank’s license as the reason cited for numerous violations of laws. rusal's net profit at the end of the year decreased by almost 6 and a half times. the company earned $282 million, its report said. revenue decreased less significantly.
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-13%, totaling 12 billion. although the company increased sales and production of aluminum, this growth was offset by lower prices for raw materials. over the year , the metal fell in price by almost 17%. and the number of foreign brands in moscow shopping centers has decreased by one and a half times. over 2 years, the share of foreign retailers fell from 44 to 28%. gazettes write about this. the departure of major players h&m, uniclo, inditex, ikea and others had an impact. now the russian market is mainly represented by brands from turkey, belarus, south korea, italy and kazakhstan, while most of the vacated space has been occupied by russian retailers. it was news economics, in short. alfabank for business. register your business with alfabank in march and receive. rub. we pay every hundredth.
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alfabank is the best bank for business. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. sausages will help. she will appear now. well, what's there? a card that earns itself. gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. what are men silent about?
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everyone danced and sang in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zoevo and another 1,200 renovated and new cultural centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia, according to the decision of the president and concerned people. where else can dance become a world heritage? sports - an invincible machine! let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream. tradition in
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innovation, only here, in a country on which the sun never sets. 40 million customers at its largest. big country in the world, one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops, now the prices for flowers are so high, it’s more profitable to buy a smartphone, for example, honor x8 b with a benefit of 7,000 rubles. only in a megaphone. open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.5% for 3 or 6 months. download the financial services application. financial services from the moscow exchange, deposits from different banks in one application. new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes. the main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct, hurray, we’ve finally arrived, how you’ve grown, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and keep this for you, where
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did it all come from, you’re retired, and a pension registered in vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is as much as 18% per annum, how skinny you have become, and it’s good. dad, i wish to be like my grandfather, rich in retirement. vtb, together everything will work out. pay as conveniently as possible with alpha pay with any smartphone, get super cashback every month. not just profitable, alpha profitable. you rarely drive your car, now you can save on osaga. on sale from march 2. short-term policies, validity period from one day to a quarter. in this issue of instructions, we will tell you in 5 minutes who benefits from using such insurance. first, let us recall what system was in effect until this spring. in fact, it is still relevant today, only it has become more flexible. so, the contract was concluded for a year,
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within this period the period of use was indicated from 3 months to a year. there were two exceptions to this general rule. firstly, when buying a car you could buy it. policy to get to the place of registration. he was discharged for a maximum of 20 days. secondly, if the car was registered in another country, it was possible to obtain a temporary policy for the period of stay in russia. a drivers who simply rarely used their cars had to pay immediately, for at least 3 months, although in fact they were on the roads much less. short-term policies, that is, policies that are concluded for a period of one. knows that he will sell the car to car owners who are already planning for the next 3 months, that is, he will not see that the full life of the
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vehicle will be in demand, and these are also not inexpensive needs when the car is used in filming, for example, it either goes to the exhibition site, that is, it is also known... it will not be used all year, but a specific one is required - coverage for several days. the new policy format is intended primarily for taxi drivers; they do not have to buy expensive annual insurance; they can pay only for the time they are going to spend on transportation. for example, let's take the result of 2022. only 170,000 cars were insured as taxis. at the same time, in the country, according to estimates from a government analytical center. their 400,000. many taxi drivers insure such cars as cars for personal use, and then, if they get into an accident, and this happens seven times more often than ordinary drivers, they receive a regressive claim from the insurance company because they incorrectly filled out the insurance, that is, the company demands a refund
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the money she paid to the victims, taking into account all the risks, it will be more profitable for taxi drivers to buy a short-term policy. this is better than paying hundreds of thousands of rubles to an insurance company for repairing other people's cars. also, a short-term policy will be useful if if you are going to sell your car soon, buying insurance for 3 months or more is a waste of money. however, you must understand that short-term insurance per day or per month will be more expensive than long-term insurance. the central bank has established that a short-term policy cannot be more expensive than an annual policy. but the specific value of the coefficients is determined by insurance companies. they will take into account all the same factors as now. first. the problem is that the policy is for a month, it will not cost as much as 12 monthly policies recalculated for a year, that is in any case, it will be much, much more expensive, therefore, that is, if we are talking to you, for example, about coefficients, then the coefficient is such that a one-month policy
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will cost exactly the same as a three-month one, that is , in any case it will be a huge overpayment. the second problem is that the central bank allowed insurance companies several years ago. vary the base rate, that is, each insurance company, thanks to its own internal understanding, thanks to its calculations, according to loss ratios, it itself accepts solution. what base coefficient to take , which directly affects the cost of the policy , therefore, taking into account the fact that it is for insurance companies that a short-term policy is not as profitable as possible, due to its simple statistical unprofitability, they will of course make the maximum base rates. one more point: short-term insurance will start working three days after the conclusion of the contract, that is, if you get into an accident, you won’t be able to immediately buy a valid policy for the same day from your phone. such a nuance that the contract will begin act only after 3 days, not immediately, not
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on this day, at the moment, only after 3 days, this was done again, the law was done in order to protect, say, insurance companies from fraudsters, that is, if there, for example, i want it every day, i want to mow the car there specifically so that the company pays me some money, for this it is done like in electronic osaka, that is, it doesn’t immediately begin to act after 3 days, the compensation is basically the same, for losses, it and so it will be, no different from an annual siege. let us repeat the main thing: since march, it has become possible to conclude short-term osaga contracts for a period from one day to 3 months. they will be useful for taxi drivers, those who rarely use a car, or if you are going to sell a car on the same day, it will not be possible to obtain valid short-term insurance. if you have any questions, if you want to learn more about how to competently use the services of insurance companies, write to us on telegram, send your suggestions, and we... we’ll tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions.
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why were the ukrainians so sure that avdievka could not be taken? the enemy was firmly entrenched, it was hard. after all, it was very problematic to go, how many of them were there before the platoon , probably everything that was possible flew, artillery and tanks, fired tanks, with skillful actions, as they say, they broke in, captured this whole gang, for them it was a surprise , the appearance of russian units in the rear, to the rear, that’s it, let’s get to the cars, all the houses were prepared for turnover. everything on almost every floor, it took a long time, from the beginning of the assault
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before the end of 7 days, well, that is, in the purest sense, very quickly. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear. in march 2021, britain was shocked by the circumstances of the disappearance and death of a thirty-year-old young woman. responsible
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for the protection of government institutions and diplomatic missions. british police have been caught committing various crimes before, but in this case something else was shocking: in order to convince their victim, not to resist and get into his car, kazans used the official identification of a london police officer. all the details of it. it took a painstaking study of the recordings of hundreds of cctv cameras in the area where , in order to find the kazan resident, the young woman last talked on her mobile phone while returning home from her friend. the outcome of the investigation was decided by a brief film from a bus that passed by the girl who detained her... this completely changed the direction of the investigation, it became
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clear that she got into this car, we could not read the license plate, but we had a list of everyone who had driven through here, we determined that it was a rental car, rented by wayne cousins. during the first interrogation at his home, kazans confessed to the kidnapping, although he tried to confuse the investigation and said that he acted on instructions. and tell them, they threatened my family, said that they would use them, i had no choice, i had to find someone. the dismembered body of the woman he killed was discovered in the forest, not far from kazans' house, where he lived with wife and two children. at the police station , the criminal tried to commit suicide; he feigned madness,
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refusing to answer the researchers' questions. this is a photograph of a woman, who is she, wayne, no comment, have you ever met her before, no comment, the reaction to the fact that a policeman killed a woman was instantaneous, a spontaneous memorial appeared in the center of the park, next to which she was abducted. so, referring to the lockdown, london police officers began to disperse those gathered in the park human rights activists the detectives investigating the crime were at that moment busy reconstructing all the details of the kidnapping and were amazed at how cool cousins ​​behaved immediately after
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the murder. even when destroying the body of the woman he killed, he did not forget to call the veterinary clinic. in order to make an appointment for his dog, the court sentenced kazanets to life imprisonment without the right of release. an independent investigation continued for another 2 years, the purpose of which was to establish how a potential criminal could obtain a weapon and policeman's shoulder straps. its results were published recently and are not encouraging for the leadership of the london police. it turned out that there were plenty of warning signs regarding kazanets; he could and should have been stopped.
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he exploited their vulnerabilities, such as their youth and inexperience, their experiences of violence, and instilled in them their own responsibility for what happened so that they would not report what happened. the matter
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was not limited to the scandalous story of kazans; as soon as he was sentenced, he was exposed by the london police more. criminal, syrian rapist david carrick served in the same department for the protection of government institutions and diplomatic missions, he was found guilty of forty-eight rapes. david carrick served in the unit responsible for protecting the british prime minister's residence in downing street. he boastfully declared this to his victims, first convincing them that they were completely safe with him, and then threatening them and making it clear that there was no point in complaining about him. would it is logical to assume that candidates for guarding one of the main residences of the country should undergo thorough and strict checks, everyone who has at least some complaints should be immediately eliminated, but it turned out that this is not so, complaints regarding carrick, and they were received , just like in the case of kazanets, the london police did not react, in these footage david kirrick
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shows the house where he raped women who were in his power, one of them was so... defecated on me, locked me naked in a closet or forced me to sleep naked on the floor. i was being strangled kicked and threatened, he sent text messages wishing i would die in a car accident or from cancer and wanting to urinate on my grave. i was too scared to go to the police because the accused had gotten it into my head that he was the police, he was the law, and i... belonged to him. it is possible that david carrick would have continued to commit crimes, but the high-profile trial of murderer wayne casans pushed one of his victims to not just come forward. to the police, but insist that her charges be thoroughly investigated, this ultimately led to a police officer knocking on the door of the rapist with an arrest warrant, there is no
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need for that, no, there is one, i have been a police officer for 20 years, do you want me to confess like this? no, we are simply explaining to you that you are under arrest, tell me what you need, during the trial , 13 women came forward with accusations against carrick, he committed over eighty crimes, the judge sentenced him to 36 life sentences. former policeman on parole, can only count in 30 years. you used women who entered into relationships with you in monstrous ways. you have sexually abused many women, some of whom you barely knew. you acted as if you were untouchable, believing that no victim could overcome the shame and fear to report you. less than six months later, scotland yard employee adam proven was convicted of rape, including of a minor girl. after a series of high-profile scandals, police leaders
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they promised to carry out a large-scale purge within their ranks. to reassure everyone, i want to say that we are already taking all necessary measures to ensure that there is no place for police violators. the changes affected not only the inspection system, but also our ethics and values. if you believe the results independently.
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the suspects were neither detained nor questioned. this applies not only to london, but also to other regions of the country. a 2022 police report said the digital investigations team was looking into analyzing a sex offender's phone. takes on average 10 months. then, as it should take a maximum of a month for the police. there are no specialist departments to carry out post-rape examinations, so a child who was raped in west cornwall had to be taken 100 miles away for
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a medical examination. if those who take advantage of the shortcomings of the system can avoid punishment, then what can we say about others who know this system well from the inside. there are cases in history when people joined the police in order to gain power over defenseless victims. i'm amazed by the fact that these days. every week there are three london police officers in court accused of serious crimes , three police officers a week, so if you think back to the first days after kazans' arrest, when everyone thought that this was an anomaly, that he was just a fly in the ointment, but he wasn't , this is absolutely not true, i came to the zone of a special military operation at the call of my heart, of course i was not suitable for my years, but... a military specialist considered it necessary to be here in difficult times for russia, just took it, went to the military registration and enlistment office, the time had come for russia that we had to get back into line
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with our former colleagues, men, our fathers, our grandfathers during the great patriotic war stood to the death for our homeland, many, even children, fled to the front so that get there, take up arms and fight this nazism, now nazism is rising again...
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uchansov on the fifth year of the blockade of crimea, it completely dried up, the water balance of the entire peninsula changed. it's always nice to look at water, especially when it's not just water, this is your resource for providing the city and is absolutely controlled. now it exists, the land corridor with the khrem, they are trying to cut it, but no one will succeed. the novorossiya highway, which goes through new territories, and tavrida should be met. today you can not be afraid, go and do it, we will definitely be the best wine region in the world. the people of crimea will never surrender to russia.
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in russia, the first of three days of elections for the post of president of the russian federation. what is already
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known about turnout, where people vote most actively and what kind. choose online or come to plots. the russian presidential elections are being watched all over the world; this is not difficult to do, given the transparency of all processes. what conclusions do foreigners draw, and when they draw parallels with the upcoming elections in the states. russian troops are strengthening in the avdeevsky direction, reports, special operations and fresh personnel, equipment. destruction of the enemy, including communication centers and heavy weapons, details of the course of military operations. well, macron is inciting war. the french political establishment strongly disagrees with the rhetoric president of the fifth republic. frivolity, irresponsibility and cynicism, the reaction to macron's scandalous interview. where is he leading his country?


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