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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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hello, the information evening on the russia 24 channel continues to be hosted by the legal program. aggressive local resident threatening passersby with an ax, the police had to call special forces, which was the reason for the crazy prank and is it true that a gambling debt is to blame? from the scene of the incident, our colleague in the region pyotr permikov, these shots were taken on a mobile camera by random eyewitnesses from the balcony of a high-rise building, having heard loud noises on the street screams, a man stripped to the waist with an ax in his hands runs after a passerby, at some point... frightened pedestrians and motorists, they were the ones who contacted the police, the security forces worked quickly, after a couple of hours the man detained at a rented apartment,
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he refused to open the doors voluntarily. it turned out that after the massacre the man slept carefree in bed, as if nothing had happened. what have you done? you admit your guilt, and the recently appointed minister of internal affairs for the republic of khakassia, police major general vladimir generalov, went to the scene and personally supervised the operation to detain the criminal. on march 15, the duty station of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the city of obakan received a message from eyewitnesses that on nikrasova street in the territory of the city of abakan an unidentified man caused bodily harm to a person lying on the ground and disappeared. police officers immediately arrived on the scene in response to the attacker. for 33 years , according to some media reports, he really knew his victim; a day before the incident , a conflict arose between friends, allegedly over a gambling debt. why he decided to take revenge on his opponent in this particular way is now being investigated by the security forces. everything happened at the intersection of nekrasova krylov street, this is the very center of the new part of abakan, there are a
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lot of apartment buildings, a busy traffic, many shops and shopping centers. many city residents still have not recovered from the shock and are afraid to go out. this is generally terrible, right, it’s close. it happened to us, so i say it’s such a shock, i can’t move away at all. the victim was hospitalized in a clinical hospital with an open head injury. now he is in intensive care, doctors are fighting for his life. a criminal case of attempted murder has been opened. according to investigators, in the morning of march 15, the suspect, while on nikrasov street in the city of abakan, attacked the man received several blows to the head with an axe. security forces worked at the scene until late in the evening, interviewed eyewitnesses and established all the details. the detainee, who now faces up to 15 years in prison, has already been interrogated. the court will decide on his arrest in the near future. pyotr permikov and olga zhurenkova, lead the abakan duty department. an alleged accomplice of the ukrainian special services , according to fsb operatives, was detained in the capital; the suspect launched homemade drones into the air
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to distract him from truly dangerous targets. in air defense systems. the special forces soldiers caught sight of the traitor early in the morning and tied him up right in his bed. immediately after his arrest, the attacker confessed to everything and told how he reported to foreign curators, after which he showed the cache in which he kept parts for assembling drones. by court decision, the saboteur has already been taken into custody, and a criminal case has been opened for treason. life sentence for the massacre of a family of four and the attempted murder of a little girl. the rostov regional court passed a sentence because the believer, who decided to settle scores with his acquaintances with the help of weapons, poured as if on a hunt. among the victims was a two-year-old child. the criminal fired several
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bullets at him, so as not to leave a single chance. where did such monstrous aggression come from and what did the madman say in his defense? report by alina skachkova. on the day of the verdict, denis mashonsky dressed in a mournful black tracksuit; rumors about this cruel killer who killed an entire family in small novoshakhtinsk still do not subside. in the summer of 2022 mashonsky in in a narcotic delirium, he burst into the house of his friend vladimir belyaev, the killer knew that he was not alone, children’s things were drying in the yard. you came here to kill him, vladimir. i had a package and a gun disguised as flowers, this is in this package. things, shirt, cap, mask, glasses. during interrogation, he confessed that the reason for the bloody visit was an ordinary quarrel. mashonsky crossed the threshold and opened aimed fire. first he killed vladimir, then his wife svetlana and even their two-year-old son vova. the next victim was the ex olga, who had recently rejected
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mashonsky. i pressed the gun and a shot was fired. where were you aiming? nowhere, i’m already like, well, i saw him when he lowered his eyes, then it was like he was so big . when i was about to leave, i saw the kubelyaevs’ frightened daughter, four-year-old sasha, in the room. the killer did not spare her either, shot her in the head, slashed her neck with a knife and left. the seriously wounded baby was miraculously saved by doctors. there was a child. promptly hospitalized in the hospital, where she received qualified medical care, due to why his death did not occur. mashonsky was hiding in a forest belt; an interception plan was announced in the city. the best investigators in the region rushed to find the killer of four people, and he was detained the next day. mashonsky immediately repented of everything, a lawyer by training, he actively cooperated with the investigation and helped solve his own crime. he asked only for one thing: not to put him in prison for life, but themis decided otherwise. and from the fires mashinsky will spend time in a strict regime colony. alina skachkova, duty officer. fiasco
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masterly thief, this weekend on our channel, a fascinating investigation by eduard petrov about the cultural recivisist from st. petersburg , yakov subbot. a hunter for rare violins and rare museum books has assembled a team of burglars, who are nicknamed the ninja turtles. how black monday came in jacob's criminal career. unique interview footage in the film the robbery . sounds of stradivarius this saturday. the masterly thief, repeat offender yakov saturday, spoke for the first time about his crimes. in order to commit this crime, i one crowbar was needed. his list includes the theft of a handwritten gospel of the 15th century and rare stradivarius and steiner violins. they climbed through the mesh and entered through this hole at night. the glass was lying there. saturday led a group that skillfully robbed banks
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in st. petersburg. they opened the vault and they fell from the ceiling on us. how did he prepare for his crimes? he was an ideologist, he was the brains of our team. at that time i was already a very gambling player. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. keeler, one of the bloodthirsty groups of the orenburg region, received a new sentence, but this will not change his fate in any way, the criminal was previously sentenced to life, is now serving his sentence in the black dolphin colony, how a former swimmer with a sports rank became a professional killer, what kind of high-profile cases are on his account and how investigators after many years manage to find evidence from orenburg anastasia klimkina. give him a punishment. imprisonment for a term of 12 years. new sentence, another 12 years in a maximum security colony
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for victor bertholz it’s just a formality. an active member of the orenburg keller gang has long come to terms with the fact that he will remain behind barbed wire for the rest of his life. trips to the dock are now a kind of vacation for him, a break from the colony. this time, bertholtz was sentenced for a ten-year-old murder. in 2013, he and his accomplices dealt with a businessman. the latter knew too much. due to the fact that the latter’s personal qualities were not suitable for inclusion in the criminal group, and also realizing that during their joint communication he received significant information about the existence of such a group and its criminal plans, the organizer decided to kill him. the body was buried in a forest belt, in the ivanovo village council. for a long time it was not possible to solve the crime, but a life sentence often loosens the tongue of criminals. here ibert holtz spoke. in another episode , the participants gave out the weapons that he
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had, gave out vehicles, bodies were found for burial remains uselovs, then the car that was used in the attack on the drafts was searched, and i gave explanations on all the moments of these criminal cases to veselov and ivanov. the massacre of the businessman was the first murder in the gang's account. it was after this crime that the group began carrying out contract killings. bertholtz's role in the commission of these crimes was the most active. he attracted other participants, new members of the organized crime group, distributed the plan, prepared plans, distributed responsibilities and personally took part in the commission of all murders of eight victims. this is the current fate of organized crime groups. victor bertholz will remain in special regime penal colony number six for the rest of his life. the famous black dolphin. his accomplice nikita ignatov died in pre-trial detention during the preliminary investigation.
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killer alexey khudaev is still wanted. another high-profile murder case is currently under investigation. this time the veselov family became the victim of the keller gang. victor bertholz is believed to be involved in the disappearance of the sixty-year-old head construction company of viktor veselov and his wife olga. details are being established. anastasia krimkina, denis tadnikov, lead: orenburg duty station. our colleagues in the regions complement the information picture of the day, legal news can be seen in local releases of the program to conduct the duty department throughout the country, what interesting things will we ask pyotr pashchenko in the chat, he joins us, pyotr. what will you show? hello, andrey, here are some of the topics that we will show on air: the situation with cyber fraudsters in the region without exaggeration stalemate. every week , transbaikal residents are steadily losing millions of rubles of savings. the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs decided to act proactively, conducting propaganda among students so that they pass on information to their grandparents.
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in transit with a catch worth 15 million rubles , a poaching carrier was caught in transbaikal. products, details of the operation, drove around and returned the couple, a fifty-three-year-old thief will go to trial, a veteran of the criminal world could not pass by someone else's car, old habits took over. about these and other news in the final release of the program will be reported by the duty department. andrey, yes, thank you, peter, you have a lot of content, good broadcast, well, let’s continue. in chernogorsk, in the republic of khakassia, part of the local hostel building collapsed; it was in disrepair, but they continued there. people live, about this story, our program already told a few months ago, residents repeatedly complained to the official that the building was about to collapse , it was dangerous to be in it, they even moved to live in a tent, although these are colder, but safer. despite the appalling condition of the houses, local authorities refused to recognize them as unsafe and exposed residents to mortal danger.
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the popular front joined in solving the problem. some residents were able to be resettled in rented housing, others were waiting for their turn, and now it has come. it was only by luck that no one was injured when the building collapsed, 40 people were evacuated from the hostel, they were temporarily housed in a hotel, meanwhile there were four other similar emergency buildings nearby. the muscovite wanted to scratch her nerves, but ended up in the hospital, the girl became a participant in staged entertainment, a so-called quest with elements of horror, which did not go according to plan, did the actors overact, why do seemingly harmless games continue to cripple thrill-seekers. during a journalistic
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experiment, we became convinced that quests can really be dangerous, our correspondent danil svkharuchkah, these fearless gentlemen, but even he shuddered, a special report from the program, walking around the city of may druzdov recently prefers only during the day and doesn’t watch horror films yet, recently a girl and her friends went on a scary quest, but everything didn’t go according to plan, an animator came up to me and started pressing on my stomach, right here all over my stomach, i asked, please, can you do it more carefully , because i’m in a lot of pain, and i just remembered that before the game started, the animator told me that you ’ll get the most. the girl felt severe pain in her stomach and went to the doctors. we decided to immerse ourselves in the atmosphere fear, together with popular front activists, under the guise of ordinary clients, went on the same quest as maya. before the start of the adventure, the organizers told us to leave our phone numbers and slipped a paper to sign, saying that if something happened we had no complaints. they really know how to scare people here. how does
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it feel? it seems to me that this is complete cruelty, i have no censorship rumors, it’s just terrible. i remember that people themselves said that something might fall on us if we pull something wrong, like, this is the entourage here, actually from an artistic point of view point of view, everything is even wonderful , you can swing on such a swing until a man runs out of you with a chainsaw, well , public activists had a lot of questions about ensuring safety, here is the hook and they told me like, don’t go to the topic, because well, you’ll go and you can run your eye into the hook, of course - they build it all artistically, right? they are erecting it and maybe it even looks nice for someone, but the sanitary condition, the fact that there is dust here, there is rust here, fire safety can be called into question frightening scenery, it looks like there hasn’t been an electrician here for a long time, the wiring is simply painted over, but we see that the wires are generally quite chaotically located here, the creators of the quest may
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have decided to save on materials, this is the courtyard of the house where we were supposed to be plot, one of the main platforms. gentlemen, you are the organizers of terrible quests, you are not ashamed to be afraid of journalists, as if we should all be afraid here, not you. an important detail, the paper that we signed before completing the quest, according to
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representatives of the popular front , has no legal force, this is what the scenery looks like for those who adhere to all safety standards and the recently introduced state regulations for such entertainment, unlit electric candles, sawed off corners, dangerous objects are firmly fixed, and of course, actors should not harm clients damage, for example, a ceiling that falls on people during a quest, creates an additional effect, well, a certain emotion, fear and surprise, our ceiling falls, here is one example, they are in any case soft, that is, not only are they attached to a chain, they are also made of foam rubber, not light, but unfortunately, the gost for quests is voluntary, and there are enough of those who violate safety rules, for example, in 2022 in moscow during the passage during the quest , a rain of molten plastic fell on the visitors, among whom were several children, this happened because of the animator who... unwittingly set the ceiling on fire; at the end of last year, at the end of last year, at another terrible performance in the capital , a teenager was injured. today in insurance companies do not have products for
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insurance, visiting dangerous quests, but you can generally insure against accidents for a year. decent organizers of scary games themselves practice insuring clients against injuries and accidents, so it’s better to choose the place for the scare more carefully so that passing the tests does not turn into a game of survival. danil sukaruchko, victoria.
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correctly, checking him for involvement in the commission of a crime. could investigators revisit the case? in the yaroslavl region galina fungureeva found out. a lifeless desert in the place of hectares of coniferous forest. in the ivanovo region, before the start of the spring thaw, merchants rush to remove timber; is it always legal? are there many such wastelands in the region and how do the police fight against black loggers? hey, quickly, run. yes. has it been possible to reduce the number of illegal logging? about seven dozen people who violate forest legislation have been brought to administrative responsibility. together with the police, we
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checked the loggers. from ivanovskaya region, report by andrey romanov. black market for gray phones. how do resellers use russian tourists to deliver smartphones from dubai, where do gadgets disappear from their luggage? the laptop didn't take anything valuable of mine at all. they only took new, packaged phones, about one and a half million. how the industry for selling modern phones works and the dangers of equipment imported into the country illegally, you will always be told that the phone broke down due to your fault, so there will be no warranty repairs. how remake outdated models and pass them off as new, and whether an ordinary buyer can distinguish the original from a fake. if you show phones to a person, probably from a certain angle, then he can... since gray phones end up on russian shelves, maxim shevchenko figured out.
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a real winter garden, a harvest in which there was exclusively criminal activity, was discovered by police in the vladimir region. the farmer turned his house into a drug plantation and grew almost a hundred cannabis bushes. of course, with such volumes of seedlings it will be extremely difficult for an amateur agronomist. in total , police seized more than 4 kg of marijuana and about 5 kg of parts of the hemp plant from illegal trafficking. also seized were equipment, electronic scales, a vacuum sealer and a mobile phone. but in astrakhan, another novice ditch grower hid his garden bed. in the real underground , a secret underground path led to a secret vegetable garden, much more modest. at the same time, to protect the harvest, the suspect armed himself and kept a sawn-off shotgun with cartridges under the mattress. now he is involved in two
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criminal. cases of speech about drug trafficking and illegal arms trafficking. fully admitted his guilt and repented, but now this is unlikely to help, in moscow the court sent to a pre-trial detention center an inadequate boyfriend who threw his girlfriend under a metro train, the incident occurred in front of dozens of passengers, under cctv cameras, the girl survived only thanks to the lightning-fast reaction of the driver, slammed on the brakes. alexandra mostova has details. a delicate citizen in a glass box, thirty-nine-year-old jealous anton matorin. he
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wanted to be a hero. lover, but eventually became the hero of crime reports, promised his beloved love until the grave, but he himself almost drove her there. in the hall of the cheryomushkinsky court in moscow, matorin appeared before themis in the role of an exemplary schoolboy, timidly lowering his eyes. he probably really wanted to arouse pity for himself. can you comment on your action? did you also attack your exes? don't you feel sorry for your girlfriend? judging by the footage, did you finish her off there? maybe you want? apologize to her, say something, talk about matorin doesn’t want to see how the quarrel ended in attempted murder. a terrible scene broke out at the voykovskaya station, in front of dozens of eyewitnesses. here is a girl and her companion heatedly arguing about something, then the cavalier loses his temper, knocks the lady off her feet and pushes her off the platform right under the wheels of the train. she was saved only by the lightning-fast reaction of the driver. a man , during a conflict with his friend, pushed her off the platform under an approaching electric train.
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the driver managed to apply emergency braking, the girl was not injured, realizing what he had done, the jealous man rushed to run away , no such luck, one of the eyewitnesses twisted the rope inappropriately, soon the police arrived at the scene and took the monster to the department, in these frames there was no trace of petorina left, holding his breath, almost in a whisper , he responded to questions, tried to convince everyone, they say, accidentally pushed the house’s heart under the wheels, that you are today specifically. investigation that he committed a crime due to the victim’s breakup of a romantic relationship. 39-year-old anton matorin for 10 years during interrogation, the suspect explained older than his former passion, he is unemployed and has problems with alcohol, his beloved twenty-nine-year-old anna broke off relations with him a year ago, precisely because of
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motorin’s weakness, and he hid...
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you today’s agenda, stay on the russia-24 tv channel.
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neo-nazi regime.


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