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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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sturgeon for the production of black caviar. just recently we launched this farm and expect good results from this farm in the near future. what are the most promising industries developed in the region? against the backdrop of sanctions pressure, the most promising industries now are radio electronics, the auto industry and light industry. all these industries are represented in our region by large enterprises such as avtovaz. we have enterprises in the republic. chechen cars that produce lada garanta cars, and i would like note the fact that in recent years the volumes have been increasing, in the near future they will be increased to a thousand cars per year, and they have also begun production and assembly of the gazzel next car, which is currently producing 100 cars, but in the near future it is expected to increase to a thousand cars, exactly so.
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the city of argun is the locomotive of industry in the chechen republic, mainly due to the fact that one of the largest enterprises in the region is located here, where cars and trucks are assembled. we have a contract assembly of fret grant and gazelle next. according to lada grant, our volume in the twenty-fourth year is 7,500 cars, for gazelles we have about 600 cars. the chechen automobile plant was created more as a social project to provide the residents of a small town with jobs.
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every day, two cars leave the universal line; by the way, it can be used to assemble trucks of various modifications, school buses and even ambulances. this is what step-by-step assembly of a car looks like, when the so -called semi-finished product goes from station to station it is not moved on a conveyor, but manually on units. one of the last stages of assembly is checking the brakes. the first car to roll off the production line of the enterprise was the vaz-21074, popularly called the late seven, also. two
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generations of the lada priora were assembled at the plant; since 2016 , the lada granta has been produced here, with minimal and improved configurations. after complete assembly, we will receive a car that will have air conditioning, abs, electric power steering, and heated two front seats. there are posts with checkmen on each line, specialists who control the quality of assembly at all stages. problems are resolved on site, for example, here. wheel geometry, camber and activation of airbags, here is the tightness chamber, where the car is thoroughly watered from all sides with water, which should not get into the interior, then the car is moved from the factory premises to the street, the auto track is the place where the car undergoes final tests, here testing the operation of various systems, including... watching
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how the car overcomes obstacles. in in february, the chechen republic received the status of an automobile cluster, which includes five regions, and the plant became its anchor enterprise. and in his recent message, vladimir vladimirovich putin emphasized in the industry that the creation of a cluster should come first. we can say that we are also implementing the directive of our president. and this is another industrial giant of the republic, a company producing construction materials. on 20 hectares of land there are four large enterprises, fully capacity, the aerated concrete block plant is currently operating, now this is a very popular and profitable production in the building materials market. the advantage of aerated concrete blocks is that it is a heat-resistant material, it retains heat well, it is very easy to cut, aerated concrete is used for the construction of private one-story houses and multi-story buildings, mainly for partitions, aerated concrete has another
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important feature. at first glance, these blocks seem to be unliftable. in fact , this is not so. even i can lift it with tar, seemingly a massive block. this is because inside it... consists of pores that are filled with air, while porous concrete is incredibly strong, this is precisely its property, now they are testing it in the laboratory, we take it, put it under a press, the press shows the breaking load, a kilogram of force, a centimeter squared , i showed a load of 40, even 25 is enough for us, the plant fully covers the republic’s needs for this reliable building material, all components for its production are made... chechen sand and cement are also used in fiber cement products, only a small portion of components are purchased from other regions. our company produces such sheets, fiber cement sheets, they are more reliable, durable and are used for cladding buildings, for the facade
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of large buildings, and some use them for the facade of their private houses. these and other large enterprises allowed the region to become the leader in the ranking of the international industrial exhibition in the bloc. economic development, it is not for nothing that 2022 in the chechen republic was declared the year of industry. oksana podturkina, yuri bilov and andrey litvin, senate program from the chechen republic. next week, senators will discuss the geopolitical and civilizational significance of crimea and its neighboring lands in the history of russia. they will consider measures of state support for the construction of sea and river vessels. the prospects for the development of oil and gas transportation infrastructure will be touched upon. see you in a week. see you on the senate program. hello, dear friends. friday evening, i'm alexander karievsky. this means it’s time to take stock of the past week and
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talk about global trends in politics and economy. strengthening sovereignty for our country is now an extremely important task. this applies to different aspects of life, politics, economics, and of course, technology. it is technology that creates the material basis for development. and this is exactly what we talked about today with the president of the national research center kurchatov institute, mikhail kovalchuk. mikhail valentinovich, hello, thank you for taking the time, it’s very nice that you came to our studio, and you are a very busy person, i understand. but this is how the conversation is always better than the new technologies that we will now talk about, this is a wonderful thing, people appear here on the wall, it is known, for this is an option for the poor, now they say, yes, now this is an option for the poor, just like artificial there’s food there and so on, mikhail vantinovich, let’s start,
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we now have a time in which we live, you also said this many times in your speeches, a turning point, a fateful moment, this concerns not... how to actualize 10 years ago, almost 10 years ago, the president signed decree and approved by its decree the strategy for scientific and technological development of the russian federation, sttr, and this was the main document, this is the guideline for behavior in the scientific and technological
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space, now, after 10 years , it has become obvious that this is absolutely deep, hard-won, let me say, a correct document, but today it needed updating to take into account what had changed. science of higher education was dealt with by the presidential council, and the administration, naturally, since it supervises the council, everything, it must be said that the president also approved the decree, we have there was a council on the eighth day of science on february 8, at which this was discussed , after which the president gave a direct instruction, there was a small modification, to approve the decree, and it was approved, yeah, so, i want to say, this paper, i mean to all people , so to speak, it doesn’t matter whether they are engaged in science or not, i recommend looking at this document on karimlenru, there is not much there , well, a dozen and a half, probably two pages, but this is a very clear, verified document, it talks about global challenges and global responses, and
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challenges are not only facing us, they are facing civilization, because today the world is being reformatted, the yalta- podzdam peace has ended, and i don’t know, it was for me... it was clear many decades ago the day when the soviet union collapsed, it became obvious, this is a fire that our western partners continued to try today do, he will end the day when the soviet union disappeared, that model. world, so, the question is that here it is said that there are global challenges, the challenges are the lack of resources, and this is not only hydrocarbons, a shortage, it is drinking water in the first place, it is well known that in the next 20 years there will be tens of millions of migrants there, because of the fifth migrants, of course, and we well understand what is happening in central asia in that part and so on, then the food crisis, as if global , is not intended for everyone was. as zhivanetsky said, that is, there are a lot of issues of global environmental issues
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of nature conservation and so on, in general, in essence, we are talking about the transition to a new industrial way, these are natural technologies, until today we have created technologies like so we took man, man is the crown of nature, studied him as the crown, and then tried to copy the capabilities of man in the form of machines, but look. skeleton, take all the mechanical machines, a grader, an excavator , i don’t know, all these machines, a bulldozer, this is our skeleton, our hand, but the hand has incomparably greater capabilities than the machines that we make, you know, in all concepts, and at the same time it is not energy-consuming, you know, i need to eat, the only thing is, yes, but no, well, the question now is that here we are before they couldn’t create something similar to nature, copy nature, why?
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take a semiconductor crystal of any flint, it has eight atoms in a unit cell, an inorganic crystal, and we, not understanding how biological complex matter is structured, took this simple toy with eight and a piece of flint and played with them for 70, almost 60 years , created microelectronics, it is unique, thanks to it we live in a completely different civilization, but at the same time we have reached a certain dead end, artificial intelligence today is like a dead end demonstrates, brings it closer, accelerates it to ... like an offensive, i’ll explain to you, no, it’s just that many people say that artificial intelligence will save humanity, let’s do it
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like this, let’s just say such simple, understandable things, without going into details, well let's say that art is the most important thing, that it will change our world, it will change everything from defense to, so to speak, everyday life, this is clear, but you and i must understand what artificial intelligence is, this is what we, at least in the near foreseeable period, what we taught, that is, it is new for the foreseeable period today.
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35 years ago he flew in automatic mode , which the americans still haven’t repeated , remember, he wanted to land, thought, flew away then sat down, yes, that is, this was 35 years ago, when everyone still seemed to have little understanding, here’s an artificial intelligence, but now the question is this, let's see, what is it? artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence - i’m giving you an example of why they say that, for example, a medical diagnosis is artificial intelligence is much more accurately determined by a person, if a person with the definition of neoplasms , let’s say some, has an error there, i don’t know, ten or two ten percent, even 30 children, then there’s just a percentage, but what, it’s seriously true, it’s in fact, this is the case, for example, in momology, let’s say, yes, we actually analyze momographic images on...
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tp in soviet times, but there were no computer capabilities, none, now they have appeared, so what we used to call astp has become today, it is you who must create database and then be able to, this is a huge amount of data.
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who will win the svo? he says: i don’t like such questions, the site answers, he asks again, i ask, he says, if you repeat the question, i will transfer to the web version, disconnect you, we will not talk to you, here is your answer, uh-huh , and from here your artificial intelligence should not be rehired here, transferred, but sovereign , its own, its own, it should
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answer questions correctly, i forgive this, but now let’s move on to the main thing, electricity, which means artificial intelligence is sublimated electricity, why so much electricity is wasted, i will explain to you, because when we began to create a computer, it is called von neumann architecture, how it works today, we do not understand how the brain works, it was very complicated, uh-huh, we built it incorrectly, today's phonetic computing technology, it is set up incorrectly, this is not a computing machine, but a thermal one, explain here, yes please? you have a computer, here you have, we have one of the most powerful, for example, supercomputers at the institute, we have, roughly speaking , blocks of buildings that cool this heat, dissipate it and throw it out, that is, it is a heat engine, it produces heat, i will explain to you why, no one thought about it, me too, a few years ago i gave a report there at a council under the president, and
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i suddenly had to explain this, and speaking of nature, i’ll explain to you, we divided...
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look, why is it a heat engine, so you took complete bell curve, here usually, what the computer does is it takes its point, point, point and throws it into memory, point, point throws it into memory, then it starts to calculate it, it takes each point from memory to operational, from long-term to operational, what is it, this means a metal bus inside a microcircuit or computer. through which the current flows, this is heat, and this is resistance, that’s the answer , here you go, that’s why the computer is built incorrectly, in your brain, the synaptic system, everything is located in the synapses, and long-term memory, operational memory, you know, i’m speaking very roughly, people who specialize there in studying the brain will now say that i’m not doing that, it’s ska, i
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’m explaining what was clear, it’s scientific, not entirely, maybe exactly, but the essence is clear, the principle is clear. i won’t name them now , which has already made a processor and we are working with it, which means that i recently demonstrated, so to speak, to distinguished guests, very distinguished guests, how we give sounds, for example, and analysis today, that the main thing is graphics processor today is the most modern fashionable, they are called pattern recognition , for example, visual or sound, here is the sound
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, here we have a stand, come here, i will show you, that means we have all kinds of sounds, a car, guests, noise on the streets, there is a steam locomotive, an airplane, a fender a hammer, whatever you want, yeah, a football match , there's applause, that's all, that means, these are all the sounds, then this graphic should... distinguish, it distinguishes, here's the processor that was made today, neuromorphic, we're still the same processor integrated circuit, but the memory is connected in it for a long time, they are in are located in one place, there is no transfer, no selection, so they determine the same, distinguish sounds absolutely, but consumes electricity a thousand times less, a thousand times, this one is almost a silicon substrate, it’s still the same, the microcircuit is the same , here. now the next step, the next step , now it is done in a completely different way, now an imitation of the neural network of the brain is being done, synapses are made in
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the form of certain products, at the first stage they are called mimristers, and so these are memristers, which means they are like analogues, iron analogues of brain synopses, yes, they have a hysteresis memory, as if it remains there inside, so you are building this now. a processor with these parts, a memory computer, it is built completely differently, not according to the classical phonemic architecture, you know, and it will consume even less electricity, the next step is separate, we have divisions where living neurons are taken and made of them there are some clusters, they are trained, and then you can put them in this computer, you know, this this mask rests three times, does it work or not yet? “well, wait, this is kind of everything, but this is a process, this is continuous knowledge , that’s all for you, but it is strategically clear, and we are absolutely at the global level in this, believe me, in addition, we have things
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where we even significantly superior, this , for example, at our institute, was one of the best places where, since we invented this, this magnetic plasma confinement, an artificial sun, was created for the first time in the world in the fifties, in order to to create this, it was necessary to create..." low-temperature superconductivity, that is , if you pass current through a wire by law, you have resistance, heat is released, and if you need to pass a huge current, tens of thousands of amperes, yes, then imagine, you will simply have current, which means you need it to be in a state of superconductivity, there are materials that, for example, are not both, a tin alloy, which has zero resistance at a temperature of -270°, so we created these conductors in our time at the institute, we one of the best schools in the world...
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circuits, there are nanowires, nanowires that are at a temperature of -270° liquid gel, whether you have it or not, and you build, we have logical elements from them, this is what, you know, then you have a supercomputer that today occupies a house , an integrated circuit, there is no integrated circuit here , this production is not needed, and so much electricity in general and electricity, and the computer fits into a suitcase, roughly speaking, this suitcase should only be in liquid gel, minus 270, but it is still profitable. and if you combine what i told you, neuromorphic approaches, that’s what i was talking about, with this, then you get fundamentally new things, you need to understand that this can completely
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change, that’s how we see today in the svo process, which, no matter how sad it is, is a testing ground modern armed systems, who would have thought, just think about it, that today the main thing will be tanks, ordinary gaub guns were considered the last century, they were considered the last century, and so it is with one thing. that drones will appear, then you have a question, you have a rocket that costs millions, a drone that is made from waste costs 2,000 rubles, and you have this million-dollar rocket, and if they let you fly a flock of these drones, then everything flies, then yours is completely different... things should be conceptual and everything else , do you understand? yes, you know, i really don’t like science fiction, i’ve always had a bad attitude towards it, i don’t
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know why, it’s always somehow. on the contrary, no, i’m a pragmatic person, you know, a romantic, but pragmatic, that’s what i mean, well, i read one book by ray bradby, i remember well back in university or at school, even in the eleventh grade, i read, i remembered for the rest of my life, one thing, it was 50 years ago, if not more, not 60 already, there is a war in space, what are called drones, robots, and two generals are fighting they sit, no one can win.
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he needs a canvas, a stretcher , paints, an easel, brushes, a frame, the composer came up with a melody, he needs paper, ink, notes, to write, he needs a piano, so that this is the material, yes, a violin, yes, in extreme cases, a simple one, you know what different, they know, they say, the violin, musicians tell me about the cello, no, the cello burns longer, so i want to say, this is exactly the question.
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these institutes created everything that floats by one institute, all the pipes, all the platforms , the materials from which they are made, everything that floats on the water, under water, civilian, military, everything was created by our unit, the institute, everything that flies was created the other part, for example, today i can show you pictures of any plane, take it, tu-214, il-96, well, a superjet.
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experiences extreme mechanical stress, the wildest thermal loading, they are warped, lucky, etc., therefore, if you cannot make an alloy that works in such extreme conditions, cannot move the engine, or you make it, it will work for 2 hours, we will not name the countries, nor this , which do this, then let’s say, if ours works for uh , thousands of hours, then this one works for a hundred, that’s the answer, because you can copy whatever you want, but copy the shovel.


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