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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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but in essence they release everything and we do, and why? because the main part in an airplane , no one thinks about it, the engine, the engine, the turbine, the turbine consists of blades, such small pieces of metal, a huge number, yes this piece of metal, a lot of these pieces are spinning at enormous speed in a stream of hot water up to 2000° gases, experiencing the wildest... mechanical load and the wildest thermal load, they warp, get lucky, etc., so if you can’t make an alloy that works in such extreme conditions, the engine cannot move, or you make it, it will work for 2 hours , we will not name the countries, not the ones that do this, then let’s say, if ours works uh , thousands of hours, then this one will work for hundreds, that’s the answer, because you can draw whatever you want, but it’s difficult to draw a blade, you know, you need to know what’s inside, what the engines produce?
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what’s not, mikhail yanatinovich, you told me so many interesting things that i didn’t even try to interrupt you, yes, we ’ve even just started a conversation with you, but this time we’ll end our conversation with your permission, this is what you outlined, we will definitely, if you have such an opportunity, would like to continue these conversations, because it is extremely important about energy, about our megascience, about our genetic affairs, you are a little bit of a nature drinker, we will be we were happy to discuss. this is the future
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of civilization and we are the first here, so far 100%. great, thank you very much thank you very much, all the best, thank you, goodbye, meet the popular moscow.
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that's it, we're leaving, it's scary, no, it's hard to get used to, follow me, passenger, about 10 years ago i i saw through the window how they were beating him, i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
8:35 pm
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8:40 pm
this week, the discussion continued about the initiative, so you can probably call it the president of france, about the introduction of nato troops into ukraine. it is clear that mr. macron himself has already partially retracted his words, having encountered resistance even from his european colleagues. still discounts such a development of events, unfortunately, is not yet possible, what the europeans are actually proposing, we will talk about this with a professor , researcher at an institute of economics, a leading researcher at the institute of world economy and international relations of the russian academy of sciences, dmitry trenin. dmitry vitalievich, hello, thank you for taking the time, we had a screensaver here before you, macron went on a rampage, this is a reference to the film with ludophines, famous in the seventies, then fantamas went on a rampage, the frenchman. the movie was very popular, even it was shown in the soviet union, and is it possible
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to say now that what france is doing is more like a political comedy than reality, or is it still impossible to say that? well, i wouldn't call it a political comedy. i think in general this needs to be taken more seriously. of course, they are at the head of european countries today.
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this is something that has already been said many times, obviously, spoken, in a behind-the-scenes, behind- the-scenes format, so it’s serious, and what worries me most is that carelessness, the lack of a sense of reality and the lack of minimal caution that is characteristic of the majority today. drivers in european countries, if something happens, will find themselves in a very difficult situation.
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and dmitry vitalievich, you know, here an interesting situation developed, almost like a detective story, first macron, when his european colleagues answered him that he had probably gotten carried away, he said, no, no, yes, you probably misunderstood me, then he repeated this thesis again there more softly, literally just recently he gave interview with french tv channels: and where he allegedly put forward even such things, maybe there were translation difficulties, but how to make peace with russia on its terms is not capitulation, well, we don’t know, maybe it was translated incorrectly from french, a drastic change rhetoric, that is , it turns out that he seemed to be testing, well, through him, it’s not him , you absolutely said correctly, it’s not he who makes the decision to send nato troops there, and even probably france separately, if you take it, but nevertheless, that is is this a test or is this as
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if during this interview with the russian journalist dmitry kiselyov, the president of russia said that if interventionist troops appear in ukraine, then we will be with...
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he has put all the points in place, in my opinion, and the troops and so on, the president has clearly stated, macron became more modest, but this is his message that the conclusion of peace is on, if he really at least said this, otherwise he will then say that you misunderstood, mistranslated, and so on, about the supposed conclusion of peace on the terms rossili - this is not capitulation, this is necessary negotiate and so on, but there is another point here, you touched on a very important topic , which is now also being actively discussed, this is what macron would really like; france would like to take on the role of leader of europe when america leaves there, and macron literally , in my opinion, said today , that he knows for sure that trump will not come to power, i wonder who told him about this, maybe someone from the rochalds hinted, he worked for them, but where do you think this information comes from, well, i understand that this is probably rhetorical
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question, but really, there is a chance that america will formally leave europe, france will pull along. the role of the leader, well, firstly, i think there are two points here: america will not leave europe completely, america will not give up command of europe, but america will be there no matter the outcome of the elections, it will somewhat distance itself from european affairs and hand over most of the time , weapons, so to speak, in the sense... and military budgets, in the sense of the deployment of troops, will transfer more and more responsibilities, i’m not right, but responsibilities to its european allies , while america itself will focus more and more on the chinese and asian direction, regardless of
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the outcome of the elections, i think the europeans understand this, it is unpleasant for them, but they understand it. on the eastern borders of nato, but in such a way as not to undermine the hierarchy that has developed in nato of unconditional leadership in this bloc of the united states of america, so...
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the mania of european governments. nowadays , social costs are growing more and more military spending, and at the same time the economy is, let’s say, not in a brilliant state, the prospects are not very good, so what lies ahead most likely is a decrease in spending on social needs and an increase in spending on defense security. and so on, european societies are in many ways, well, as they used to say, besotted, by what they hear, read, see on television, read
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in newspapers, on their smartphones, hear on the radio, this is almost a single chorus of such voices convincing them is that russia poses a colossal threat. i'll succeed whether this is to be converted into the complete readiness of european societies, accustomed to prosperity, to give up some of their social benefits in order to strengthen defense in the future, it is quite possible to go to war with russia, this is my impression that it is still here it is impossible to extrapolate the current situation, when
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european societies practically allow themselves to be manipulated without any resistance, so i don’t think that this lack of resistance will last forever, at some stage it is quite possible that people will start to ask questions. will begin to look for those political figures, those political forces that act from more sober positions, from more national positions, when both europe and individual european countries will focus on their national interests, and not on the interests, well, relatively speaking, of liberal globalism, this international, which is headquartered in the united states, which today, in fact,
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