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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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from the base, that is, from the animal, and then further a complex of feeds is developed. alpine sheep have taken root in the crimean hills and produce not only milk, but offspring with european ancestry. and crimean cheeses and yoghurts are sent in limited quantities to simferopol restaurants and moscow living rooms. denis vandzha himself moved from yekaterinburg to the peninsula with his wife and four children. the fifth was born in the russian crimea, despite the packages with sanctions and numerous ukrainian ones.
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russia, on instructions from the president, is building here cultural cluster. well, khersanez is another grandiose project, that is, we actually have three grandiose projects being implemented in sevastopol today on behalf of the president: this is the cultural cluster where we are now. this is khersanez, the new khersonez, yes, a historical and archaeological park, which is literally across the bay , this project is being implemented, in principle it will all be one such, single cultural landscape. and the abandoned military unit will be replaced by the largest choreography academy in europe, which will open this year. like polunin says our famous dancer. dancer,
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who is now the director of the academy, that this will be the best choreographic academy in the world, there is no such facility anywhere in the world. sports palaces and ice arenas, stadiums and swimming pools, artillery sites and urban spaces, hundreds of kindergartens and schools; in 10 years, russia has built more social facilities than ukraine managed to auction off or destroy. of course, they had so much time when crimea was autonomous, a unitary state, if we had seen. prosperous crimea, roads, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, who could have said anything, or what they were, but they didn’t love us, they didn’t, didn’t love us, not because there wasn’t even money, although that too, they didn’t love us, they didn’t understand that crimea was this, this has been felt all these years, there was no some kind of secret here, they didn’t understand who we were, a ribbon of expressways and a suburban highway, residents of new russian regions are now traveling along them to see. how has crimea changed
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in just 10 years? roads, both in cities and on international highways, and the tavrida highway itself or the simferopol airport, whatever they cost, so of course, well, it was such, you know, envy, which at the moment when we had already begun to communicate and come to crimea freely, showed promise. after 10 years, the residents of the peninsula see the results of returning home and know the exact answer to the question: whose crimea is, those who create and not destroy. here, the vast majority of projects were implemented only thanks to the direct participation of the president and the quick, effective management decisions he made. here the key to successful development of any territory today is a short connection, so to speak, between the performer and the boss. vladimir yach himself kept most of the projects implemented in crimea under his personal control, and the fact that i can reach
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the leader at any time, thank him very much for giving me such an opportunity, this is precisely the key to successful and rapid development, overcoming all difficult situations. 10 years ago in the center of simferopol a monument to a polite person appeared, a little girl holds out a warrior flowers, there are always bouquets of fresh roses, carnations, filpanov, in the days of russian spring there are especially many of them, because from here from... it began. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the program is an international review. events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments. macron's napoleonic plans. france
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is gathering a new entente. plot from the scene . mom anarchy and the barbecue ultimatum. haiti celebrates the holiday. disobedience, gangsters are still winning, secret secrets of the voodoo cult, how to rule through intimidation and magic, materials from our program. vladimir vysotsky sang about paris, that our spread across the planet is especially noticeable in the distance, meaning compatriots, but where they are, there are friends of our program, to whom we are grateful.
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i think i am the european leader who spent the most hours of discussion with vladimir putin, hundreds of hours, i was there 2 weeks before the start of the war, i continued later, we need to not only talk, but also do, we prepared texts and so on, but the minsk agreements, he violated this, this is controversial question. "madam, thank you for what you say, please, i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks so, no, i was there, we were neutral on this issue, i spent so much time, i was so involved in it, and i then they criticized because i believed that i could involve russia in the peace process, i want peace,
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you heard putin’s interview, he wants peace, but who attacked ukraine, it’s not france, who attacked donbass, who killed the people of donbass, who attacked donbass , this is president putin." no, it was the ukrainian authorities who bombed donbass, mr. president, you have known this for 8 years. russia has violated borders recognized by the international community. thank you madam. i know that there are people who think like you, there are many serious journalists. i see you like it, there is not a single serious journalist who would work on the world, i just want to convey this to the place where it is worth talking about. go to the kremlin and ask for the withdrawal of troops from the neighboring country and make a conclusion.
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who can perform tasks within the country and beyond its borders. france is one of few countries that have almost the full range of modern weapons of their own production, even their own nuclear weapons. nuclear-tipped missiles are carried on four triumphant nuclear submarines. there are also approximately 100 mirage, raphael and super etander fighter bombers capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons. included in the land forces. the troops include the famous foreign legion, which is staffed mainly by citizens of other countries; the tank forces are armed with vehicles of their own production, leclercs - the most expensive tanks in the world, the cost of each reaches 10 million euros. the geographically
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continental country of france positions itself also as an ocean power, its naval forces are represented by landing ships of the mistral and batral type, as well as... the aircraft carrier charles taigol. in the fall of 2020, the french air force was officially renamed the aerospace force due to the expansion of the country's interests towards space. space. the french national security doctrine is called the white paper. it was published in the nineties after the end of the cold war. president françois miterand wanted to use this moment to strengthen european independence. in particular, the white paper speaks of the need to conduct its own operations in any region of the world. 2 years ago, president macron presented a new doctrine that assumes both independence.
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this year there was such a loud performance at the moscow theater of satire. in general, of course, thanks to macron, he respected him and gave him a reason to remember a colorful episode in our country’s history. in in march 1918, the entente countries began military intervention against their former ally russia. its ideologists were french prime minister georges clemenceau and his british colleague david lloyd george. the reason was the conclusion by the bolsheviks of a separate treaty of brest-litovsk with germany, but 3 months before it, in
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december 17, representatives of england and france signed an agreement in paris on the division of russia into spheres of influence. the interests of france included ukraine, bessarabia and crimea, and great britain’s cossack and caucasian regions, armenia, georgia and kurdistan. on november 26 , 1818, a british warship appeared on... in the roadstead of the port of odessa. soon he was joined by ships from other allied countries. about 3 thousand french soldiers landed at the port. polish serb units entered the city by land. in early december, rebel troops controlled by semyon petlyuri captured balta and ananyev, and then entered odessa. but the french command demanded that petliura withdraw his forces from the city. he moved 40 km away. military governor... of odessa and surrounding areas the white general alexei grishin almazov was declared to be in charge of its territory, but the actual
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leaders were general philippe denilma , chief of the french staff, colonel henri fredenberg. already at the end of january , the franco-greek units reunited in the dnieper region, and with the white guards advancing from the east, they occupied nikolaev and kherson, establishing complete control over the entire northwestern coast of the black sea. their numbers. a month later, the red army went on the offensive in novorossiya and, with the support of armored trains, managed to defeat greek-french contingent, reoccupy kherson and nikolaev. in early april , the attack on odessa began. the entente troops began to retreat. at the same time, the white guards and interventionists were thrown back from the north of crimea to sevastopol and feodosia. the sailors on the french ships rebelled on april 2. in 1919, the french headquarters announced that they intended to evacuate from odessa; more than
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100 ships took out the entente troops and representatives of the previous administration who fled with them. at the end of april, the evacuation of the interventionists began from the territory of crimea, by the end of spring, the troops of france and greece left the black sea. the french at some stage aligned themselves with their interests. what did the leader of the white movement, general denikin, say? the general said that the allies should support the whites, since their support lies in the sphere. allies, in other words, it is beneficial for the french to support the white movement, because bolshevism is dangerous, because only in an alliance with national russia, that is, with denikin, can one count on restoring some of their interests in the south. the desire was rather with my point of view is to take a closer look at what
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is actually happening in russia and identify it in the event of a serious split. to identify their strategic interests, to fully bargain for them in the most tasty morsels, what could be sweeter than the south, the french vice-consul in kiev played an almost fatal role for the overall idea of ​​intervention, but his dear friend, a wonderful journalist and politician vasily vitalievich shulgin , really managed, with the help of various kinds of manipulations, to draw attention to a small... deep in something a provincial force called the volunteer army of general denikin , which, nevertheless, declared itself, in the person of its leader supreme general alekseev, as the fact that it, based in yekaterinadar, in general on the egeg of russia and in stavropol, then is the personification in the truly national
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russia, true antarctica. odessa was a cultural center, the arrival of the interventionists. observed the flower of future soviet literature, not only the author of the famous play lev slavin, but also samuil marshak, veniam kaverin, valentin kataev. the famous staircase in the odessa port is crowded with people, white guard officers in uniforms and prior orders, respectable gentlemen in panama hats, caps and sparkling top hats with thick gold chains on their voluminous bellies, flaunting the cadets, a little frayed in the scrapes of the revolution, but... with fresh boutonnieres in their buttonholes , priests, high school boys and girls, ladies in bois and hats with feathers, everyone has flowers in their hands. initially, as a base of intervention, for now, general skoropatsky, the general manager of ukraine, was in power, in kiev was considered as a base of intervention, from where it is much closer to moscow and
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petrograd, which in general is a much less provincial city than odessa. but the very rapid fall of kiev, which captured petliur, the very rapid exodus of general grishin almazov’s troops to odessa, all this was prompted by the fact that at first, literally from a distance of several hours, grishin almazov liberated odessa from the petliurists in december of the eighteenth year, after literally a few hours, here already in the middle, already in sight of the seaside boulevard. petrograd to kyiv, from moscow to kiev, because there were germans there, then batskatsky fell, we made our way to odessa in terrible agony, and finally they were the saviors. against the backdrop of current incantations, about
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the almost sacred significance of ukraine’s victory for europe. it is remarkable how indifferent zantanta's visitors were to the ukrainian idea centuries ago. if you read the notes of some british, say, military representatives from batumi or from other cities, dedicated to our showdowns of that time, you will see a wonderful phrase, not even about the adjarians or georgians, so about everyone, the word is the natives, so... you understand, this kind of snabism, of course, was in relation to the french, that is, the french perceived it, in odessa alone, and there was an incredible squabble between politicians, between ukrainian forces, between secret detachments, underground bolsheviks, the hell between whom, these people just defeated the germans a month
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ago, they have unbridled euphoria, they come here and see something small- town wonder. "here our allies came, we maintained, i would say, chaste loyalty to them, and they for some reason they think that we are representatives of the losing side, how can that be, we are white, we didn’t..." we lost, we remained true to the ideas of the montanta. corporal, yes, we need to search everything, search each of the workers, there is information
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", there is a large arsenal hidden here. my lieutenant , if i may say so, i am afraid that a personal search will do nothing but excite the crowd. you are a bad psychologist, barbara, there are hot heads everywhere, they will rush for weapons, so we will open the arsenal, do it, listen, malznand, they'll search you! what is odessa? odessa is wonderful capacas, the same gombrinus, these are wonderful, beautiful women, this is fun, this is some kind of general, how can i say, so optimistic, or something, not even a tragedy, atmosphere. now that i’m in france, what kind of military operations, i’ll remind you that the front line is approaching, that the bolshevik offensive is underway, that atoman grigoriev is underway. in other
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words, the french agitators, the bolsheviks, yes, the white guards, later wrote that many of them were jews, even visually similar to the french, which is why it was so easy for them managed to fool the french sailors and so on and so forth and so on, it didn’t play any role, the french. perceived bolshevism as prizes, as an illustration of the fact that here now it is possible to immediately end the war, as the bolsheviks ended it, if we end the war, we from this dear, but still not our native odessa, will finally return home, where we will celebrate a well-deserved victory. how strong was the influence of bolshevik agitators, including their famous foreign colleagues? probably a lot. but again everything fit in this case, i would even say, not a purely russian, but an international modus vivendi, ah
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, it’s not difficult to deceive me, i’m glad to be deceived myself. the bolsheviks and agitators told the french sailors what they wanted to hear; in just a few months, public opinion in france came to the conclusion that the presence of the french squadron in odessa was not motivated. more efforts, but then they rather expected that russia would finish itself off; they were rather afraid of denikin’s victory, because this would inevitably mean annexation of the outskirts to russia.
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she led, from the point of view of france and england, in a shameless attitude towards antantia, regardless of the fact that there was a coup in petrograd and so on. to all institutions, all odessa establishments , pale-faced, pale-black , also obedient daughters, also shaved, mustachioed, pockmarked, bald,
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bearded, also ladies, decent, and of course, hello, hello, hello to you , hello, hello, hello to you, what’s most surprising is the ease with which modern politicians, masters of the conversational genre , talk about... intervention in wars. older statesmen look at it with haste, but those who are younger really perceive everything differently, because they were formed in completely different conditions. the school system, which developed under the third republic, which set as its goal the formation of citizens united by common values, began to change after the second world war, and especially after may sixty- eight, and the so-called national novel, heroic readings of history was thrown into the trash heap as too nationalistic, teaching native history, it was decided to make it as neutral, truthful, and inclusive as possible, which
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led to the fact that students lost not only... managers, technocrats, for whom work for government agencies is seen not as an important and worthy mission, but often as a springboard for work in a private structure, transitions from the public sector to the private sector and back become completely commonplace, government management is seen as little different from the management of a private company, remember the famous macron startup nation, yes, france as a startup nation, as
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a power, does not seem alien to them, the americanization of the old world, which began with the marshal’s plan, did not cease to intensify, among generations under 50, under 50 years old, the americanization of consciousness has reached, and apparently , a level where it is no longer is perceived as imposed from the outside. dobre very well describes how decades of familiarization with american products,
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material cultural, led to the united states and the ussr in the victory over nazism being seen differently than in the picture of the world of previous generations, if in post-war times, the majority of the french recognized the key role of the ussr, today there are few such people left, when the date of the allied landings in normandy is celebrated this year, by the way, the eightieth anniversary will be celebrated, then normandy is clearly the place and moment of american glory, to the detriment of, say, even english allies, and today it is even strange to remember that the leader of free france, charles dougol, strictly refused to participate in these festivities, since he saw the landings in normandy, about which he was informed in the last moment the day before, saw it as nothing more or less than an attempt to occupy france and the united states, many of today...
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a president who did not serve in the military. by the time he grew up, the draft had already been canceled. perhaps this is related to the ease with which he talks about participating in hostilities . knowing his love for phrases, one could attribute everything to a catchphrase, but that would be too simple. whatever motivates the french president, it is a psychological flaw.


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