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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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go to the kremlin and ask to withdraw troops from the neighboring country and make peace, this will be a good message, leave this message there. france did not conquer any other country, it did not violate the sovereignty of any other country. maria kovalenko, a russian parisian, happened to be on place vendôme a week ago, when the french president was leaving the building of the ministry of justice, such a spontaneous conversation happened to the approving cries of citizens. heartfelt thanks to maria, by the way, she is probably the first russian interlocutor of the head of state for many months. so, macron is confident that he did everything he could for the world. the time has come for other methods. on thursday, the president said
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that russia’s victory would not reduce trust in europe to zero and could not be allowed to happen. he rejected the very idea of ​​red lines, calling it defeatism and disrespect for one’s own sovereignty. a reproach to those who abstained in the national assembly on tuesday, like the supporters of marine lupine, or voted against the security treaty with ukraine, like the leftists and communists. macron himself. it’s clear that he’s not a defeatist and is ready to do anything if necessary. in terms of combat power, the french army is considered the fifth in europe after the armies of russia, great britain, turkey and italy. its strength is about 200,000 regular military personnel, plus 40,000 reservists who can perform tasks within the country and abroad. france is one of the few countries that has almost the full range of modern weapons. of its own
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production, even with its own nuclear weapons. nuclear-tipped missiles are carried on four triumphant nuclear submarines. there are also about 100 mirage fighter bombers, raphael and super etander, capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons. the ground forces include the famous foreign legion, which is staffed mainly by citizens of other countries; the tank forces are armed with vehicles of their own...
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space. the french doctrine of the country's interests in the area of ​​national security space is called the "white paper". it was published in the nineties after the end of the cold war. president françois méterand wanted to use this moment to strengthen the european independence. in particular, the white paper speaks of the need to conduct its own operations in any region of the world. 2 years ago, president macron presented a new doctrine. which involves both independent actions of the french army and interaction with the armies of other nato countries. paris has begun reducing its military presence in africa. currently , france is taking on the role of nato's main ally in europe, wanting to oust great britain. meeting with leaders of opposition parties, macron clarified: the french military will go to ukraine if... a threat looms over kiev and odessa,
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and the mont newspaper confirmed that the elysee palace began to consider a similar landing in odessa last year. well, we love historical rhymes. france could not help but literally go into ecstatic excitement. the very idea is to designate the point of your strength in such an attractive primorsky port as odessa. this was 105 years ago. well, so what? i have no idea at all. and in russia, we traveled here too, we came to you, we traveled, on whatever you want, where you want, as you want, from aroplanes to charabancs. in general, we ended up getting here on foot. hello, hello, hello to you. hello, hello, hello, andrei mironov is parodying the coupletists. episode of russian
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history. in march 1918, the entente countries began military intervention against their former ally russia. its ideologists were french prime minister georges clemenceau and his british colleague david lloyd george. the reason was the conclusion by the bolsheviks of a separate treaty of brest-litovsk with germany. but 3 months before him, in december the seventeenth, representatives. ukraine, bessarabia and crimea, and great britain the cossack and caucasus regions, armenia, georgia and kurdistan. on november 26 , 1818, a british
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warship appeared in the roadstead of the port of odessa, and was soon joined by other allied countries. about 3,000 french soldiers landed at the port. polish-serbian units entered the city by land. in early december , rebel troops controlled by semyon petlyuri captured balta and ananyev, and then entered odessa. but the french command demanded that petliura take his forces away from the city. he moved 40 km away. the white general alexey grishin almazov was declared the military governor of odessa and the surrounding territories. but the general became the actual leaders. french chief of staff, colonel henri fredenberg. already at the end of january, the french-greek units reunited in the dnieper region, with the white guards advancing from the east they occupied nikolaev and kherson, establishing complete control over the entire northwestern coast of the black sea.
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seas. their number reached 60 thousand in february 1919. a month later , the red army went on the offensive in novorossiya. with the support of armored trains. it was possible to defeat the greek-french contingent and reoccupy kherson and nikolaev. in early april, the attack on odessa began. the entente troops began to retreat. at the same time, the white guards and interventionists were thrown back from the north of crimea to sevastopol and feodosia. the sailors on the french ships rebelled. on april 2 , 1919, the french headquarters announced that it intended evacuate from odessa. more than 100 ships transported the entente troops and the representatives who fled with them. the previous administration. at the end of april, the evacuation of interventionists from the territory of crimea began. by the end of spring, the troops of france and greece left the black sea. the french at some stage aligned themselves with
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the interests of the white movement. what did the leader of the white movement, general deniger, say? general dinkin said that the allies should support the whites because... their support lies in the sphere of interests of the allies, in other words, it is beneficial for the french to support the white movement, because bolshevism is dangerous, because only in an alliance with national russia, that is, with denikin, can we count on restoring some of our interests in the south. the desire was rather, from my point of view, to take a closer look at what was still happening in russia and to indicate:
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it was a cultural center, the arrival of the interventionists was observed by the flower of future soviet literature, not only the author of the famous play lev slavin, but also samuil marshak, venyamin kavelin, valentin kataev . the famous staircase in the odessa port is crowded with people.
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white guard officers in uniforms and pre-orders, respectable gentlemen in panama hats, caps and sparkling top hats with thick gold chains on their voluminous bellies. kiev was considered, from where it is much closer to moscow and petrograd, which is generally a much less provincial city than odessa, but the very rapid fall of kiev, which was captured by petlyura, was a very quick outcome. detachments of general grishin almazov to odessa, all this was prompted by the fact that at first
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, literally from a distance of several hours , grishin almazov liberated the petlyurites in odessa in december of the eighteenth year , literally a few hours later, already in the middle, already in sight of the seaside boulevard , french ships appeared, they were perceived, as if in the old days by the bourgeois inhabitants, as everything, our torment was over, we had fled from .. rograd to kiev, from moscow to kiev, because there were germans there, then bam, scarabatsky fell, we made our way to odessa in terrible torment, and finally they were the saviors. against the backdrop of the current spell, and the almost sacred significance for europe of the victory of ukraine, it is noteworthy that how indifferent the visitors of izontanta were to the ukrainian idea centuries ago. if you read the notes.
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and there was an incredible squabble between the politicians , between the ukrainian forces, between the secret detachments of the bolshevik underground fighters , the hell between whom, these people just defeated the germans a month ago, they have unbridled euphoria, they come here and see something strangely small-town, perception such, russia is defeated, the one who cut off his head by the hair does not cry, what kind of general denikin is, why won’t we accept it?
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or something, it’s not even a tragedy, the situation is just that now, having found myself in france, what kind of fighting, i will remind you that the front line is approaching, that the bolshevik offensive is underway, that atoman grigoriev is coming, in other words, the french bolshevik agitators, and the white guards later wrote that many of them were jews, even visually similar on the french, which is why they were so easily able to fool the french sailors and so on and so forth and so on.
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ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me, i’m happy to be deceived myself. bolshevik agitators told the french sailors what they wanted to hear. french public opinion literally within a few months it came to the conclusion that the presence of the french squadron in odessa was not motivated. the entente forces went home a few months later;
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they had no intention of getting seriously involved in the affairs of an obscure country. look into the interventionists in the magical ones. stuck, perhaps they would have made more efforts, but then they rather expected that russia would finish itself off, they were rather afraid of denikin’s victory, because this would inevitably mean the annexation of outlying new formations to russia, that is, the state of transcaucasia in the first place, naturally, the flanks in the form of poland may have been suspended, here again.
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which led to the fact that not only patriotic feelings disappeared among students, but also a sense of involvement in national history, and, to a large extent, interest in this history itself. what kind of memories are there of the intervention in odessa? but the erosion of the historical sense is not the only change. actually, training of elites. here experts note that
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the nineties were a turning point, when national universities that trained top personnel began to graduate not... servants of the state, but polyvalent managers, managers, technocrats, for whom work for government agencies is seen not as an important and worthy mission, but often as a springboard for work in a private structure, transitions from the public sector to the private sector and back become a completely as usual, government management is seen as little different from the management of a private company, let us remember the famous makron... nation and france as a startup nation, as such a large company, this is a reduction in function statesman is associated with objective processes, the eighties and nineties intensified the process of european construction and the transfer of management functions to supranational structures, legal, financial structures, which leads to the fact that
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fewer and fewer prerogatives remain under national jurisdiction. finally, the independence of politicians today is limited to themselves.
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differently than in the picture of the world of previous generations, and if in post-war times the majority of the french recognized the key role of the ussr, today there are few such people left,
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when the date of the allied landings in normandy is celebrated this year, by the way, the eightieth anniversary will be celebrated, then normandy is clearly the place and moment of american glory, the damage, say, even to the british allies, and today it is even strange. remember that the leader of free france , charles dogolle, strictly refused to participate in these festivities, since he saw the landings in normandy, which he was informed about at the last moment the day before, and saw it as nothing more or less than an attempt to occupy france and the united states. many of today's representatives of the elite, politicians, experts, were trained in the united states at the macron american institutes, including at the very forge of the french elites, the institute of political sciences.
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american standard. emmanuel macron - modern european politicians created by the first french president who did not serve in the military. by the time he grew up, the draft had already been cancelled. perhaps this has something to do with the ease with which he speaks. about participation in hostilities, knowing his love for phrases, one could attribute everything to a nice word, but it would be too simple: no matter what the french president is guided by, the psychological vice is getting lower and lower, the ceiling of the possible is getting further and further. the reaction of society is mainly negative, but getting used to the fact that military confrontation with russia is happening normally in europe has begun. bye. true, the french, especially the young ones, have completely different sorrows, not of a military-strategic nature, from paris, our author eduard shillin. the suburbs of paris,
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built in the seventies for migrant workers, faceless neighborhoods, today they are they call it a parallel france, almost half of the residents of the suburbs live below the poverty line, for comparison in the rest of france there are just over 15. it leads to nothing, politicians don’t care about us, we don’t care about politicians. barricades and revolutions are an integral part of the history of france. the social crisis of 1968 began with
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radical youth protests. sarbona students demanded improved study conditions and personal political freedom. if in 1968 french youth changed the times, then 40 years later time changed the youth of france. yesterday's revolutionaries have become the same. a bright representative of the growing problem among the country's youth, holders of a diploma in higher education cannot find a decent job in their specialty, their destiny is to move from one short-term contract to another, low wages do not allow them to stand firmly on their feet and be independent from their parents, affects is it?
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today, most french people believe that the era of may '68, when changes in society could be achieved with the help of barricades, is gone. to replace the mass protests came from sporadic or fringe movements, such as the yellow vests or anarchists. the marginalized are perhaps the only ones who still believe in the diplomacy of the street: sunday morning, rue amilo, the anarchist library, the shelves for adults are filled with the works of classics from bakunin to kropotkin.
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comics are for young people. in a few hours the concert and debate will begin. natasha, the center attendant, followed in the footsteps of her anarchist parents. the youth of france, i don’t even know, political parties are trying to flirt with her, but participation in peaceful party life has never changed the society of our country for the better. youth must resist dictatorship. sociologist and political activist thiry is a typical representative of the generation of the seventies. this time is usually called the time of the french economic miracle. the economy was growing high.
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