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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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and you know who the killer is, yes, watch only without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch before anyone else in the app or on the website. the first day of voting in the russian presidential elections has ended, turnout exceeded 36%, and 73% of the total number of applicants have already used remote voting. in new regions. early voting, taking it
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into account, for example, in the kherson region and the dpr , the turnout was about 69%. the current head also took part in the presidential elections state vladimir putin. he voted online from his residence in novo ogorevo. but we will return to the topic of elections, we will talk about the work of observers, the hysteria of the west, now about the suicidal attacks of kiev militants who tried to break into the belgorod and kurdish regions. this was discussed at a meeting with permanent members of the security council; vladimir chaired it and emphasized the strikes.
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in addition, from march 12 of this year to the present, the enemy, using mainly foreign special forces mercenaries and support forces of the ukrainian armed forces, undertook.
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known new details of the enemy's mad attempts were unsuccessful. well, the kiev regime began to attack the border regions. the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin talks about this. i am sure that our people, the people of russia, will respond to this with even greater unity. who did they decide to intimidate? russian people, multinational people of russia. this did not happen. i'm sure it never
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will. the statement from the security council meeting today, of course, became the key news of the day, and after the council meeting security we were able to obtain detailed information from one of the participants in the meeting of the russian minister of defense. so, as a result of the attack on the state border, the enemy was going to reach almost to belgorod and be sure to shoot video footage of the raising of the ukrainian flag on russian territory. on march 12 , enemy forces began an active offensive in five directions of the state border. on the first day of hostilities, their irretrievable losses amounted to 230 people and eight tanks, on the second day 190 people and six tanks. also, according to our information, 40 armored personnel carriers were destroyed. in addition, a landing group of 30 people was sent to the enemy using two helicopters. they went 400 meters deep into russian territory; their goal, apparently, was to create some kind of bridgehead. as sergei shaigu told us, together with the border authority. fsb of russia.
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the group was blocked on three sides. an active contact battle ensued. in fact, this enemy group found itself in a real bag of fire, in order to cut off escape routes. behind the enemy's back special equipment carried out remote mining using anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, which means that the only escape route was mined. the blocked enemy group was waiting for reinforcements, but at the time the additional group advanced, it was struck by aviation and artillery, including the tornado multiple launch rocket system. both groups were almost completely destroyed as a result. on friday the enemy was.
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attempts to break through the state border was received by intelligence 2 weeks before the attempts breakthrough. in this regard, the supreme commander-in-chief decided to take the troops staffed by conscripts from the state border line to the second and third echelons and replace them with contract soldiers, volunteers and special forces soldiers, which was carried out. pavel zarubina, alexander medvedev, moscow kremlin-putin program, especially for news. vladimir zelensky agreed to these provocations because he is ready to destroy ukrainians and drown the entire country in blood for the sake of maintaining personal power. this was stated by the first deputy permanent representative of russia dmitry polyansky at a meeting of the un security council. polyansky noted that zelensky even canceled the elections, but western
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countries do not notice this, but actively criticize the elections in russia, and these are attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of our country. i won't comment. kherson regions, who are choosing their future together with all of us today, i especially want to congratulate the residents of crimea who are electing a president for the second time, who 10 years
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ago voted almost to the day to return to russia. the elections are being watched more than 330 thousand people, many foreign observers. what impressions did ours find out? when i came to your embassy in islamabad, i reported this, and the receipt of the visa went quite quickly. it’s very interesting, the voting process itself is transparent and understandable, this is something that i can see myself, but here they can vote both using electronic machines and on paper. perhaps,
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what attracted the most attention from foreign observers was the technical equipment at the polling stations, most of all the questions regarding these black suitcases. with these fetching terminals.
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observers will be intimidated, well, those who are in our regions from foreign
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residents, foreign countries, are directly intimidated, indicating that they have an extensive arsenal of tools in the united states, they will call to account those people, international independent observers who will observe behind the elections. in total , over 333 thousand people went to the russian presidential elections as observers. 706 foreign guests from 106 states were accredited for international observation in their including spain, iceland, usa, italy, greece and mexico. during these 3 days they will visit polling stations in at least 52 regions. anna voronina, philip dubrovsky, dmitry maslennikov, news. 460 years of the apostle, the first dated
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printed book in russia. we have such reference points in the history of mankind, in the history of the development of mankind, which really changed the world, fire, the wheel, the potter's wheel and the printing press. masterpieces that amazed you with their beauty of fonts, exquisite script and complete absence of blots. miracle, miracle, yes the miracle, the miracle, is that there is not a single mistake, it was important that every letter was imprinted. why did ivan the terrible need this big state project? the 16th century is still the time of the annexation of the kazan kingdom. and without what could this enlightenment not begin? without enough books. when did the era of the printed word begin? is it already over? a manuscript is better than the spoken word, print is better than a manuscript, a tablet is better than a printed book. perhaps this logic, the technologies of progress are fair, although new, especially in the past, it was often perceived too warily. and what about... today, paper versus numbers, how relevant is this confrontation still, and is the imminent death of traditional
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paper, pleasant tactile publications, exaggerated? from this fulant they lecture on the history of book printing in russia in the book museum, in the main library of the country. access to it is free, it is not only stored under glass, but in principle any citizen of russia can order it, touch the reading room like this, absolutely like this, here several possibilities, we have digitized it, and absolutely everyone can look at this book, leaf through it, study it in the reading room of the rare books department. stored in the rsl. several copies, each with imprints of time , dirty corners of the pages, we see just
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traces of this demand, these stains are not just stains, these are stains from a candle, according to the notes at the beginning on the last page it is clear where the copy was kept and who owned it , a recording from the 18th century, this is in this copy, and of course also the 19th century, a recording from 1768 - this is a record from belonging to the kaluga merchant. strictly speaking, the apostle is not the first. 10 years before him, books were already printed in moscow, seven have reached us, but they were anonymous publications, no date, no name of the master. there is still no that smooth edge that we see in ivan fedorov’s apostles. the so-called narrow-section gospel, four gospels. the acts of the holy apostles, evangelist luke is the most important text for worship. so why
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does the countdown start from him? it's all about ivan fedorov's afterword. typographer outlined all the facts: who sealed it, when why , according to the command of ivan the terrible and the blessing of metropolitan macarius. the names of these printers themselves are st. nicholas the wonderworker of gostun, deacon ivan fedorov, timofeev mstislavets. these are the printers who created this first apostle. several hundred copies of the apostle. the first printers have been preparing for a whole year, here on nikolskaya, for more than one century, it is the main book street, or the street of education. the first printed book appears here in the center of moscow almost a century after the gutenberg bible, but no one he doesn’t consider this a lag, well, if it’s also gone, then europe has lagged behind china, where this technique was known many centuries before . everything has its time, it came to
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russia in the middle of the 15th century, then the moscow state became centralized, the kazan khanate was annexed and... the printing yard was destroyed, it had to be restored after the time of troubles. the printing house did not burn down and the yard moved to the kremlin; after 1620, the workshops returned to the same place, and the correct chambers and printing order were built here. the floor we walk on
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the building itself, it was built. old foundations partially, but if we look from the akushka, we can see the kitaygorod wall, it is practically adjacent to the wall, research carried out by archaeologists says that there are parts of the foundations of the 15th century, even before fedorov’s times, that is, the place is old, so to speak, one might say a prayer, but why did ivan the terrible even need a very expensive complex project, firstly, it’s beautiful, the printers didn’t just decide to print, they...
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egyptian scrolls, it was necessary like this unfold and then wrap it like this. wrap up, wrap up, i think that the printed book will serve as a source of inspiration for a long time, including digital works. one of the most advanced printing houses in russia is loaded with orders from publishing houses, printing does not stop for a minute, albums, textbooks, business literature, high-quality hard copy, which consumers will be very...
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all cities from kaliningrad to vladivostok, great russia, this kind literature will always be in demand. e-books more, less paper, this has been a reality for many years. printing houses survived the crisis both during covid and after the introduction of sanctions. parties arrived quite quickly , let’s say, from the east, from the eastern direction, this is china, this is india, this is iran, so yes, i had to work, yes, i had to get used to it, yes, i had to test dozens.
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i definitely won’t, but i’ll take this kind of book, which is well designed , pleasant to pick up, pleasant to touch, somehow in this segment i have great confidence in the portfolio of this small publishing houses texts for adult readers, this impressive volume, for example, became book of the year in 2018 and won in the category “the art of printing”. here is the book le morte d'arthur, authored by thomas mellery, it was one of the first, not the first, but one of the first, books printed in england, in
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1465, that is, it was literally just when the first printing presses appeared, based on this book there exists all arthurian, but their main specialization is children's literature, and there are two timeless books here. vesnetsov, in 1971, for the first time they went out, for he was awarded the ussr state prize for two books, and they are still very popular, modern children's authors and artists, and there is competition with e- books, too. it’s wonderful that we have published a book of russian proverbs and sayings, i’ll also just show you with beautiful illustrations. if you look at last year, the decline in the paper market in general in terms of circulation is 20%. and the growth of the digital market is the same 20%. the volume is still far
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behind the numbers. it seems to me that this is just development and this tree will continue develop, that is, it will have a branch like this, a branch like this, that is, a digital branch, a paper branch, everything will exist together. it is unknown what ivan fedorov looked like, except that he tied his hair back with a braid. the monument of 1909 in theater passage is rather a conventional image. according to one legend, the pioneer printer fled from moscow after the monastic scribes burned the printing house. according to another version, he calmly left for the grand duchy of lithuania. letters and correspondence between fedorov and ivan the terrible have been preserved, where he asks ivan the terrible permission to take away all printing materials.
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all of their books are handmade art printed on vintage equipment from the rare
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book publishing house.
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here is the hand of pyotr ilch, and this is the hand of mikhail chemyakin. this book can be seen at an exhibition in the hermitage, which opens on may 21. the book by vasily terkin, it lies in a case, which is covered with a canvas raincoat with a boyce tent from 1942. we made the book itself in the form. officer's tablet, which opens, and there are real pencils, a sharpening knife, a compass and a wartime eraser . levyanta, the word about igor's campaign, the colligrapher came up with the author's font based on
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the old russian charter. the book is entirely written by hand, the ancient russian font ustav , here i stylized it, and the 19th century, it is more modern, simplified, i use a wide metal pen, it gives a very clear edge, the publishing house has returned the forgotten professions of typesetter, printer, and hand-typer. as we can see, this is a rather labor-intensive process that takes. a lot of time and i love to say that not every text is worthy of being typed by hand, this still needs to be earned, namely typesetting books, they take the longest to work on, of course, because each page is still typed, printed, for alice, for example, which i am printing now, it turns out somewhere... then 2.5-3 days for a full cycle of one page,
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type text on... print gutenberg’s inventions, later fedorov’s machine made it possible to disseminate knowledge and teach more and more people to read and write, numbers also made texts more accessible, electronic buildings are cheaper, their it’s convenient to store, but it’s already clear, even though paper is being pushed out of the abyss, the value of familiar books has only increased, a book is still the best gift, but not one that can be downloaded, but one that can be leafed through in one’s hands. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion , so he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready to go to moscow, because
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the records are missing. no, that won’t work, i came for him, i have to find him, nadezhda markina, he looks a lot like him , sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then i don’t know, anton shaken, that means there is still hope, there is always hope. passenger's call sign. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. hello, i'm boris akilov. and i, oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we discuss how we can...


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