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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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at a reception on personal issues, i already had my fellow countrymen who asked a question about the arctic preferential mortgage, if the information and idea about what kind of project this project is already interesting to people, then it is an absolutely timely and correct decision, and let me draw your attention once again, i will return to russian president vladimir putin, who in his message to the federal assembly... to russian citizens announced the continuation of special mortgage programs with a 2% rate for residents of the far east and the arctic. i note that in accordance with federal law, in federal preferences have been created or established in the arctic zone of the russian federation, a system for supporting economic development, a special economic regime are in place, among the preferences for industrial production. these
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are, first of all, special regimes of tax and administrative regulation (0% on the payment of income tax, subsidizing 75% on insurance premiums) with the exception of a project in the field of extraction of solid minerals and half a percent on the payment of mineral extraction tax. thus, for residents, for projects that we consider important, influencing the development of our municipalities, region, country, have been created, and federal guarantees are thus formulated to create additional opportunities among projects, this is extremely important, because in this case everything that connected with transport, logistics is of decisive importance, this is the creation of a highway, yekaterinburg, urai, soviet, nyagon nadym, expansion of the railway network, plenipotentiary obskaya solihart, priobye salym, nizhnevartovsk, selimsk.
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access to the northern sea route, which will contribute to the strengthening of russia’s geopolitical interests and the development of industry in the arctic region. the arctic and the far east are the territories in which the future of russia, the vector of their sustainable development, were outlined by the participants of the international scientific and practical conference, which was held in moscow. the plenary session was chaired by senator anatoly shirokov, he is a guest on our broadcast today. anatoriy ivanovich, hello, good afternoon. for the ninth time, the conference brought together experts. scientists and government officials , how the conference changes over time both quantitatively and qualitatively, what is the fundamental difference between the recently held event, indeed, over time we are increasing the number, firstly , of the issues discussed, respectively, the number of participants, because traditionally this conference worked as a conference dedicated to the arctic region, but recently it has become obvious that those mechanisms of development,
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the east and the arctic zone are problematic the issues that we considered were economics, the construction of the required number of ships, for example, to the processes of human adaptation in the north, to the processes of medical provision for the population of the north and the far east, a very broad panel of the working conference, this year the development award was awarded for the first time far east and the arctic, it was established...
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today , the development program, the creation of master plans for support centers in the arctic zone and master plans is directly related to the development of the northern sea route far eastern cities. we can probably say that among the arctic points is norilsk; today there is a program for the comprehensive development of the city of norivsk. what is the interest: creating comfortable living conditions in the arctic zone and this is being done today.
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unfortunately, our partners in the arctic council are trying to resolve issues of arctic development without russia, well, how will they succeed, probably only makes you smile, because well, the russian arctic is half of the world’s arctic, without russia it impossible to solve, but nevertheless, and we always offer, even in today’s conditions, we offer cooperation in the arctic, not competition. in general, you know, we had high-level representatives of the ministry of eastern development.
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perhaps we have a macro-region in russia, which does not have its own academic history, it has not been written, there is a distant history of the far east, the history of siberia, there is no russian arctic, meanwhile, the russian arctic is not only there papanin, schmidt, mazuruk, vodopyanov and so on, this is still huge an army of geologists, road workers, and so on , who worked and developed this coastal zone, to write this, to talk about these exploits is fundamentally important, why? firstly, this is a very serious educational and scientific significance, but on the other hand, today we have created an academic history of our own russian arctic, we will be able to use history as a serious argument in discussions with our opponents
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who make claims either on one sector of the russian arctic or on another, in this sense, history is like academic labor, like science and so on, is becoming a serious tool in political discussions and we... must do this. anatoly ivanovich, if we talk about prospects, what will be the future path of development of these two huge russian macro-regions and what role will they occupy in the country’s economy? well, you know, i once read somewhere back in the nineties, such a definition of the russian north, this is the only thing, after the collapse of the soviet union, perhaps the last remaining reserve for the country’s development, of course, strongly. statements, but however, transport opportunities, and the economic opportunities of the far east and the arctic zone, of course, need to be developed, i have already listed master plans for cities, and the practice of developing fields
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and hydrocarbons, and what is not typical for hydrocarbons, for example, chukotka, here if we take the bayem ore field, the beginning of its exploitation will lead to the fact that the gross regional product... navigation groups, in this sense, the entire focus of russian state policy in these regions today is on all-round development to create conditions for securing the population, increasing wages and social conditions, this is not
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done right away, not right away, which is a pity, but this vector cannot be changed. very soon our country will celebrate a date of historical significance that is difficult to overestimate. day of reunification of crimea with russia. this year the important, landmark event is 10 years old. on march 16 , 2014, at a crimean referendum, the overwhelming majority of residents voted for unification. kinship, our spiritual ties are broken impossible, they firmly outlined their position and
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their readiness to defend it, overcoming any difficulties. let me once again sincerely thank each of you for this. of course, when it became obvious what scenarios the regime that had seized power in kiev was preparing for the residents of the peninsula, the kryn residents were then threatened with real genocide. russia simply could not stay away. in the first, not even days, but hours of those events, we saw the firm, unshakable determination of the president of russia, vladimir vladimirovich putin, to do everything for the safety of people in crimea, extend a helping hand to them, and ensure their right to determine their own destiny. we understand perfectly well what courage was required from him then, how he took on colossal responsibility. and today i would also like to say special words of gratitude to our president. the head
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of state has repeatedly emphasized that in those days he relied on the will of the crimeans, on faith in historical righteousness and justice. and, of course, to the patriotic impulse of the russians, who unanimously supported the desire of the inhabitants of the peninsula for a prosperous and secure future together with russia. after 10 years, i think we can confidently call the crimean spring the assembly point of the new russia. in 2014, our society truly acquired a new quality, the quality of spiritual unity, a new degree of strength, cohesion, the success of russia today, resistance to western aggression, our invincibility, in the broad sense...
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of life, and how the republic develops, you, you see it for yourself , and many who come to crimea today are surprised by all the achievements that today they can, well, rightfully be proud of republic of crimea. crimeans had a lot of hopes when reuniting with russia, returning home, our hopes are all justified, because today special attention is paid to issues of the social sphere and improving living standards. we understand that health, education. these are strategically important industries, our new schools, and new
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hospitals, today, of course, indicate that we look confidently into the future; never in crimea has there been such an interethnic and interfaith agreement, which has already been achieved during the period of crimea’s stay in russia, but as far as the economy is concerned, today our achievements are obvious, the growth of the crimean economy in 10 years has already outstripped it three times with...
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stimulating demand for domestic products and developing the industrial potential of the regions. this is a condition for industrial take-off, at the same time, tasks for the coming years, among the regions that are close to achieving their goals is the chechen republic. this year it is planned to build a technopark in the field of microelectronics there, which will create a large number of new jobs. we’ll talk more about the industrial potential of the republic with the senator from the region, makhmad akhmadov. well, first of all, the chechen republic is rich in natural resources.
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this allows the capacity of this enterprise; in total , more than 500 industrial enterprises operate in our republic; we also have a developed food industry in our republic, which employs a total of more than 12,000 people; regional enterprises produce baked goods, fermented milk products, mineral waters, juices, drinks of all kinds, and there is a large poultry farm in the republic, even a... sturgeon farm for the production of black caviar. just recently we launched this farm, we expect good results from this farm in the near future. what are the most promising industries developed in the region? against the backdrop of sanctions pressure, the most promising industries now are radio electronics, the automotive industry and light
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industry. all these industries are represented in our region by large enterprises such as how... in our republic we have a chechen-avto enterprise that produces lada garranta cars, and i would like to note the fact that in recent years the volumes have been increasing, in the near future they will be increased to a thousand cars per year, and they have also begun production and assembly gazel next cars, which currently produces 100 cars, but is expected in the near future. treatment of up to a thousand cars, work is also being carried out in this direction, and i would like to note the fact that in the near future we will have a technology park created from the federal the budget for the construction of the technology park has already allocated money in the region of 900 million, and the total estimated cost of the entire project is 1.300 million, these are additional jobs,
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additional services for the population, our correspondent oksana saw how the region’s industry is developing. poturkina, she visited some large production facilities. the city of argun is the locomotive of industry in the chechen republic, mainly due to the fact that one of the largest enterprises in the region is located here, where cars and trucks are assembled. we have contract assembly on lada grant and gazelle next. according to granti, our volume in the twenty-fourth year is 7,500 vehicles, according to gazelles we have about 600 vehicles. the chechen automobile plant was created more as a social project to provide. jobs for residents of a small town. currently , about 300 people are involved in production, many of whom work with its launch. i started with the founding of this plant, a car assembly plant, in 2005. we are mastering gas, i like it on gas. gazelle next has been produced here since the fall of the year before last
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year, two cars leave the universal line every day; by the way, trucks of various modifications, school buses and even ambulances can be assembled on it . this is what step-by-step assembly of a car looks like, when the so-called semi-finished product is moved from station to station not on a conveyor, but manually on units. one of the last stages of assembly is. checking the brakes. the first car to roll off the production line of the enterprise was the vaz-21074, popularly called the late seven. also, two generations of lada priora were assembled at the plant, since 2016 lada granta is produced here in minimal and improved configuration. after complete assembly, we will receive a car that will have air conditioning, abs, and electric power steering. heated two front seats. on each line there are posts with checkmen, specialists who control the quality of assembly at all its stages. problems are resolved on the spot. for example, here we
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have a stand for vacuuming, a very expensive, good stand, it checks the filling of abs brakes. next we have the geometry of the wheels, wheel alignment. and airbag activation security. and here is the tightness chamber, where the car is thoroughly watered from all sides. which should not get into the cabin, then the car is moved from the factory premises to the street. the auto track is the place where the car undergoes final testing. here they test the operation of various systems, including brakes, and watch how the car overcomes obstacles. in february, the chechen republic received the status of an automobile cluster, which includes five regions, and the plant became its anchor enterprise. in in his recent message, vladimir vladimirovich putin focused on the first in the industry. a company for the production
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of building materials, four large enterprises are located on 20 hectares of land, an aerated concrete block plant is currently operating at full capacity, now this is a very popular and profitable production in the building materials market. the advantage of aerated concrete blocks is that it is a heat-resistant material and retains heat well. very easy to cut, aerated concrete is used for the construction of private one-story houses and multi-storey buildings, mainly for partitions. aerated concrete has another important feature. at first glance, it seems that these blocks are unliftable. in fact , this is not so. even i can easily lift a seemingly massive block. this is because inside it consists of pores that are filled with air. at the same time, porous concrete is incredibly durable, just like this one. its properties are now being tested in the laboratory, we take it, put it under a press, the press shows the breaking load,
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a kilogram of force svadrate. press showed the load is 40, even 25 is enough for us. the plant fully covers the republic’s needs for this reliable building material; all components for its production are local. chechen sand and cement are also used in fiber cement products, only a small part of the procurement components. our company produces such sheets, fiber cement sheets, they are more reliable, durable and are used for cladding buildings, for the facade of large buildings, and some use them for the facades of their private houses. these and other major enterprises allowed the region to become a leader in the ranking of the international industrial exhibition in the economic development block. it is not for nothing that 2022 was declared the year of industry in the chechen republic. and the civilizational significance of crimea and adjacent lands in the history of russia.
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they will consider measures of state support for the construction of sea and river vessels. the prospects for the development of oil and gas transportation infrastructure will be touched upon. see you in a week. see you on the senate program.
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she's definitely something.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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the first day of voting has ended in the russian presidential elections, turnout exceeded 36%, and remote voting was used already 73%.


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